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The electric mains supply in our homes and offices is a voltage that varies like a sine function with time.
Such a voltage is called alternating voltage (ac voltage) and the current driven by it in a circuit is called the alternating
current (ac current). Today, most of the electrical devices we use require ac voltage. This is mainly because most of
the electrical energy sold by power companies is transmitted and distributed as alternating current. The main reason
for preferring use of ac voltage over dc voltage is that ac voltages can be easily and efficiently converted from one
voltage to the other by means of transformers. Further, electrical energy can also be transmitted economically over
long distances.

ac - Source
When a coil is rotated in a magnetic field, such that the axis of rotation is in the plane of the coil and is
perpendicular to the magnetic field the magnetic flux linked with the coil changes. An emf is induced in the coil
and induced current flows through the circuit.
If the angular speed of rotation is kept constant the flux changes simple harmonically and the emf induced
too will change simple harmonically with the same Time Period. The phase of emf lags that of the flux
by /2

=t i.e.,  - 0=t Thus,  = 0+t
Thus, =NBACos(0+t)

Now according to Faraday’s Second Law = -

Thus Induced emf  = NBA sin (0+t)

Note: Since, ∝ − & ∝−

The magnetic flux and emf both are executing SHM with same time period /2

but different phases with flux leading the emf by /2
Conceptual Note - Meaning of SHM of A Physical Quantity
If a Physical quantity varies with time such that its second derivative with respect to time is directly proportional to
negative of the physical quantity itself, it is said to be executing SHM.


Since this property is found in sine & cos functions The quantity can be represented a sine or cos function of time.

Phasor Diagram ... a connection between shm and uniform circular motion
The projection of uniform circular motion on a diameter executes Simple Harmonic Motion

We take a reference circle in the xy-plane, with the origin O at the center
of the circle.At time ‘t’ the vector OQ from the origin to the reference
point Q makes an angle ‘’ with the positive x-axis.

Since, X= A cos  = A Cos (0+t)

‘x’ co-ordinate is executing SHM as ∝−

As the point Q moves around the reference circle with constant angular speed the vector OQ rotates with
the same angular speed. Such a rotating vector is called a phasor.

The quantity ‘’ [= (0+t)] which increases steadily with time is called the phase of SHM executing quantity.
The phase is simply the angle in uniform circular – motion of the particle whose projection on a diameter matches
the SHM executing quantity.
The constnt ‘0’ is called the phase constant.It specifies the initial conditions of oscillating quantity.

*This Reference Circle can be used for any physical quantity

Vector or Scalar (Phasor)
obeying the same mathematical relation.

Application of a Phasor Diagram in ac circuit Analysis

The analysis of an ac circuit is facilitated by the use of a
phasor diagram. These show phase relationship between
voltage and current in an ac circuit,
The projection of voltage and current phasors on
vertical axis, i.e., vmsinωt and im sinωt, respectively
represent the value of voltage and current at that
Agin Note that though voltage and current in ac circuit are
represented by phasors – rotating vectors, they are not vectors themselves. They are scalar quantities. It so happens that the
amplitudes and phases of harmonically varying scalars combine mathematically in the same way as do the projections
of rotating vectors of corresponding magnitudes and directions.


i i e

 t  t

Voltage (V) = V0 sin  t Voltage (V) = V0 sin  t

Current (i) = i0 sin ( t –  ) Current (i) = i0 sin ( t +  )
Phase difference = 0 – (– ) = +  Phase difference = 0 – (+ ) = – 
voltage is leading by an angle i.e. voltage is leading by an angle
(+ ) w.r.t. current (– ) w.r.t. current

Phase Difference And Time-Difference Relation

If alternating voltage and current are given by V  V0 sin( t   1 ) and i  i0 sin( t   2 )
the phase difference  = 1 – 2 (relative to current) or    2   1 (relative to voltage) t  


Average , Mean Square &

Rms Value of A Physical Quantity
(i) 〈 〉= (II) = (III) yrms=

Example: If y=kSin
(i) 〈 〉= (II) = (III) yrms=

Example: If y=kCos
(i) 〈 〉= (II) = (III) yrms=

Limits 1 2 〈 〉 = 〈 〉 =
1= 00 2= 900
1= 900 2=1800

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [3]
1= 900 2= 2700

1 =1800 2= 3600

1 = 00 2= 3600

When we apply the alternating emf in a circuit the voltage and current produced are
V0 or i0
alternating. i or V Positive
+ half cycle
 2
0 t or 
i = i0 sin(t+01) V=V0 sin(t+02) T/2

half cycle

Rememeber -
 The time taken to complete one cycle of ac/av is called the Time-Period of ac/av
 In a Cycle -The value of alternating quantity is 2 times zero and 2 times maximum
 In one second - The value of alternating quantity is 2f times zero and 2f times maximum
 The Time- period of change in direction is ‘T/2’
Therefore, The frequency of change in direction is ‘2f ‘

(1) Peak Value/Amplitude
The maximum value of alternating quantity. i0 is Current – Amplitude ; V0 is Voltage – Amplitude

(2) Mean Square Value ( V 2 or i 2 )

The average of square of instantaneous values in one cycle is called mean square value. It is always positive for one
complete cycle. e.g. V 2  1
T V02 or 2 i 0
 V 2 dt  i 
T 0 2 2

(3) Root Mean Square (r.m.s.) / Virtual / Effective Value

Root of mean of square of voltage or current in an ac circuit for one complete cycle is called r.m.s. value.

irms 
i12  i 22  ......
 i2 
 i dt

i0 = 0.707 i = 70.7% of i
0 0
n 2
 dt0

Similarly, Vrms 
 0.707 V0  70.7% of the peak value
r.m.s. value of ac is equal to that value of dc, which when passed through a resistance for a
given time will produce the same amount of heat as produced by the alternating current when
passed through the same resistance for same time.
 ac ammeter and voltmeter measure r.m.s. value. In general when values of voltage or current for alternating circuits
are given, these are r.m.s. value.
e.g. In our houses ac is supplied at 220 V (this is the r.m.s. value of voltage).The peak value is 2  200  311V

(4) Mean or Average value (iav or Vav)

The average value of ac for (i) Positive Half - Cycle = =63.7 % of peak value (ii) Negative Half - Cycle = -

The average value of av for (i) Positive Half - Cycle = (ii) Negative Half - Cycle = -

The average value of alternating quantity for one complete cycle is zero.

 t=0 to t=T/2 may not represent positive or negative half depending on initial phase

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [4]

Q. An ac source is rated 220V, 50 Hz. The average voltage is calculated in a time of 0.01sec . It
(A) Must be Zero (B) May Be Zero (C) is never Zero (D) is 220/2

(5) Peak to Peak Value = twice the Amplitude of alternating quantity e.g. for av it is 2V0
(6) Resistance (R) : The opposition offered by a conductor to the flow of current through it is defined as the resistance
of that conductor. Reciprocal of resistance is known as conductance (G) i.e., G 
(7) Impedance (Z) : The opposition offered by the capacitor, inductor and conductor to the flow of ac through it is
defined as impedance. Its unit is ohm(). Z  0  rms
i0 irms
(8) Reactance (X) : The opposition offered by inductor or capacitor or both to the flow of ac through it is defined as
reactance. It is of following two type –
Resultant reactance of LC circuit is defined as X = XL ~ X C

Inductive Reactance (XL) Capacitive Reactance (XC)

Offered by inductive circuit Offered by capacitive circuit

1 1
X L  L  2L XC  
C 2 C

dc  0 so for dc, XL = 0 For dc X C = 


 1/ 1/ 

(9) Admittance (Y) - Reciprocal of impedance  Y  1 . Unit: mho

 Z
 1
(10) Susceptance (S) - Reciprocal of reactance  S .
 X 
1 1 1
(i) Inductive Susceptance S L   (ii) Capacitive Susceptance, SC    C  2 C
X L 2 L XC

Power and Power-Factor

(1) Power
There are three terms used for power in an ac circuit
(i) Instantaneous power : Suppose in a circuit V  V0 sin  t and i  i0 sin( t   ) then
Pinstantane ous  Vi  V0 i0 sin  t sin( t   )
(ii) Average power (True power) : The average of instantaneous power in an ac circuit over a full cycle is called average
power. It's unit is watt i.e.
V0 i 0 1 2 V2 R
Pav  Pinst  Pav  Vrmsi rms cos  . cos  V0i 0 cos  irms R  rms2
2 2 2 Z
(iii) Apparent or virtual power : The product of apparent voltage and apparent current in an electric circuit is called
apparent power. This is always positive
V0 i 0
Papp  Vrms irms 
(2) Power - Factor -
R Resistance
 Cosine of phase –difference ; cos =  V
Z Impedance i cos

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [5]

i sin
 Power factor is a dimensionless quantity and its value lies between 0 and 1
 For a pure resistive circuit R = Z  p.f. = cos = 1

Wattless Component of Current - The component of current perpendicular to Voltage

#Amplitude of wattless current = i0 sin & r.m.s. value of wattless current = irms sin  0 sin

Wattless Current - In an ac circuit with R = 0  cos = 0 so Pav = 0

Such a circuit is called the wattless circuit and the current flowing is called the wattless current.

The component of ac which remains in phase with the alternating voltage is defined as the effective current. The peak value of
effective current is i0 cos and it's r.m.s. value is irms cos   cos

Measurement of Alternating Quantities

Alternating current shows heating effect only, hence meters used for measuring ac are based on heating effect and are called
hot wire meters (Hot wire ammeter and hot wire voltmeter). The scale of meters based on heating effect in non-linear
Note: ac meters can be used in measuring ac and dc both
Check Your Understanding - I
1. The equation of an alternating current is i  50 2  sin 400 t ampere then the frequency and the root mean
square of the current are respectively
Sol. Comparing the given equation with i  i0 sin  t
i0 50 2
  = 400   2 = 400   = 200 Hz. Also irms   = 50 A
2 2
2. If the frequency of an alternating current is 50 Hz then the time taken for the change from zero to positive peak
value and positive peak value to negative peak value of current are respectively
T 1 1 1
Sol. Time take to reach from zero to peak value t     sec
4 4 4  50 200
T 1 1 1
Time take for the change from positive peak to negative peak t '     sec
2 2 2  50 100

3. What will be the equation of ac of frequency 75 Hz if its r.m.s. value is 20 A

Sol. By using i  i 0 sin  t  i 0 sin 2 t  irms 2 sin 2 t  i  20 2 sin(150 t)
4. At what time (From zero) the alternating voltage becomes times of its peak value. Where T is the periodic time
 2 T
Sol.  t  t  sec.
4 T 8
5. The peak value of an alternating e.m.f. E is given by E  E 0 cos  t is 10 volts and its frequency is 50Hz. At time
t sec, the instantaneous e.m.f. is
1 
Sol. By using E  E 0 sin  t = 10 cos 2 t = 10 cos 2  50   E = 10 cos 5 3V
600 6
6. The instantaneous value of current in an ac circuit is i  2 sin(100 t   / 3)A. The current at the beginning
(t  0) will be
  3
Sol. At t = 0, i  2 sin 0    2  3A
 3 2
7. The voltage of an ac source varies with time according to the equation V = 100 sin(100t) cos(100t) where t is in
seconds and V is in volts. Then
(a) The peak voltage of the source is 100 volts (b) The peak voltage of the source is 50 volts
(c) The peak voltage of the source is 100 / 2 volts (d) The frequency of the source is 50 Hz
Sol. (b) The given equation can be written as follows

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [6]
V  50  2 sin 100 t cos 100 t  50 sin 2 (100 t)  50 sin 200 t (  sin 2 = 2 sin cos )
Hence peak voltage V0  50 volt and frequency    100 Hz.
8. If the frequency of ac is 60 Hz the time difference corresponding to a phase difference of 60o is
T T  T 1 1 1
Sol. Time difference T.D.     T.D.       sec
2 2 3 6 6 6  60 360
 
9. In an ac circuit, V and i are given by V  100 sin(100 t ) volts , and i  100 sin  100 t   mA . The powerdissipated
 3
in circuit is
1 1  
Sol. P  V0 i 0 cos    100  (100  10  3 )  cos    2.5 watt .
2 2 3
10. In a circuit an alternating current and a direct current are supplied together. The expression of the instantaneous
current is given as i  3  6 sin t . Then the r.m.s. value of the current is
Sol. The given current is a mixture of a dc component of 3A and an alternating current of maximum value 6A
 6 
Hence r.m.s. value  (dc) 2  (r.m.s. value of ac) 2  (3) 2   
  (3) 2  (3 2 ) 2  3 3 A
 2
11. The r.m.s. value of the alternating e.m.f. E = (8 sin t + 6 sin 2 t) V is
Sol. Peak value V0  (8) 2  (6) 2  10 volt so v rms   5 2  7.05 volt
   
12. Voltage and current in an ac circuit are given by V  5 sin  100 t   and i  4 sin 100 t  
 6  6
(a) Voltage leads the current by 30° (b) Current leads the voltage by 30°
(c) Current leads the voltage by 60° (d) Voltage leads the current by 60°
Sol. (c) Phase difference relative to current         
6 6 3
In degree    60 o i.e. voltage lag behind the current by 60o or current leads the voltage by 60o

13. The instantaneous values of current and potential difference in an alternating circuit are i  sin  t and
E  100 cos  t respectively. r.m.s. value of wattless current (in amp) in the circuit is
i0  1
Sol. r.m.s. value of wattless current  sin  Since, i0 = 1 A and   . So r.m.s. value of wattless current  A
2 2 2
14. The r.m.s. current in an ac circuit is 2 A. If the wattless current be 3 A , what is the power factor
3 o 1
Sol. iWL  irms sin   3  2 sin   sin      60 so p.f.  cos   cos 60 o  .
2 2
15. r.m.s. value of alternating current in a circuit is 4 A and power factor is 0.5. If the power dissipated in the circuit is
100W, then the peak value of voltage in the circuit is
(a) 50 volt (b) 70 volt (c) 35 volt (d) 100 volt
Sol. (b) P  Vrms irms cos   100  Vrms  4  0.5  Vrms  50V so V0  2  50  70 volt
16. The impedance of an ac circuit is 200  and the phase angle between current and e.m.f is 60 o . What is the
resistance of the circuit
R R 1 R
Sol. By using cos    cos 60 o     R  100 .
Z 200 2 200
17. Two sinusoidal voltages of the same frequency are shown in the diagram. V
What is the frequency, and the phase relationship between the voltages
Frequency in Hz Phase lead of N over M in radians
(a) 0.4  / 4 O
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 
(b) 2.5  / 2
(c) 2.5  / 2
(d) 2.5  / 4

Sol. (b) From the graph shown below. It is clear that phase lead of N over M is  .
2 /2
Since time period (i.e. taken to complete one cycle) = 0.4 sec.

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [7]
hence frequency    2.5 Hz
18. Root Mean Square value of i = i 0 sin t cos  t is equal to ....................
19. Root Mean Square value of i = a sin t + b cos t) is equal to ....................

PART-II: ac-Circuit
R, L & C Circuits
Purely Resistive Purely Inductive Purely Capacitive
Circuit Circuit Circuit
(R-Circuit) (L-Circuit) (C-Circuit)

Circuit - Diagram R L C

i i i

V  V0 sin t V  V0 sin t V  V0 sin t

   
Current i  i0 sin  t i  i0 sin   t   i  i0 sin t  
 2  2

V0 V0 V V0 V0
Peak- Current i0  i0   0  i0   V0 C  V0(2 C)
R XL L 2L XC

 
Phase -Difference  = 0o   90 o (or  )   90 o (or  )
2 2

Power Factor cos   1 cos   0 cos   0

V0 i 0
Power P  Vrms i rms  P=0 P=0

Time - Difference TD = 0 TD  TD 
4 4

Leading Quantity Both are in same phase Voltage Current

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [8]

V i
V i 90o
i V
Phasor - Diagram

RL, RC & LC Circuits

RL-circuit RC-circuit LC-circuit


i i

VR = iR , VL = iXL VR = iR, VC = iXC VL = iXL, VC = iXC

V  V0 sin  t V  V0 sin  t V  V0 sin  t

 
Current i  i 0 sin  t    i  i 0 sin  t    i  i 0 sin   t  
 2

V0 V0 V0 V0
V0 V0 i0   i0  
i0   Z
Z 2 R  X C2
Z X L  XC
R  X L2
Peak current V0 V0
V0  
 1 1
R2   L
R 2  4 2 2 L2 C
4 2 2 C 2

VL  i V= (VL – VC)
Phasor diagram 90o
 VC i

Applied voltage V  VR2  VL2 V  VR2  VC2 V  VL  VC

Z  R2  XL2  R2   2L2  1 
Z  R 2  X C2  R 2  
Impedance  Z  X L  XC  X
 C 
 R 2  4 2 2 L2

XL L XC 1
Phase-Difference   tan 1  tan 1   tan 1  tan 1  = 90o

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [9]

Power factor cos   cos   cos   0
R  X L2 R  X C2

Either voltage or
Leading quantity Voltage Current

 In LC circuit if XL = XC  V L = VC then resonance occurs and resonant Agular - frequency (natural

1 1
frequency  0  rad/sec & frequency  0  Hz.
LC 2 LC
Check Your Understanding-II
1. In a resistive circuit R = 10  and applied alternating voltage V = 100 sin 100  t. Find the following
(i) Peak current (ii) r.m.s. current (iii) Average current (iv) Frequency
(v) Time period (vi) Power factor (vii) Power dissipated in the circuit
(viii) Time difference
V0 100 i0 10
Sol. (i) Peak current i 0    10 A (ii) r.m.s. current irms    5 2A
R 10 2 2
(iii) Average current i av  2 .i 0  2  10  6.37 A (iv) Frequency     100  50Hz
  2 2
1 1
(v) Time period T    0.02 sec
 50
(vi) Phase difference in resistive circuit   0 so p.f. = cos = 1
1 1
(vii) Power dissipated in the circuit P  V0 i 0 cos    100  10  1  500W
2 2
(viii) Time difference T.D.  T    T  0  0
2 2
2. In a purely inductive circuit if L   10 3 H and applied alternating voltage is given by V = 100 sin 100  t. Find

the followings
(i) Inductive reactance (ii) Peak value, r.m.s. value and average value of current
(iii) Frequency and time period (iv) Power factor and power
(v) Time difference between voltage and current
Sol. (i) X L   L  100   10  3  10 

V 100 10 2
(ii) i 0  0   10 A; irms   5 2 A and i av   10 = 6.37 A
XL 10 2 
100 1
(iii) Frequency    50 Hz and T   0.02 sec
2 50
T  T
(iv) In purely L-circuit  = 90o so p.f. cos = 0 (v) Time difference T.D.    .
2 2 4
3. An alternating voltage E  200 2 sin(100 t) is connected to a 1 microfaracd capacitor through an ac ammeter. The
reading of the ammeter shall be
(a) 10 mA (b) 20 mA (c) 40 mA (d) 80 mA
Sol. (b) Ammeter reads r.m.s. value so i rms   Vrms    C
 200 2 
 irms     100  (1  10 6 )  2  10  2  20 mA.
 2 
 
4. An 120 volt ac source is connected across a pure inductor of inductance 0.70 henry. If the frequency of the source is
60 Hz, the current passing through the inductor is
(a) 4.55 amps (b) 0.355 amps (c) 0.455 amps (d) 3.55 amps
Vrms Vrms 120
Sol. (c) irms     0.455 A
XL 2 L 2  60  0.7
5. The frequency for which a 5F capacitor has a reactance of ohm is given by

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [10]
100 1000 1
(a) MHz (b) Hz (c) Hz (d) 1000 Hz
  1000
Sol. (a) 1  1 1 100
XC      MHz.
2C 2 X C (C) 1 6 
2   5  10
6. Magnitude of the current in the circuit is 1.57 A. The expression for the instantaneous voltage across the capacitor will be
 
(a) E = 50 sin (100 t – ) (b) E = 100 sin (50 t) (c) E = 50 sin (100 t) (d) E = 50 sin (100 t + )
2 2
i0 1.57
Sol. (a) Peak value of voltage V 0  i 0 X C    50V
2C 2  3.14  50  100  10  6

Hence if equation of current i  i0 sin  t then in capacitive circuit voltage is V  V 0 sin   t  
 2

 V  50  sin 2  50 t     50 sin  100 t   

 2  2
7. In an LR-circuit, the inductive reactance is equal to the resistance R of the circuit. An e.m.f. E  E 0 cos( t) is
applied to the circuit. The power consumed in the circuit is
E02 E02 E 02 E02
(a) (b) (c) (d)
R 2R 4R 8R
 E rms  R E R
Sol. (c) Power consumed P  E rms i rms cos   E rms    P  rms ; where Z  R 2  X L2
 Z Z Z2
E0 E 02
Given X L  R  Z  2 R also E rms   P  .
2 4R
8. A coil of resistance 300 ohm and self inductance 1.5 henry is connected to an ac source of frequency Hz. The

phase difference between voltage and current is
(a) 0 o (b) 30 o (c) 45 o (d) 60 o
2   1.5
XL 2L 
Sol. (c) By using tan     tan    1   = 45o
R R 300
9. The current and voltage in an ac circuit are respectively given by i  sin 314 t and e  200 sin (314t   / 3) . If the
resistance is 100, then the reactance of the circuit is
(a) 100 / 3 (b) 100 3 (c) 200  (d) 200 3
Sol. (b) From the given equation i 0  1 A and V0  200volt . Hence Z   200  also Z 2  R 2  X L2
2 2 2
 (200)  (100)  X L  X L  100 3 .
10. A bulb of 60 volt and 10 watt is connected with 100 volt of ac source with an inductance coil in series. If bulb
illuminates with it's full intensity then value of inductance of coil is (= 60 Hz)
(a) 1.28 H (b) 2.15 H (c) 3.27 H (d) 3.89 H
60  60
Sol. (a) Resistance of the bulb R   360  .
For maximum illumination, voltage across the bulb V Bulb  V R  60V 60V, 10W L

By using V  VR2  VL2  (100) 2  (60) 2  VL2  V L  80V

10 1
Current through the inductance (L) = Current through the bulb   A
60 6
100V, 60Hz
VL 80
Also V L  iX L  i(2L)  L    1.28 H.
(2  )i 1
2  3.14  60 
11. When 100 volt dc is applied across a solenoid, a current of 1.0 amp flows in it. When 100 volt ac is applied across
the same coil, the current drops to 0.5 amp. If the frequency of ac source is 50 Hz the impedance and inductance of
the solenoid are
(a) 200 ohms and 0.5 henry (b) 100 ohms and 0.86 henry
(c) 200 ohms and 1.0 henry (d) 100 ohms and 0.93 henry

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [11]
V 100 V 100
Sol. (a) When dc is applied i  1  R = 100. When ac is applied i   0.5   Z = 200.
Hence Z  R 2  X L2  R 2  4 2 2 L2  (200) 2  (100) 2  4 2 (50) 2 L2  L = 0.55H.
12. In an ac circuit, containing an inductance and a capacitor in series, the current is found to be maximum when the
value of inductance is 0.5 henry and a capacitance of 8  F . The angular frequency of the input ac voltage must be
equal to
(a) 500 rad/sec (b) 5  10 4 rad/sec (c) 4000 rad/sec (d) 5000 rad/sec
Sol. (a) Current is maximum i.e. the given circuit is in resonance, and at resonance  0 
  1 1
0   500 rad / sec.
0.5  810 6 2 103
13. A resistance of 40 ohm and an inductance of 95.5 millihenry are connected in series in a 50 cycles/second ac
circuit. The impedance of this combination is very nearly
(a) 30 ohm (b) 40ohm (c) 50 ohm (d) 60 ohm
Sol. (c) X L  2L  2  3.14  50  95.5  10 3  29.98   30
Impedance Z  R 2  X L2  (40) 2  (30) 2  50 
14. F capacitor and 3000-ohm resistance are joined in series to an ac source of 200 volt and 50sec 1 frequency.

The power factor of the circuit and the power dissipated in it will respectively
(a) 0.6, 0.06 W (b) 0.06, 0.6 W (c) 0.6, 4.8 W (d) 4.8, 0.6 W
Sol. (c)  1  1  Z  (3000) 2  (4000) 2  8  10 3 
Z R2     (1000) 2  2
 2C   2.5 
 2  50   10  6 
  
R 3000 V 2 cos (200) 2  0.6
So power factor cos    0. 6 and power P  Vrmsirms cos  rms  P  4.8W
Z 5  10 3 Z 5  10 3
15. A telephone wire of length 200 km has a capacitance of 0.014 F per km. If it carries an ac of frequency 5 kHz, what
should be the value of an inductor required to be connected in series so that the impedance of the circuit is minimum
(a) 0.35 mH (b) 35 mH (c) 3.5 mH (d) Zero
Sol. (a) Capacitance of wire C  0.014  10  200  2.8  10 6 F  2.8 F
For impedance of the circuit to be minimum X L  X C  2L 
1 1
 L
2 2
  0.35  10  3 H  0.35 mH
4  C 4(3.14)  (5  10 3 ) 2  2.8  10 6

16. When an ac source of e.m.f. e  E0 sin(100 t) is connected across a circuit, the phase difference between the e.m.f.
‘e’ and the current i in the circuit is observed to be  / 4 , as shown in the diagram. If the circuit consists possibly
only of RC or LC in series, find the relationship between the two elements
i or e i e

(a) R  1k, C  10F (b) R  1k, C  1F (c) R  1k, L  10H (d) R  1k, L  1H
 X  1
Sol. (a) As the current i leads the voltage by , it is an RC circuit, hence tan   C  tan 
4 R 4  CR
  CR  1 as  = 100 rad/sec  CR  sec 1 .
From all the given options only option (a) is correct.

Series LCR Circuit

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [12]
i i

V = V0 sint VR i
VR = iR, VL = iXL, VC = iXC Phasor diagram
(1) Equation of current : i  i0 sin( t   ) ; where i 0  0
(2) Equation of voltage : From phasor diagram V  VR2  (VL  VC ) 2
(3) Impedance of the circuit : Z  R 2  ( X L  X C ) 2  R 2    L  1 
 C 
1 1
L 2 L 
(4) Phase - Difference: From phasor diagram tan   VL  VC  X L  X C  C

2 C
(5) If net reactance is Inductive: Circuit behaves as LR circuit
(6) If net reactance is Capacitive: Circuit behaves as CR circuit
(7) If net reactance is zero: Means X  X L  X C  0  XL = XC This is the condition of resonance

Series LCR Resonant- Circuit

(i) XL = XC  Zmin = R i.e., circuit behaves as resistive circuit
(ii) VL = VC  V = VR
(iii) Phase difference :  = 0o  p.f. = cos = 1
(iv) Power consumption P = Vrms irms  V0 i0
(v) Current in the circuit is maximum and it is i0 
(vi) These circuit are used for voltage amplification and as selector circuits in wireless telegraphy.


(9) Resonant frequency (Natural frequency)

1 1
rad 1
At resonance X L  X C   0 L   0   0  Hz (or cps)
0 C LC sec 2 LC
(Resonant frequency doesn't depend upon the resistance of the circuit)
(10) Graphs
(i) i -  graph (ii) z -  graph (iii) Y -  graph
i z Y
imax Ymax

zmin = R
 = 0   = 0   = 0 

(iv) (XL , XC) -  graph (v) X -  graph

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [13]


0 0
 


(11) Half- Power Frequencies & Band-Width

The frequencies at which the power in the circuit is half of the maximum power Pmax
(The power at resonance), are called half power frequencies.
1 P
P 
(i) The current in the circuit at half power frequencies (HPF) is 2
or 0.707 or 70.7% of maximum current (current at resonance). 1 0 2 
(ii) There are two half power frequencies.
R 
(a) 1  1  o    At this frequency the circuit is capacitive.
lower half power Angular- frequency.
 2L 
R 
(b)  2  upper half power Angular- frequency. 2  o    . At this frequency the circuit is inductive.
 2L 
(iii) Band width () : The difference of half power frequencies  1 and  2 is called band width () and
 R
   2   1 . For series resonant circuit it can be proved    
 L
(12) Sharpness of Resonance: Quality Factor (Q - factor)

Resonant frequency  0 X X i R=0

Q - factor    L  C  tan  Q - factor =
Band width  R R Infinity
R = Very low
Q- factor = large
where ,  - phase difference between ‘I’ and ‘V’ when at R = low
resonance either ‘L’ or ‘C’ is Removed Q- factor = normal
R = High
Q- factor = low
0 
Resonance curve
*Other Forms
Maximum energy stored 2 Maximum energy stored
Q  factor  2   
Energy dissipatio n T Mean power dissipated

when Q - factor is large, the sharpness of resonance curve is more and vice-versa.

VL VC  0 L 1 1 L
Q - factor  or  or  Q - factor 
VR VR R  0 CR R C

Supplementary Topic
Parallel RLC Circuits
iR   V0 G
V = V0 sint

V i iR iL iC i
i L  0  V0 SL

iR V
iC   V0 SC
(1) Current and phase difference
From phasor diagram current i  i R2  (iC  i L )2 &   tan 1 (i C  i L )  tan 1 (SC  SL )
iR G
(2) Admittance (Y) of the circuit
2 2 2 2
I= V0   V0    V0  V0   1  Y   1    1  1   G2  (S  S )2
 R   XL XC 
X  L C
Z  R  L XC  Z
(3) Resonance
(i) iC  i L  imin  i R (ii)   SC  S L   S  0
V 1
(iii) Z max   R (iv)   0  p.f. = cos = 1 = maximum (v) Resonant frequency   
iR 2 LC
(4) Current resonance curve
i Z Zmax = R

0  
(5) Parallel LC circuits
If inductor has resistance (R) and it is connected in parallel with capacitor as
(i) At resonance R L
1 L
(a) Z max   C
Ymin CR
V0 CR i
(b) Current through the circuit is minimum and i min 
L V = V0 sint
1 1
(c) S L  SC    X
1 R 2 rad 1 1 R2
(d) Resonant frequency  0   2 or  0   2 Hz (Condition for parallel resonance is
LC L sec 2 LC L
R )
1 1
(e) Quality factor of the circuit  . . In the state of resonance the quality factor of the
CR 1 R2
 2
circuit is equivalent to the current amplification of the circuit.

(ii) If inductance has no resistance: If R = 0 then circuit becomes parallel LC circuit as shown

V = V0 sint iL

Condition of resonance : iC  i L    X C  X L . At resonance current i in the circuit is zero
and impedance is infinite. Resonant frequency :  0  Hz
2 LC

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [15]
 At resonant frequency due to the property of rejecting the current, parallel resonant circuit is also known
 Due to large impedance, parallel resonant circuits are used in radio.

Check Your Understanding-III

1. In a series circuit R  300, L  0.9 H , C  2.0 F and   1000 rad / sec . The impedance of the circuit is
2 2
 1   1   Z  (300 ) 2  (400 ) 2  500 
Sol. Z  R 2    L    (300) 2   1000  0.9  
  C   1000  2  10  6 

2. In LCR circuit, the capacitance is changed from C to 4C. For the same resonant frequency, the inductance
should be changed from L to
1 1 L' C C L
Sol. By using  0    L
   L' 
2 LC C L C' 4 C 4
3. An LCR series circuit is connected to an external e.m.f. e  200 sin 100t . The values of the capacitance and
resistance in the circuit are 2F and 100  respectively. The amplitude of the current in the circuit will be
maximum when the inductance is
1 50
Sol. Current will be maximum in resonance i.e. XL = XC  100  L   L Henry.
100  2  10 2

4. In the circuit shown below, what will be the readings of the voltmeter and ammeter

300 300
220 V, 50
Sol. VL = VC; This is the condition of resonance and in resonance V = VR = 220 V. In the condition of resonance current
Vrms 220
through the circuit i    2.2 A.
R 100
5. In the circuit shown in the figure the ac source gives a voltage V  20 cos(2000 t)
Neglecting source resistance, the voltmeter and ammeter reading will be 6
1 A
Sol. X L   L = 2000  5  10–3 = 10  and X   10
2000  50 10  6
5mH 4 50 F
Total impedance of the circuit  6  (R ) 2  ( X L  X C ) 2  6  (4) 2  0  10
Ammeter reads r.m.s. current so its value
Vrms 20 / 2 V
irms    2  1. 41 A
Total impedance 10
Since X L = X C ; this is the condition of resonance and in this condition V = VR = iR = 1.4  4 = 5.6 V

6. In a series resonant LCR circuit, if L is increased by 25% and C is decreased by 20%, then the resonant
frequency will
1 L 5L C 4C
Sol. 0   In this question L'  L  25 % of L  L   and C'  C  20% of C  C  
2 LC 4 4 5 5
1 1 1
 0'    0
2 L' C' 5L 4C 2 LC
2 
4 5
7. The self inductance of a choke coil is 10 mH. When it is connected with a 10V dc source, then the loss of
power is 20 watt. When it is connected with 10 volt ac source loss of power is 10 watt. The frequency of ac
source will be
V2 (10) 2
Vrms R (10) 2  5
Sol. With dc : P   R  5; With ac : P   Z2   50  2
R 20 Z2 10
2 2 2 2 2
Also Z  R  4  L  50  (5)  4(3.14)  (10  10 3 ) 2    80 Hz.
2 2 2

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [16]
8. An ideal choke takes a current of 8A when connected to an ac source of 100 volt and 50Hz. A pure resistor
under the same conditions takes a current of 10A. If two are connected in series to an ac supply of 100V and 40
Hz, then the current in the series combination of above resistor and inductor is
Vrms 100 1 100
Sol. XL    2  50  L  L  Henry and R   10
irms 8 8 10
So impedance of the series RC circuit at a frequency of 40 Hz is Z   1  2  40   10 2  10 2
 8 
Hence current in the RC circuit now i  E  100  10  5 2 A
Z 10 2 2
9. In the following circuit diagram inductive reactance of inductor is 24 and capacitive reactance of capacitor is
48, then reading of ammeter will be .......................

240V L C

10. In an LCR circuit R  100 ohm. When capacitance C is removed, the current lags behind the voltage by
 / 3 . When inductance L is removed, the current leads the voltage by  / 3 . The impedance of the circuit is
 X
Sol. (b) When C is removed circuit becomes RL circuit hence tan  L .....(i)
3 R
 XC
When L is removed circuit becomes RC circuit hence tan  .....(ii)
3 R
From equation (i) and (ii) we obtain XL = XC.
This is the condition of resonance and in resonance Z = R = 100

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696 [17]

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