6 Step Self Seeking Plan by Derrick Grace II

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Don't Be Afraid Of Alone Time – We as a people have become far too reliant on outside presence
and company to feel complete or wholesome. Those dark and quiet hours should be nothing but
study time, a time to learn you inside and out. It is okay to literally know yourself, like the back of
your hand. We're hell bent on being good partners, but aren't even decent individuals. There is no
logic in that.

Missing Your Niche? - More times than not, your calling, purpose, or niche is sitting on your shoulder
and conscious daily. This goes back to being analytical and remaining a thinker at all times. In my
opinion, one must think of the things they do often or wouldn't mind doing excessively for free?
That many times is your niche or calling. I can run my mouth for days regarding the climate of our
culture and have a strong love for humanity, hence why we're here.

Remain A Student – Life is a complete learning curve filled with adversity, lessons, highs, and lows.
If you're too caught up in the subconsciously created losses of your obstacles, you may miss the
lesson. You must be able to mentally dig through the debris of your storms and again be analytical.
Simple elementary lessons like who, what, when, where, why, and how are still much needed in your
adult life. Put your disappointment to the side and begin identifying what may constantly cause your
shortcomings. It could be you, the company around you, your rash decision making, your energy, or
seeds you're putting into this world. Stop and think right now, who's responsible for your current
plight. Check them right now, even if it's you.

The Power Of Thought – The bulk of this game is MENTAL! What you allow to touch your radar is
extremely vital to what visions and thoughts manifest into your consciousness. Keeping a clean
mind, vision, and environment is very important to the positive functioning of your internal make up.
The influence of music, pop culture, and internet plays a huge role in this. The adult world has been
programmed to prepare negative memes every year, when the NBA Finals are airing. Some people
don't care who wins or loses, they just want to repost the misery of some random player at the end
of the game. Am I lying? They've allowed the downfall of their fellow man to be a celebrated event
yearly. If you partake, follow, and surround yourself with hate, you just might become an unknowing

It's Okay To Love Yourself To Death – I REPEAT, .5 plus 1 does not equal two. You can not keep
running out here head first to be in love, with no goals for yourself, no completed goals, no agenda,
little self happiness and love. How can you navigate and assist someone else in this jungle called
life and you're lost yourself? The blind, must stop leading the blind. It is okay to build your worth, find
your purpose, be happy with just you, and be happy with your own life, before trying to make the
next person happy. You are not whole yourself, so what could you all really expect to accomplish or
ground to cover together.

This Is Your Life – Again, this belongs to you!!! We have to stop living for acceptance, outside
perception, and cosigns. I don't care if it's your dreams, looks, or decisions. The keyword in this is
“yours”. You were born with a unique identifier, you must stop diluting it for the comfortability of
society. Exercise it now, embrace your individuality, and be you unapologetically. Make this world
respect and admire you for who you truly are, not who you pretend to be. Trust and believe, you will
be lowered into that box alone.

Fb: @derrickgracetwo
IG: @derrickgracetwo
Youtube: Derrick Grace II

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