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Supplementary Problems
14.21. Three identical impedances of 10/53.1° ohms are connected in delta to a three-phase, three-wire,
240 volt, CBA system. Find the Une currents. Am. 41.6/-143.1°, 41.6/-23.1° and 41.6/96.9°
14.22. Three impedances of 15.9/70° ohms are connected in delta to a three-phase, three-wire, 100 volt,
CBA system; Find the Une currents and the total power.
Ans. 10.9/-160°, 10.9/-40°, 10.9/80°; 646 w.
. 14.23. Three impedances of 42/ 35° ohms are connected in delta to a three-phase, three-wire, 350 volt,
ABC system. Find the Hne currents and the total power.
Am. 14.4/125°, 14.4~, 14.4/-115°; 7130 w
14.24. A balanced wye load with impedances of 6/45° ohms is connected to a three-phase, four-wire,
208 volt, CBA system. Find the Hne currents including the neutral.
Ans. 20/-135°, 20/ 15°, 20/105° and O
14.25. A balanced wye load with impedances of 65/ 20° ohms is connected to a three-phase, three-wire,
480 volt, CBA system. Find the line currents and the total power.
Ans. 4.26/ 70°, 4.26/50°, 4.26/170°; 3320 w
14.26. A 50 hp induction motor with a full load efficiency of 85% and a power factor of .80 is connected
to a three-phase, 480 volt system. Find the equivalent wye-connected impedance which can replace
this motor. Ans. 4.2/36.9°
. 14.27. A 25 hp three-phase, induction motor with a full 1000 efficiency of 82% and a power factor of .75
is connected to a 208 volt system. Find the equivalent delta-connected impedance which can replace
this motor and find the readings obtained by the two-wattmeter method.
Ans. 4.28/41.4°; 5.58 kw, 17.15 kw
. 14.28. Three identical impedances of 9/ 30° ohms in delta and three impedances of 5/45° ohms in wye
are both connected to the same three-phase, three-wire, 480 volt, ABC system. Find the magnitude
of the line current and the total power. Am. 119.2; 99 kw
14.29. A balanced delta load with impedances of 27/ 25° ohms and a balanced wye load with impedances
of 10/ 30° ohms are both connected to a three-phase, three-wire, 208 volt, ABC system. Find
the line currents and the power in each loado
Ans. 25.3/117.4°, 25.3/-2.6°, 25.3/-122.6°; 4340 w and 3740 w
14.30. A three-phase, 100 volt system supplies a balanced delta load with impedances of 10/-36.9° ohms
and a balanced wye load with impedances of 5/53.1° ohms. Find the power in each load and the
magnitude of the total Une current. Am. 2400 w, 1200 w; 20.8 amp
14.31. Two balanced delta loads with impedances of 20/-60° and 18/45° ohms respectively are con-
nected to a three-phase, 150 volt system. Find the power in each loado Am. 1690 w, 2650 w
14.32. A three-phase, three-wire, 173.2 volt, CBA system serves three balanced loads with connections
and impedances as follows: wye-connected with impedances of 10/0° ohms, delta-connected with
impedances of 24/90° ohms, and the third delta-connected with an unknown impedance. Find
this impedance if the current in line A with a positive direction toward the load is given as
32.7/-138.1 ° ampo Ans. 18/45°
14.33. The wattmeters in lines A and B of a 120 volt, CBA system read 1500 and 500 watts respectively.
Find the impedances of the balanced delta-connected loado Ans. 16.3/..41°
14.34. The wattmeters in lines A and B of a 173.2 volt, ABC system read -301 and +1327 watts respec-
tively. Find the impedances of the balanced wye-connected loado Am. 10/-70°
14.35. Find the readings of the two wattmeters used on a three-wire, 240 volt system with a balanced
delta-connected load of 20/80° ohms. Ans. -1710, 3210 w
14.36. Wattmeters are in lines B and C of a three-wire, 173.2 volt, CBA system which supplies a balanced
loado Find the wattmeter readings if Une current lA = 32.7/-41.9°. Am. 1170, 5370w


14.40. A wye load with ZA= 3 + jO, ZB = 2 + j3 and Ze = 2 - j1 ohms is connected to a three-phase,
íour-wire, 100 volt, CBA system. JI'ind the line currents including the neutral ass.uming the positive
direction is toward the loado Ans. 19.25/-90°, 16/-26.3°, 25.8/176.6°, 27.3/65.3°
14.41. A wye load with ZA = 12/45°, ZB = 10/30° and Ze = 8/0° ohms is connected to a íour-wire,
208 volt system. Find the total power. Ans. 3898 w
14.42. The line currents in a three-phase, three-wire, 220 volt, ABC system are lA = 43.5/116.6°,
lB = 43.3/ 48° and le = 11.39/218° ampo Find the readings oí wattmeters in lines (a) A and B,
(b) B and C, and (e) A and C.
Ans. (a) 5270 w, 6370 w; (b) 9310 w, 2330 w; (e) 9550 w, 1980 w
14.43. The line currents oí a three-phase, three-wire, 440 volt, ABC system are lA = 19.72/90°,
lB = 57.3/-9.9° and le = 57.3/189.9° ampo Find the readings oí the wattmeters in lines
(a) A and B, (b) B and C. Ans. 7.52 kw, 24.8 kw; (b) 16.15 kw, 16.15 kw
14.44. The phasor diagram in Fig. 14-44 shows the line currents and line to line voltages oí a three-phase,
three-wire, 346 volt, ABC system. If the line current magnitude is 10 amp find the impedance oí
the wye-connected loado Ans. 20/90°


Fig. 14-44 Fig.14-45

14.45. The circuit oí Fig. 14-45 shows an infinite impedance (open circuit) in phase B oí the wye-connected
loado Find the phasor voltage VOB ií the system is 208 volt, sequence ABC. Ans. 284/150°
14.46. A wye-connected, three-phase, 440 volt alternator has a limit of 35 amp per coil. (a) What is the
kva rating of the machine? (b) If the alternator supplies a line current of 20 amp at a power
factor of .65, what is the kva per phase of the machine? Ans. 26.6 kva, 5.08 kva
14.47. The balanced set oí line currents in the phasor diagram
in Fig. 14-46 have current magnitudes oí 10 amp and
the line voltage is 120 volts. Find the corresponding
total power and total volt-amperes.
Ans. 1.47 kw, 2.08 kva
14.48. A wye load with ZA = 10/0°, ZB= 10/60° and Ze =
10/ 60° ohms is connected to a three-phase, three-wire,
200 volt, ARC system. Find the voltages across the load
impedances, VAO,VBO and Veo.
Ans. 173/90°, 100~ , 100/180°
14.49. A wye load with ZA = 10/-60°, ZB= 10/0° and Ze =
10/60° ohms is connected to a three-phase, three-wire,
208 volt, CRA system. Find the voltages across the .load Fig.14-46
impedances. Ans. 208/-120°, O, 208/180°
14.50. A three-wire, 480 volt, ARC system supplies a wye-connected load in which ZA = 10/0°,
Zs = 5/ 30° and Zc = 5/30° ohms. Find the readings of the wattmeters in lines A and B.
Ana. 8.92 kw, 29.6 kw
A three-wire, 100 volt, CRA system supplies a wye-connected load in which Z.4 =
3 + jO,
ZB =
2 + j3 and Ze =
2 - j1 ohms. Find the voltages across the impédances of the loado
Ans. 31.6/-67.9°, 84.3/42.7°, 68.6/123.8°
Three identical impedances oí 15/60° ohms are connected in wye to a three-phase, three-wire,
240 volt system. The Unes between the supply and the load have impedances oí 2 + jl ohms.
Find the line voltage magnitude at the loado Ans. 213 v
Repeat Problem 14.52 for identical wye-connected impedances of 15/-60° ohms and compare the
results by drawing the voltage phasor diagrams. Ans. 235 v

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