Emergency Drugs: Drug Classification USE Stock Dose Nursing Consideration

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 Alpha/Beta Agonist  Treatment of bronchospasm, anaphylactic reactions,  Injection:  Rapid IV infusion may cause death from cerebro-
Generic Name:  Antidote cardiac arrest, management of open-angle glaucoma Adrenalin®: 0.01 mg/mL [1:100,000] (5 mL); 0.1 vascular hemorrhage or cardiac arrhythmias.
EPHINEPHRINE  Ophthalmic Agent mg/mL [1:10,000] (3 mL, 10 mL); 1 mg/mL [1:1000]  Monitor heart rate, BP, site of infusion for
Brand Name:  Anti-glaucoma (1 mL, 2 mL, 30 mL) blanching, extravasations.

 Theophylline  Bronchodilator in reversible airway obstruction due to  Injection, IV: 25mg/ml (10 ml, 20 ml)  Avoid I.M. injection, too painful; do not inject IV
Generic Name: Derivative asthma or COPD; increase diaphragmatic contractility;  Liquid, oral: 105 mg/5ml (240 ml) solution faster than 25 mg/minute.
AMINOPHYLLINE neonatal idiopathic apnea of prematurity.  Tablet: 100 mg, 200 mg  Encourage patient to drink adequate fluids to
decrease mucous viscosity in airway.
 Monitor vital signs

 Injection, as sulfate: 0.1 mg/mL (5 mL, 10 mL); 0.3  Administer undiluted by rapid IV injection; slow
 Anti-cholinergic agent;  Preoperative medication to inhibit salivation and mg/mL (1 mL, 30 mL); 0.4 mg/mL (1 mL, 20 mL, 30 injection may result in paradoxical bradycardia.
Antispasmodic Agent, secretions; antidote for organophosphate pesticide mL); 0.5 mg/mL (1 mL, 5 mL, 30 mL); 0.8 mg/mL (0.5  Monitor hear rate, BP, pulse, mental status.
Generic Name: Gastrointestinal; poisoning; treatment of sinus bradycardia; treatment of mL, 1 mL); 1 mg/mL (1 mL, 10 mL)  IV administration requires a cardiac monitor
ATROPHINE Ophthalmic Agent exercise-induced bronchospam.  Tablet, as sulfate: 0.4 mg  Provide safety measures, it may cause drowsiness
SULFATE  Ointment, ophthalmic, as sulfate: 0.5%, 1% (3.5 g) and restlessness
 Observe for tachycardia if patient has cardiac

Generic Name:  Angiotensin-  Management of hypertension; treatment of congestive  Tablet: 12.5 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg  Anaphylactic reactions can occur. Angio-edema
CAPTOPRIL Converting Enzyme heart failure, left ventricular dysfunction after myocardial can occur at any time during treatment. Careful
Brand Name: (ACE) inhibitors infarction, diabetic nephropathy blood pressure monitor with first dose.
CAPOTEN  Watch for hypotension effect within 1-3 hours of
first dose or new higher dose

Generic Name:  Alpha2 Agonist  Management of mild to moderate hypertension; either  Injection, preservative free, as hydrochloride: 100  Monitor blood pressure, standing/sitting/supine,
CLONIDINE used alone or in combination with other antihypertensive mcg/ml (10 ml) respiratory rate and depth, pain relief, mental
Brand Name:  Patch, transdermal, as hydrochloride: 1, 2, and 3 status, heat rate (bradycardia may be treated with
CATAPRES (0.1, 0.2, .3 mg/day, 7-day duration) atropine)
 Tablet, as hydrochloride: 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg, 0.3 mg  Provide security measures because it causes

Generic Name:  Bronchodilator  Treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  Aerosol: Ipratropium bromide 18 mcg and albuterol  Monitor signs of rapid respiration
IPRATROPIUM & (COPD) in those patents that are currently on a regular sulfate 103 mcg per actuation [200 doses] (14.7 g)
ALBUTEROL bronchodilator who continue to have broncho-spasms
Brand Name: and require a second bronchodilator
Generic Name:  Corticosteroid  Management of adrenocortical insufficiency; relief of  Injection, suspension: 25 mg/mL (5 mL, 10 mL); 50  Monitor BP
HYDROCORTISONE inflammation of corticosteroid responsive dermatoses; mg/mL (5 mL, 10 mL)  IV bolus: Dilute to 50 mg/ml and administered over
Brand Name: adjunctive treatment of ulcerative colitis  Injection, I.M./I.V./S.C.: 50 mg/mL (2 mL, 10 mL) : 3-5 minutes
SOLU-CORTEF 100 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg
 Tablet, oral: 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg

Generic Name:  Anticoagulant  Prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis,  Powder for injection, as sodium, lyophilized: 2 mg, 5  Should not be given in close proximity to other
WARFARIN pulmonary embolism; prophylaxis of systemic embolism mg drugs because absorption may be decreased.
Brand Name: after myocardial infarction  Tablet, as sodium: 1 mg, 2 mg, 2.5 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg, 5  Avoid all IM injections
COUMADIN mg, 6 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg

Generic Name:  Benzodi azepine  Management of anxiety disorders; alcohol withdrawal  Protect parenteral dosage from light
DIAZEPAM  Injection: 5 mg/mL (1 mL, 2 mL, 5 mL, 10 mL)
symptoms; skeletal muscle relaxant; convulsive  Do not mix with other medications
Brand Name: disorders  Tablet: 2 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg  Monitor respiratory rate, heart rate, BP with IV use
DIASTAT  Provide safety measures (i.e., side rails, night light,
VALIUM call button; supervise ambulation

Generic Name:  Antihistamine  Symptomatic relief of allergic symptoms caused by  Injection, as hydrochloride: 10 mg/mL (10 mL, 30  Raise bed rails, institute safety measures, assist
DIPHENHYDRAMINE histamine release which include nasal allergies and mL); 50 mg/mL (1 mL, 10 mL) with ambulation
Brand Name: allergic dermatosis;  Tablet/Capsule, as hydrochloride: 25 mg, 50 mg
BENADRYL  Syrup, as hydrochloride: 12.5 mg/5 mL (5 mL, 120
mL, 240 mL, 480 mL, 3780 mL)

 Infusion, as hydrochloride, in D5W: 0.8 mg/mL (250

Generic Name:  Adrenergic agonist  Adjunct in the treatment of shock (i.e., MI, open heart mL, 500 mL); 1.6 mg/mL (250 mL, 500 mL); 3.2  Protect from light; solution that are darker than
DOPAMINE agent surgery, renal failure, cardiac decompensation, etc) mg/mL (250 mL, 500 mL) slightly yellow should not be used
Brand Name: which persists after adequate fluid volume replacement  Injection, as hydrochloride: 40 mg/mL (5 mL, 10 mL,  Monitor BP and heart rate
INTROPIN 20 mL); 80 mg/mL (5 mL, 20 mL); 160 mg/mL (5 mL)

 Single-dose vial injection:

Generic Name:  Anticoagulant  Prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic disorders Beef lung source: 1000 units/mL (1 mL); 5000 units/mL (1  Monitor signs of bleeding
HEPARIN mL); 10,000 units/mL (1 mL); 20,000 units/mL (1 mL);  Do not administer IM due to pain, irritation and
40,000 units/mL (1 mL) hematoma formation

Generic Name:  Prevention and treatment of angina pectoris; for  Capsule, sustained release: 40 mg  Report acute headache, rapid heartbeat
ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE  Vasodilator congestive heart failure; to relieve pain, dysphagia, and  Chewable: 5 mg, 10 mg  Provide safety measure, it may cause drowsiness
Brand Name: spam in esophageal spasm with GE reflux  Oral: 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg and restlessness
ISORDIL  Sublingual: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg
DILATRATE  Sustained release: 40 mg

Generic Name:  Analgesic, Topical  Local anesthetic and acute treatment of ventricular  I.M.: 10% [100 mg/mL] (3 mL, 5 mL)  Lidocaine injection is stable at room temperature
LIDOCAINE  Anti arrhythmic Agent arrhythmias from myocardial infarction, cardiac  Direct I.V.: 1% [10 mg/mL] (5 mL, 10 mL); 20 mg/mL  Constant EKG monitoring is necessary during IV
Brand Name:  Local Anesthetic manipulation, digitalis intoxication; topical local (5 mL) administration.
XYLOCAINE anesthetic  Liquid, as hydrochloride, viscous: 2% (20 mL, 100  Monitor closely for signs and symptoms of CNS
LIDODERM mL) toxicity (confusion, seizures, respiratory arrest)
Generic Name:  Diuretic, Osmotic  Reduction of increased intracranial pressure associated  Injection: 5% [50 mg/mL] (1000 mL); 10% [100  Should be stored at room temperature and
MANNITOL with cerebral edema; promotion of diuresis in the mg/mL] (500 mL, 1000 mL); 15% [150 mg/mL] (150 protected from freezing
prevention and/or treatment of oliguria or anuria due to mL, 500 mL); 20% [200 mg/mL] (150 mL, 250 mL,  Monitor I and O
acute renal failure; reduction of increases intraocular 500 mL); 25% [250 mg/mL] (50 mL)
pressure; promoting urinary excretion of toxic  Solution, urogenital: 0.54% [5.4 mg/mL] (2000 mL)
substances; genitourinary irrigant in transurethral
prostatic resection of other transurethral surgical

Generic Name:  Antidote  Complete or partial reversal of opiod depression,  Injection, as hydrochloride: 0.4 mg/mL (1 mL, 2 mL,  Protect from light
NALOXONE including respiratory depression, induced by natural and 10 mL); 1 mg/mL (2 mL, 10 mL)  Endotracheal: Dilute to 1-2 ml with normal saline
Brand Name: synthetic opiods.  Injection, neonatal, as hydrochloride: 0.02 mg/mL (2  Iv push: Administer over 30 seconds as undiluted
NARCAN  Adjunctive agent to increase blood pressure in the mL) preparation
management of septic shock  IV infusion: Dilute to 4 mcg/ml in D5W or normal
 Monitor respiratory rate, heart rate and BP

 Caplet: 20 mg, 30 mg  Monitor closely for orthostasis

Generic Name: Calcium Channel Blocker  Management of essential hypertension  Sustained release: 30 mg, 45 mg, 60 mg  Measure blood pressure 8 hours after dosing
NICARDIPINE  Injection: 2.5 mg/mL (10 mL)  Ampoules must be diluted before use

 Injection: 0.5 mg/mL (10 mL); 0.8 mg/mL (10 mL); 5  Monitor blood pressure and heart rate
Generic Name:  Treatment of angina pectoris; IV for congestive heart mg/mL (1 mL, 5 mL, 10 mL, 20 mL); 10 mg/mL (5 mL,  IV must be prepared in glass bottles and use
NITROGLYCERIN failure (especially when associated with acute 10 mL) special sets intended for nitroglycerin
Brand Name: Vasodilator myocardial infarction); pulmonary hypertension;  Injection, solution in D5W: 25 mg (250 mL), 50 mg  Clean skin before administering patches
TRANSDERMAL hypertensive emergencies occurring preoperatively (250 mL, 500 mL), 100 mg (250 mL), 200 mg (500
-NTGPATCH (especially during cardiovascular surgery) mL)
 Patch, transdermal, topical: Systems designed to
deliver 0.1 mg/hr, 0.2 mg/hr, 0.4 mg/hr, 0.6 mg/hr,
2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, or 15 mg NTG over 24 hours

 Protect from light and freezing

Generic Name: Anti emetic  Symptomatic treatment of various allergic conditions;  Injection, as hydrochloride: 25 mg/mL (1 mL, 10 mL);  Avoid SC administration, promethazine is a
PROMETHAZINE anti emetic; motion sickness; sedative; analgesic 50 mg/mL (1 mL, 10 mL) chemical irritation which may produce necrosis
Brand Name: adjunct for control of postoperative pain  Tablet, as hydrochloride: 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg  Avoid IV use, if necessary may dilute to a maximum
PHENERGAN concentration of 25 mg/ml and infuse at a maximum
rate of 25 mg/minute
 Provide additional safety measures, for it may
cause drowsiness

 Injection, adsorbed:  Refrigerate, do not freeze

TETANUS TOXOID Toxoid  Selective induction of active immunity against tetanus in  Tetanus 10 Lf units per 0.5 mL dose (0.5 mL, 5 mL)  Inject Intramuscularly in the area of vastus lateralis
selected patients (midthigh laterally) or deltoid

 Sensitivity teasting should be conducted in all

TETANUS ANTITOXIN Antitoxin  Tetanus prophylaxis or treatment of active tetanus only individuals regardless of clinical history.
when tetanus immune globulin is not available.  Refrigerate, do not freeze

 Injection: 15 mg/mL (1 mL); 30 mg/mL (1 mL, 2 mL)  Monitor for signs of pain relief
Generic Name: Nonsteroidal Anti-  Short-term management of pain  Solution, ophthalmic: 0.5% (5 mL)  Sensitivity testing should be conducted
KETOROLAC Inflammatory Agent  Tablet: 10 mg
Brand Name:

 Injection: 100 mg/mL (10 mL)  May be given by direct I.V. injection at a maximum
Generic Name: Anti hemophilic Agent  Short term use to reduce or prevent hemorrhage  Tablet: 500 mg rate of 100 mg/minute

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