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Leaders/Founders shape the culture of an
Organizational Behaviour

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr. Roshni James Rahul Sharma
Batch 27 C
Roll No - 27115

Submission Date

Culture is defined as “the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society”. Corporate
culture centres around a set of values and beliefs in a workplace environment. Corporate culture is the backbone
of any successful company.
Shantanu Narayen
Shantanu Narayen joined Adobe in 1998 as senior vice-president of worldwide product development, a position
he held through 2001.From 2001 to 2005 he was executive vice-president of worldwide products. In 2005 he
was appointed president and chief operating officer.
During an interview he stated ‘’I found the right place at the right time, it was surprisingly enough, an engineer
from India found an organisation with all the aligned values.’’ Narayen is a combination of democratic as well
a transformative leader. He believes that especially in the tech game if you are not bringing transformations and
innovation on the table then u can never be an efficient leader.

About the organization

Adobe Systems Inc. started in a small office in Silicon Valley, 1983. Stemming from research related to
computer graphics systems and printing, the pair went on to revolutionise multimedia software, changing visual
communication forever. Since Adobe’s establishment, their worldwide revenue has grown to over $4 billion
and has employed over 12,000 people. Spread across 24 different campuses in 17 different countries, 93% of
Adobe employees love their workplace. Shantanu Narayen is one of those employees who thinks of their
company as family and since the time he has joined the organization, the kind of changes he has made starting
from the lower level of the hierarchy is really commendable.
Adobe is renowned for offering staff huge company perks. Onsite yoga and cafes, as well as paid family
vacations and health care make up a huge facet of Adobe’s company culture, but it’s their four core company
values that have led Adobe to greatness. Shantanu has played a very vital role in the implementation of these
‘used to be ’espoused values.
1. Genuine
Adobe is sincere about the products they create and the staff they support. Adobe takes time to listen and
care for their staff aiming to be ethical in all that they do. Culture such as Adobe specific sporting teams,
onsite organic cafes and healthy living allowances allows Adobe to continually recognise the contribution
of their staff. According to the CEO it is very important to recognize and reward the contribution made by
each employee as when he arrived to the states, his few employers taught him the importance recognition.
2. Exceptional
Adobe was founded on excellence. Since their development, Adobe have been leaders in the field of digital
media and content, creating industry standard programs from day one. Adobe Research is a manifestation of
Adobe’s motivation to being Exceptional. The program works with some of the world’s best researchers
and top University students to develop ideas and investigations that are at the forefront of computer science.
Excellence is the quality inculcated by being an Indian since his education began which ultimately became
the reason for his career success. Being your own biggest critique is a principle followed by him.
3. Innovative
Adobe provides staff with endless opportunities to be innovative. They empower their staff to explore new
ideas and provide permission to fail. Through the creation of their award-winning Kickbox program Adobe
invests in their employee’s potential. The Kickstart box exemplifies Adobe’s core value of Innovation,
providing opportunity for company development by fostering staff’s creative potential. As quoted earlier by
the CEO earlier, if you are not evolving, you are going to be obsolete. Narayen since ever his appointment,
has begun with the practices such as monthly innovation day when it is mandatory for all the employees to
give an innovation, they can see in the current working situations at the lowest or at the topmost level.
4. Involved
Adobe is renowned for their philanthropy and actively encourage company involvement within the
community. Matching employee time and donations to eligible charities and schools as well as contributing
products and services to over 15,000 non-profit organisations around the world. Adobe’s corporate culture
encourages staff and community involvement with world issues through leading by example and a strong
sense of corporate responsibility. This value doesn’t pay off for the outsider stakeholders but gives a sense
of connection to the employees as well. Which has contributed big time on the employees satisfaction level
with in the organization.


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