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“Suara Orang Utan”

The Official Newsletter of the

Volume 2
Winter 2005/06

Indonesian Government Officially Declares Orangutan Caring Week

Inside this Issue: By Gary Shapiro, Ph.D. Chairman
the press
& Co-Founder
OUREI Ambassador 2 While a group of reporters that was held
Spreads Message of from the television and print in the
Orangutan Survival media listened among a throng Operations
of orangutan and primate Room of the
OUREI to Hold 2 support groups, Minister of Indonesian
Workshop Nov. 2006 Forestry, MS Kaban read a Parliament
OUREI’s Indonesian 3 declaration officially Building, I
Orangutan Caring Club recognizing “Pekan Peduli publicly
Orang Utan” or Orangutan presented a
OUREI’s New 3 Caring Week, 13-19 November certificate of From left to right: Dr. Ian Singleton, OUREI Ambassador Angelina
Campaign– End the 2005. appointment Sondakh, Minister of Forestry MS Kaban, Dr. Gary Shapiro, and Mr.
Illegal Orangutan Trade: to Angelina Togu Simorangkir. Image © OUREI
The declaration, presented
From an Indonesian Sondakh as
at a press conference
Perspective OUREI Ambassador and a
announcing the special week, the plight of orangutans by the
was the culmination of an certificate of appreciation to media. Numerous newspaper
Brief Notes: Minister Kaban for making the articles about orangutans
effort among supporters of the
Thank you INC 2 Orang Utan Republik official declaration. Brief appeared during the week, and
Education Initiative (OUREI) presentations about orangutans Ambassador Sondakh and I
“Azak” a New 3 and PPOU were made by
Children’s Book to have International appeared on several radio and
Orangutan Awareness Week Ambassador Sondakh while television programs to discuss
Action Items 4 given government recognition Dr. Ian Singleton (Sumatran PPOU and orangutan
during the month of Orangutan Conservation issues. OUREI facilitated a 3-
November. Thousands of Programme) and Togu day fair in the lobby of the
signatures were collected Simorangkir (Yayasan Parliament Building featuring a
Orangutan Indonesia) gave
Upcoming in 2006 throughout year and those dozen primate and
signatures were presented to illustrated briefings on the conservation organizations
OUREI Ambassador Angelina status of orangutans in (NGOs) that were invited to
• Earthday (April 22, 2006) Sumatra and an education
Sondakh last July and this participate.
November. Efforts by her initiative in Kalimantan,
• Pekan Peduli Orang Utan Indeed, the mission of
office to gain ministerial respectively. Writer and
(Nov 12-18, 2006) OUREI is to enroll the
support were ultimately conservationist Fachruddin
• Sumatran Orangutan “Rudi” Mangunjaya also used combined efforts of
successful. Pekan Peduli
Education Workshop & the opportunity to launch his government, NGOs, media,
Orang Utan (PPOU) was
Summit (Nov 16-18, new children’s book, and the people of Indonesia to
chosen as the Indonesian
2006) “Orangutan Pesta Buah save the orangutan. In that
equivalent for Orangutan
Awareness Week which Durian” or “Orangutan Durian regard, PPOU was a
• Check OUREI website for Party” successful inaugural event for
occurred the week before (Nov
other events OUREI in Indonesia and one
6-12). The declaration of PPOU that will be expanded in the
led to increased interest about coming years.
Page 2 Suara Orang Utan Volume 2

OUREI Ambassador Spreads Message of

Orang Utan Survival
She is beautiful, intelligent with these issues by visiting No. 8 Tahun 1999) and
and powerful. Plus, she has a her website, international law. But sadly,
deep concern for orangutans, . wealthy businesspeople,
wildlife, and the environment. Since her appointment as celebrities, and high officials
This makes Angelina Sondakh Ambassador, Angelina has illegally purchase these
the perfect choice for being been busy with affairs of the endangered animals that as
Ambassador for the Orang nation and her region of Java. babies are cute and engaging.
Utan Republik Education Yet, with the successful The illegal trade is extremely
Initiative (OUREI) in celebration of Orangutan destructive to the species. Why?
Indonesia. Indonesia is home Caring Week or Pekan Perduli First the mother is shot to
to the largest population of Orang Utan (PPOU) which obtain the infant. Then the
OUREI Ambassador Angelina remaining wild orangutans. served as OUREI’s launching baby is poorly cared for as it
Indonesia is also Angelina’s in Indonesia, Angelina and her animal dealers move and ship
Sondakh, member of Parliament,
home and base of operations able staff have been working the orphans to market. Most die
was crowned Miss Indonesia 2001 as one of the newest members due to dehydration, injury,
and has been a champion of to hard raise the profile of
of Parliament (the People’s orangutans in Indonesia. disease, malnutrition, and stress.
environment and wildlife for many Representative Assembly). For every baby that is sold in
yeaers. Image © Angelina represents the people Angelina has been doing the underground marketplace,
of central Java though her radio and television interviews six to eight orangutans are
family comes from the island frequently accompanied by estimated to die.
Indonesia News Channel of Sulawesi (Celebes). Putri, the orangutan hand
(INC) ( puppet. She is encouraging Angelina believes that as
has been a partner with Long before she ran for people to purchase such dolls people come to understand this
office, Angelina expressed her or puppets rather than a real relationship, they will be
OUREI since our inception.
interest in tarsiers, orangutans, baby orangutan. Thus she is disinclined to own orangutans
INC is the only Indonesian and environmental issues. She as pets. Through television,
news channel broadcasting in using her star power to help
has also championed for youth put an end to the illegal trade public service announcements,
the USA. During their Jakarta and beauty in Indonesia and radio and newsprint, Angelina is
in orangutans. Orangutans are
launching (Nov. 16, 2005), won the title of Miss making a compelling argument
protected under Indonesian
Ambassador Angelina Indonesia 2001. One can see for the elimination of the illegal
(UU No. 5 Tahun 1990, PP
addressed the invited guests the depth of her interest, No. 7 Tahun 1999, and PP pet trade in orangutans and
including several cabinet knowledge and commitment other species.
ministers about OUREI’s
mission. Thank you INC!
OUREI to Hold Workshop/Summit in 2006

On November 15, 2005, orangutans for the purpose of discussed, and follow up
OUREI Chairman, Dr. Gary reducing or eliminating the meetings will be held in early
Shapiro, held an initial unnecessary killing of the 2006 to continue the planning .
coordination meeting of the species in its Sumatran range.
Under the arrangement for
Sumatran Orangutan Education Among those in attendance the federal funds, OUREI
Workshop/Summit committee was Dr. Ian Singleton of the must raise matching monies to
in a meeting room of the Sumatran Orangutan fund the Workshop and
Parliament Building in Jakarta. Conservation Programme and Summit and use the federal
Durian logs being transported along a The purpose of the meeting in-country coordinator for the funds to train educators and
road from Medan to Bukit Lawang. was to begin the in-country workshop/summit. Of deliver the curricula to the
Image © OUREI planning for the federally significance was the decision to targeted communities.
funded project (U.S. Fish & hold the event as part of Pekan
Wildlife) that will develop, For more information and
Peduli Orangutan in
approve and deliver appropriate opportunities to participate in
November 2006. Additionally,
education curricula to targeted the Workshop/Summit,
venues on Sumatra and
sectors that are in conflict with contact OUREI.
participant composition were
V oal u
r amO
er a
2n g U t a n Suara Orang Utan Page 3

OUREI’s Indonesian Orangutan Caring Club

One of the more Orang Utan in November communication and
encouraging developments to 2006 . Additionally, the IOCC information.
emerge from our November will help in organizing and The IOCC plans to work
visit to Indonesia and the participating in primate and with other organizations and
success of Pekan Peduli Orang environmental fairs, visits by companies for networking and
Utan (Orangutan Caring Week) OUREI’s Ambassador, and support as the group carries out
has been the creation of an educational presentations at the mission of OUREI in
organization called Klub Peduli schools and universities, as well Founding members of the Indonesian
Indonesia. Orangutan Caring Club meet at the
Orang Utan Indonesia as campaigns designed to
(Indonesian Orangutan Caring further the mission of OUREI OUREI is very hopeful that OUREI Jakarta office to discuss
Club-IOCC). While OUREI in Indonesia. the IOCC will become the in- their 2006 goals (January 3, 2006).
originally had proposed a club country facilitator for
Mr. Ridhwan Effendi and transforming attitudes and
for Indonesian youth, this Mr. Marison Guciano are the
modified concept was suggested values of Indonesian people
key staff of the IOCC. Both are such that they insist that
by staff of OUREI Ambassador NEW CHILDREN’S BOOK
experienced in organizational government and the people
Angelina Sondakh who felt and environmental issues and Jean Chaffee’s book, “Azak
broader participation would be insure the long-term survival of
have been in meetings with Learns to Read” is a true story
more effective in developing an the remaining populations of
other Indonesians developing about how Azak learned
Indonesia-based program to wild orangutans. That is
the structure of the organization symbolic communications skills
encourage and enroll OUREI’s major objective.
as well as the specific agenda during Gary Shapiro’s Master’s
Indonesians to care about for 2006. OUREI will provide the thesis project (1973-1975). The
orangutans so that they might new club with modest financial book is available through the
be saved from extinction. The club has formed assistance as well as oversight Orang Utan Republik Trading
committees and appointed as they proceed in developing
One of the functions of this Post for only $16. (Ages 5-7)
committee chairs to develop their organization and program.
social organization will be to ideas for fundraising, building
help prepare volunteers to membership, education and Contact OUREI for more
participate in upcoming events, advocacy, as well as information about IOCC and
such as the next Pekan Peduli how you can help.

OUREI’s New Campaign– End the Illegal

Orangutan Trade: From an Indonesian Perspective
By Asyraf Bustanir as a volunteer to save the Though the orangutan is
orangutan, is a magnificent strong and intelligent, they
The “Orangutan” was not idea that came to me after I cannot protect themselves from
my favorite animal. In fact, the found out that the orangutan’s irresponsible humans who
Orangutan meant nothing to habitat has been threatened by capture this species for the pet
me until I met Gary Shapiro, irresponsible and uneducated trade or kill them for pleasure
the person who has spent his people with little knowledge or out of fear. To get the baby
time and dedicated his life for about this species. orangutan, a person has to kill
this creature. The name, Orangutans are one of the the mother; because the mother
Orangutan, means “People of most intelligence species on will never let their baby be
the Forest” in Indonesian. I taken from them willingly. Asyraf Bustanir is an OUREI volunteer
the planet; they share 97 % of
knew nothing about this Orangutans do not give birth originally from Padang, Sumatra now
human being’s genes. They are
creature. I had no special smart like us, some times they every year. They only have a living in the Los Angeles area with her
interest in their life. I treated also think and show baby once every eight years. So husband, Stewart (another OUREI
this creature no more than any compassion like normal what happens when people kill volunteer) and daughter, Katherine.
other animal. What made me people. They share a lot of this species? Image © Stewart James Bimmerle
change and be willing to work similarities with humans. Continued on back page
Orang Utan Republik Education Initiative

USA Indonesia
2461 Santa Monica Blvd. #828 Gedung Nusantara I stamp
Santa Monica, CA 90404 Lantai 23, Kmr 2301
Phone: 310-401-6602 Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto
Fax: 310-401-6614 Jakarta 10270
OUREI is a Project of Social & Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), a 501(c)(3)
tax-exempt organization-

OUREI Advisors
Mr. & Mrs. Handriyo Kusumo Priyo; Ed Begley Jr., Honorary Advisors
Mr. Soedomo Mergonoto– Founding Patron
Angelina Sondakh, SE, – Ambassador
Wendy Hoole– Chair– Education; Hengki Koentjoro– Chair– Media
Stewart James Bim-Merle– Chair – Public Relations
Maylene Wong– Chair– Programs; Nicki Coleman– Chair–Volunteers
OUREI Project Directors
Gary Shapiro– Chairman, Co-Founder & Editor of Suara Orang Utan
Inggriani Shapiro– Co-Founder & Cultural Advisor

We’re on the Web!

“Saving a Species through Education”

An Indonesian Perspective Action Items & What You Can Do:

Continued from page 3
• Thank the Minister of Forestry for Officially Declaring
The fact is their life is in danger. Every year 5,000 orangutans
get killed. Based on the news there are about 50,000 or less of this Orangutan Caring Week
species on Borneo and about seven thousand left in North
Sumatera, Indonesia. • Purchase Gifts and Items from OUR Trading Post
Now the question is, who are the people with the responsibility • Make a Contribution to OUREI
to protect this species? The Indonesian government? Zoologists?
Indonesian people? Dr. Gary Shapiro, the person who cares and • Sign our latest on-line petition
has spent a lot of effort to save this species? Or we the people,
who should care and realize how important it is to protect the • Volunteer to help OUREI Save Orangutans through
balance of life for all the species in the world?
The only effective long-term action to stop the illegal trade in
orangutans is education. If people understand the truth and the • Get involved with an Education project
long-term effect of the illegal pet trade on baby orangutans, the
trade would stop as no educated man, woman, or child would • Help Us Raise Awareness
want them to be taken from the forest. Help us educate the
people. Please sign our petition by going to • Hold a Fundraiser or a mini-Fundraiser at your home and telling others about it.
• Attend OUR next Fundraiser


Shop & Support

Store Address: 2411 Main St. Santa Monica, CA 90405

T r a d i n g P o s t - inside Merchant Mart—Between Ocean Park & Hollister
Handbags ● sarongs● Bali gifts● batik clothing ● Open Mon-Sat 11-6; Sun 11-5 Phone: 310-450-1816
orangutan puppets ● Indonesian arts & crafts
Meet Gary and Inggriani at Farmer’s Market
Your purchase will support education Sun 9-1 at Ocean Park and Main Street, Santa Monica
programs in Indonesia

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