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Se [Tie : Simple Marmams Motion USHWD oe) ne es A eg aetetieg $e | objective: (00 determ iM the acceleration Cue te geavisy—g.auhng—a_sampit__pendutem.<——___—~ | to avestigere tne epfeer Of targe empustnde —eccitlesien tetht acuaracy-ef.g ohraintd {rem tht exptnimtnr: | cheary 2 An aucilleting of ¢ cumpit penduiem it on entm pit ef dimple haem eats motion ¢ sum) sp {0 The misc of the tphtricat pendulum bob to paint mais: [49 the massa tiring (3 neguigible —. — — |W) ompuisuie of the oscibenten is aman (ste) —/Accarding te the thesry np SHA, the ptried of opctnenten oft sumplt_pendste Tit giat.nby—§— Te ane i w nite 2 ts the Sength of peadtum is the qccereration due te gravity 3 | se Rearrange equation 1%, we tbrain Z Ts amie D = Evidently, a graph * 1? gqatnst_( i €strugnettn_g}_gnaditar tease 485 | Hente from the gradicnt of the graphs Yeevaree Mg can bt _careutated Appacaus: A pitceop string (2105 cm) ___| Asmaitpeadutam_bob A pate sp cman fist pitces 1p weed or cork | retort anand with aclamp. A itupwatch ~ a han aster with a baie ae Ane center of the emiciee ae Neen [A pate ot secesoes tre cutter —Auabiltting tight ora 6 -cemp- Praceduce purr tf wand orcerk pricar pin — Aa reece Tint wad | B ey Liming igh | aa * —pendvion b sunt Figure 64 ——-Atimpt pe ndutnn as in Figure $4 wer terup: 7h taf tat pasate a mete Tht _peadatem wes certcied at Leu thes 10" from the verter nent piene {And the Hime fer 10 ogcinarinns was meacured: THe eptectian war reptated = tht avecege ver Mtacuiated Then the ptaed of ascietieg Po ; Of the peedoium wat canted NOTE! Short stopmarch Aftee Stvergr comprere OCCiNOt ions - —{4-tep (4) Was repent ed for Qt 1eerd sin diffternt veiuec tt teagth € Of the ptndsism {The vests foe pad 1 wer reed 15° Aqeaph of Ti ogetact 4 was preted tnd the vasuttt g wes deieemine ad its 1144 war dttermintd _ [b+ The length tt pendotum ot Ute om mac fined The pendviem wor_ceteared thean gh ——§ a large are Cf abrut Fo" from vertical = The Hime & fie § complete —occiteriens ws recorded = The epteation was cepetied and the qutral gt —tatue mas catcunesed -___ Tht _perisd T tt the oucitotion tf the Sample _pendateg ——§ = - 0 — Ent acute an sl SEANLEA Aut te Qeavity moe Ceureded og asin g equation el gad He vawert td tte ey oe I abated fin ney os) anestep 2) war tampa Qbatrvatien er(rtiy No] Lengtne & [rime tance to compete eave T: tave a Cte | io esmation EC toons s) Gyr ty ta [ 7 t | a0 wees ren a4 0-84 0-44 a | so ae | avea ate 1.04 va 3. | 400 ass | aca re 4 | 500 247 nw | 27-98 ferome |e 5 | 6000 30 aF oa | 30-39 152 2-31 6] 70-0 20-68 pang | ya-f4 Lea 3-64 (got 10" _ OO 7 [[ wef tength, ¢ [time raven to comprere bave T= tave 7 Ceorem | 5 oie, €(to.ons| 69 5 &, be «sy | 00-6 lem | ae | Caiuution | © centroid point aeany (2) + Axi a = 20+ +0 +04 40-0450+0 +60, 0470-0 6 = 45-00 cm yams (17) > Z yi OPA EL ITN SE EL AEE TL abn _ ¢ | «4 Fb5 st - Decimal places: meant (4) = 26.500 cm + | veanis (T+ £83. bass? } 5 Gradient _ 4 m * Ya-¥ NMa-% 2 23h 4 60-0 - 90-0 2 0-038 em tsa ms 3. 8mo's? @ | yemxte ©] me4ne @ haso =| 9 - 96 | vive 7. 9 Tea] g: 40* W984 | cron. ™ an | 2 4n* 2 5:90'/. Csuceed) 28 210-39 ms? For (#0° catcutation) re] ar fe > cm) 9) (yet ge gr tims? “fe 80+ | 9-4-8511 ioe ity —5 ye eT + peat - 18 | yop . = = 44 | _(F) Flt-6o'/, Cot suceed 2 ectIve Of the experiment Ws to determine she Q sampre pendulum and to Vevestigare accuracy of 4 obtained (ram the experments Simple Marmonie Motion tw defined ar ye _| position ¢ fined position? end is direct direction of the duplacement- In simpie_ harmonic motion the maximum is zero. \s_ (0-39 m6"* and dhe gq accettrarien we got S:F# mo The percemrage tf standard devi We got 5440 '/. = this part we consider As its than 10). Z ee 4 peeie dte awards the tqullibrium accererarton From this experiment the acceleration due to gravity s we due togeavi ty San mee ae Gcceltration due se gravity rg using Mee effeck Of large ampitude eucinetion te aye Motion without leit energy in which he acceitration Of Gbnay is Meet prep ertional to ite dlepiacem ea (com tht equilloecam pecition bus in opposite magnitude occurs a4 K=tA (the extreme endé where the jarve ts maximam? and acctitratien of the meddle (a > 0) Gtk for penduium reteare are rio? tor ptndutum Cerease af @=F0! 40r_eaptriment (1) which penduiom eeiease at @-1e* Gs Succeed since dhe standerd deviasen ;-|Wowever , the second gdrt When peaduium ‘titare UF G& = FO ' the tandard devinton & te-G0 f- Tt Nos gregree than lols Anis part We concider a9 Not tuceed. r a = Etter { ___ fre cauiton [Tht _pusttion of the ewee shout d be perpendicater | Poranex crror during raving the reading to the reading sie of the measuring tn af meter rule oF ele instrument: Reduce rondtm etrars by traning more Random error whe Weing meter rare dnd | measurement to doubie chee the reading Stop watch Hee of he metre Wier ts worm or bronen = Tht measurement should be started from any the mark that iy fuity clear asi CPray 2. eS e—".-”-.—lUlUCt—O DATE: Conclusion © From the experiments the percensage of deviaHen tn part I IS 5-4 f. mite the percenrage of SeG4TDN in part sis | 10 <6o'/+ Thus , the Smaner amplitude escidation 40 ThE accuracy of qs the close +0 the yatut Of Gravity which ts 4-€imsq?

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