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1Tarea 5, Blog Designe.

Ana Sofía Bohórquez Fonseca

Noviembre, 2021.

Universidad Nacional abierta y a distancia-UNAD

Ingles A1.

Con este trabajo se busca demostrar los conocimientos básicos del inglés, con ayuda de los E-book planteados en
las pagina de la universidad para un mejor desarrollo de la actividad.

Se pretende reconocer los temas dados en la actividad y manejar un buen desarrollo de los estos mismo con
buena argumentación.  

Hacer la revista con las temáticas propuestas, haciendo caso a las instrucciones.
Tarea 5, Blog Desing

1. Comparisons

These are my uncle Jhon and my aunt Carolina; my uncle John is older than my aunt about 5 years. My aunt is
smaller than my uncle. My aunt´s hair is darker than my uncle´s hair. My uncles are artists, but my aunt paints
and draws more than my uncle. They are my favorite uncles.

2. Activities in progress

Today is my day to paint.

So, I get ready to paint, I take out my graphic tablet and start by looking for reference images and drawing the
character and its details, then I color the character with base colors and then do a blur. I love painting,
coloring, and drawing, they are my favorite things to do, and I do them all the time! it's amazing.

3. Talking about routines.

I always wake up at 8:30-9:00, I play with my dog after waking up and, breakfast and shower, I study at my desk
from 10 to 5 in the afternoon, during that time, I take breaks for lunch or snacks, after studying and homework I
play at 6 until 10:30 at night. At home I always help, I like to cook and paint in my free time, and I live in
Bogota, Colombia.
4. Talking about a town

Bogotá is the capital of Colombia, it is a beautiful and congested city, in the center you can find museums,
libraries, bars, rumba and churches.
Bogotá, aka "la neverita" is the most beautiful city that can be found, full of art, culture and above all, rolos.


En esta etapa de Ingles A1 pude reforzar más mi gramática y todos los temas ya vistos anteriormente.
Unidad 1. Módulo 4

This online content has as objective to teach to the students how to give and understand simple commands, To
ask for and offer help, to talk about places and express possession.
Taken from: E-Book / Online Content (Contenido en línea)

Recurso video: Este recurso contiene explicaciones detalladas de la gramática usada en el módulo 3

Carlos M. Cerquera (2020, febrero 20th). Video tutorial Modulo 4. Parte 1 [Video file].

S. Aguirre (2020, febrero 20th). Video tutorial Modulo 4. Parte 2 [Video file].

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