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Running head: HIS 306 1

Malcolm X Documentary and Film Review

Shondra Brown

Barry University

November 2021
HIS 306 2

Malcolm X Documentary and Film Review

Documentary (Malcolm X - Make It Plain A Full PBS Documentary-1994) - YouTube

The Documentary’s Brief Description

This 1994 documentary about the late Malcolm X is a combination of archive photos and

videos about the life of Malcolm X. The documentary by PBS sheds light on the life of Malcolm

X as he fought in America's struggle with civil rights. Malcolm's life is narrated from the time he

was born up to around the time he died. Events of his life and significant accomplishments have

also been included in the documentary.

The Documentary's Coverage of Malcolm X's Life

"Malcolm X" traces the origins of Malcolm's philosophy, the passionate and courageous

voice he offered it, and the journey toward death that, in perspective, was unavoidable via the

reminiscences of colleagues, relatives, friends, and opponents. If he ended up preaching peace

and reconciliation, he did not start that way. That is hardly surprising, given the facts of his life.

This whole storyline and videos used help understand the story clearly since it is interesting to


How the Documentary helped me Understand the Topic Further

This autobiography documentary on Malcolm X includes first-hand stories and

testimonies told about the life of Malcolm X. Other raw footage of Malcolm himself used in the

video have helped me receive first-hand videos that show and say what happened in the life of

Malcolm X.

Malcolm X (1992) Film (Amazon Movies)

Film Description
HIS 306 3

"Malcolm X," directed by Spike Lee, is one of the most excellent movie biographies,

glorifying the entire breadth of an American life that started in grief and ended in the streets and

prisons before its hero reinvented himself. After seeing the movie, I realized that we do have the

capacity to change our own life, and that fate does not have all authority over my life. The film is

inspirational, educational and entertaining.

The Film's Accuracy Compared to the Real-Life Events

The 1992 film, whose movie starring was Denzel Washington, described and picturized

known significant events of the life of the late Malcolm X. All aspects of the movies were spot-

on, from the setting to the resemblance of the characters and real-life people portrayed. I would

recommend the film to my fellow students because the movie accurately mentions the dates of

the events in Malcolm X's life. Another reason I would recommend the movie to my fellow

students is that the movie gives the audience a better picture of events that took place in the life

of Malcolm X's life.

How the Film helped me Understand the Topic Further

Malcolm X movie picturizes the events in the life of the late Malcolm X. Other features

such as music used, and proper language has made the topic more enjoyable compared to reading

book sources or listening to lectures. Since watching movies helps an individual remember and

grasp the content, watching Malcolm X gave me a chance to remember the topic.

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