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LESSON PLAN (10 Points)

Unit: Basketball Date: 2/13/2022 Standard: 1, 2, 3, 4

Lesson Focus: Ball movement Grade: 5th Sequence: Day 1

Technology Used: Music, Microphone

Equipment: four Hula hoops, large gator balls, red blue green and yellow pennies

Lesson Intro: Today we are going to start working on basketball. Before we start using actual basketballs, we need to practice some other
important skills. We are going to work on passing (physical) with our teammates. We are going to work on moving the ball and defending
(Cognitive). And as always, we are going to all work really hard during our activities (Fitness) and include all the players on our team

Learning Objectives Assessment

Physical: Students will be able to throw to their partner with Observation and Feedback
75% accuracy during throw and go
SHAPE Objective: Throws overhand, demonstrating 2 of the 5 critical
elements of a mature pattern. (S1.E14.2)
Cognitive: All students will show knowledge of defense and Observation and Rubric
offensive strategies during Hoop ball
SHAPE Objective: Applies basic offensive and defensive
strategies and tactics in invasion small-sided practice tasks.

Fitness: All students will engage in all activities through the Observation and feedback
SHAPE Objective: Engages actively in all of the activities of
physical education. (S3.E2.5)
Social: All students will include all of their teammates during Observation and Feedback
Hoop Ball
SHAPE Objective: Accepts, recognizes and actively involves
others with both higher and lower skill abilities into physical
activities and group projects. (S4.E4.5)

Safety considerations: Students running into each other during throw and go. Students running into walls during hoop ball.
Learning Activities
Time Formation Activity Modifications
Students will Warm-up- Students will run laps around the gym for 1 minute. Then I will stop Modify: Students can move
3 min begin laps upon the students and lead them in ten pushups. Students will then run laps in the at a slower pace.
entering the gym opposite direction for one minute. Challenge: ask students to see
how many laps they can get
in the minute
Transition: Count down from ten, then stop music. Students will go to their “spots” on the gym floor while I explain the next activity

Skill/Concept Taught: Ball movement- having students move without the ball in
order to help their team score. Ques- move around, find open spaces, get open,
7 Min Groups of two Practice: Throw and go- Students will get a partner and practice throwing the Modify: Have students get
moving in free ball back and forth while moving around the gym. closer. Use different balls.
space through the Move slower
gym Challenge: If students can
complete 5 passes in a row,
they both take one step back.
Have them move faster. Do
different movements skipping
Transition: Count down from ten, then stop music. Students will go to their “spots” on the gym floor while I explain the next activity
15 Four Teams, one Game/Activity 1: Hoop Ball- Divide students into four teams, each team gets a Modify: Use different balls.
min in each corner of different colored penny. Teams try to advance the ball down the floor and pass it Don’t allow defending the
the gym around a to a teammate located inside their colored hula hoop for a point. If a student is hoop. Allow players three
hula hoop placed holding the ball they are unable to move and must pass it to a teammate to steps with the ball. Switch the
on the ground advance the ball. Opposing team can defend hoop and opposing players but teams playing each other
must stay inside the blue court lines. When a point is scored the other team gets Challenge: Switch the teams
the ball. If the ball is dropped, it is a live ball. Whoever gets the ball off the playing each other. Use
ground first has possession. Players are not allowed to rip the ball out of other different balls.
players hands.
Transition: Count down from ten, then stop music. Students will go to their “spots” on the gym floor while I explain the next activity
5 min Closure: I think we did a great job of moving the ball down the court and
passing accurately. We worked well with our team and everyone played hard. I
want you to remember how you worked today when we bring out the
basketballs. This will help you be successful in games that we will be playing
Clean-up: Ball swill go into the bleachers by the closet. Pennies into the crate by the closet, and hula hoops in a pi
Reflective Comments: I think this was a really successful lesson for me. I was able to show the students some ways of improving their ability
to get open and they were able to replicate it. The teams ended up with either four or five kids so they were all involved in the game. A few
kids that did not like the game as much found a role as the player in the hoop. They were able to find success for their team by helping them
score, which I think was great. The thing that I may change is how I pick teams. I had an app that I used to pick teams and they were not as
even as I would have liked them to be. So instead of a more random pick I would split the teams based on ability more evenly.

Assessment Example:

Students showing proficiency in offensive and defensive tactics

Student Not showing proficiency in offensive and defensive tactics


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