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Practical 4

Name: Harshit Sharma Reg no: 11908047

Roll no: A32 Section: E1903

Aim: To generate time domain pulse amplitude modulated signal.

Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) is a modulation technique where pulse of
specified duration is used to sample the message signal. When the pulse is on,
the message is sampled and when it is off no message is sampled. This is a basic
step in the digitization of analogue message signals.
The pulse amplitude modulated signal, will follow the amplitude of the original
signal, as the signal traces out the path of the whole wave. In natural PAM, a
signal sampled at the Nyquist rate is reconstructed, by passing it through an
efficient Low Pass Frequency (LPF) with exact cut-off frequency.

Learning Outcome:

1. Learnt about Pulse Amplitude Modulation and the process to generate it.

2. Understood the difference between base band and pass band modulation.

Sr. Parameter Marks obtained Max. Marks

1. Understanding of the student 20
about the procedure/apparatus.
2. Observations and analysis 20
including learning
3. Completion of experiment, 10
Discipline and Cleanliness
Signature of Faculty Total marks

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