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“activism is not terrorism”.

Why do we prefer to remain silent even though we can freely express our own

thoughts and opinions? Why are we in forced to follow their command for the sake of

their desires and wishes? In a deceptive negativity something that abuses the rights of

us filipino citizens and leaves in one depths of hiding and shame. It is certain that we

cannot fight back to be higher for our odds and for our freedom in speech.

“The Anti-Terrorism Bill was promoted not to violate human rights. The

assumption that Congress will pass a law that will disregard the rights of Filipinos is

unrealistic. This law is for maintaining the safety of the people, and crushing terrorism

which has long been a problem of our country” stated by DILG. Many filipino citizens

were against with this and didn’t agree of what they have said because since our

president implemented this policy it seems as if they have deprived the people of the

right to express their opinions related to government and politics. The Government

Officials have been considering the activist as their opponents and those protesters who

oppose the legislature have been imprisoned.

As Neri colmenares said as one who is leading human rights lawyer that

petitioned the Supreme Court. "It chills freedom of expression. It chills free speech. It

chills freedom of the press. It chills freedom of association," and Defending the

provision, National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon tells NPR that under the law,

"activism is not terrorism." But Colmenares argues that "terrorism is any form of

dissent." Terrorism is a legitimate danger in any country but the passage of a law

against terrorism with many provisions that seem to ignore human rights should be

Will we just allow our voices to be no longer heard? Is this really the only solution for

this happenings?

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