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Konandnf kun clAssMAte

06 220 o31Date

Name -Ranandfnf kumay

Roll No- 20GEN 036
PRN No -106220o34
Sub- SCM
Sub (ode - MEM611A

Date 2/02 20 22

Meanfng=- aLLounting e1D.
he Renponibflty gathen2
an Syotemtha
to accounFng- d a t a
Summae and
to pah°culan managen dutfe. A
Deutoufnfnq ata
eoponoibiltu Syptem DDtde
eualuatfhaeach mcundaen Yeuenua_Cund
to O
Spendno Phena that aLewPnN h
hen dRec Cono

Kole q Repponeibilty Accountin

A nponoPbPIRH ACCountPng
Contafne t h o e t e m ContwllCLble
ve2ponoiele manaqo When b0-tt
untonbollaLe ftemoa
Conhollcable n d
fmcluded he ep01+,attountnh_ Ahoutd
Sepahae tne catcqone hoPdent
clealy ContDllable temo aund amata
tank Yenponafb9iPts Clttouhno

epot7g The manag e'poifon n ne qanf

Scctfonha an fompoct On the aul oveM
Rofnand kuma
062200319 Date

whfch the man agen penoon haunq t e

OY 1no
authcrtu The
pYepfdentB upha Tegcthded
ot- level execu+fr. econ d leue manaqY
Q hne who repot
diccy to Hn0 ON
nddual at aCetapm m
anaquman-levey CE
etarnman agement leue cprenentta
by a Hoionta|fne acmn tho OrqcinBatpu)
Cha Howuen 00t al mancgemt thdt
e hdue fhe Zime authof ty dutu
h e leue O Quthonts a manage hao VaruR
corom Compcuny to Company
ntoxmo DecentalB afPon-and Hhandul peu omCue
DecenhalBatfbn 8 the dpersN a
decRen-mcukina Cutnoits amonq employeodt
leeln he Orq on a-on
koouon CLe decenbalRaifon n dthex wOrdo,5 thne
deqxa 4 decenbrdlBcetRn Yeen to hoo much
Cono Seman+ manaq e hae Conml eament
TnLom expem en ameh
when the Seqpma0t
hap Conbol Ove heeCemenh, ho ToveDtmoL
Cented Coocep Can ke onLu opplied C
ne Segned he mCc dece nthal2d Hha
dean malcfmq a n unan
12apm, e
he mne oppcable f2neerra
Concep to Compouly ha mneCentaloed
Hho deRan malcinq the m.oe icu Centaloed
acal Neop
BRy Centon O 4 Ceatcd_ ap epe penneCente pino
Roinand7 KumC alassMate

06220 0314 Date


Any dedYn Can be made., when tua problemo
0e B QIten
dfu f top mana2
o mac p popia te deforvn on a Tim y
ban Lohon they Q nDt fnvol ved f tn2
blem , but ufnq fo Salue t e pmb1m

Man agnng Secqmanb trCn m unagen f hh

leuel poP+forne Hhe Cormpiy

The decen halisedpesui He uwe

The c hveotmenl

Cente Con cept,peyamman ca ovaluate Ctona

Such_C ROT Resduca Pol ome Ccn be wwed.

Thexecne, he Yeponnibis accouotPng yste

mechaunim by ohfch CCnt Mu
acCumulated Cnd nepmtcd to t e top
monaaemant to alc e an HectRe decß feMA,
nqannarton dRAde than depcutmenb fnto
dfteren yenponafbfLity Cente ohrth help
help tOn
tofo m pecmcunce.
Rogncund Kumu


1062200a Date

Tn4he hans-ter pchq polfu

MNE) polfdèn o the applfcaffn 4 entone
Q ulter + Coulo be a-
pftaq entfchione.
ntHLompany transuctfo
SPhale OY mulHPple
Show the
me mcm what each

mu do and how they mut do + h

detafl_ aleo afol,ue too mance
depatmeit fa enuPncq accuak pmi-

Obfecte afranatm pricihe-polfu

One haD to enowne hat e0eyon2
P he rqanaatPanaHe Cm tue Lama paq
Cohen Come to ha annjeprfcfhq
amangemanb o be guccen, Hhen OnneShouud
undenatcnd he buy m tom Stalcehaldem.

One hould eno una nat he
tranoter prPnq hao b ean Consolenod
Pmplemonted fN the eht cocuy beicte

Procem q hana aMq polftu

whfle ppdng e YCLOste
hould Locu uDne
prffng polfy Ona. Ähould
pocedn hcet to be alldue.
Takfne au Ha2 (OnceptuayfauNneuok
RafnandT kumo

062200314 Date

TnuolGhg Accountha, fotocompan aqreemonb

to b
Tauke FhtoConofdexatfbn PHaholdR-
oy,1h Ca ba tCdcon hep dom t e tty
Cufhovithe Do Cuman totftn
hold tua exceph on, e t
TuL pocedune o faanotet penP

Ahould aluo cuy Ceep h d bel

gofn.q fu pocew
Make Aw tha thepolf B m ha
uofin 0fcomp cun Qcpcenmanh anotta
prftna doumatufon yeality.
Involufnq fmpootunt Stuco holdem eaU e
pYDceM CLnd eune tha buy-M-
Seekendmeman+ a the polfcyby fHana
Sstukeho ldenn oma ap provc0 oma duly
authocd oten ofthh buofnao
pualy Inuole omeona hchau e a mancz
C oy pusype

Meap wCN fo adoptmq antn Pnq Polfcy

Thero C Numbe a menode
haMNC) a n d t a Cuuthdition Can o e
detouma HaaCCwule abou-t e _
anpferpyfthot n y C qcinia ,

un Conholled te -
0 Comparable
The OECD Clafo the COP
tech nfqu Q a adftnca
metha Z lompanen tu2 pin
duch Seufte a weu + e
Rgn and%7 kuma

662200314 Date

a equlatcd hanpactfon to thn e

unconbolled one.. he nll2
(ompaalble nctmboll
Aom 2
data o m
pfce apprDach Yequ v Sfnflan
(ommeHCPal dartabae) fo orden to do 30

Repale Pe Me thod-
The YeDgle pre metnod
Onothen yanoacher Ttyothod tor amemma

unotun pfCRnq Tha Shattqy beqno b

examnYAq tHhd Yedle prte Dduct

th at hão_ be00 puchaDed pm a velatd

buth em Cund the SoId to he hmd paty
Cot Pluo Method
The Otplunupproach 1 Q
adPtemcl tLreuch _methad tnak l
Ct a nequlattd anoa.ctPn betueon
SupplPe t h a buen ohen Jemirnned
tem aneraded betw eon CoOnected purtre
C phon 1elatcd eHfen haue lonq- lem
pmchone aund upply dapcome)h
Deq ueny emplay ed

anea Ctfbnoa Net maxqm Mehod-

The rouncLctfonal
Net mahq 9
method _one a O0ECD two
o o
dYume ctPencQ pP meth ada UrCmmna
drcntprfctng ho TMM enturn(ompaniNa
t a acceptabie bann tha
n e pnjf
om Conolled anuctton Buch an ascale
le eman
Rafn a n d kumd


l06220d34 Date

No. a unh pY duced = ISDOD
Cot a manyactumg (Pe unH) 670
Oth e 0.p ep 220
otal Cco+_pen uni

Pojt needed= lo/ o opexartfncfncoma

qet 7eenuoD _ RUD_pen un- tu 2 00 OD
TCLaetCot = SP



Cot munuyactutng 73.s7. ILget

Othen Openathmq Co 24.5 4 ToUrGe
Taxge Con-t q manydnnqES9 yq
TouqetCt 4 Openathq Uov 17747
Rafnondm te
I06220031 Date

The te
ponten) te torte model
CombPadtft) a i CompetPP_2 fone
detoim2 -
(ohfch help arny 0 qCnpatPon fo
hexe fnduh ueakoen o Shenqthe
Ponton model Can be app Ifed fo
Seq mo Tha ecODoyto undenatan d
the leue CompetfIfn cOfh the mdwy
cun d enh can e Company lonq- term

poftabiI Ay
Ihe POR Smau n ance bunk lTd
Shoud ejevD_0

Compefthn h taa
A then C( albed cy
bunlCo Po Hhe monket ha PQR Smaul
nance banbshoutd See e SwOT
Othen b a nlco aund Captu u
he Thech a Othan ban.

PotentPal a New enaohb fn to tue

PQR Fnduwy houlo be Q2encA
adopt any )es Tdlean fon vCL n o

Ony penncn mdndduc espentme
3Powen o Pupplfe-
POR ttu faaLnee bcunk
&hould cnecMe Q dupp le Chatn
tho manc P a daua
Rofnand alassMAte

(OC22002ry Date

9Powen Cuotome POR Smc

The Cutomer2GH nend
ance banc Ahould yaL en to t a
aund fmfly fo oh t banlc
C A to tresa
Thredt aAub hitu te
The PQR 8 m a i 4 h a n c e
buun phoulohoue Lnean Pdeao and
Do ducb ohernq bac t e C u n t o m e y
So tncc e n a cua no clye&ubjftu kd
an d hae 2014s POu t o fneonne
C CinDah
L00uld ug getAom0 Dofnb
he buklhere Hne PQR SmaLL n c e
bunk 1nPted houldbe open to
i moeleh DcAtca w h cof
help ho banK ( qte a Touql
Compe fen t h au Hho dheet
banbo f ua malcet Whfch aleady
COve Hha q7/O he monce PÙR
fnonce ean& Ahoulcd undepttuno Hne
baoe e CcuptunMgthe moe
and atbactg t e Ctamon

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