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ILLINOIS STATE POLICE INVESTIGATIVE REPORT ee nate [eos Pepon Tee 21-41272200018__ [SANGAMON COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL (ANIMAL CRUELTY INV ravciat Cheatin (orice Reson Pupoze Reoor Date tye INTERVIEW OF OF GREG LARGENT ON 1022/21 oe male) fsavonae raene [pester search Wars overes nam Oeste Ware Reoorng Rae Jp minter Fzsnmonca POULTER, MATTHEW. eat Ispzaer [cose oes se Age Naber [cae owt Zon POULTER, MATTHEW. oar ispzarr The purpose of this report is to document the interview of Greg W. Largent (MW, DOB Work Cell: 217-415-0728) in regards to an animal cruelty/neglect investigation of Sangamon County Animal Control (“SCAC", 2100 Shale St, Springfield, IL 62703; Office Phone #217-535-3065). Largent is the Director of Operations for Sangamon County Animal Control. Largent's interview was conducted on 10/22/21 from approximately 10:31 AM to 12:22 PM by S/A Travis Dunlap #5477 and | (Sgt Matt Poulter #6227) in a conference room at the Illinois State Police District 9 Headquarters in Springfield. | called Largent on 10/21/21 and requested he meet with us for a voluntary interview. He agreed, and the 10/22/21 interview was scheduled. Largent's interview was audio-recorded with his consent and later downloaded onto a CD which will be maintained in the case file. Authorized personnel are encouraged to listen to the interview recording in its entirety. The following is a summary of the information provided by Largent and is not verbatim. + Largent has worked for SCAC since March 2002. + Largent reports to Gail O'Neil, the Director cf the Department of Public Health. * Although SCAC takes in a variety of animal types, they primarily have dogs and cats at the facility + Largent estimated SCAC took in approximately 2,600 to 2,700 animals with about 2,000 of those being dogs and cats. * SCAC can currently maintain up to about 83 to 84 dogs and around 90 cats, possibly even over 100 cats if some had litters of kittens. + As of yesterday, Largent estimated SCAC had 89 dogs and cats in total with approximately a little over 40 of those being dogs. * SCAC is licensed by the Ilinois Department of Agriculture who inspects them annually + Largent indicated he is generally aware of some of the improper euthanasia and mistreatment of animals allegations. He ind cated he has seen some social media posting and some news stories regarding the allegations, but not all. + Largent said he is not sure how to address the allegations other than that SCAC is absolutely understaffed. ‘+ Largent explained SCAC's staffing history. [arses By lWeston, erie #6111 ‘ane Ta cre coats neha TcarnanGns Wo arcane She Mae SCAC has three areas of staff: clerical staff, kennel staff, and the Animal Control Officers. They are fully staffed, or at least what the County deems as fully staffed, with clerical staff and Animal Control Officers. However, they only have two full time kennel employees (Mike Killen and Karen Hampton) when the County deems four employees at the kennel as being fully staffed. Largent noted a temporary worker who works about 7. hours a week was added to the kennel staff about 5-6 weeks ago, and overtime has recently been offered to ‘SCAC employees to work in the kennel to help out. James Weekly worked at the kennel from 1989 until about two years ago when he was injured outside of work. Since the injury, Weekly was reassigned to an office/desk job for the Department of Public Health rather than SCAC. The County considers Weekly's position at the kennel as still being “occupied” by him, Largent indicated he heavily relied on Weekly when he was at the kennel to basically ‘run’ it due to his experience and effectiveness. Killen, Hampton, and Animal Control Officer Melissa Calhoun are trained, certified, and licensed to euthanize animals at the kennel (in addition to Weekly). Veterinarians can also perform euthanasia of animals in the kennel, as well. Dr. Janet Hill began providing veterinarian services for the kennel about a month ago and will be doing so about six hours each month. Dr. Kate Luthin typically provides veterinarian services for the kennel about three to four hours each week and has worked for SCAC for about five years. SCAC has not been receiving enough hours of veterinarian services to support their animals’ needs. In Largent's opinion, SCAC needs at least 10 hours of veterinarian services each week. Largent explained how various organizations such as the Animal Protective League, Ilinois, Humane, and others partner with SCAC to take animals from the kennel in order to get them medical care and/or care for them unti they are adopted. Often, those organizations even assume financial responsibility for the animal. Largent advised that these organizations are very good about taking animals from SCAC when requested to do so and respond essentially every time. Largent estimates SCAC has euthanized two cats this year due to space issues at the kennel during times when they were unable to find an organization outside of SCAC that would take them. He indicated that euthanizations of animals at the kennel have drastically decreased over the years. He estimated that in 2002, SCAC euthanized animals six to seven days a week or 4,000 to 6,000 dogs and cats a year. He estimated SCAC euthanized a total of a few hundred dogs and cats last year. Largent indicated that ideally, an animal should be vaccinated within 24 hours of intake at the kennel even though that does not always happen. Largent thought that the ideal timeframe for vaccinations was likely in a policy somewhere, however, he did not think it was ina statute. The kennel staffed is tasked with vaccinating the animals. Largent advised that Animal Control Officer Cole Hibbs has reported to him on several occasions over the past year or so about delays in vaccinations of dogs coming into the kennel. He could not recall being told of vaccinations delays for cats. Largent had numerous conversations with his kennel staff about the importance of vaccinating the incoming animals in timely manner, ideally within 24 hours, but none of the conversations were documented and no one was ever disciplined for it. ‘When an animal comes into the kennel, a record of the animal is created in the computer database by assigning it an ID number if tis not already in their system. Medical records, including vaccination records, are added to the database for the animal. However, there are [Removes Br [weston, Eric #8111 ‘ia Tis dora cons rather recomendations var crcatna a re nae Slate Pole. Nana ts covers ee nel tobe desomnate clad of Your agency. times when a handwritten record for the animal is created which would later be entered into the computer system. The kennel staff is primarily responsible for entering medical records into the computer system. The Animal Control Officers or even volunteers working in the kennel will complete handwritten notes or what Largent referred to as a “yellow sheet” that are turned in documenting observations and important information regarding the animal. ‘The documentation is used to triage what needs to happen with the animal, The Animal Control Officers are able to access the computer records but don't typically input animal information into it There are times when a kennel employee has attempted but was unable to vaccinate an animal, typically a dog, due to the animal's aggressive behavior which caused a safety issue for the employee. Those instances may account for some of the vaccination delays. ‘Sometimes in those cases, the vaccination attempt does not get entered into the computer system in a timely manner which may explain why some of the animals’ records appear to show little to no medical information. Where an animal is placed within the kennel upon intake is determined by the observations of the animal's health and behavior by either an Animal Control Officer or kennel staff. Largent indicated SCAC staff has recently issued a “letter of no confidence” against him. Largent explained the process and methods of cleaning the kennels at SCAC. He explained that he had SCAC switch to a different cleaning chemical(s) for the kennels after learning the old one(s) was not labeled to kill the canine parvo or feline panleukopenia viruses (but the new chemical(s) are). He indicated the new cleaning chemical process does not include a foaming method as it may have in the past Largent suggested more than four kennel employees are needed to adequately take care of the kennel when considering days off for employees. Largent indicated he has no first-hand knowledge of improper euthanasia of animals at the kennel. He said if anyone has made any mistakes with respect to euthanasia, no one has brought it to his attention. He was aware allegations existed of euthanasia errors, though | advised Largent of the information we received from Hibbs regarding Hampton not euthanizing animals correctly on about six cccasions since late last year with the worst incident being the euthanizations of a Great Dane dog, The Great Dane euthanizations allegedly took an hour and a half from the tine it was initially sedated until the dog was fully euthanized. Largent indicated he was not aware of that incident or the magnitude of the reported problem with Hampton conducting euthanasia. He indicated he was appalled by learning the information. Largent advised that Killen has told him that he thinks Hampton hits too high when doing a heart stick while euthanizing an animal Largent explained some of the history and current practices of how animals are ultimately selected for euthanasia at SCAC. Largent confirmed he is aware upper respiratory issues have spread amongst some of the cats at SCAC, but indicated that can also occur at any shelter from time to time. During the interview, Largent said they are not perfect and admitted mistakes are made at ‘SCAC. He indicated additional kennel staffing and veterinarian service hours at the kennel would help improve some of the issues the kennel has been experiencing. He said he has verbally requested additional staff to alleviate the workload issues and indicated he and his superiors are aware of the challenges in securing additional veterinarian services at the kennel Largent discussed his concerns about Jane McBride of Illinois Humane. He said she has expressed her opposition to his hiring going back to 2002 and has called for his removal [Remove By Weston, Eve sort ‘isa Tis SOT Coa rr SGNTSTORES Spee are TS Stale Pelco, anata cokes te nto be sesorrates cate our age) from his position at SCAC on numerous occasions. He insinuated that he suspects she may have worked in concert with his staff in authoring the recent letter of no confidence about him. He said she has demanded, not asked, to see animals from SCAC and demanded to transfer animals out of SCAC. + Largent said he is recently wondering if his staff is delaying vaccinating animals purposefully to make him look bad. He said he is also wondering if McBride has worked with his staff to create a situation of declining health of the kennel animals. He said he is wondering if McBride intentionally denied or withheld care to a cat named “Destin” (Animal Control Number A169143) after it was transferred to Illinois Humane’s care in an effort for the cat's health to decline to a point that it would make for an impactful news story regarding the care of animals at SCAC. He said McBride went onto television with that cat and subsequently had the cat euthanized. He indicated he is wondering if McBride delayed euthanizing the cat and prolonged its suffering to ensure that the cat would be alive to be taped for television. He indicated he is wondering if other cats have suffered at the hands of Ilinois Humane or other Ilinois Department of Agriculture licensees in an attempt to have visual evidence of the alleged neglect of animals at SCAC. Largent suggested that he hopes we consider those things as we complete our investigation. + Largent stated that he is happy to cooperate fully with us and provide any requested documentation as we complete our investigation Ne) die L87 Las Name [ratte WMcdeNane LARGENT loree lw [sex ace oe leew Imave were -w [GnversUsenee Naber [Fone Tape [car Taeprone arr 41s.0728 [Seees E [se [ze come rer Ee [aprowes By lWeston, Eric_46111 ‘iors Tis dace cola neha cariandains ror ancune othe Woe State Pooe Wands covets ne nti be aserinsed curd ou egerey. ILLINOIS STATE POLICE INVESTIGATIVE REPORT essen [ene Tee ane 211272200018 __|SANGAMON COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL (ANIMAL CRUELTY INV jsut [pocatn [ise Resor Ppose ere one iy Ose (TERVIEW OF COLE HIBBS ON 10127 DOCUMENT IN} y a frovzei2021 0124/2024 ananter — oag ban Yarn Seas wae [owes aimn rear Waar Repos hae name fame DUNLAP, TRAVIS sr 18P24PT see ae Rea br fesengen zeros POULTER, MATTHEW ear IsP24PT ver ‘The purpose of this investigative report is to document the interview of Cole M. Hibbs M/W DO8-* Cole is an animal control officer for Sangamon County. Sgt. Poulter #6227 contacted Cole on 10/20/21 via cell phone to see if he ‘would like to talk to us about his concerns regarding the Sangamon County Animal Control Facility. Cole stated he ‘would like to meet us. On 10/21/21, Sgt. Poulter and |, (S/A Dunlap #5477] met Cole in Springfield, IL at the U-Haul business on Clearlake Ave. The interview was conducted inside Sgt. Poulter's state issued covert squad. Cole agreed for the interview to be audio recorded. The interview was placed on a CD and placed in an Illinois State Police 1-A envelope where it is maintained within the case file. The follawing is a summary of the interview and not verbatim. The interview began at approximately 10:10 am. * Cole indicated he has been employed as an animal control officer for almost 5 years. ‘+ Cole indicated there has been a lot of cats and dogs that have been neglected from a Veterinary’s care. ‘+ Cole stated there has been animals that have died due to the lack of proper care. ‘+ Cole indicated there has been a few instances where animals have been not properly sedated prior to being euthanized. ‘© Cole indicated there was a rottweiler dog that was being euthanized and it took almost an hour to, “get everything accomplished.” ‘Cole indicated the latest one was a great-dane that was sedated three times and was still conscious. Cole, “A heart stick that was done on it that was still conscious and 20 minutes later the dog was still conscious and had another heart stick." Cole indicated the entire process took almost 90 minutes and until the dog passed, it was conscious. ‘+ Cole indicated he was present the entire time during the incident with the great-dane. ‘+ Cole indicated employee Karen Hampton was the one that was administering the drugs to the great-dane. '* Cole also indicated it was Karen Hampton that was administering the drugs to the rottweiler that was ‘mentioned prior as well. ‘© Cole indicated the rottweiler incident occurred late sometime in 2020. + Cole does not believe Karen is doing this on purpose, he contributes it to a, “lack of training.” lWeston,Erie_#6111 ‘ica Thos eScaron ora nth reaamar aon px copa he Wale Site Pole. Wa conents re neta be assomnatad ounce your agen Cole indicated the “bad ones” involving euthanasia are “pretty much always Karen.” Cole indicated he believes animal control officers Melissa Calhoun and Buddy Blackmon also were partially present at times regarding the incident with the grest-dane. Cole indicated a proper time frame for an animal to be euthanized would be 5 - 10 minutes. Cole indicated the great-dane took too long was because there wasn’t enough sedation used and she (Karen) “never hit the heart.” Cole indicated Karen missed the heart several times trying to administer the lethal injection Cole indicated Karen has been a Euthanasia Tech for almost two years and she, “needs to take the class again.” Cole acknowledged he has not been certified as @ Euthanasia Tech, but he has witnessed several over the years and knows Karen is not doing it properly and she needs to correct her “technique.” Cole indicated the other two employees who are certified as Euthanasia Tech’s are Melissa Calhoun and Mike Killen, Cole indicated he has not seen any other problems with animals being euthanized from any other person besides Karen. That included when James Weakly was performing euthanasia’s, James Weakly has been employed by the county for almost 30 years (28 years at the shelter) but he got injured approximately two years ago and has been assigned to another job. Cole brought several kennel cards/animal intake documents for us to keep. Cole indicated he has access to the computer and permission to use it. Cole indicated the great-dane animal number was, AD54703. Cole indicated he has witnessed “a half a dozen” improper euthanasia’s at Karen's expense. Cole indicated he believes Karen not only doesn’t “hit” the right spot on the larger animals during euthanasia, but she is not using the right dosage of medicine to tumanly euthanize the animals. Cole indicated he believes Karen is over worked and that contributes to the issues she is having. Cole indicated he has had a conversation with Greg (Largent) who is the director of the Sangamon County ‘Animal Control about his concerns with Karen and how she needs more training. Cole indicated he has told Greg Largent this several times and Greg doesn’t care. Cole also indicated he is concerned the animals are not being seen by a veterinarian in a properly timed manner. Cole indicated this is when they have animals either injured or sick. Cole indicated animal control officer fill out yellow sheets when they bring in an animal that they deem needs to be seen by a vetas soon as possible and he assumes that request is being ignored. Cole added, “Nobody cares" over there (shelter). Cole blames this on Greg Largent for not making them (Karen Hampton and Mike Killen) do their job property Cole indicated no one is abusing animals but there is neglect due to lack of veterinarian care to prevent suffering. Cole indicated when they used to bring animals to the shelter the animals would be looked at and vaccinated in a timely manner, and now they have animals siting there for “two, three, four weeks” before they are looked at. lWeston, Eric #6111 ‘isan: Tis dosonen ean thr resevandalone nr consuls tthe We ‘Site Poe. Wana tr content are ne be esemnaad oun your agency Cole indicated they (animal control officers) have had conversations with Greg Largent, Gayle O'Neil, and Charlie Stratton about the animal neglect at the shel:er. Cole indicated he always gets told “they will lok into it” and this has been going on for over a year. Cole indicated since October 12" he has seen improvement such has animals being seen by a vet, animals being vaccinated in a timely manner. Cole indicated the kennels are getting cleaned a little better since Oct. 12°, but still not as clean as they were “back in the day.” Cole agreed more staff would be a tremendous help in correcting a lot of the issues. Cole was asked, “If he had a magic wand and could fi all of this, what needs to be done?” Cole, “Everyone has 2 job of taking care of an animal, just make sure they are doing their job.” Cole was asked, “ls this a case where people need to be arrested and held accountable for neglect or is this a case where people need to be retrained, reevaluatec and get some more staff to resolve all of these issues you hhave brought up to us?” Cole, “There is chargeable slash misdemeanors. | mean depending upon who is looking at it, | mean if this misdemeanor continues it turns into a felony. It’s hard to say. The neglect is criminal.” Cole indicated they have “ran the gamut with the county and now I'm sitting here with you guys.” Cole indicated he is in the shelter every day he is working at least once if nat multiple times per shift. Cole was asked, who was violating the law with neglect? Cole, "Apparently everybody.” Sgt. Poulter, “Kennel staff and animal control officers?” Cole, “We all know about it, you know what | mean, To me, everybody. | know that is putting me in there too.” Cole handed us all documentation he brought with him. | attached all documents to this report. Cole indicated he printed off the “highlights” of some of the animals that were not receiving proper medical care. All handwritten notes on the documents were writter by Cole. Cole indicated the problems at the shelter all started when James Weakly got hurt and was relocated to another position within the county. Cole indicated the veterinarian issue is a managemert issue due to veterinarians not wanting to work there. Cole also indicated management is not using outside resources like they should to assist the animals in getting proper medical care. Cole also provided us a copy of the letter that was sent to the county board that is dated October 20, 2021. Cole also indicated he feels it’s the animal control officers that are reaching out to the outside sources for properly getting medical attention for the animals due to Mike Killen, Karen Thompson, and Greg Largent not caring Cole also provided us with documentation of a policy that was drafted by Greg Largent. Cole indicated Greg Largent can’t use the excuse of the county not having a veterinarian because there are outside entities willing to help them out and Greg refuses to use them like he should ‘The interview concluded at approximately 10:45 am, [arrows Br [Weston, Erie_#6111 ‘ican Tis document canna nethrrecarardabons po Sona oe WOE ‘ate Poe, Nang fe conan are note be ered ounce ot your agency ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center Kennel Card Name: UNKNOWN olor BROWN & BLACK ose ‘GERM SHEPHERD \ MIX Sex ac: MALE 3 WEEKS Ccolaccoin: Cola Type eg aking Intake Date: Dus outoate: Intake Tye: Inake Be: Juieicton 7/24/24 11:01 am 7/29/2021 STRAY / OTC M3 ‘SPRINGFIELD Somment: Severe Skin issues Zotladl Ge I severe genet Mh Vel qeeabment Weston, Eric #6111 ‘arr Ths dural cota pln caninendabos for Sousa Ae WS Sangamon County Department of Public Health ‘Animal Control Center 2100 Shale Street Soringtield IL 62703, (217) 595-3085, area TIAL vac NORMAL Teatedy: Was gvon acapstar DAZPPUBOROETELLAIVERMECTIN VACCINATIONS. Intake Type STRAY Intake Reason: Trike Date: 72472021 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DISCLOSURES. | nereby attest that al of the above informations rue and correct toh 5 of my knowiace. (Shotenao) Swe artez008 Pant ame ‘Spratre | nereby atest that ns dccsure was posted on or near he cage of dog orca for adoption ard that nave ead al he slosures. I urher understand tat am ented to keep a signed coy of ts dscosure. ‘Adopter: - _—______tansreces Perna Sipps 1 you or your veterinarian have questions regarding AYGE687's treatment, plase call usaf 247-595-9085 Pope tots ‘roves chanaten Seerseandeoystan Weston, Eric_#6111 State Poe, Nand te conant ae noltbe dseraraed oud your agency, ‘. Memo Details Gee w2t-040687 oor, trae carey uepen, sone oq) had sovero skin sues, severe weight ss, constant hea www chameleonbeach com Weston, Eric #6111 Sate Ponce, Wand te cnt ae ols be csuerantos oud of your oe), Page 7 OF 8 Activity Card AQ-0486704 —INVIFOLLOWUP———Pronty Lovet 5 Total Animals: 5 Animal Type: DOS St te, CID romvcy une NTR TO RECENEE WO ROVE 90C3 lover information: Pooreet JEAMANE MLcE — — J Cate information: Povasog A STATE ATTORNEY 00S Nv 402 SPRINGFIELD eeu Coaes «erm 7552580 SINPND i 1NoTIC | aseces : a jar Posgsne LESKO lee auooy Car cat 92021 040 Fat Nev Date: seen 8690 PM Dich Date: 324721 OF 0PM Weeking Date: 032421 0430 Pa i I cnmrinn nt _Aainuer ORAM BM WE AARIVED Aa Wc vr CrTy OFFICERS AN KEL Si. SHE HAG MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH WILD CANINE TO GETIHE DOGS MEHUMED. | SPOKE WITH JILL EGIZI REGARDING THIS AND SHE CONFIRMED IT. SHE UGE CE TAKE THE F1-2 baS.AN" WE WIL HOLD THEM UNTILJIL. CANE GET THEM OUT OF HERE. i194 arived a sn! cok ites and taped the ent door to see if someone was coming ar going. coud hear ene dog inside nae petuce ack othe drectr forthe sales atorey eo.apam Firemen Satearsanett yt teCet Fepovesy Weston, Eric_g611t SaiePotea, Wand te conten ee otto be Gaseranles cute ot yout agency emnel: Anima: Sangamon County Animal Control Center A02 eee Kennel Card sam: ‘COCOA ‘clr, BROWN CwHitte sess | “prreun | | sex ou, Femate 7 MONTHS ‘ake Date: Due Outten Tyee Tak iedicion 5/24/21 6:36 pm — y/4/202:. :=INIFISCATE / CRUELTY SIC ‘SPRINGFIELD amment: 2 DAY HOLD-OWNER HAS MADE LRRANG"I®=5175 "WITH WILD CANINE TO REHOME.589 15 AWARE Gi lweston,Eric_#6111 ‘lai Th docaran rae neh recorafandalons 1 Capa hs WS ‘Site Poe. I and scones nto be Serranaea aude your agency Kennel: ‘nil i: Sangamon County Animal Control Center ‘A06 ‘169721. ace ae: 4 MONTHS . Golarcoio Gala Type: Tags Ine. uisieton CATE / CRUELTY FIC ‘SPRINGFIELD FR RAS MADE ARR ANS:EMENTS WITH WILD CANINE TO REHOME.589 [arsoves By Weston, Eric #6111 ‘State Potce. Wand te conan are nla be tesranaes outed ot your agency pe 8 ery Sangamon County Animal Control Center A06 Axg6722 Kennel Card = OO thexco cae | BLAc: 1 neat | | Sifu ! ' a MONTHS ee mame aay 7 es TRAE cave Soafaoe, SEtaScare cauert ie sbainetlew JER HAS MADE ARR ANG (EATS WITH WILD CANINE TO REHOME,589 [remove Br |weston,Erle_#6111 ‘State Pe, ands cont re otto bo rtemnaed ouside ot your apeny moe: in Seer re ener R2-08 ‘A160025 Kennel Card 7 === | oun ! | 3 ae ' l eee ected i is te Hie Pear 2wowras case, olution Ds ‘Due Out Date 30/4 /202: 3/24/23 6:30 pm SSHUSCATE / CRUZERY HC ‘SPRINGFIELD 5 MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH WILD CANINE TO REHOME,589 Weston, Eric_#6111 ‘asaya Tis dara coat neler rconenendnis or SST RS Poe wot us ‘Stone No: nia: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center R2-11 UO Kennel Card ‘BIG BOI ale TAN & Wi reeds ‘OTF BULL \ MIX sec ae: 1 BALE 2 YEARS. Deonoee ike Tee Tota By ridicton GMSAISCATE / CRUELTY MC SPRINGFIELD 7 DAY HOLD-OWNER HAS MADE ARRANS@MEN~5 WITH WILD CANINE TO REHOME.589 |weston,Erie_#6111 ‘isin Te ecuTao cont thar Taaranaalone 1; cops fhe Oe ‘State Pte, Wands content re nota be Satornais ousce ot yor A909, enn No: Animal No: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center RECEIVING 4054703 eet Name: GRACIE Sela: BROWN & BLACK Breed: GREAT DANE sex ae: ‘SPAYED 7 YEARS olaccoios Cale Tume: Ts Nakina, Intake Date Due outDate; Intake Type: nak By: utston 9/20/24 2:33 pm 9/20/2021 EUTH REQ / OTC OWNEDTS: NEW BERLIN comme ‘owner req euth & dispose. ts [Removes iy lweston, Erie_#6111 ‘lana Tas cocrio Sane nah SpanGalons nx Sop eT ‘State Pole. Nanas coments ar nota be rommataousice your agency, Keane: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center Q03 ‘4097531 Kennel Card Names ‘CHARLIE oles TRICOLOR Breed: BEAGLE \ MIX sec oes MALE 6 YEARS, olorcolo Clare: Tam, BLUI HARNESS 9560009637093 Markings: BLUE/BLK/GRAY HARNESS-CHAIN LEASH Iota Date: Due Qutoate: Intake Toe: Intake By: idicion 8/19/24 1:42pm 8/28/2021 CONFISCATE/ BITE CH SANGAMON Semmens bite confinement signed over for euth. Exam completed by Dr. Luthin. Letter sent 9-2-21 ts STILL NEEDS EUTHed tert gbhed [armovear lWeston, Eric_#611t Sate Potoe, Nang te cont ae oto be deserinaed avec your agency. Keane Nat nial Sangamon County Animal Control Center Qo7 a160870 Kennel Card Same: RIZZO alr GRAY reed ‘AMER BULLDOG sex ‘ae: NEUTERED NO AGE olrGolo: Gale Te: Tas Maing NO AGE LISTED 7/22/24 9:19am 7/31/2021 OWNERSUR/ FIELD BB ‘SPRINGFIELD comments 10 day bite hold o surrender abated by Dr Minder 8-3-21 letter sent 8-5 ts signed over forewnse ow yy 4 Parmevea By lWeston, €rie_#6111 ‘State Poon. ane te content ar oto be deseranatag Oued fyour agency Kenneto: Aoimal to: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center Q07 ‘A168655 Kennel Card Names ‘THOR alors BLACK & WHITE Breed PIT BULL, Sex. act NEUTERED 4 YEARS. Soler coin: ——GolarTyne; = Taos 981020027895886 Making Intake Date: ‘Due Out Oate: Intake Tyee: IntleBe——_utscton 9/2/21 12:33pm 9/9/2021 a{CONFISCATE/ BITE BB ILLIOPOLIS ‘Somments 110 day bite hold. called Kortni, not taking calls at this time. 9-9-21/9:25 am. called again @12:45 still not taking calls. fees 102 18 34 21 98 =273. Exam done 9-21-21, letter sent 9-23-21. SEE SHEILA/GREG BEFORE EUTH! MJ ol goth vo ul [Remowea by |weston, Eric_#6111 State Poe. Ian conte nto be acersnata oulede o! yur apency emnalo: oad: Sangamon County Animal Control Center Koz pr Kennel Card na: UNKNOWN al ‘GRAY & WHITE asd DOMESTIC SH se so UNKNOWN se T'YEAR Scloccobe,—GalacTms: Tat soos: Trae bate PuOutpate ke Te Tate ut 40/6/24 14:14am 10/12/2021 STRAY / OTC 1s SPRINGFIELD ‘come perl 3 day hold. ott weet Popova y |weston,Erie_#6111 aes te not be esamnald ode your ajency Sangamon County Department of Public Health Anima! Control Center 2100 Shale Street Springfield IL 62703, (217) 835-3065 ‘AI70188'S MEDIAL HISTORY Aniva!Nemnec: MA7O1SR. Type: CAT (Color Gray "mite Sex Unknown Sex Brora: Doreen Sh Date of Binh: YHW20 1.2.07 Most Rece t Weight: IMicroehi : onar2s INTIAL VAC NORMAL, ‘rested EEVRCPAVERMEGHIN VAG JNAV-ONS mae TypeSTRAY intake Racor: Trike Date: 100672021 ACKNOW!EDGENENT OF DISCLOSURES ‘neve test nat al af he ecu information's tue ans creel oi best of my knwledge. (GheterA0) Sa: rane me Be | nor ast ats de csure as posted on or near the cage f te dog orca for adoption an tat have ead al he ‘lsclosues. I further under sand ina far envod 0 keeo a signed con of is closure pc eee oro Panta ‘ieee Page tot [Removes iy |Weston,Erie_#6111 ‘lain Tie socio corane neh Teomrrandalons consis Tih noe ‘State Pole, Nanas coment re nts bo sesemnaasousice your 290%, ‘enn Nar soinaLa, ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center KO7 170293, pence Nemes ‘UNKNOWN. Sal: ‘BLK TABBY & WHITE reeds DOMESTIC SH Sec pos, UNKNOWN SE 1 DAY Colas Colos © Gala Twme: Tag: Markings: Intake Date: Duet Date; Intake Type: Take Bu: ursicton 10/42/24 12:49 pm 10/16/2024 STRAY / OTC NG ‘SANGAMON ‘Comment. O said she has many stray cats around her home. pv ra pe | Pemowessy Weston, Eric_#6111 ‘Sangamon County Department of Public Health Animal Control Center £2400 Shale Street Soringfield IL 62703 (17) 595-2068 A170209'S MEDICAL HISTORY 3 ‘nie! Hrmee: M170208. Type CAT Color: Bic Tabby White Sex: Unknown Sex Breed: DemostioSh Date of Blth: 10/221: Age-1W, Most Rece: Welt: Mieroenp: : sonazaat NTL vac NomMAL ‘eam, EVACPAVERMECIIN VAG NAT ONS sonra02% Bee Nona ‘Appears heahy. Panluk' <9. Had darhes afters sui liguid 2 hm ate ed #04, may be ate otal. 5 mi Alben ipesTRAY ake Reason Tniake Dale sonar ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DISCLOSURES 1 rey atest hata fhe bos intsmatn is ae sou cee ti tat of my Saeed. (ShetedAc) Ste __ — ___— s0012021 Bia fame “Spnainw 1 races sist nats lc ccure was posted on oF nea the cage of he dog orca for adoption adit nave ead a he clscloteres. ur under sand nat fam ened 10 xa00.a signed copy of hs close Ad - ‘evzorz021 pratnae ae 1 you er your vets have questona regarding 4170230 Westmont, please cal us st 217-625-9065 Page tof 1 can ann Seat Caontad epee farsroves By Weston, Eric 6111 ‘asia Tis doa conn nether TcarmenGaion ot Sonsiions te Se senna to: Artois Sangarnon County Animal Control Center ko3 ey Kennel Card ce: ‘UNKNOWN ses RN TABBY est, DOMESTIC SH se soe: Unknown se 7'YeaR colour: | Tag tine: inate One: pueoutoa mete ToiieBe—_daitcion 40/7/21 4:30pm 10/18/2021 CONFISCATE / EVICTIONMC SPRINGFIELD connect 7 day city hold Letter sent 10/8/21. Copy of letter in stray bin. 7A oe nyt PL S| yok aot ‘asinrer Tis dived corans rarer rcanmendatne or Goce ane RSs SatePoicn Wardte contre ore nets be Gseranatos outed of our agency Page 22 01 108 ‘Sangamon County Department of Public Health Animai Control Center 2100 Shale Street Soringfield 62703 (217) 595-2068 AT70220'S MEDICAL HISTORY) ‘Anive! Nomen: M7020 Tyne: CAT Color: Ben bby Sax: Unknavin Sex Braet: Dometic Sh Dato of Bir Most Roce Wlght: Microchip: dunava ‘NAL VAC. NORMAL antec FVROPIVERMECTIN VAG SINATIONS INTIAL VAC. NORMAL Treated, “aaa ~ = xan Nevata leaated ay 92 © this time, No eye eechare, no fever, hyrcation & ngs sound ar KL. K. noted ates congested {gave Convenia 0.25m1S0, Intake Dato: 1007/2021 OGEHENT OF DISCLOSURES. ‘rake Type-CONFISCAT E "ney ost that all of the atonainformation sto ane corect to iebest of my knowledge. sooranes (SretenAo) Stats___ Pi trae {set aoa ts ins ca:csure was posts on oF near the cage of tha doo calor adoption and ih have read al he Glsciesues.ITurther under and hat am ania e keep a signed cop oF ths closure, orewe0es Diane ‘agoaae sen, plage eal us at 217-525-2068 9 [weston Erie_#6111 ‘Stato Polce, Hands cont te notte daseranag ude your agency enna No ina Na ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center kos ee Kennel Card sane: ‘UNKNOWN Sala: ‘BLACK & WHITE sed DOMESTIC SH sex, toe: UNKNOWN SE 1 WEEKS Golarcoloc = Golam: Tam kos: Intake pate: Due outDate: othe Ts: Intake: sicton 10/4/21 2:02pm 10/4/2021 STRAY / OTC NG ‘SPRINGFIELD Comment: Popov By |Weston,Eric_#6111 ‘itr The docaact sarin lhe resriraraalons no concunons oe ME ‘Slate Poice, Wand as cont re otto be tsraneed usc your apeny enn No: ain Sangamon County Animal Control Center To2 ‘A166509 Kennel Card same: ‘SHIZZY abe: BLACK & WHITE eed. DOMESTIC SH Sex tae: NEUTERED 5 MONTHS ‘Gplarcolor; Cllr Tyoes Tam ‘9560014020515 Mado: Inake Date: Due Out Date: Intake Te: Intake Be: utadicton 7/24/21 2:30pm 7/21/2021 OWNERSUR/ OTC MI SPRINGFIELD comment: ‘SEE MEMO! Packet in basket 7-28-21. Too young for RV currently. STILL NEEDS MC! M3 Poprovea By |Weston, Ene #6114 Konno: ‘nina: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center kos ed Kennel Card Names ‘UNKNOWN. Solos BLACK Bread: DOMESTIC SH sea aes UNKNOWN SE 1 YEAR Colac Cob: = Gola Twe; Tat Hoskins Tinka bate: ‘Dus Out Date, take Te: make By: ——_duadicion 7/19/24 3:02pm 7/23/2021 STRAY / OTC 1S SPRINGFIELD ‘Somment: 3 day hold. not real friendly. 7-36 hd bh bh Ge fe udnert - Gy sed cothit coher atoll a ous leg tf heal been sith wr eat. Tekin) vol re Le cadeuce this oh. ZI hemoe rated eat freroveasy lweston,Erie_#6111 ‘State Police, Wands conn ar otto be assmanaedousge your agency melt: somal: Sangamon County Animal Control Center Ko3 aaeeee Kennet Card fas UNKNOWN Solr BLACK feast DOMESTIC SH sec sc UNKNOWN sE_T'YEAR 3 MONTHS Solace; Galas: Taat nas: Tuan Pageants ioniee——_—sditan 7/19/21 3:02pm 7/23/2024 STRAY / OTC 1s SPRINGFIELD ‘comment sat BK Py 3 day hold. not real friendly. ae DO yen ay? ale gh a [rors Br [weston Erle_#6111 State Pics, Ronde coments 3 no Sangamon County Department of Public Health ‘Animal Control Center £2100 Shale Street Springfield I 62709 (e17) 53-3065 ITAL vac NORMAL Treated bj FVACPIVERMEGTIN VACCINATIONS Tsay Ban NOFOIAL Treated by (CAPSTAR FLEA PREVENTIVE 11.46 ‘nla Type:STRAY Intake Reason: Toke Date: 071072021 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DISCLOSURES ‘hereby tts tht al of the above information rue and erect tothe bes of my Kowa, (SneerAC) Stat sanieeces int Name Signatare "mere aos hat hie ceelcsure was posted on ox near the eage ofthe dogo xt for adoption and that Rave read al he ‘closures, I utr understae that am ented to kesp a signed copy of te dtosure, copter, arn Bantam Spa {you or your veterinarian have questions regarding A16ES59' treatment, please call us at 217-535-2065 Page tot frenovea oy lweston, Erie #6114 cai Tis doa Coane aT TCUANGGOSG oS RS SE SiatePolen Wana contents are neta be Gasoranles outa ot your ancy, ‘nial No: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center Qi0 169622 Kennel Card Name: ‘SPOOKY ke: BLACK & WHITE sre LABRADOR RETR \ PIT BULL sox sox: MALE 2 YEARS Colacca: = Galaga: Ta: as: 9/24/21 11:05 am 10/2/2021 CONFISCATE/ BITE MC ‘CHATHAM Comment: ‘SEE NOTES. Exam by Dr. Luthin 10/6/21. Letter sent 10/8/21. Called Christal 10/8/21 @8:55 am LMOM to call about Spooky. ts Prerowea By Weston, Eric #6111 StnoPotca. and teconete nats ta darorvaed ode your agency ima: Sangamon County Animal Control Center a Kennel Card ame BUSTER Seis BLACK & WHITE es PET BULL \ MIX sex soe: NEUTERED 2 YEARS ‘0A1320003F Markos: eats Date Due Outate: Inala Tyne Takeo duedcton 6/1/21 12:44pm 6/11/2021 CONFISCATE/ BITE ML SPRINGFIELD Somments 10 day bite confinement. signed over for euth on 10th day. sc FOR in Tx 6-14-21. M3 Promovedsy [weston,Eric_#5114 ‘State oce, Wands conani re ait be aeranaed auc ot you agency eon Q08 ‘imal No: A164676 ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center Kennel Card ame: ‘ZOEY Solos, BROWN bieeds LABRADOR RETR ae 4 YEARS Golarwee Das Sex FEMALE colar Color, Norkina: Intake Date: 6/18/21 3:29pm comment: Due Out Date: 6/38/2024 Intake Te: Inte Be: uisicton OWNERSUR/OTC = TS ‘AUBURN 0: crate trained, ok with cats/dogs/children. knows heal, sit, stay. Very high energy. ts lweston, Exe sent Site Poe. Nanas coment re nttbe aesernaedouede your agen Kennel: ‘nia os ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center 304 167165 ane Names UNKNOWN BLACK Breed: DOMESTIC SH sax acs FEMALE ‘9 YEARS Sol Sole: Gall Tyne: Tas: Markinas, ee ve Out Date; Intake Tyme: Intake By: ‘Jurisdiction 8/3/21 11:00am 8/7/2021 1STRAY / OTC NG ‘SPRINGFIELD ‘Somme tranf to apt [aepeowed by |weston,Erie_#6111 ‘asian Ts dsr contans rains rcamnendabone or encase ore TDS ‘aga os ima: Sangarton County Animal Control Center JOL 8133204 Kennel Ord Meme MOE MOE ‘alos BLACK & WHITE sed, ‘DOMESTIC SH sec toes NEUTERED 5 YEARS. ‘alae colo, Gare; Toa Mandngse Intake Date: ue Ourpater Intake Type: Wotake Bv.iacton 8/3/21 2:59pm 8/3/2021 20WNERSUR/OTC NG ‘SPRINGFIELD comments per Michelle: cat is aggressive, bites, SEE NOTE. 0: Betty Curry. Michelle Ferguson brought cat in, said she has had the cat for 6 mo. 1 LMOM for Betty to call me. Have not heard back. 8-4 ts ‘Transfered to APL Frerowesay |weston,Eric_#6111 ‘State Pole, Wands coments we no tobe esemnaed cus of your agen, Kanneo: ‘ial to: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center Kit ee Kennel Card Name: ‘UNKNOWN. Sala ‘CALICO ‘eee, DOMESTIC SH See fos: FEMALE 1 YEAR GotarColo Gala; Tag: Maxkins: Intake Date: Due Qutoate: Inake Tyas. Intake By: ution 10/8/21 14:18am 10/8/2021 OWNERSUR/OTC TS. SPRINGFIELD ‘Sonment (: surr she has been feeding them for about a year/babies are about 4 mo. old. Mama may be pregnant again. ts Faeroe By lweston,Erie_#6111 ‘Site Poce, Wendie coments re ott be ansernag oulsce tyr apency ‘Sangamon County Department of Public Health Animal Control Center 2100 Shale Stret Springfield IL 62703 (217) 836-3065 A170208'S MEDICAL HISTORY Anive Nember: A170288 Type: CAT Color Call>0. Sex: ntact Famele. Stead: Cemaete Sm Dale of Bin: 10120 Age. Most cel ¢ Weight: Miroohia: sora yongzun 4 InmaL vac NORMAL, FEVRCPIVERMEGTIN VAG INAKONS “naroat Ber NORMAL Treated by ‘retools, gave cane a. Hod nasal scnaros. 2s clatzs, age le, sh skin tt KL gave Convana 0.3m ‘SO, Corea 0.3m SQ and Sl of S300 fuse wes on ee Ingle yRO-OWNER SUIT Irak Reason tnt Dave: 100872021 PCKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DISCLOSURES ‘nec atest the of he above inizmaten 2 tue she sane ths best a my tamil, (Sherer Ao) Sta: torzoan2 Pantene Bignaire 1 hese asst hat is cose wes posted on or near the cage of ew dog o a oration and tac have ead al he ‘scosires,Ilurhor unde tng that am ened 'okaep a signas copy of ts dslosu, Asie rovenrcet 3 tcatmant, please call us at 217-525-9068 Page “ot cljam atcnie cecnaascet poset lWeston, Eric #6111 ‘ines This damn son tar reamarandabon nx Condusnw ofthe Was Site Plce, Nand fs conn are noltobe deveined ounce of Your ogo” Kennel to: Animal: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center H.CAT ROOM 4170038 ee Name: RUBIN ob BRN =apBy se DOMESTIC SH sx os: HEvrereD 5 YEARS | Goiarcoc Galea Tas: nine Matis: TRAPPED ‘ora Dae: Doe Cutdate, ake Tne: Tatake Bx, ucion 9/30/21 12:09am —10/5/202:, SHAY J OTC sc ‘OUTHERN VIEV comment RV in packet in basket. Still needs MC. surgery scheduled for 40-7-24. Bill took cat to iis os cat was very sick. cat died @ AEC per 3ill, se [ienovea by |weston, Eric #6111 aaimor Ths damon conta ene canals par ncanane are TS SisiePolen lands contre ae nets be Gaserinates outa your agency. name Zils iofisior Fomowea By Weston, Erie_#6111 ‘sare Tis dosuard cota pins rcanendaboe or concuions hi BS Slate PotoeW and te connor ole be daseranaes oust ot your apeey, Page a7 OF 08 ‘Sangamon County Department of Public Health ‘Animai Control Center 2100 Shale Streot Springfield I 62703, (217) 535-065 RUBIN'S MEDICAL HISTORY ‘nice! Nermec A170028. Type: CAT ‘Color: Bra Tabby. Sex: Noutered Brest: Domee¥e SH Date of Binh TOE Age: 6Y Most Race! tWelght: Mioroship: Nat vac NURMAL, Trost: FVRCPVERMEGTIN VAG SINATONS aM NORMAL, “Treated by unin came into en wes tng 10:3, roi dates J. scab h dorsum of ears slaas-was gven a capstay, oesot of 86, Pat ARIMIR2S aps 82 2a she ely 7 As KL OK 1 9gopt FELINE TEST NEG RABIES VACCINATION fara SURGERY ERUIZE Treated by SURGERY APL. xa areas Testes by: Notes por Meow Mobile vl nter Ji Geran: Taken to A cat ne Sue to her aeing Rubin dooing, and sneezing clear nasal dlscharge, anc copy ayes. Care ln S02, Vacs sol gh W 10-521. AGC sero APLor SX 107-21, Finrdes 10821 was ae eztng ot Iu ine. Uubte CFE ust ener can communty room was found dead is ‘Sa ead wot 0-21, Hea ence ‘Sssessmet rom Cine: Rvs Savera ved ocnlunctivs, | eye roc Ears tine. Cannot top sneezing clea discharge ‘Congosted MVP tesh clan Submandindarmpavade enaredet owl ear 144, Lunge-puring 48 cea, aveaa8oy. Avvtien, S rormas. Muna for canned foe. ES a9 Muscle 36, Disp tosls: UA, Herpes softer TC Fama 125mg {Tab SID 14 days 2 Tewamyein A eye TID To be firished at ACC. "oie ey Treated by Popo tole evr ecard nme Farmwea Br Weston, Erie #0111 ‘Dissarsar This dsanari cota ahr rcammendabone nr cncunsi a he Te SatePolon Warts conte ate alts be daueraales ous of your agency ee carat evan posiane Treated by Upon ging Rubin vs meds his meting I naticed a eSght dhyana | SO 80st of ds KH Inake Type-STRAT ina Reason: intake Date o9e0r2021 ASKNOVILEDGEMENT OF DISCLOSURES "nore ato that a of the above isan ie tue ana comect fo the best of my knowledge (hetero) Stat. — __ 1o2072021 Piet ame Sinai "rary tos that dns sccsure wes posts on or near the cage of he dog orca for adoption and thal have ead a Ihe lotosures. I futheundestana that am ented to kaep 8 signed copy of his dscosure, Adswien rorece1 Pa ae Sonate you or y2ur rs questions repanding AUB! ‘treatment, lease calf us at 217-535-3065 Page 2012 pan esnon Std chndn teat Paeroveay lweston, Eric #6111 ‘iano The cacarint carta neha reconnaaions rs concuaneothe Wa Site Poe. Hans conenta we nett be darornaos ode o! your agency Seont wo: nina: Sangamon County Animal Control Center R2-10 8166082 ce Name: UNKNOWN aor BLA et, GERM SHEPHERD sec tas: FEMALE 10 MONTHS Golaccol: §— ColarTyme: Ta: RED NYLON etna Intake Date: Duecutoate; Intake Te: Tne. dadcon 7/14/22: pm 7/19/2024. STRAY / FIELD cH SPRINGFIELD commen 3 day hold no chip located Friendly Red nylon collar [Rerowea By [Woston,Eric_#6111 ‘laine Tha daca ante athe reasarandalona no Sonus fie noe Kennel No: ‘nina os ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center ee Codie Kennel Card ames wiz ro BLACK ed DOMESTIC LH Sex ‘ae: NEUTERED 9 YEARS olarcoio: Galle: Tass nina: Totake ate: ‘Bus Qu ate: ote Tyne: Temakevs action 9/25/21 11:58am 10/5/2021 STRAY / OTC “I ‘SPRINGFIELD ‘comment: ‘Abandoned at above address, cared for for over a month, can no longer care for them. RVis EXP, MJ 1st phone number rang 4x and disconnected, 2nd was busy. Letter sent to last known address 9-28-21. M3 tx sheet in stray bin ‘Transfer 2 FHFR.NG ib Recheck Paemoves ay [Weston, Eric #8111 ‘anna Ta dora cota tir rsarinendaon ot Soninions te NG “—}__ Sangasnon County Department of Public Health Animal Control Center 2400 Shale Street Springfield IL 62703, | (217) 535-3065 5 WIZ'S MEDICAL HISTORY e Anime! Numi: ADS2O8 Type: CAT Color: ack Sex Neutered Breed: Derstichh "Dato of Binh: 776/12. Age: ost Recet t Weight Mierostip: wzen021 INMAL vac NORMAL roster FFVACP/VERMECTIN VAC ZNAT:ONS rorspeai ex NORMAL, rated by ‘ni ae seen in exam wo sr 7.38 pounds has mcs tencaye, Nice exationa OU, sneezing, no96 cscharge een road, kgs ean angles Nesuve-s er ucapsts Keyes U3, Nea, dental Geeace. Plan {Convent 02rd Sa Reo ys 1 nc inp oa Sls» 7 Gye ack lr eprowernent by fay, Needs 3 dena KL, Tnisne pe-sTRAY Ins Reason: ABANDON Intake Date: 0925/2021 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DISCLOSURES U nero ates “bore om ss God ence na et a9 nad. ior (SheueA0) Sia Pa ia Gpcine | nero atust na as die 096 was posted onc a4 tho cage othe dogo ator adoption and iat have ead al he Cacosues. I fur uncer and hal am enitied o keep a ped cop of ts dacs, owe: sovzarene1 inva Pa Page ott Proroved By Weston, Eric_s61tt ‘hate Poe, Hands conents tent be decornaed aude of your apeny, KenosLNo, ‘nina No: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center 909 ‘4170240 pa Name: ‘ZOEY olor BROWN & WHITE Bese ‘AM PIT BULL TER = ace SPAYED 2 YEARS olerCo: —CalarTume: Tag Markings: Intake Date: Due Outoste: Intake Tyo: Inoke oe: uisition 10/7/21 4:09pm 10/7/2021 OWNERSUR/OTC TS ‘SPRINGFIELD comment: Indoor, housebroken, crate trained. ok w/ kids & dogs. Fearful of Hats & storms. SX was on 10/12 ts not ready coll p20 Frenomay [Weston,Eric_#5111 ‘ase: The eocarion conan nelfrreaiTerdaions 15 Sonus Te HAG Pome 48 oF 05 Sangamon County Department of Public Health ‘Animal Control Center 2100 Shale Street Springfield IL 62703, (217) 595-3065) ZOEY'S MEDICAL HISTORY ‘Anima Numi: 9370249. Type: DOS : Color: Brow. / White Sax: Spayed Breed: Orn Pit Bell er Date of Bh: OTHE Ain. 2¥ Most Recert Weight: Mirocnia: yonanvas SURGERY ERILIZE rons SURGERY APL ariezaat Wont va A NORA Treated by DAZPPIBORDETELL’ Ini WpeOWNER SU | Inska Reason Tetake Date: 1007/2021 APINOWLEDGENENT OF DISCLOSURES "nek atest tat alot asove inmate ue ane eno te best omy knawtedge. (ShotenAg) Sia sozzaes Paar ane Sane | naw atest rats ose osure was posted on or near the e399 ofthe dog or eat for acogton and na hve read al the ‘isciosues. ure unda sand thal am ented to keep a pred copy cl his ascoaur, Adopt sw20z021 It you or your Pagn +01 cepa esos obeamsntptnaai nt faerovesy Weston, Eric #6114 ‘acne Tis dcurio corn neha reaovandaions pr conan oh now ‘cia at 107 170151 ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center Kennel Card Fal 3 olor ‘ORG TABBY & WHITE Bose DOMESTIC SH sec Intake Date: Doe Out Date: Intake Type: 10/5/21 12:53pm 10/5/2021 OWNER SUR / OTC comment: Intake sudiction NG SANGAMON RV good until 07/24/2022. Indoor, litter trained, good w/cats & children. lWeston, Erie #6111 pte? woe ‘State Pon. W ana ts contot are no obo esemnaad esc your ay. Sangamon County Department of Public Health ‘Animal Control Center 2100 Shale Street Springfield IL 62703, (e217) 535-3065 (CHEETO'S weDICaL HISTORY: ‘ ‘nie! Nomi: AYZO151. Type: CAT (Color: Org Tab'y /White. Sex: inset Male Breed: Donaetie Sh Datoot| Most Rece t Weight: teroehis: sonia ina. vac NORMAL, Frost EVACPAVERMECTIN VAC INAKIONS orisaozi xan, NORMAL ‘eeated by CChonta came ho exam ve ching 0.72 tested nagalive ot fasta rus sounds, gums pink heat and ngs lear, Was gen convent, ‘TypecOWNER SUA nike Reason: MOVE intake Date: 1005/2021 POKNOWLEDGEHENT OF DISCLOSURES Uc atest hat a ofthe so omits tuo an? concet toe bust ly knwo (GheterAC) Sia: roveoz0e3 os agree "nore aos ha is cscuasure vss poste on or aa the cage ol he dog a eat for adoption and tat Rave road a the ‘lacloeves. | Turhr understand that am eniledto Keep a sioned copy ots ascosure roveane1 ont, please call us at 217-595-0065 Page tof pam escnmeon Sacha [armowea lWeston, Erie #6114 ‘issarar This dsaranl aoa nar reannendaios or consis tthe AG SttaPotce, Wana ds content are ols be dsserafled ous your ageny ‘eons: ‘nial: Sangamon County Animal Control Center KO2 8169230 eal ame: EL GUAPO olor ‘ORANGE & WHITE Based: DOMESTIC SH sax to, MALE ‘6 MONTHS Golaccol: §—GolarTwe: Tag: avkinos: Totake Date: ‘Due Qut Date: Totake Types Iake ly: atsciobon 9/15/21 12:50pm 9/15/2021 OWNERSUR/OTC SC ‘SPRINGFIELD comment: only had a short time, cant take care of. no info. s¢ SEE MEMO, SC Poors y |Weston, Ee_#6111 ‘Slate Poice, Wands conenta otto be dtsarmaie oede oyun apency ‘Sangamon County Department of Public Health ‘Animal Control Center 2100 Shale Streot Springfield I 62703 (217) 536-3085, INTIAL VAC NORMAL, TWoated by: EVRCP/VERMECTIN VACCINATIONS Intake Type OWNER SUR Intake Reason: COST Intake Date: onrts/2021 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DISCLOSURES " hereby att hat alo the above intrmaton ic rue and correct tote best of my knowedge. (SnetorAo) Sat: sorrez02t Pa Na Sigraire "herby atest at tis close was posted on oc near the cage the dog o cat for adoption and tat | have read al he ‘lsclosues,Iurher understand tat am ented to keep a Sgned copy ol Page to! [renoweasy |Weston, Eric #5111 ‘usar Th dani contara nates ecorendatna or sonions Te nds ‘Slate Poe, and acon otto be nsaranaed ude your agency pe mot Memo Details Ge M2i-041486 ee a sueac ana? o8-s2 Cole came up & asked abou tis cat & wht fo do, cat very dohytates, barely abl to stand, can't breath, face vay snot. ted alg & leaving messages fo: J, Mary cark, jane mcbrdo, sarah @ aplmeg @ ap, angela hae & sty Called jan conavay& spoke wih hero spe he hada Bator way to get shall lan said dhe oo et anol of Someone fo come &ranper however che Was Nolan the st of auoraions Jane McBride finaly answered onthe 3 ate, sido have a offer wansport cat 10 AEC & tho Wout cal them tlt ‘them know et was coming. Tanspored by 89, se ‘ww chameleorboach com lWeston, Erie_#6111 State Polen. ana te content ar ota be desranaed oss your agency ‘eon a: ‘cima to: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center 105 ‘8170039, Kennel Card ames UNKNOWN colors GRAY Bree DOMESTIC SH se poe: UNKNOWN Se 2 WEEKS Golarcolo: Gola Tme: Tas: Naxkins, Intake Date: ‘Due QutDate: Intake Tyne: InakeB: = isicton 9/30/21 1:15pm 10/5/2021. STRAY / OTC sc ‘SPRINGFIELD a Ie vac 10 Fremowea sy [weston,Eric_#6111 ‘issie= Th document canine nelhereasranaaions nx conaunna the Ge ‘State Poce, Wand asconania ar otto be Stscaraed ouae ot your agency ‘Sangamon County Department of Public Health ‘Animai Control Center 2100 Shale Sweet Springfield L 62703 (217) 535-3065, WINNIF'S MEDICAL.HISTORY > © > i Anime! Nermhier:{1700°%° Type: CAT olor: Gray Tiger, Sex: intact Female Eros: Homaste SH Date of Bit 021 Ai. 2W Most Reel Weight: Mieroetip: qun2a0ey ira vac NORMAL sted ty FEVRCPMVERMECTIN VACOINATIONS ionieaaes Exe: NORMAL Tested by Icttae seme into exam walphine 2.61 pounds wes iste cs Zan au as negalv, too young for ables had mites was veatad wth Mbemitengparenyaalty 0 © 6p FELINE TESTNEG Intake Reason: rake Date 873072021 AOKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DISCLOSURES ner atest that al of the are intsmaton she ane some a beat of ay knowledge, (Sherenho) Sto a _toreaanas a ayy | ney atest ats csclosur ws posted on or near the cage ofthe dog area for ation anc wa ave eat al the ‘locus. urer understand that am ented o keep 4 mpned copy of his Sacoeure, Api sorwa0et ita settiie treatment please call we at 217-695-3065 you or your voter Poge ‘oft pam Fanon et chaar yin Peprovesy Weston, Eric #6111 Sate Polen W onde contens are no tobe sezomntes cuted of your agency Activity Card anvo4eeae3 INVINEGL Prosty Lovet: 3 “olalAnimals: 1 Anal Type: DOG dein Ace Actvty Comment: CALLER STATES 34 DOGS KEPT IN KENNE: IN BACKYARD. | DOGHOUSE, COULONT SEE FIW. HAVENT SEEN ANYONE THES Wt O45 a = TT ‘pyeerssenetig? _— | == esa Codes i “e1MPNO Anas ‘Oficer: Pongses BLACKMON Clore COLE: {cat oat: eat 1055 AM | Now Date waar: 1035 ah Dieses Oate: 9221 1180 AM Jwerting Date: 0622/21 11:00 AM [Comatsio Date: 0922"24 1154 AM ve vod AAMRRERE ours toursogs nthe backyar. ho fst dg dé not have 10 fet of eable and hat no [adequate sheter the hac ust soggy focd and some water bu no lage. fe sna te kennel ad iby water and not enough ‘Thee soe doh naw tay bts en sears a hate four ce, aroun male had war snd 9 doghase tut ‘ic nn 10 fet of tas tage on. Fs has some sigh fy sts. fav were also dogs and puppies sda the Rouse tha ‘wore scsng tha head thrush abrckor window bough aol in ho scan. te house has been placarces. an Impouncment ‘ois naa es wel as peures wore okan of is oge ving crcl, we dé ls cacy pace co they ware ero as wal during repent Pen Fichaln Stvard Chandlery [rerovee By |weston,Erie_#6111 ‘State Police, Wand te conte no tbe eeranatd oulude ot your agency Kennet sina ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center R2-07 maeeeee Kennet Card Name: UNKNOWN Sobers BLACK & WHITE aos PIT BULL, Sex dae: FEMALE 1 YEAR 1 MONTH Geta Coles Gala Teme; Tat Markings Iake Oat: Due OutDate: Intake Tye Intake Button 9/22/21 11:54am 10/1/2021 CONFISCATE / CRUELTY BB ‘SPRINGFIELD comment: RTO without fees. GL. [renowaay |weston, Erie #5111 ‘acne Thie ers carina nether reaoivananbons ne; conte the TAGs KesneL No: ‘ial tio: R2-06 146891 Thtaka Date: Due Outate: Intake Tyne: 9/22/23 13:54am 10/1/2021 CONFISCATE / CRUELTY BB Sornment: RTO without fees. GL ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center Kennel Card ames BUTCH olor BLUE Bice: PIT BULL \ MIX ‘ac: 2 YEARS colar Type: sexs NEUTERED colar Colr: Ta, 985112011592332 Markings, ; ution SPRINGFIELD [rrrovea By lweston,Erie_s6111 ‘State Poe, Hants conan ar ota be assed ove ot your agency ‘Keone a: ima a: Sangamon County Animal Control Center R2-05 eee Kennel Card PIT BULL \ MIX se ae: FEMALE 2 YEARS, SolacColet ——CalarType: Tag: 985112011592487 acing: Iefake ate: Dur outoate: Intake Type: Intake B: uation 9/22/24 11:54am 40/1/2021 CONFISCATE / CRUELTY BB SPRINGFIELD SSomment: RTO without fees. GL. Weston, Eric #6111 StatePoloe. Wand te corte ae ols be Gaserartes outed tour agency Pome 98 01 105 Kennet Not animal: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center R1-02 ‘8169569 Kennel Cord Nemes UNKNOWN Sobor BROWN & WHITE Bice PIT BULL \ MIX Sex. aes MALE 4 YEARS: Golarcolo: Gola Type: Teas Marhnas Intake Date: Due OutDate: Intake Type: Tale BY: dieton 9/22/24 11:54am 10/1/2021 CONFISCATE / CRUELTY BB ‘SPRINGFIELD ‘Comment: RTO without fees. GL Weston, Eric #6111 ‘asta Tis dasa cota nt TCaaTen dao SONS TS TINGE SatePotoe Wane te conte are nota be Szorantos ounce of your ager Kennel Asian: Sangamon County Animal Control Center Q03 eee Kennel Card ame: BRUNO Sai: BR BRINDLE & WHITE es PIT BULL se sos: NEUTERED 3 YEARS SolaGobc; = Gala Te: Tag 956000011975719 mains: Tne Oe DusoutDate: nake-Tne: TnakeBei uation 5/29/21 9:32am 5/29/2021 OWNERSUR/FIELD 5B SPRINGFIELD 31221202: cone © surrender for euth paid $210 Povey [weston,Enie_#6111 ‘ila Tye dose aac ein resoranenantons 1 SonGanane Te TOE ‘Stata Poic. and teconente mento be eeornaod ude your a3e% sere seta Sangamon County Animal Control Center R2-05 164229 Kennel Card tae NORTON oe TRICOLOR ste BASSET HOUND sex ee: Mau FWeeKs Gulab: GT: Ta: ‘AL65AIB2C ate: 6/10/21 1:05pm 6/19/2024 STRAY / OTC se ‘CHATHAM sone: 7 day, called o she said she gave dog away long time ago, will call back with a owner name. for now letter sent 6/11 to koster-riggens. sc Per Brieann..gave to a Richard..he is suppose to call if not, APL wants the dog back. ts [aorowee By |weston, Erle_#6141 ‘Site Poe, Nand te coments ae oltbe aesomnaad ove of your ancy Kennet No: ‘Animal No: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center 2-09 oh Kennel Card ame: PIPER Salat BROWN & WHITE et BASSET HOUND sex sas: SPavED ‘LO YEARS Soluce: Gali: Tae BLACK NYLON 956000004848313 acs: ine a pueouone ae he nie laadten 10/8/21 2:59pm 10/8/2021 EUTH REQ / OTC OWNEDM3 ‘SPRINGFIELD ‘Somme: ——— gothed p-/2-2] Weston, Eric_settt Kenna Nas ‘ail No: ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center R2-03 A150104 en same: LITTLE BIT Salo BLACK & WHITE reed PIT BULL \ MIX sex fac: PAYED YEARS Colac Colo: = Gala Toe; Tau: Making: Duecut date: Intake Tyas: TntakeBe: = isiction 9/25/21 9:30am 9/25/2021 OWNERSUR/ FIELD ML ‘SPRINGFIELD Comment: ‘© surrender, no chip. potty trained, knows tricks, good in house being only dog. signed ‘over for adoption. Vet sheet for wounds. Tx sheet in owner file 10-4-21, MJ otal oa GD oat ac [Weston, Eric #8111 ‘Daa Tis doo aa lr TeaTTeNGaTONS or Sonne aS TT State Pole, Nanas conent are nolo te ezaranaos outed of your aeney Q Memo Details Pat 21041677 Atso10s——_ANIMAL.IO._—_soiaa21 note KAREN ‘Wa cecuacing win my eoworkar Mike on the intracon= we ave had wih his dog we had to come othe contusion to uti down personaly went to Greg goting approval edo so nen same eter my coworker orl was of and he oficers ‘SSowore snort ot hep and so busy tus where hme has passed nv this hs taken 0 on, ‘ns chameleonbeach com [renoweay |weston, Erie_#6114 ‘iasainor The erin cna neha TeaorTanaaions 1 Conan oT HO Kenn No: cima No R2-10 4167537 Intake Date: ue Out Date: 8/10/21 2:11pm 8/19/2021 Senment: 7 day hold took off chain Letter mailed 8-11-21 ts ‘Sangamon County Animal Control Center Kennel Card same: MEGAN Solos BROWN Breed PIT BULL, Sex. socz FEMALE 2 YEARS Golaccol: Gola Tyme: Tags Mackin: Tovah Type SCONFISCATE / NONCOMPLY intake 8 cH “uradicion SPRINGFIELD 3\ hed : pan é [Remove sy [weston, Eric #6111 ‘asain The documem soane State Paice, Wangs contents re be arama ous t your apy ‘Sangamon County Department of Public Health ‘Animal Control Center 2100 Shale Street Springfield 62703 (e17) 535-3008 MEGAN'S MeDIGAL HISTORY) =" ‘nil Number 9967597 Type: Color frown Sx: intast Female Brood PEul Dele o Br Most fect Weight: Microchip: nara INTIAL VAC NORMAL Treated by DAZPPIBORDETELAMIVE IMEC'IN VACCINATIONS ware Exa NORMAL rested by: was gven a capstar fr Hoe: aa EXAM ORIMAL Treated by ‘sunt oumert¢ cea ace and wars ghivl recession both uope ks jm intake Type CONFIGCATE ake Reason: Teak Dave: 00072021 ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DISCLOSURES | hereby tos that al of the above informatio is ru and corse tothe best ot my knowledge. Co _—_____rwrve0es Peal ame Signa | hereby atest in ns de ssite was posted on or near the cage of ro dog o eat for adoption and hat have real the tisclosues.Ilurer understand hat am ened to weep a signed copy ott aslosure Iogear, verze Pit name Sansone you or your vets Init have qusclons regarding NEGAN's treatment, please eal us at 217-596-9065 Page tol ciruganFncnaedenn oarsmen Weston, Eric _g61tt ‘iasnir The coca crane nether reamarandaions ox Sonausone ofthe WG ‘Ste Poe, Wands contri notte Seseranaed aude yur agenty Sangamon County Animal Control Center Kennel Carc Name: ‘UNKNOWN Solan WHITE & TAN axes PIT BULL. sex 8: FEMALE 3 YEARS Golercole: Cola ype: Tas BLACK NYLON Markings: fatake Date Due Outpate: Intake Tyoe: Intake: sition 8/16/21 9:10am 8/20/2021 STRAY / FIELD MC ‘SPRINGFIELD comment: 3 day city hold-needs transported to vet for skin issues-also filled out vet form. Must verify appointment to transport animal for vet care upon reclaim. NG. th yet tare bee Babys Weston, Eric #6111 ‘aoe Tis dosarar ca Sate Poise ander aren {be deearnad ade yur agency aot 4 OF 106 ‘Sangamon County Department of Public Health ‘Animal Control Center £2100 Shale Street Springield I 62703 (217) 535-3065, IMAL vac NORMAL, “Treat by: DDASPPIBORDETELLAIVERMECTIN VACCINATIONS Intake Type-STRAY Intake Reason intake Date owr62023 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DISCLOSURES 1 hereby ates that a ofthe atove informations tue and core tothe best of my knowledge. (SreterA0) Stat: sorez0e1 —Faatiane ~ “Sipnatue " here tes hat his ecosure was poste on or nea the cage af he dog orca or aopton an tha | have read ‘closures. | urhor understand that fam ered to Keep a signed copy ol hs discos. Adopter: sorrez021 iar Tare you or your veterinarian have questions regarding A1678Hs treatment, please callus at 217-535-2005 Page tol citapan Finca tector at 7 [weston Erie_#6111 Site Pole, Hands covert are nto be evened ons your apy Page a8 oF 108 Activity Card AZV-01351S1 —ASSISTIPOLICE ———Prorty Leva: 8 “etalAnimais: 2 Animal Type: DOG Act Actress: Actvly Comment }SPO HAS 2 DOGS THEY NEED REMOVED. BIO HAZARD owner information: povsaes KIMBERLEE ARTIS Caller information: Poconos CITY DISPATCH {900 E MONROE ST SPRINGFIELD IL 62701 17) 738511 eoult Codes: 2IMPND 1017081 Oficer Paeesee HiEAS Clerk: THERESA cat ate: ores 246M Now Date: orev cass PM Dicpatch Date: 07/2121 0281 PML Working Dale: 07/2121 0259 0M Complete Date: 072404 2-0 2M 7/2121 15:40-56-588; Ave and met with SPD thoy stated there was suppose to b no ne at this residence ad at when ho looked ine he heard two doge we went around othe back ol healer where te backdoor wae unsecured and upan {poring the door caw ino smal doe sult sie a smal wee ker wih no wale and te Var was shut up with no ‘ecttely. Anotice was let stating | impounded tor alure of owners de, Bol dogs have chip that comeback to the ame fereon, Goth dogs have leas and have skin seuss, yolow shes wl tiled ox for ATS SPO # 29-55906 Kenley were in Erentopotars og Fat unato SetwareCnaneun Cae pt [woston, Eric_#6111 ‘Slate olce, Wand fe conant are no tobe dserinaed ous your agency, ean to: lao: Sangamon County Animal Control Center A13 oe Kennel Card ame: NINJA BLACK & BLACK ised DACHSHUND \ MIX sex 8: FEMALE 5 YEARS Cola Cole ColarType: Tas: '956000009799350 = Iotake Date: Dus outate: nlake Tyas: Tnmake x: © risicton 7/24/21 3:44pm 7/30/2021 CONFISCATE / cH SPRINGFIELD - NONCOMPLY 7 day hold chipped yellow sheet filled out. possible 2nd me. prev bite dog.recim 2016,2038 bite. this resorts to 1st p/u rv exp, fees 18,74,102, owes 66 bk tags 2019 & 2020=$260 letter sent 7/23/24 no sx req @ this time. se por Vet sts afed g-1T-21 Agee [Weston, Eric #6111 StlePotoe, hay to conten at rats be dazorsntos outed four 9900) ‘Kennel No: ‘Animal: Sangamon County Animal Control Center A13 101791 Kennel Card tone COOPER sal, TRICOLOR & BROWN Pes DACHSHUND WH \ MIX sec 08: MALE 5 YEARS Salo, aaa; Tae 1956000009790721 ans: Irate te Dioutpate: ake Tate Be ion 7/24/21 3:44pm 7/30/2021 CONFISCATE / cH SPRINGFIELD NONCOMPLY Somes: 7 day hold chipped yellow sheet filled out. letter sent 7/23/21. rv exp, reclm 11/15/16, & nov 2016. resorts back to Ast p/u, fees 18,74,102 + board. se does not need neut @ this time. sc shed g-17 Previous bite dog. SEE MEMO! ey yh Uct seen lWeston, Eric #6111 ‘isa Ts GSSrtar conan etic aTTORGRSO Seana ae ‘Site Plce. Wants covers eo fo be strand cule our aeney.

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