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Palackého náměstí 375/4, 128 01 Praha 2

Prague, 4th February 2022

Ref. no.: MZDR 705/2022-5/MIN/KAN


The Ministry of Health, as the administrative authority competent pursuant to Section 80(1)(h)
of Act No 258/2000 on the protection of public health and amending certain related acts, as
amended (hereinafter referred to as “Act No 258/2000”), hereby orders the following
Protective Measure in accordance with the procedure laid down in Section 68(1) of Act No
258/2000 to provide protection against the introduction of COVID-19, a disease caused by the
new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus:

With effect from 7st January 2022, 0:00 in relation to point III. 1 of the Ministry of Health’s Protective
Measure of 23rd of December 2021, ref. no. MZDR 20599/2020-139/MIN/KAN a list of countries, or
their parts, with a low, medium, high and very high risk of COVID-19 transmission is issued:

Countries or territories with a low risk of transmission

Kingdom of Bahrain
the Republic of Chile
the Republic of Indonesia
the Republic of Colombia
the Republic of Korea
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
New Zealand
the Republic of Peru
the Republic of Rwanda
United Arab Emirates
State of Qatar
State of Kuwait
the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
the Vatican City
Countries or territories with a medium risk of transmission
Countries or territories with a high risk of transmission
Countries or territories with a very high risk of transmission

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the Principality of Andorra
the Kingdom of Belgium
the Republic of Bulgaria
the Kingdom of Denmark
the Republic of Estonia
the Republic of Finland
the Republic of France
the Republic of Croatia
the Republic of Iceland
the Italian Republic
the Republic of Cyprus
the Principality of Lichtenstein
the Republic of Lithuania
the Republic of Latvia
the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
the Republic of Malta
the Principality of Monaco
the Kingdom of the Netherlands
the Kingdom of Norway
The Republic of Poland
the Republic of Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira)
the Republic of Austria
the Republic of San Marino
the Hellenic Republic
the Slovak Republic
the Republic of Slovenia
the Federal Republic of Germany
the Kingdom of Spain (including the Balearic and Canary Islands)
the Kingdom of Sweden
the Swiss Confederation

All third countries, which do not appear in this notification, are considered as countries with a very
high risk of COVID-19 transmission.

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prof. MUDr. Vlastimil Válek, CSc., MBA, EBIR
Minister of Health

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