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A preposition is a word, or group of words…

….which is placed before a Noun or a Pronoun.

It tells the relation between the Noun (or Pronoun) and the main Verb.

They tell us 4 things – Time, Place, Position, Method.

Types of Prepositions
According to the thing they indicate, the prepositions
are classified as:
1. Preposition of Time
2. Preposition of Place
3. Preposition of Position
4. Preposition of Method

1. Prepositions of Time:
The 3 common prepositions of time are – In, On & At
‘In’ is used to denote:
 Century – as in ‘16th Century’ – Akbar became king in 16th Century.
 Year – as in ‘1947’ - India got independence in 1947.
 Month – as in ‘December’ - Christmas is celebrated in December.
 Week – as in ‘2 weeks’ - I will complete the work in 2 weeks.
 Season – as in ‘winters’ - We wear woolen clothes in winters.

‘On’ is used to denote:

 Exact date – as in ‘15th August’ - India got independence on 15th August.
 Exact day – as in ‘Sunday’ - The final of world cup will be played on Sunday.

Note: For ‘today’, ‘tomorrow’ and ‘yesterday’, we do not use “on”.

 I am going to Mumbai on tomorrow. ( X )
 I am going to Mumbai tomorrow. ( )

‘At’ is used to denote:

Exact time – as in ‘9 am’ - The exam will start at 9 am.

2. Prepositions of Place:
The 3 common prepositions of place are – In, On & At
‘In’ is used to denote:
 Country – as in ‘India’ – I was born in India.
 City – as in ‘Mumbai’ - The Gateway of India is in Mumbai.
 Colony – as in ‘Vikas Nagar’ - I live in Vikas Nagar.
 Building – as in ‘Daya Towers’ - My friend lives in Daya Towers.

‘On’ is used to denote:

 Street name – as in ‘CRPF Road’ - Satguru Bakery is situated on CRPF Road.

‘At’ is used to denote:

 Exact address – as in ‘338, Vikas Nagar’ - I live at 338, Vikas Nagar.
 Specific location – as in ‘canteen’ - Let’s meet at the canteen.

3. Prepositions of Position
There are many prepositions of position. Some of the common prepositions of positions are – In, On, At,
Under, Beside, In Front of, Behind etc.

Have a look at this picture. In this

picture, there is a ‘Cat’ playing with a

As can be clearly seen, in each of this

case, the position of the cat with
respect to the ball is changing.

1. The cat is on the ball.

2. The cat is beside the ball.
3. The cat is above the ball.
4. The cat is between two balls.
5. The cat is in the ball.
6. The cat is in front of the ball.
7. The cat is behind the ball.
8. The cat is under the ball.
9. The cat is near the ball.

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