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B2 First

Multiple matching Worksheet 1

You are given a piece of text which is divided into sections, and a set of questions. You are also given a set of
choices for each question. Choose the correct answer. The sections of text may be used more than once.

Exotic Fruit

(A) The Banana

The banana is an edible fruit which is botanically a berry, and in some countries, bananas are used for
cooking.The fruit is variable in size, colour and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh. It is
rich in starch, and covered with a rind which may be green, yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe. The fruit
grows in clusters hanging from the top of the plant. Banana plants are grown in at least 107 countries, primarily
for their fruit, and to a lesser extent to make fiber, banana wine and banana beer, and as ornamental plants.
Bananas are an excellent source of vitamin B6 and though many people think they have a very high potassium
content, that is not the case.

(B) The Mango

The mango is a juicy stone fruit, which is native to South Asia, from where it has been distributed worldwide to
become one of the most cultivated fruits in the tropics. It is the national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the
Philippines, and the national tree of Bangladesh. Over 400 varieties of mangoes are known, many of which ripen
in summer, while some give a double crop. The fruit takes three to six months to ripen, and it does not survive
freezing and drying. Mangoes contain a variety of nutrients, but the only vitamine present in significant amounts
is vitamine C.

(C) The Kiwi

The Kiwi is a fruit with an oval shape. It is green on the inside with small black seeds that can be eaten. The kiwi
has furry brown skin which is edible, but is usually removed, and is relatively thin. The kiwi is native to South
China. The fruit was named in 1959 after the kiwi, a bird and the symbol of New Zealand. Before that, its English
name was Chinese gooseberry. The kiwi is extremely healthy and contains many vitamins and minerals. Kiwis
are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and fiber. Kiwis have more vitamin C than an equivalent amount of

(D) The Coconut

The coconut is actually a fruit and not a nut, and its name comes from the Spanish word for head because it
resembles a human head. Coconuts are known for their great versatility, as they are commonly used in cooking
and frying, as well as in soaps and cosmetics. The coconut also has cultural and religious significance in certain
societies, particularly in India, where it is used in Hindu rituals. Coconuts are distinct from other fruits because of
the large quantity of water they contain, and when immature, they are harvested for their potable coconut water,
which is a good source of Vitamin C, Riboflavin and Calcium, but is very high in Sodium.
B2 First

Which fruit

1) gets its name from a European language? __________

2) contains more vitamine C than an equivalent amount of another fruit? __________

3) is connected to a belief system? __________

4) can be used to make a cleaning product? __________

5) is the national fruit of several countries? __________

6) used to have a different name? __________

7) is mistakenly thought to be a good source of potassium? __________

8) is used in making alcoholic drinks? __________

9) is spoilt if frozen? __________

10) is associated with a bird? __________

B2 First

Multiple matching Worksheet 2

You are given a piece of text which is divided into sections, and a set of questions. You are also given a set of
choices for each question. Choose the correct answer. The sections of text may be used more than once.

Growing Up

Growing up is never easy, but there are some ages when things are particularly complicated, such as the pre-
teens, because you are too old to be a child, but too young to be a teenager.


Lucy is ten and feels nobody takes her seriously. Whether she wants to do something, or doesn't want to do
something, she is told that she is just a kid. Her sister, who is twelve, is allowed to do many more things, because
she is considered to be older, and therefore more grown up. This is particularly so when it comes to boys, who
see her as much younger than she really is, and don't take her as seriously as they do her sister. Luckily, she has
a friend called Michael, who is not a boyfriend, but they spend a lot of time together. She has asked her parents
for a dog, but has been told that she is not ready to look after a pet, and feels this is so unfair.


John is twelve and his main problem is that he doesn't have as much control over his body as he would like,
because of puberty, which can be frightening. He complains of getting pimples, and his voice is changing, which
makes him feel very self-conscious. This age brings more responsibilities than before, and he spends more time
away from his family than he would like. This means he has to look after himself, which is not easy, although his
friends seem to know what they're doing, and this makes him feel very lonely and left out.


Darren is thirteen, and the amount of schoolwork he has stresses him out. There is always homework, and tests,
and this frightens him because he realises that what he does at this age can seriously affect the rest of his life.
When he doesn't know what to do, there is very little help available, and girls make him feel embarrassed and
self-conscious. What is even worse is that everybody talks about going out with them all the time, and sometimes
he feels he is the only one who doesn't know what to do when he's around girls.


Linda is fourteen and spends a lot of time with girls her own age. She has to make an effort to fit in, even though
she doesn't really agree with many things they say and do. Otherwise, they make her feel out of place. Her
biggest problem is boys, because all her friends have boyfriends, and she doesn't, because many of the boys she
knows are so stupid. She would love to be able to talk about these things with somebody, but the only people
she knows are her age and they won't admit that they have the same problems. She has problems with bullies,
and most of the time has too much school work to do. Then, when she feels unhappy and frustrated, she has
arguments with her brothers and sisters, and sometimes this leads to her getting in trouble with her parents.

Which person
B2 First
1) would like to be older? __________

2) has problems at home? __________

3) worries about the future? __________

4) feels isolated from her friends in a certain way? __________

5) tries very hard to get on with their friends? __________

6) seems happiest with someone of the opposite sex? __________

7) has problems with bullies? __________

8) sometimes feels uncomfortable with their body? __________

9) feels unhappy with their skin? __________

10) feels ignored? __________

B2 First

Multiple matching Worksheet 3

You are given a piece of text which is divided into sections, and a set of questions. You are also given a set of
choices for each question. Choose the correct answer. The sections of text may be used more than once.

Elite Performers

(A) Usain St Leo Bolt is a Jamaican sprinter and currently the fastest human in the world. He is the first person
to hold both the 100 metres and 200 metres world records, and has won eight Olympic gold medals. He was born
in 1986 in Trelawny, Jamaica, has a brother and a sister, and his parents ran the local grocery store in a rural area.
Bolt spent his time playing cricket and football in the street with his brother. It was clear from an early age that
he was special, when at the age of 15, he was 1.96m tall and won the 2002 World Junior Championships, which
were held in Jamaica. He became involved in controversy through no fault of his own, when a Jamaican 4 x 100
metres team-mate retrospectively tested positive for a banned substance, and caused his 2008 Beijing gold
medal to be stripped. He says he will retire from athletics after the 2017 World Championships in London, but
there is some doubt if he will, in fact, go through with that decision.

(B) Eldrick Tont, or Tiger Woods is an American professional golfer who is among the most successful golfers of
all time. He has been one of the highest-paid athletes in the world for several years. He first reached the number
one position in the world rankings in June 1997, less than a year after turning pro, and throughout the 2000s,
Woods was the dominant force in golf. He became involved in controversy when he admitted infidelity, and after
many alleged extramarital indiscretions were revealed, he suffered a loss of form, and his ranking gradually fell
to a low of No. 58 in November 2011. He will forever be remembered as the youngest man and the first African
American to win the U.S. Masters, but it seems his best days are now ancient history.

(C) Lance Edward Armstrong is an American former professional road racing cyclist. Armstrong is the 1993
professional world champion, and won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005.
At age 16, Armstrong began competing as a triathlete and was a national sprint-course triathlon champion in
1989 and 1990. In 1996, he was diagnosed with a potentially fatal metastatic testicular cancer. After his recovery,
he returned to cycling in 1998, he was a member of the US Postal team between 1998 and 2005, when he won
his Tour de France titles, as well as a bronze medal in the 2000 Summer Olympics. However, in 2012, he was
banned from sanctioned Olympic sports for life as a result of long-term doping offenses. As part of those
sanctions, all results going back to August 1998, including his seven Tour wins, were voided. Armstrong retired
from racing at the end of the 2005 Tour de France.

(D) Serena Jameka Williams is an American professional tennis player. The Women's Tennis Association has
ranked her world No. 1 in singles on eight occasions, from 2002 to 2017. She became the world No. 1 for the first
time on July 8, 2002. Williams was born in Michigan, USA and is the youngest of five sisters Yetunde, Lyndrea
and Isha Price, and Venus, who is also a famous professional tennis player. Williams started playing tennis at the
age of three. Her father, Richard, home-schooled Serena and her sister Venus, and stopped sending his
daughters to national junior tennis tournaments when Williams was 10, since he wanted them to take it slow and
focus on school work.

Experiences of racism also drove this experience, as Richard Williams had heard white parents talk about the
B2 First
Williams sisters in a derogatory manner during tournaments. At that time, Williams was ranked number one
among under-10 players in Florida. During her career, she has had many triumphs and setbacks, and on 19 April
2017, she revealed that she was 20 weeks pregnant, the timing reflecting the fact that she would have been
roughly eight-weeks pregnant when she won the Australian Open.

Which athlete

1) experienced discrimination at an early age? __________

2) was severely affected by a domestic situation? __________

3) was a victim of someone else's dishonesty? __________

4) lost everything they had worked for? __________

5) was physically impressive at an early age? __________

6) overcame a serious medical situation? __________

7) was successful while suffering a medical handicap? __________

8) has a famous sibling? __________

9) was financially very successful? __________

10) came from a humble background? __________

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