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To SIRS With Love—An Open Letter

Charles L. Sprung, MD, FCCM1; Roland M. H. Schein, MD2; Robert A. Balk, MD3

ith the advent of sepsis-3, it is important to con- consensus, they were expected to require validation. Studies
sider whether there is still a place for the systemic using two of the four SIRS criteria produced a sensitive tool
inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) (1, 2). for identifying septic patients (5) and validated the use of
In 1991, a conference was convened to develop consensus SIRS, while demonstrating increased mortality with greater
definitions of sepsis (3). Additionally, the term “SIRS” was sepsis severity in ICU patients (6).
coined (3) to recognize the common clinical responses and Over the years, the emphasis on inflammation as the pri-
presumptive common pathophysiology seen in diverse dis- mary driver of these conditions has waned, so to keep SIRS
orders with or without infection (1, 4). SIRS patients with we need a new “I” such as “illness” (systemic illness response
infections were designated as “sepsis” and those without syndrome). The adult respiratory distress syndrome was also
infection as “SIRS” (2). We still need a descriptor to differen- rehabilitated from its superannuated acronym.
tiate patients with infection from those with similar charac- Some did not and still do not like SIRS (1, 2, 7). They
teristics who are not infected and SIRS fulfills this role. SIRS believe that the SIRS criteria are too sensitive and lack clinical
was developed using only elementary, universally available specificity (7). A study of ICU patients with presumed sepsis
clinical and laboratory data to facilitate early recognition of noted that 12% of the patients with infection, organ failure,
high-risk patients and to improve outcomes by expeditiously and significant mortality did not meet SIRS criteria and thus
applying standard therapies and developing new innovative questioned the sensitivity of the SIRS diagnosis (8). The over-
strategies (3). Because the SIRS criteria were developed by whelming majority of these patients, however, still met SIRS
criteria. The sepsis-3 definition is claimed to be more specific
and to eliminate confusion regarding sepsis, severe sepsis,
Key Words: mortality; organ failure; sepsis; SIRS; systemic inflammatory and septic shock (2). Rather than using SIRS criteria, the new
response syndrome definition combines infection with a “dysregulated immune
The Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Hadassah response to the infection” that results in organ dysfunction as
Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel.
measured by a two or greater increase in the sequential, sep-
Section of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, Veterans
Affairs Healthcare System and University of Miami, Miami, FL. sis-related, organ failure assessment (SOFA) score (2). There
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Rush University Medi- is no reason to expect that “dysregulated immune response”
cal Center, Chicago, IL. would not suffer from the same obsolescence as “inflamma-
Dr. Sprung’s institution received funding from Data Safety and Monitoring tory” or that organ system dysfunction will be more specific in
Committee Asahi Kasei Pharma America Corporation (consultant), Leu- discriminating between infection and other insults than SIRS
koDx Ltd. (consultant), and from research study on biomarkers of sepsis,
LeukoDx Ltd. (principal investigator). Dr. Sprung disclosed additional fund- criteria. Organ system dysfunctions are not sequelae unique
ing from International Sepsis Forum (board member) and disclosed: I was to infection.
a member of the ACCP-SCCM Sepsis Definitions Conference Commit-
tee and The 2001 International Sepsis Definitions Conference Committee.
The concept of SIRS has been helpful in describing the
Dr. Schein received funding from Josepher and Batteese (expert testimony, epidemiology of sepsis and evaluating the success of treat-
individual case medical legal), Peters and Monyak (expert testimony individ- ment strategies over the past 25 years (9). The median interval
ual case medical legal) and from Florida Society of Critical Care Medicine
(travel/accommodations/unrelated meeting expenses). He also disclosed:
from SIRS to sepsis is inversely correlated with the number of
I was a member of the ACCP-SCCM Sepsis Definitions Conference Com- SIRS criteria (6), and there is a stepwise increase in mortality
mittee. His institution received funding from Asahi Kasei Pharma (clinical rates from SIRS, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock (6, 10).
trial). Dr. Balk’s institution received funding from Ohio Medical (Quality
Review Board). He received funding from bioMerieux (advisory board and The prevalence of infection and bacteremia increases with
lectures at CME event), bioMerieux (advisory board), and ThermoFisher the number of SIRS criteria and with increasing severity of
Scientific (advisory board). Dr. Balk also disclosed: I was a member of the the sepsis syndromes (10). SIRS has prognostic importance
ACCP-SCCM Sepsis Definitions Conference Committee and The 2001
International Sepsis Definitions Conference Committee. in predicting infections, severity of disease, organ failure,
For information regarding this article, E-mail: and survival (11–20). Patients with three or four SIRS crite-
Copyright © 2016 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters ria versus two have more infections and noninfected patients
Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved. with greater than two SIRS criteria are more likely to develop
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000002156 severe sepsis and septic shock (11). Organ system failure and

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Sprung et al

mortality increase with the presence and number of SIRS cri- This surveillance tool employs SIRS criteria and lactate ele-
teria (11–16, 19, 20). vation to identify and manage patients with suspected sepsis.
SIRS, as initially hoped, has demonstrated utility in dis- There are as yet no compelling reasons to justify a process
eases other than sepsis. The occurrence of SIRS in patients whereby sepsis patients are identified with one definition
with subarachnoid hemorrhage is associated with higher for a quality initiative, another for research enrollment, and
mortality and morbidity rates (13). SIRS is a major deter- possibly a third for third-party/insurance reimbursement
minant of multiple organ failure and mortality in alcoholic purposes (25, 26).
hepatitis (14) and acute liver failure (15). The presence of Sepsis is a global concern so the definition should be appli-
SIRS in patients admitted for emergency surgery predicts cable across the spectrum of healthcare systems. The SIRS
poorer outcomes including more surgical interventions, criteria have met this requirement. The complexity of the
longer hospital stay, and more deaths (16). SIRS has also Sepsis-3 definition with the need for SOFA score determina-
been found to be helpful in patients with spinal cord injury, tion of organ dysfunction/failure may not be readily avail-
diabetic foot infections, acute pancreatitis, acute coronary able in some low- and medium-income countries (26). The
syndrome without congestive heart failure, and acute small advantages of a new definition would have to be substantial
bowel obstruction (17–21). to warrant a tiered set of definitions dependent on resources.
SIRS criteria were used as inclusion criteria in most Furthermore, many physicians are unfamiliar with SOFA
sepsis trials conducted over the last 20 years (9, 22). The scores or do not use them (25).
use of SIRS criteria was based on the premise that early Regardless of specific criteria used, the construct of SIRS
identification and intervention would result in improved should remain as a reminder that many pathologic conditions,
outcome (1, 3). Because a majority of innovative pharma- infectious or otherwise, can produce similar clinical presen-
cologic strategies were designed to counter proinflamma- tations. Not all patients with fevers and leukocytosis or even
tory cascades as soon as feasible, they required entry criteria a two-point increase in SOFA score are infected. Thus, it is
capable of identifying likely septic subjects. SIRS indica- important to recognize similarities of host responses to differ-
tors combined with the clinical suspicion of infection as ent inciting processes. If and when responses are found to differ
their source were ideal as culture results, mediator levels, substantially, the construct will no longer be valid and should
or other sophisticated testing imposed too great a delay. be abandoned. As far as criteria for defining sepsis, that is, SIRS
What should the inclusion criteria for future sepsis trials versus a rise in SOFA, the new Sepsis-3 conceptualization may
be if SIRS criteria are abandoned? The performance of the be shown to have greater specificity. But that advantage must
Sepsis-3 definitions has not yet been validated. The ability be substantial to abandon the familiar, universal, timely, and
to compare characteristics of study populations over time sensitive SIRS criteria. If the new criteria identify individuals
may be lost to shifting definitions. Although changes to our later in their septic course, it will confound comparisons of
research paradigm may be necessary (22), failed trials are populations and management strategies and raise questions as
likely the consequence of ineffective treatments rather than to whether the new definition defines a sicker population or is
a problem of inclusion criteria. just ineffective at identifying the patient early enough to effect
SIRS has also been widely used for quality improve- outcome. Dear SIRS, our love may be conditional but until we
ment initiatives (23, 24). Based on the clinical trial evidence know these answers or there are paradigm-changing break-
from studies employing the previous consensus criteria, throughs in our understanding of sepsis, we still need you!
the Surviving Sepsis Campaign has developed recognition
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