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Pigmentation and color pattern diversity in Odonata

Genta Okude1,2 and Ryo Futahashi2

The order Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) comprises maturation [4,5,9–11], (v) some Odonata species exhibit
diurnal insects with well-developed vision, showing diverse color polymorphism within the same sex, mostly in
colors in adult wings and bodies. It is one of the most ancestral females [4,12–14], and (vi) the order Odonata is one of
winged insect groups. Because Odonata species use visual the most ancestral winged insects with metamorphosis
cues to recognize each other, color patterns have been [8,15,16]; therefore the development, structure, and
investigated from ecological and evolutionary viewpoints. Here molecular mechanisms of pigmentation in Odonata are
we review the recent progress on molecular mechanisms of important to elucidate the evolution of insect color pat-
pigmentation, especially focused on light-blue coloration. tern formation. Meanwhile, genes involved in pigmenta-
Results from histology and pigment analysis showed that tion in Odonata remain largely unknown, partly due to the
ommochrome pigments on the proximal layer and pteridine difficulty of laboratory rearing and gene-functional anal-
pigments on the distal layer of the epidermis are essential for ysis. Here we review the recent progress on the pigmen-
light-blue coloration. We also summarize genes involved in the tation of Odonata with a particular focus on the light-blue
biosynthesis of three major insect pigments conserved across coloration and summarize genes involved in the biosyn-
insects and discuss that gene-functional analysis deserves thesis of three major insect pigments.
future studies.
Pigments in Odonata
Among insect pigments, melanins, ommochromes, and
Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The pteridines are present in most insects, including Odonata
University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
Bioproduction Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced
[17]. In insects, melanins are present on the surface of the
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Central 6, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, cuticle, while ommochromes and pteridines are localized
305-8566, Japan in pigment granules within cells. Melanins are responsi-
ble for black and brown coloration and the hardness of the
Corresponding authors: Okude, Genta (,
cuticle across insects [18]. In Odonata, melanins are
Futahashi, Ryo (
involved in the darkening of the wings and epidermis
[5,19–21] and sometimes contribute to the production of
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 2021, 69:14–20 structural colors [20,22]. For example, males of the jew-
This review comes from a themed issue on Developmental elwing damselfly Calopteryx japonica have a multilayer
mechanisms, patterning and evolution structure in wing veins, which exhibits metallic blue
Edited by Antónia Monteiro and Thomas Werner when melanin pigments accumulate during maturation
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial
[5,20] (Figure 1a). In insects, NBAD-melanin and
NADA-melanin are involved in red and yellow pigmen-
Available online 20th January 2021
tation [17,18], and the orange wing coloration of the wings in the genus Mnais is attributed to melanin pigments [19]
0959-437X/ã 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an (Figure 1b).
open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.
Ommochromes are pigments detected in the compound
eyes of most insects, and occasionally present as reddish
pigments in the wings and body [17,23]. In the reddish
Introduction Odonata species of the genera Sympetrum and Crocothemis,
Insects account for over half of the described species and two ommochrome pigments, xanthommatin and decar-
exhibit a tremendous diversity of colors and patterns [1,2]. boxylated-xanthommatin, are the major pigments for
The order Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) has body color, and males turn from yellow to red during
attracted attention in the study of insect color diversity maturation by redox reactions of the pigments [9]
for the following reasons: (i) Odonata species show very (Figure 1c,d). Notably, in mature males of the genus
diverse colors in both adult wings and body [3–5], (ii) Sympetrum, red color turns darker at lower temperatures
Odonata species are diurnal insects with well-developed [24,25] (Figure 1e), probably due to the migration of
vision [6,7], and their body color is essential for recogniz- ommochrome granules within the epidermal tissue,
ing each other, (iii) unlike most other insects, Odonata although these temperature-dependent reversible color
species drastically change their color from brownish dull- changes are not prominent in Crocothemis [4] (Figure 1f).
colored aquatic larvae to colorful terrestrial adults without Ommochrome pigments are also found in the wings, such
pupal stage [4,8], (iv) many Odonata species have sexual as in the red pterostigmas in the genus Mnais [19]
color dimorphism and change their color through sexual (Figure 1b, arrowhead).

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2021, 69:14–20

Pigmentation in Odonata Okude and Futahashi 15

Figure 1

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g)

(h) (i) (j) (k)


Current Opinion in Genetics & Development

Pigment-based or wax-based color pattern in Odonata. Sex and species names are provided for each image. (a,b) Melanin-based wing
coloration. White arrowhead in (b) indicates ommochrome-based pterostigma coloration. (c,d) Ommochrome-based body coloration. (e–g)
Temperature-dependent reversible color changes. After overnight treatment at 4 C (upper side) and after returning to 25 C for 1 hour (lower side).
(h-j) Pteridine-based yellow, green, or light-blue body coloration. (k) Wax-based body coloration. (l) Summary of pigments and waxes associated
with coloration of various Odonata species. Males of Calopteryx japonica, Calopteryx cornelia, Crocothemis servilia (mature and immature),
Ceriagrion melanurum, Paracercion hieroglyphicum, Lyriothemis pachygastra, and Orthetrum japonicum are shown.

Pteridine pigments are found on the light-yellow, green, whitish color is attributed to the light-scattering fine struc-
and blue regions of several dragonfly species and can emit tures produced by the self-assembly of the waxes [33].
fluorescence under UV light [11,26,27,28] (Figure 1g–j).
As described below, pteridine pigments, together with It was also reported that carotenoids are present in various
ommochrome pigments, are essential for the light-blue Odonata species, but the components of carotenoids are
coloration in several Odonata species [28,29–31]. similar regardless of body color, suggesting that carote-
noids are not involved in the coloration of Odonata [34].
Some Odonata species have UV-reflective whitish or bluish In Figure 1l, we summarized pigments and waxes associ-
waxes, originally defined as a supracuticular pigment [3], on ated with the coloration of various Odonata species.
their body and/or wing surfaces [4,11,22,32,33] (Figure 1k).
Recently,uniquevery-long-chain methyl ketonesandalde- Pigment synthesis genes in Odonata
hydes have been identified as the major wax components of Genes involved in pigment synthesis of melanins, ommo-
the abdomen of the Libellulidae Odonata species, and the chromes, and pteridines have been identified primarily by Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2021, 69:14–20

16 Developmental mechanisms, patterning and evolution

Figure 2

(a) Melanins (b) Ommochromes (c) Pteridines

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development

Melanin (a), ommochrome (b), and pteridine (c) synthesis pathways in insects. Figure modified from Refs. [17,18,23,36]. Numbers in the
parenthesis indicate the number of homologous genes in Odonata. Asterisks (*) indicate differentially expressed genes among male and female
morphs of Iscunura damselflies [38,47].

analysis of Drosophila mutants [17,18,23]. A schematic transparent cuticle (Figure 3a) [28,29–31]. The distal
diagram of these pigment synthesis pathways is shown in layer possesses numerous nanospheres arranged in a
Figure 2. It should be noted that the melanin synthesis specific manner, and this layer looks blueish by itself
pathway in insects differs markedly from that in verte- when observed in reflected light [28]. In contrast, the
brates by being dominated by dopamine-derived pig- proximal layer possesses dark-colored granules, which
ments [18,35]. Ommochromes and pteridines are found absorb stray light for fine-tuning the hue and brilliance
in the compound eyes in Drosophila and also contribute to [28,29–31]. Simulations of reflectance spectra with an
the coloration of other body parts in various insects. For optical finite-difference time-domain method suggest
example, embryonic colors of water striders were identi- that light-blue coloration can be produced by coherent
fied as pteridines (erythropterin for red and xanthopterin scattering of the pteridine-containing nanospheres in
for yellow), and RNAi-mediated gene knockdown experi- the distal layer, and that the pigmentary absorption in
ments confirmed the conserved role of several genes in the proximal layer increases the saturation and brilliance
pteridine synthesis and transport [36]. Here we sum- of the color [28]. It should be noted that the nano-
marize the number of homologs of these genes in Odo- spheres in the distal layer are not mature in newly-
nata based on the transcriptome and genomic information emerged adults, in which they are shiny-grayish in color
[7,33,37–40]. Most genes can be identified as single [28,29]. Many Ischnura species exhibit female color
homologous genes in various Odonata species (Figure 2), polymorphisms [13,14]. The male-mimicking color
whereas there are several yellow and aaNAT family genes, morph, called androchrome, shows a bluish color pattern,
as reported in other insects [18]. The pathway of pteridine whereas the female-specific color morph, called gyno-
synthesis has many similarities with vertebrates, suggest- chrome, often exhibits a reddish or brownish color pattern
ing that studies in vertebrates may be helpful to under- (Figure 1i–j). Bluish regions of males and androchrome
stand coloration in the order Odonata [41,42]. females exhibit two epidermal layers: the distal layer with
pteridine nanospheres and the proximal layer with dark-
Pteridine-based light-blue coloration in colored granules [28] (Figure 3a). In contrast, reddish or
Odonata brownish regions of gynochrome females have reddish
Light-blue coloration is found across Odonata species and granules instead of dark-colored granules and a disor-
families and has evolved more than 10 times indepen- dered array of pteridine nanospheres intermingled with
dently within the order Odonata [31]. Transmission reddish granules [28]. Some Odonata species exhibit
electron microscopic observations of the epidermis of temperature-dependent reversible color changes from
light-blue regions have identified two layers under the light-blue to darker blue/gray [25,29] (Figure 1g). In

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2021, 69:14–20

Pigmentation in Odonata Okude and Futahashi 17

Figure 3

(a) (b)


(d) (e)

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development

Coloration of a polymorphic damselfly Ischnura senegalensis (Coenagrionidae).

(a) Schematic illustration of epidermal coloration in a male and an androchrome female. (b) Schematic illustration of epidermal coloration in a
gynochrome female. (c) External and internal views of thoracic and abdominal epidermises after each treatment with different solvents. White
arrowheads indicate the black pigments in the proximal layer. Asterisks indicate the region where putative fat bodies turned whitish after organic
solvent treatment. (d) Dorsal views of RNAi phenotypes in the abdomen. MCO2: multicopper oxidase 2, bla: beta-lactamase (negative control). (e)
Dorsal views of RNAi phenotypes in the thorax. Gray arrowheads indicate unpigmented regions [44].

the lestid damselfly Austrolestes annulosus, dark-colored Pigment analysis in the blue-tailed damselfly
granules in the proximal layer migrate to the distal layer at Ischnura senegalensis
low temperatures, darkening the blue color tone [29]. It The pigments in the dark-colored granules in the proxi-
should be noted that temperature-dependent color mal layer of the light-blue regions have been presumed as
changes are not prominent in other Odonata species, ommochrome pigments in several Odonata species
including I. senegalensis [30,31], and the effects sometimes [29–31], while they are predicted to be melanins in
differ between markings in the same individual Ischnura elegans, based on the absorbance spectra. Because
(Figure 1g), suggesting that the mechanism of granule the pigment group can be estimated from its solubility
migration differs among regions as well as species. [17], we examined the pigment composition of each Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2021, 69:14–20

18 Developmental mechanisms, patterning and evolution

epidermal layer of a closely related species, I. senegalensis, expression of black and ebony genes in the thorax of
by soaking body parts in different solvents (Okude et al., gynochrome females, as compared to males and andro-
unpublished) (Figure 3c). The light-blue (male abdo- chrome females, strongly suggests the contribution of
men), green (male thorax), and reddish-brown (gyno- NBAD melanin in the reddish-brown color of the gyno-
chrome female thorax) colors were almost unaffected by chrome female thorax. Meanwhile, cinnabar and yellow
extraction with acetone-hexane and PBS-methanol, con- family genes were upregulated in gynochrome females in
firming a low contribution of carotenoids and flavonoids to I. elegans [38].
the body color. It should be noted that attached fat bodies
(observed from the internal view) become whitish in Notably, the sex-determining transcription factor double-
organic solvents (Figure 3c, acetone-hexane). An acidic sex (dsx) was differentially expressed among female
methanol treatment dissolved the basal blackish color of morphs in I. senegalensis [47]. dsx is known to be involved
the epidermis (observed from the internal view), resulting in sex determination in various insects [49,50] and sex-
in a decolorization of blue or green (Figure 3c, 2% HCl in limited polymorphism in Papilio swallowtail butterflies
methanol). An acidic methanol treatment also signifi- [51–53]. In contrast, dsx was not differentially expressed
cantly diminished the red color in gynochrome females among female morphs in I. elegans, whereas doublesex-Mab
(Figure 3c, 2% HCl in methanol). These results suggest related 99B (dmrt99B) and several ecdysone synthesis
that the dark-colored or reddish-brown granules in the genes were differentially expressed [38,48]. The func-
proximal layer of the epidermis contain ommochrome tional analysis of these genes deserves future studies. It
pigments. Subsequent treatment with aqueous ammonia should be noted that there are species differences
turned the light-blue and green to transparent (Figure 3c, between I. senegalensis and I. elegans females in the pres-
aqueous ammonia), indicating the critical role of pteridine ence or absence of light-blue regions on the female
pigments in these colors, as reported previously [28]. abdomen. Because hybrids between these two species
After the treatment with aqueous ammonia, the color of can be produced [54], genetic analysis using hybrids may
the thorax of gynochrome females remained mostly intact be possible.
(Figure 3c, aqueous ammonia), suggesting the contribu-
tion of melanin pigments to the reddish-brown color, Other than Ischnura species, RNA-sequencing of Orthe-
which are insoluble in all these solvents. trum albistylum revealed that three elongation of very long-
chain fatty acids (ELOVL) genes, members of the fatty acid
We also performed a recently established electroporation- elongase gene family, were specifically expressed in the
mediated RNAi to inhibit the function of the multicopper wax-producing regions [33], suggesting that these
oxidase 2 (MCO2) gene, which is involved in the synthesis ELOVL genes are involved in production of the surface
of all melanin pigments [18,21,43,44] (Figure 2a). Sup- wax of Odonata.
pression of the MCO2 gene inhibited black and reddish-
brown coloration but had no effect on light-blue or green
coloration [44] (Figure 3d,e). These results, together with Conclusion and perspective
the solubility results, indicate that both ommochromes Here we review the recent progress on Odonata pigmen-
and pteridines are essential for light-blue and green tation, especially focused on the light-blue coloration.
coloration, and both melanins and ommochromes are Comparative transcriptomics allow us to identify candi-
important for the reddish-brown coloration (Figure 3a, date genes for color pattern formation as well as genes
b). In the silkworm Bombyx mori and the red flour beetle involved in pigment synthesis. However, gene-functional
Tribolium castaneum, the MFS transporter encoded by the analysis has rarely been reported in Odonata. To over-
red egg (re) gene, an insect homolog of the vertebrate come this problem, we have established a system for
cysteine transporter MFSD12 [45], is required for dark- breeding Odonata species in the laboratory [55], and a
colored ommochromes (ommins) [46], implying that the method for electroporation-mediated RNAi [21,44]. We
re gene of Odonata may be involved in the production of hope that these techniques will accelerate to clarify the
the dark-colored granules of light-blue regions. molecular mechanisms underlying color pattern forma-
tion in Odonata.
Differentially expressed genes between
different color patterns in Odonata
Conflict of interest statement
With the spread of next-generation sequencers, studies
Nothing declared.
comparing gene expression among samples of different
color patterns have been reported in several Odonata
species [33,38,47,48]. Among male and two female Acknowledgements
morphs of I. senegalensis, seven differentially expressed We thank Minoru Moriyama and Takema Fukatsu for technical advises,
genes were identified, including two melanin synthesis and Mizuko Osanai-Futahashi for helpful comments on the manuscript.
This work was partly supported by the JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers
genes, ebony and black, which are involved in the synthesis JP18J21561 to GO and JP18H02491, JP18H04893, JP19H03287 and
of NBAD melanin [47] (Figure 2a). The higher JP20H04936 to RF.

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Pigmentation in Odonata Okude and Futahashi 19

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Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2021, 69:14–20

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