Name: Nimet Eser ID: 151204019 Recombinant Dna Assignmetn: Apoe Gene

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ID: 151204019
APOE is a homo sapiens protein coding gene that it is located at 19q13.32 and in cluster with
APOC and APOC2. The gene is discovered at early years of 1970s. The base pair of gene
from 44,905,796 bp to 44,909,393 bp and the APOE is read toward to right shown in Figure
1. APOE gene encode Apolipoprotein E that is important to catalyzing of lipoproteins
contains high triglyceride such as HDL[1,2].

Figure 1: Genomic context of APOE

Figure 2 represent that APOE gene has 5 variation for its transcripts that marks as NM and
possible synthesize protein is mark as NP and small box are symbolize introns, large box are
symbolize exon. According green line, the gene contain 6 exons. According the purple line at
figure 2, mRNA from transcription of gene has 3 introns and 4 exons region. Apolipoprotein
E is encoded as three isoforms that form single amino acid substitution[1,3].

Figure 2: Genomic region, transcripts and products APOE

Apolipoprotein E enzyme is necessary for many tissues to metabolism of lipids. Therefore,

many types tissues have ability to expression of APOE gene. Figure 3 represents different
amount of expressed of APOE gene at different tissues. Most amount of expression of this
gene occurs at livers. Others important expressions can be arranged as at kidney, adrenal,
spleen, fat, brain, etc[1,2].

Figure 3: amount of expression of APOE gene at different tissues
The figure 4 shows some of some of single nucleotide polymorphism of APOE gene.
Actually, the number of all SNP are 1833 that presents at 5’ or 3’ near regions, introns
regions, exon regions. These changes lead to undesired consequences such as correlation
between allele 4 of APOE and Alzheimer’s disease (AD)[1,4].

Figure 4: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Database of APOE

1. APOE apolipoprotein E [ Homo sapiens (human) ] < > retrieved on 21.10.2020
2. Mahley, R. W., Weisgraber, K. H., & Huang, Y. (2009). Apolipoprotein E: structure
determines function, from atherosclerosis to Alzheimer's disease to AIDS. Journal of
lipid research, 50(Supplement), S183-S188.
3. Chawla, A., Boisvert, W. A., Lee, C. H., Laffitte, B. A., Barak, Y., Joseph, S. B., ... &
Evans, R. M. (2001). A PPARγ-LXR-ABCA1 pathway in macrophages is involved in
cholesterol efflux and atherogenesis. Molecular cell, 7(1), 161-171.
4. Iacono, D., & Feltis, G. C. (2019). Impact of Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism
during normal and pathological conditions of the brain across the lifespan. Aging
(Albany NY), 11(2), 787.


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