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Adrenergic Support in Septic Shock: A Critical Review

Pedro Póvoa, MD, PhD 1 Abstract: The definition of septic shock includes sepsis-induced hypotension despite adequate
António H. Carneiro, MD 2 fluid resuscitation, along with the presence of organ perfusion abnormalities, and ultimately cell
Hospital de São Francisco Xavier,
dysfunction. To restore adequate organ perfusion and cell homeostasis, cardiac output should be
Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa restored with volume infusion plus vasopressor agents as indicated. Appropriate arterial pres-
Ocidental, Medical Sciences Faculty, sure for each individual patient and proper arterial oxygen content are key elements to restoring
New University of Lisbon, Lisboa,
Portugal; 2Hospital Geral de Santo perfusion. Tissue perfusion can be monitored by markers of organ and mitochondrial function,
António, Porto, Portugal, Instituto namely urine output, level of consciousness, peripheral skin perfusion, central or mixed venous
de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, oxygen saturation, and lactate. The hemodynamic effects of the different vasopressor agents
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
depend on the relative affinity to adrenergic receptors. Those with predominant α-agonist activity
produce more vasoconstriction (inoconstrictors) while those with predominant β-agonist stimu-
lation increase cardiac performance (inodilators). The debate about whether one vasopressor
agent is superior to another is still ongoing. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines refer to
either norepinephrine or dopamine as the first-choice vasopressor agent to correct hypotension
in septic shock. However, recent data from observational and controlled trials have challenged
these recommendations concerning different adrenergic agents. As a result, our view on the
prescription of vasopressors has changed from a probably oversimplified “one-size-fits-all”
approach to a multimodal approach in vasopressor selection.
Keywords: dobutamine; dopamine; epinephrine; norepinephrine; septic shock; vasopressin

Sepsis, as a complex immune response to aggression, activates and/or depresses
numerous systems within the body including neural, immune, hormonal, bioenergetic,
and metabolic pathways.1,2 The activity levels of these systems vary both with illness
severity and over time. Disturbance of pathway components is independently associ-
ated with a heightened mortality risk, yet these interactions and temporal relationships
remain poorly understood.2,3 Therefore, a systematic approach is needed to interpret
these regulations.
A considerable body of evidence has implicated mitochondrial dysfunction as a
common denominator in sepsis pathophysiology. Multiple organ dysfunctions that char-
acterize sepsis are accompanied by impaired cellular oxygen uptake, despite adequate
tissue perfusion, and cellular oxygen consumption is thought to be impaired primarily
Correspondence: Pedro Póvoa, MD, PhD,
Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos at the level of the mitochondria, ultimately leading to decreased energy production.4
Polivalente, Mitochondria have a central role in energy production, namely adenosine triphosphate
Hospital de São Francisco Xavier,
Estrada do Forte do Alto do Duque, (ATP) synthesis, after glucose and fatty acids, depending on the individual tissue and
1449-005 Lisboa, Portugal. on nutritional status, although significant amounts of lactate are also oxidized by the
Tel: + 351 21 0431104
Fax: + 351 21 3017533
heart, liver, and brain.2 These findings support the concept that septic organ failure
E-mail: represents a state of “tissue dysoxia” or “cytopathic hypoxia,” ie, a cellular inability

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© Hospital Practice, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2010, ISSN – 0018-5809
Septic Shock

to use oxygen rather than a lack of its availability.2 Together, Furthermore, each organ possesses its own autoregulation,
such data have led to the formulation of the hypothesis that depending on the tone of the afferent arteriole of capillary
septic organ failure results from a depression in mitochon- beds. Preservation of an adequate systemic blood pressure is
drial function, with key effectors being cytokine-induced crucial for adequate tissue perfusion. Over a wide range of
oxidant nitrosative species and changes in hormone levels. mean arterial pressure (MAP), the autoregulatory range, the
To some, this represents a damage-induced energetic failure organ blood flow remains constant, that is to say, organ blood
of mitochondria.1 flow is independent of the systemic blood pressure.11 When
However, histological studies of failing organs show rela- the MAP falls below this autoregulatory threshold, blood flow
tively preserved tissue compared with the severity of the cor- decreases, causing tissue ischemia due to reduced nutrient
respondent organ dysfunction. This lack of evident cell death supply and DO2, and as a consequence, organ dysfunction
enables a relatively rapid recovery of failed organs. Thus, an (Figure 1). Below that critical MAP level, organ blood flow
interpretative hypothesis suggests that organ failure actually becomes linearly dependent of MAP.12
represents an adaptive and functional metabolic suppression, The primary hemodynamic defect in hypovolemic, car-
determined by the lack of efficient energy production.3 diogenic, and obstructive forms of shock is a decrease in
Organ tissue oxygenation response to sepsis reflects cardiac output.7 In contrast, the underlying pathophysiology
local oxygen supply-demand balance and varies in the face of septic shock, related to the inflammatory response, encom-
of decreased oxygen delivery (DO2) and potential micro- passes several interactions between pathological vasodilata-
vascular abnormalities.2 Both macro- and microcirculatory tion, increased pulmonary vascular resistance, relative and
abnormalities occur early in sepsis and, if not promptly cor- absolute hypovolemia, decreased myocardial contractility,
rected, can amplify the inflammatory response with possibly and altered blood flow distribution.7
greater impact on later mitochondrial dysfunction.2 We can Therefore, the supportive approach of septic shock
therefore conclude that optimization of DO2 is a key point includes an aggressive fluid resuscitation, and if hypoten-
in sepsis management, provided it occurs in parallel with sion persists, patients should be treated with vasopressors.
infection treatment.5,6 For practical proposes, the elements
to consider for optimal DO2 are cardiac output and blood Goals of Resuscitation and
oxygen content. In sepsis, these elements are influenced by Monitoring in Septic Shock
several expected alterations:7 According to the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines,9 the
initial (first 6 hours) goals of resuscitation of severe sepsis
• Increased capillary permeability, induced by inflam-
and septic shock patients include (level of evidence 1C):
matory mediators, which provokes runaway of intra-
vascular fluid to interstitial space 1. Central venous pressure (CVP) between 8 to 12 mm Hg
• Vasodilatation (arterial and venous) in the hyperdy- (ⱖ 12 mm Hg if mechanically ventilated)
namic phase, provoking an enlargement of the vascular 2. MAP ⬎ 65 mm Hg
continent with relative insufficiency of vascular content 3. Urine output ⱖ 0.5 mL/kg/h
• Myocardial depression 4. Central venous (superior vena cava) oxygen saturation
• Changes in cardiac rhythm that can influence cardiac (ScvO2) ⱖ 70% or mixed venous oxygen saturation
output (SvO2) ⱖ 65%

Based on these concepts, interventions have been pro- These recommendations were originally suggested by
posed that focus on optimizing DO2, considered to be essen- expert opinion for intensive care unit (ICU) patients13 and
tial for the availability of appropriate oxygen consumption later applied to an earlier presentation in the emergency
and energy production.8,9 department for the first 6 hours of septic shock approach.8
Rivers et al8 showed a 14% reduction in vasopressor use in
Organ Blood Flow and Perfusion Pressure patients managed with this approach.
Blood flow and perfusion pressure of each organ are regulated The assessment of intravascular volume status as well as
by 2 systems. The systemic or “extrinsic” system regulates individual preload responsiveness is done with a traditional
the systemic circulation. It results from the activity of differ- cardiac filling pressure, CVP. However, the use of CVP or
ent neurohormonal systems such as the autonomic nervous even pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, which are static
system and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.10 hemodynamic variables, is controversial because of the poor

© Hospital Practice, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2010, ISSN – 0018-5809 63

Pedro Póvoa and António H. Carneiro

Figure 1. Relation between mean arterial pressure and organ blood flow. consumption remains constant, SvO2 has a direct relation-
Autoregulatory threshold ship with DO2. Even though the ScvO2 and SvO2 are not
exactly the same, for clinical purposes, changes over time
in ScvO2 have proved to be appropriate.23 A low SvO2 sug-
Organ blood flow (%)

80% gests increased oxygen extraction and, consequently, an

incomplete resuscitation, prompting interventions to increase
DO2. A randomized trial has shown that using ScvO2 as
40% part of the resuscitation protocol, aiming at a value ⬎ 70%,
was associated with a significant reduction in mortality.8 In
contrast, a normal or high SvO2, when associated with an
0 20 40 60 80 100 increased blood lactate concentration, usually reflects a defect
Mean arterial pressure (mm Hg) in the cellular oxygen utilization with decreased oxygen
extraction.24 The extraction defect in septic patients could
predictive value of cardiac response to volume challenge.14,15 result from microcirculatory shunting, interstitial edema, or
In contrast, dynamic variables, such as pulse pressure varia- mitochondrial dysfunction.
tion or stroke volume variation, are preferable because they Another frequently overlooked limitation is that to
give more information about the responsiveness of the car- implement these measures, septic shock patients need an
diovascular system and cardiac reserve,16 although no study arterial line, a central venous catheter (either subclavian or
has yet assessed the effect on outcomes of resuscitation using jugular), and a urinary catheter. In shock, measurement of
dynamic versus static variables. Moreover, dynamic variables blood pressure using indirect measurement devices, such as
also have limitations: they cannot be used in spontaneously a sphygmomanometer, is inaccurate. An arterial line permits
breathing patients, in patients mechanically ventilated with a more accurate measurement and, in addition, allows the
low tidal volumes (⬍ 8 mL/kg), or in patients with atrial beat-to-beat analysis necessary to tailor the vasopressor sup-
fibrillation. As a result, static variables could still be useful port.25 Moreover, the dynamic variables, like pulse pressure
in some patients.17 variation, result from continuous readings of arterial line
If hypotension persists after adequate fluid resuscita- tracings. These patients should have a central venous catheter
tion, vasopressors should be initiated. Increasing MAP with inserted as soon as possible to assess CVP, ScvO2, and to
vasopressors could improve organ perfusion pressure but administer vasopressor support.9 Nevertheless, the routine
simultaneously carries a risk of regional vasoconstriction. use of pulmonary artery catheters is not recommended in
Mean arterial pressure is commonly used as a surrogate the management of septic shock patients26 since all of the
marker of organ perfusion pressure in patients in shock. The randomized trials as well as the systematic reviews have
recommended MAP is only an indicative value because the failed to demonstrate any outcome benefit.27,28
MAP sufficient to maintain a reasonable organ perfusion
is likely to vary between patients. Nevertheless, a MAP of Vasopressor and Inotropic Support
~65 mm Hg has been shown in 2 studies to be equivalent to in Septic Shock
higher values.18,19 It is widely accepted that vasopressors should be initiated
In each individual septic shock patient, the optimal MAP when appropriate fluid resuscitation fails to restore an
is still unknown. However, a vasopressor support should only adequate blood pressure. The aim is to maintain or restore
be used to achieve a MAP necessary to restore organ perfu- organ perfusion pressure in life-threatening hypotension,
sion. A good surrogate marker is urine output, in other words, even when hypovolemia has not yet been resolved.29 Many
the glomerular perfusion pressure. The target MAP depends vasopressors have been used since the 1940s. However,
mainly on blood pressure measurement.20,21 Clinically, the very few controlled studies have been performed to assess
individual MAP should be kept at the lowest possible level the relative efficacy of the different vasopressors as well as
to maintain urine output, usually between 60 to 65 mm Hg. their effect on outcomes.30
Unfortunately, certain patients remain oliguric despite an The vascular tone is regulated by the activity of the
adequate resuscitation, which could indicate renal damage. sympathetic nervous system via endogenous catechol-
The SvO2 is an indirect measurement of the global amines (dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine) and
oxygen extraction ratio, ie, oxygen consumption.22 If oxygen the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (vasopressin

64 © Hospital Practice, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2010, ISSN – 0018-5809

Septic Shock

and angiotensin). So far, in clinical practice, endogenous 5 μg/kg/min, the so-called “dopaminergic” dose, dopamine
as well as synthetic catecholamines, and vasopressin and activates dopaminergic receptors, leading to the vasodilata-
its synthetic analog, terlipressin, have been used and tion of renal and mesenteric vascular beds. With intermediate
evaluated.31 dosages, between 5 to 10 μg/kg/min, dopamine also activates
These vasopressors have the ability to increase blood β-adrenergic receptors, leading to positive inotropic and chro-
pressure; however, their use in clinical practice is always notropic effects on the myocardium. Attempting to increase
associated with concerns related to the potential increase the dopamine inotropic effect by increasing its dosage
in vasoconstriction, which may cause further deterioration ⬎ 10 μg/kg/min usually results in tachycardia, tachyarritmia,
in the perfusion pressure.32 This is true in inadequately and increasing α1-adrenergic stimulation and, therefore,
volume-resuscitated patients, and reinforces the need for systemic vasoconstriction. Because norepinephrine levels
adequate fluid resuscitation before vasopressors can safely parallel dopamine infusion rate, at high doses (⬎ 20 μg/kg/
be prescribed. min), the effects of dopamine are almost indistinguishable
During septic shock there are important changes in vascu- from those of norepinephrine.36
lar control at the microvascular level that are characterized by
decreased responsiveness to vasoconstrictor agents, mainly Norepinephrine
mediated by nitric oxide. The administration of vasopressors Norepinephrine is the endogenous mediator of sym-
at “common” pharmacological doses to restore the target pathetic nervous system. It is a potent α-adrenergic
MAP results in serum concentrations reaching 100 times the agonist and, to a lesser extent, a β1-adrenergic agonist
physiological levels.33 Consequently, vasopressor support (Table 1, Figure 2). At low doses, norepinephrine is an
will counterbalance this impaired adrenergic responsiveness inotropic agent via stimulation of β1-receptors and also
of microvessels in septic shock patients. a vasoconstrictor by activation of α1-receptors, leading
to an increase in systemic blood pressure with minimal
Adrenergic Agents or absent tachycardia.29,34 At high doses, vasoconstric-
The hemodynamic effects of the different adrenergic agents tion predominates due to predominant activation of
depend on their relative affinity to the adrenergic receptors, α1-receptors.
ranging from pure α-agonists to pure β-agonists. Those with Given this systemic vasoconstrictive effect of norepi-
predominant α-agonist activity produce more vasoconstric- nephrine at high doses, acute renal failure secondary to
tion and are classified as inoconstrictors (eg, norepinephrine, renal vasoconstriction could be precipitated. However,
epinephrine, and dopamine), whereas those with predomi- septic shock patients present a marked vasodilatation
nant β-agonist stimulation increase cardiac performance related to α-adrenergic hyporesponsiveness, and therefore
and are called inodilators (eg, dobutamine, dopexamine, to infusion of norepinephrine; although it causes some
and isoproterenol) (Table 1, Figure 2).33,34 Only dopamine, renal vasoconstriction, the net effect of increasing MAP
norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dobutamine will be detailed is the restoration of renal perfusion pressure followed by
in this article. increase in urine output, increase in creatinine clearance
and, consequently, a decrease in serum creatinine.20,21
Dopamine has been classified by several experts as the
“complete” catecholamine35 because, depending on the
dose, it could have D1A, β1, β2, and α1 activity (Figure 3).9
Dopamine is the immediate precursor of norepinephrine Table 1. Affinity of Catecholamines for Adrenergic Receptors
through the enzyme dopamine β-hydroxylase. About 50% Dose α1art α1ven β1 β2 D1A

of its activity is indirect through its biotransformation to Dopamine Low dose 0 +++ +++ +++++ ++++

norepinephrine. As a result, during dopamine infusion, even High dose ++++ +++ +++++

at a low dose (3 μg/kg/min), plasma norepinephrine concen- Norepinephrine +++++ +++++ +++ ? 0

tration increases likewise.36 Epinephrine Low dose + + ++++ ++++ 0

The effects of the infusion rate (in μg/kg/min) of dopa- High dose ++++ ++++
mine are the result of the different receptor interactions as Dobutamine 5 μg/kg/min + ? ++++ ++ 0
dose increases (Figure 3).29,34 At a low dose, between 0 to Adapted from Curr Opin Anaesthesiol.31

© Hospital Practice, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2010, ISSN – 0018-5809 65

Pedro Póvoa and António H. Carneiro

Figure 2. Graphic representation of the relative α-adrenergic and β-adrenergic effects of different catecholamines used to treat patients with shock.





























Epinephrine Dobutamine
Epinephrine is produced and released by the adrenal medulla. Dobutamine is a synthetic analog of dopamine and is a potent
At low doses, epinephrine is a potent nonselective β1- and β-agonist (Table 1, Figure 2).29 With a dose range between
β2-receptor agonist providing a positive inotropic effect with 5 to 25 μg/kg/min, dobutamine is an inodilator with positive
an increase in cardiac output without marked vasoconstric- inotropic effects (β1-receptor activation) and arterial vaso-
tion (Table 1, Figure 2).31,32 However, epinephrine has potent dilatation (β2-receptor activation). In addition, dobutamine
chronotropic, dromotropic, and bathmotropic actions, leading possesses significant chronotropic and bathmotropic activi-
to an increase in myocardial work and oxygen consump- ties that result not only from the cardiac β1- and β2-receptor
tion that may augment the risk of ischemia and malignant activation but also from the baroreflex response to arterial
arrhythmias. At higher doses (0.15–0.3 μg/kg/min) the vasodilatation. In patients with septic shock, dobutamine
α-receptors are activated, resulting in potent vasoconstriction should always be given in association with a vasopressor. It
and increased systemic blood pressure. should never be given alone in hypotensive patients.9
For a long time, clinicians hesitated to use epinephrine
because it has been associated with potential detrimental Other Vasopressor Agents
effects of regional blood flow, in particular, decreased During hypovolemic shock (particularly secondary to bleed-
splanchnic blood flow and increased blood lactate. Con- ing) and cardiogenic shock, vasopressin is greatly increased,
sequently, epinephrine was reserved for cases of extreme contributing to the maintenance of blood pressure. However,
hemodynamic collapse.31 for reasons not completely understood, in early septic shock,

Figure 3. Graphic representation of the predominant effects of dopamine infusion.

0 3–5 8–10 ⬎ 20

D1A β1 +++ α1 ++++

β2 ++

66 © Hospital Practice, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2010, ISSN – 0018-5809

Septic Shock

vasopressin levels are elevated and subsequently begin to 3. Epinephrine should be the first chosen alternative
decrease, sometimes markedly, reaching almost undetectable agent in septic shock that is poorly responsive to
levels.37 Furthermore, the administration of vasopressin has norepinephrine or dopamine (level of evidence 2B).
been shown to restore vascular tone and blood pressure in 4. Low-dose dopamine should not be used for renal
patients with vasodilatory shock.38 As a result, the rationale protection (level of evidence 1A).
for giving vasopressin to vasodilatory shock patients is 5. Dobutamine infusion is recommended in the presence
based on the concept of relative vasopressin insufficiency,39 of myocardial dysfunction, as suggested by elevated
the potential synergism with adrenergic agents,40 and the cardiac filling pressures and low cardiac output (level
vasopressin-mediated restoration of vascular tone.41 of evidence 1C).
6. Avoid use of strategy to increase cardiac index to
Vasopressin predetermined supranormal levels (level of evidence
Vasopressin is a hormone produced in the neurohypophysis. It 1B).
regulates fluid and electrolyte balance and, in addition, arterial
blood pressure and organ perfusion pressure through a sys- In clinical practice, low-dose dopamine increases renal
temic action.42 There are 2 types of vasopressin receptors: the blood flow and can induce diuresis. For a long time, the
V2-receptor, located in the kidney, responsible for the regula- protective renal effects of the so-called “dopaminergic”
tion of water and sodium reabsorption, and the V1-receptor, doses of dopamine were debated. This dispute was resolved
located in the vascular smooth muscle, which contributes to the by a large (N = 328) randomized controlled trial evaluating
regulation of vascular tone and increased blood pressure.43 Con- the effect of low-dose dopamine on the development of
sequently, the administration of vasopressin in “physiological” renal failure in a general ICU population with early renal
doses (~0.03–0.04 U/min) can increase blood pressure, mainly dysfunction.45 Patients were randomly assigned to receive
mediated by inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase. either dopamine at 2 μg/kg/min or placebo. No protective
effect of dopamine on renal function was found. Finally, in
Terlipressin a meta-analysis (58 studies; N = 2149 patients), low-dose
Terlipressin is a semi-synthetic analog of vasopressin with a dopamine did not prevent mortality, the onset of acute renal
greater affinity for V1-receptors compared with V2-receptors failure, or the need for dialysis.46 Accordingly, the current
(2:1 ratio). Thus, in septic shock, its administration is associated evidence does not support the administration of dopamine
with a greater effect in arterial and organ perfusion pressure, for renal protection.
particularly in the kidney.44 Simultaneously, cardiac output
usually decreases from high to “physiological” values.43 The Observational Studies of Catecholamines
terlipressin molecule has a prolonged half-life (∼6 hours), much in Septic Shock
higher than that of vasopressin (∼6 minutes). Terlipressin can Several observational studies in septic shock patients have
be used either as a bolus or continuous infusion. investigated the impact of different vasopressor agents on
mortality.47–52 Two of these deserve an additional comment
Vasopressor Support in Septic Shock because they were used in large cohorts of septic shock
The current recommendations from the Surviving Sepsis patients.50,52
Campaign9 on vasopressor support in septic shock are The Sepsis Occurrence in Acutely Ill Patients (SOAP)
detailed below. study was designed to assess the incidence of sepsis and the
characteristics of critically ill patients in European ICUs.53
1. Either norepinephrine or dopamine is the first-choice In a second study from the SOAP database, authors assessed
vasopressor agent to correct hypotension in septic the impact of vasopressor support on outcomes of patients
shock (level of evidence 1C). with septic shock (N = 462).50 The authors showed that
2. Epinephrine, phenylephrine, or vasopressin should septic shock patients treated with dopamine had a tendency
not be administered as the initial vasopressor in septic for higher hospital mortality (43.4% vs 35.4%; P = 0.079).
shock (level of evidence 2C). Vasopressin 0.03 U/min The administration of dopamine was associated with a
may be subsequently added to norepinephrine, with tendency for a lower 30-day survival (P = 0.09), as was
anticipation of an effect equivalent to that of norepi- epinephrine, which had a significant negative impact on
nephrine alone. outcome (P = 0.045). Neither norepinephrine nor dobutamine

© Hospital Practice, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2010, ISSN – 0018-5809 67

Pedro Póvoa and António H. Carneiro

was associated with altered 30-day survival (P = 0.391 and there is another important distinction between the 2 studies
P = 0.541, respectively). In a multivariate logistic regression that could have resulted in the observed differences.50,52
model, dopamine administration in septic shock patients was In the SOAP study,49 only 6.7% (N = 31) of septic shock
significantly associated with poor outcome (odds ratio [OR], patients received dopamine alone at any dose, while 39.2%
95% confidence interval [CI], 2.05, 1.27–3.37; P = 0.005). (N = 181) received dopamine alone or in combination with
Our study, the Sepsis Adquirida na Comunidade e another vasopressor; in the SACiUCI study,52 more septic
internada em Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos (SACiUCI)— shock patients received dopamine, 14.4% (N = 66) alone at
Portuguese Community-Acquired Sepsis Study, was any dose, and 50.5% (N = 231) alone or in combination with
designed to characterize the epidemiology of community- another vasopressor.
acquired sepsis in patients admitted to Portuguese ICUs and,
in addition, assess the level of compliance with Surviving Comparative Studies of Vasopressors
Sepsis Campaign recommendations.54 Our data52 suggest in Septic Shock
that norepinephrine administration may be associated with a In recent years, several randomized controlled trials of
worse outcome than dopamine, either used as a single agent vasopressor support in septic shock have been conducted
(mortality 46.7% vs 20.3%; P ⬍ 0.001) or in combination that have brought some light to this debate.
(mortality 52% vs 38.5%; P = 0.002), while the administra-
tion of dopamine seemed to have a beneficial effect. The use Comparing of Norepinephrine with Epinephrine
of dobutamine, always in combination with norepinephrine, For a long time, physicians hesitated to use epinephrine as a
dopamine, or both, was associated with a nonsignificant vasopressor agent because it was associated with a decrease
increase in mortality (52.2% vs 41.1%; P = 0.057). To in splanchnic blood flow, an increase in gastric mucosal
assess the impact of the adrenergic support on mortality PCO2, and a decrease in gastric pHi (ie, epinephrine has a
during the first 5 days of ICU stay, we then performed a marked influence on oxygen supply to the splanchnic cir-
multivariate, logistic-forward, stepwise regression analysis culation).31,32 In addition, epinephrine was associated with
with ICU mortality as the dependent factor. Norepinephrine an increase both in systemic and regional lactate levels.
administration (adjusted OR, 95% CI, 3.821, 1.837–7.948; Epinephrine administration increased blood pressure in
P ⬍ 0.001) was found to be independently associated with patients who were unresponsive to other vasopressors, and
a higher risk of death in patients with septic shock. Finally, this effect was mediated primarily by an increase in cardiac
we performed a Cox regression analysis to assess the hazard index and stroke volume.32
ratios (HRs) of the administration of each of the studied Annane et al55 performed a randomized controlled trial
agents (dopamine, norepinephrine, and dobutamine) to comparing norepinephrine plus dobutamine versus epi-
define its independent effect on mortality. The use of dopa- nephrine alone in the management of septic shock, titled
mine showed a trend toward a lower mortality in our group the Norepinephrine Plus Dobutamine Versus Epinephrine
of septic shock patients, reaching a marginal significance Alone for the Management of Septic Shock (CATS) study.
(HR = 0.742; 95% CI, 0.552–0.999; P = 0.049). In contrast, This was a multicenter study (19 French ICUs) in which 330
the use of norepinephrine and dobutamine was associated septic shock patients were included (161 epinephrine vs 169
with an increased risk of death, with an HR of 3.532 (95% norepinephrine ± dobutamine). Vasopressors were titrated to
CI, 2.01–6.204; P ⬍ 0.001) and 1.548 (95% CI,1.148–2.088; achieve and maintain a MAP ⱖ 70 mm Hg and the primary
P = 0.004), respectively. After adjustment of the regression outcome measure was 28-day all-cause mortality. At day
model to the clinical severity assessed with the Simplified 28, the mortality rate was similar in the epinephrine and
Acute Physiology Score II, Cox proportional hazard analy- norepinephrine ± dobutamine groups (40% vs 34%, respec-
sis revealed that the administration of norepinephrine still tively; P = 0.31). Intensive care unit mortality (47% vs 44%;
remained significantly associated with an increased risk of P = 0.69) and hospital mortality (52% vs 49%; P = 0.51)
death, with an adjusted HR of 2.501 (95% CI, 1.413–4.425; were also similar. In addition, the clinical course of septic
P ⬍ 0.002). shock patients was comparable in both groups, assessed
Our study shares some limitations with the SOAP study, by the time to hemodynamic success (log-rank, P = 0.67),
namely the observational design, which may have caused dif- time to vasopressor withdrawal (log-rank, P = 0.09), and
ferences in vasopressor choice because sicker patients may time course of Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score.
have received more norepinephrine than dopamine. However, Even though epinephrine was associated with a delay in the

68 © Hospital Practice, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2010, ISSN – 0018-5809

Septic Shock

normalization of arterial pH and lactate levels, the rate of were collected at baseline and 12 hours after the start of the
adverse events were similar. infusion. Authors were unable to find any difference in the
In low-income countries, epinephrine continues to be investigated hemodynamic parameters, specifically those
the first-line vasopressor agent because norepinephrine is related to the hepatosplanchnic perfusion assessed by the
very expensive or simply not available.56 The CATS study blood clearance of indocyanine green, plasma disappear-
by Myburgh et al,57 in which some authors were from ance rate of indocyanine green, and gastric mucosal-arterial
countries where norepinephrine was unavailable, aimed CO2 partial pressure difference. Moreover, the blood arterial
to compare epinephrine with norepinephrine in critically lactate was virtually the same in both groups. As a result,
ill patients. The study was conducted in 4 Australian ICUs this pilot study was unable to demonstrate any difference
and included 280 shock patients (140 treated with epineph- in hemodynamics, DO2, and regional blood flow between
rine and 140 with norepinephrine), 56% of septic origin. phenylephrine and norepinephrine.
Similar to the CATS study, vasopressors were titrated to
achieve and maintain a MAP ⱖ 70 mm Hg. The endpoints Comparing Norepinephrine with Dopamine
were the time to achievement of MAP goal for ⬎ 24 hours In the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines9 either norepi-
without vasopressors (hours), and the 28-day and 90-day nephrine or dopamine is recommended as first-choice vaso-
mortality rates. There were no significant differences in the pressor agent to correct hypotension in septic shock. However,
above-mentioned endpoints among all the included patients data comparing norepinephrine with dopamine are scarce.
(P = 0.26, P = 0.48, and P = 0.49, respectively). In the sub- In the 1990s, Martin et al59 performed a single-center
groups of septic shock patients (N = 157), patients treated study in 32 septic shock patients. Dopamine and norepi-
with epinephrine showed similar time to achievement of nephrine were titrated to achieve predefined hemodynamic
MAP goal compared with norepinephrine (35.1 hours vs and oxymetric endpoints (systemic vascular resistance index
50.5 hours; P = 0.18), similar 28-day mortality (22.4% vs ⬎ 1100 dynes*s/cm5*m2 and/or MAP ⱖ 80 mm Hg, cardiac
29.3%; P = 0.76), and similar 90-day mortality (31.1% vs index ⱖ 4 L/min/m2, DO2 ⬎ 550 mL/min/m,2 and oxygen
36.6%; P = 0.85). As in the CATS study,55 in the present consumption ⬎ 150 mL/min/m2). The success rate in patients
study, epinephrine was associated with a significant increase treated with dopamine was only 34%, whereas in those
in lactate levels during the first 24 hours (especially the receiving norepinephrine, the rate was 93%. The authors tried
first 16 hours), but thereafter lactate course was similar in norepinephrine in the 11 patients not responding to dopamine
both groups. and achieved the predefined goals in 10 patients. In addition,
From the data presented, it seems that epinephrine and lactate decreased more in the norepinephrine group. Although
norepinephrine are similar as vasopressor agents in septic the study was not sufficiently powered to evaluate mortality,
shock patients with regard to hemodynamics, organ failure, dopamine-treated patients presented a higher mortality (62.5%
duration of therapy, and mortality. vs 43.8% in the norepinephrine group).
In another single-center study comparing norepinephrine
Comparing Norepinephrine with Phenylephrine with dopamine in septic shock patients (N = 66; 31 norepineph-
Phenylephrine is an almost pure α1-agonist and, as a result, rine, 35 dopamine) titrated to achieve a MAP ⬎ 60 mm Hg
is virtually only a vasoconstrictor agent. Its use as a vaso- or systolic blood pressure ⬎ 90 mm Hg, the authors found
pressor has been shown to be associated with a decrease no difference in mortality rate (norepinephrine 41.8% vs
in splanchnic blood flow and DO2, raising concerns about dopamine 40%).60 However, the incidence of dysrhythmias
its potential deleterious effect in septic shock patients. For needing intervention was significantly more frequent in the
these reasons, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines9 dopamine-treated patients (31.4% vs 3.2%; P = 0.003).
recommend that phenylephrine not be used as a first-line Finally, a large multicenter randomized controlled trial
vasopressor in septic shock patients. comparing norepinephrine with dopamine has been completed
To clarify this issue, Morelli et al58 performed a small but not yet published.61 Preliminary results have been presented
randomized controlled trial to compare the effects of phen- in the 2009 International Symposium on Intensive Care and
ylephrine or norepinephrine on systemic and regional hemo- Emergency Medicine. A total of 1679 patients with shock were
dynamic (splanchnic) blood flow in septic shock patients included. The authors found no difference in 28-day all-cause
(N = 32; 16 patients in each arm). Vasopressor agents were mortality but, again, the incidence of severe arrhythmias was
titrated to achieve a MAP between 65 and 75 mm Hg; data more frequent in the dopamine-treated patients.

© Hospital Practice, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2010, ISSN – 0018-5809 69

Pedro Póvoa and António H. Carneiro

Inotropic Support in Septic Shock Other Drugs: Vasopressin and

Dobutamine is an almost pure β-agonist that increases the Terlipressin
cardiac index through increment of both stroke volume and Vasopressin use may be considered in refractory shock,71
heart rate. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines9 give but is not recommended as a replacement of norepineph-
3 recommendations concerning the use of dobutamine: rine or dopamine as first-line vasopressor agent.9
To assess the role of vasopressin in septic shock,
1. During the first 6 hours of resuscitation of severe sep- Russell et al 72 performed a randomized multicenter
sis or septic shock, if ScvO2 or SvO2 of 70% or 65%, controlled trial in which patients already receiving a
respectively, is not achieved with fluid resuscitation to minimum of 5 μg/min of norepinephrine were ran-
the CVP target, then transfusion of packed red blood domly assigned to receive either low-dose vasopres-
cells to achieve a hematocrit of ⱖ 30% and/or admin- sin (0.01–0.03 U/min) (N = 396) or norepinephrine
istration of a dobutamine infusion (up to a maximum (5–15 μg/min) (N = 382) in addition to the open-label
of 20 μg/kg/min) should be used to achieve this goal vasopressors. Vasopressor infusions were titrated to
(level of evidence 2C). maintain a MAP of 65 to 75 mm Hg. The primary end-
2. Dobutamine infusion should be administered in the point was the mortality rate at 28 days after the start
presence of myocardial dysfunction as suggested of the study infusion. The authors were unable to find
by elevated cardiac filling pressures and low cardiac any difference in 28-day mortality between vasopressin
output (level of evidence 1C). and norepinephrine (35.4% and 39.3%, respectively;
3. A strategy to increase cardiac index to predetermined P = 0.26). However, in a prespecified subgroup with
supranormal levels is not advised (level of evidence less severe septic shock (norepinephrine 5–14 μg/min),
1B). the mortality rate was significantly lower (26.5% vs
35.7%; P = 0.05).
As we have already pointed out, changes in ScvO2 and Vasopressin is not available in several European
SvO2 reflect changes in DO2. Consequently, a low ScvO2 countries, such as Portugal. Although terlipressin has
and SvO2 indicate an inadequate DO2. Rivers et al,8 in a been available since 2008, there are no randomized con-
randomized study of patients with severe sepsis and septic trolled studies assessing its role in septic shock. We have
shock, showed that an early (first 6 hours) goal-directed been using terlipressin in our ICU since 2008 for patients
therapy aiming at a ScvO2 ⬎ 70%, after an adequate fluid with septic shock and refractory hypotension (norepi-
resuscitation, achieved a MAP ⬎ 65 mm Hg and a hematocrit nephrine ⬎ 0.6 μg/kg/min). In septic shock patients
ⱖ 30%, which was associated with a reduction in mortality. without known splanchnic and coronary ischemia, we
It is important to point out that in the Rivers study,8 inotropic start terlipressin infusion with a 0.25 to 0.5 mg bolus
support with dobutamine was required in only a marginal followed by a continuous perfusion (1–2 mg/d). The
group of patients (15%). Furthermore, ScvO2 monitoring response is assessed in terms of MAP, but the perfusion
has been validated in other studies.62–67 status of the extremities should be frequently evaluated
In patients with suspected or measured low cardiac out- to avoid irreversible ischemia. If digital ischemia ensues,
put after adequate fluid resuscitation without hypotension, the dosage should be reduced or even stopped. Using this
dobutamine should be considered. In patients who remain approach, we were able to demonstrate a marked reduc-
hypotensive after adequate fluid resuscitation, dobutamine tion in norepinephrine use and costs between 2007 and
should always be administered in association with a vaso- 2008, with a slight increase in terlipressin in a similar
pressor (eg, norepinephrine). cohort of patients.
Based on preliminary data from a study performed by
Shoemaker et al,68 the concept of supranormal hemodynamic Summary
goals had become almost standard, without the necessary Currently, it is not possible to recommend one vasopres-
scrutiny. However, in the 1990s, 2 randomized controlled sor over another to treat septic shock patients. According
trials69,70 failed to demonstrate any benefit from this strategy, to the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines, norepi-
namely the increase of DO2 to supranormal targets. As a nephrine and dopamine are the first-choice vasopressors
result, this approach is not recommended. in the treatment of septic shock. However, it is likely that

70 © Hospital Practice, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2010, ISSN – 0018-5809

Septic Shock

Figure 4. Strategy to optimize DO2 in severely septic patients.

Close and continuous monitoring (SaO2/PaO2, MAP, CVP, cardiac rhythm, urine output, level of consciousness, skin
perfusion, frequent evaluation of ScvO2, and blood lactate)

Hemodynamic Approach
If hypotension and/or lactate ⬎ 4 mmol/L,
volume infusion either crystalloids (20 mL/kg) or colloids (10 mL/kg)

Fluid Challenge Strategy

Define infusion fluid: crystalloids (500 mL for a 70-kg adult) or colloids (250 mL for a 70-kg adult)
Define infusion time: 30 min
Define intended MAP: 65–70 mm Hg
Define safety limits: CVP ⬍ 15 mm Hg (and 60 mL/kg crystalloids in the first 6 h)
Evaluate the dynamic response to the treatment measuring blood pressure and CVP every 10 min

Unsuccessful Test: Desired MAP has not been Successful Test: Desired MAP has been achieved
achieved within safety limits ⇒ patient is adequately without overcoming safety limits ⇒ the patient had
resuscitated so additional treatment is indicated, volume depletion and fluid challenge has
starting with vasopressors contributed to treatment

If Hb ⬍ 8 g/dL, transfuse to achieve Hb 8–10 g/dL

Vasopressors: eg, dopamine/norepinephrine (take into consideration arrhythmia and tachycardia)
Signs of low CO (echocardiography), consider inotrope: eg, dobutamine (in a septic shock setting, do not start
dobutamine without a vasopressor because of the risk of worsening hypotension)

If target blood pressure is not attained, consider epinephrine and terlipressin (1–2 mg IV daily perfusion)
If shock persists, consider hydrocortisone (50 mg IV 3 times daily)

Warning: Patients with risk of pulmonary or cerebral edema should have careful monitoring before, during, and after volume resuscitation.
Warning: Excessive vasopressor infusion without appropriate volume resuscitation risks to deteriorate tissue perfusion despite normalized hemodynamic parameters.
Hypotension is defined as a SBP < 90 mm Hg or MAP < 70 mm Hg or a SBP decrease > 40 mm Hg or > 2 SD below normal for age in the absence of other causes of
Abbreviations: CO, cardiac output; CVP, central venous pressure; DO2, oxygen delivery; Hb, hemoglobin; IV, intravenous; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PaO2, arterial
oxygen partial pressure; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SD, standard deviation; ScvO2, central venous blood oxygen saturation.

in the near future, both epinephrine and even phenyleph- It is more important to know what sort of person this
rine will also be considered first-line agents in the treat- disease has, than what sort of disease this person has.
ment of septic shock. Norepinephrine ± dobutamine or William Osler, 1849–1919.
epinephrine should also be considered in low-cardiac-
output states. Finally, vasopressin or terlipressin may Acknowledgments
be regarded for salvage therapy. We are indebted to all who participated in the Portuguese
Traditionally, the prescription of vasopressors was SACiUCI study.
viewed as a “one-size-fits-all” approach, which has
been shown to be oversimplified. The new paradigm Conflict of Interest Statement
of septic shock should follow a multimodal approach Pedro Póvoa, MD, PhD and António H. Carneiro, MD dis-
in vasopressor selection (Figure 4). close no conflicts of interest.

© Hospital Practice, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2010, ISSN – 0018-5809 71

Pedro Póvoa and António H. Carneiro

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