Senator Mike Lee - Annual Report 2021

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Published January 2022


06 22 62 90
Committee Protecting Utah's Supporting Utah Helping Utahns
Assignments Public Lands Businesses Resolve Federal Issues

08 28 74 92
Preserving Supporting Utah's Education for the 21st Mobile
Fedaralism Farmers and Ranchers Century Offices


Fighting Against Biden's Ending Reckless Protecting Religous Military Academy
Vaccine Mandate Governmen Spending Liberty Nominations
Salt Lake City Office Washington DC Office
Wallace Bennett Federal Building 361A Russell Senate Office Building 14 32 80 96
125 S State Street, Suite 4225 Washington, D.C. 20510 Crisis in Defending the Social Capital Interning with
Salt Lake City, UT 84138 202-224-5444 Afghanistan Second Amendment Project Senator Lee
(801) 524-5933
16 34 82
Ogden Office St. George Office Protecting Children and Sponsored
James V. Hansen Federal Building Federal Building Honoring Our
Defending Privacy Legislation
324 25th Street, Suite 1410 196 East Tabernacle Street, Suite 21 Veterans and Military
Ogden, UT 84401 St. George, UT 84770 20 44 86
(801) 392-9633 Phone: 435-628-5514 Addressing Our Engaging with Meet the Senator's
Nation's Border Crisis Utahns Utah Staff

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Each year during Utah’s
legislative session, I deliver
my annual report to the Utah
Legislature and people of Utah.
This annual report is intended
to keep the Utah Legislature
and you abreast of my efforts
as I strive to represent Utah
and fight for Utah values in the
United States Senate.

Judiciary Committee - The Senate Committee on the Judiciary oversees the Department of Justice, considers
executive nominations, and reviews pending legislation.
• Ranking Member of Subcommittee on Competition Policy, Antitrust, and Consumer Rights
• Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts
• Subcommittee on the Constitution
Energy & Natural Resources Committee - The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources oversees
matters related to energy and nuclear waste policy, territorial policy, and public lands. This committee is crucial for
addressing public lands issues that Utah is facing.
• Ranking Member of Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining
• Subcommittee on Energy
• Subcommittee on Water and Power
Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee - The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and
Transportation oversees the Coast Guard and Merchant Marine, interstate commerce, communications, the Internet,
aviation, rail, shipping, transportation security, oceans, fisheries, climate change, natural disasters, science, sports,
tourism, consumer protection, economic development, technology, competitiveness, product safety, insurance, and
standards and measurement.
• Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard
• Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security
• Subcommittee on Communications Technology, Innovation, and the Internet
• Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security
• Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness
Joint Economic Committee - The Joint Economic Committee is responsible for reporting and making
suggestions to improve the United States economy. Senator Lee serves as Ranking Minority Member Designate of
the Joint Economic Committee and oversees the Social Capital Project.
Special Committee on Aging - The Special Committee on Aging served as a focal point in the Senate for
discussion and debate on matters relating to older Americans. Often, the Committee will submit its findings and
recommendations for legislation to the Senate. In addition, the Committee publishes materials of assistance to those
interested in public policies which relate to the elderly.

6 7

The Legislative Branch was designed to create the laws, to

The Executive Branch was created to ensure that the laws
created by Congress were being enforced.
The Judicial Branch was created to ensure the Constitution
is being upheld. It reviews laws to ensure they are in
Legislative Executive Judicial
Branch Branch Branch accordance with the Constitution.


Federal The separation of government powers is critical to protecting

The Framers envisioned a federal government that would have the civil liberties and economic opportunities of the American
The U.S. Constitution has fostered the Government
powers, as James Madison described, as "few and defined." By people. Separation of powers runs on two different tracks:
contrast, the powers granted to the states and local governments development of the greatest civilization State
would be "numerous and indefinite." This concept, known as Government The Horizontal Separation of Powers: The idea that there
federalism, was enshrined within our founding document. the world has ever known. By limiting the are three, coequal, branches of government.
However, over the past hundred years, more power has been
given to the federal government at the expense of the states and
reach of government, the Constitution
Local Vertical Separation of Powers: The acknowledgement that
local governments. allows individuals, families, and Government
there is a federal government, a state government and a local
Every day, Senator Lee fights to restore that balance. Whether it is communities to do what they do best, government and each form of government plays a unique
local control over Utah's public lands or fighting President Biden's role.
vaccine mandates, Senator Lee believes that governing locally and allowing them to thrive.
empowering individuals is the best way to protect liberty. - Senator Mike Lee
8 9
Op-Ed The union and the Constitution distrust. That’s why the U.S. Senate requires a super-majority of 60 votes to end debate and pass legislation — to discourage
one-sided legislating and encourage consensus and compromise.

forever : by Senator Mike Lee Today, with the parties so closely divided, it’s hard to get 60 votes on partisan legislation. You need bipartisan compromise,
which on many issues is simply hard to come by. The media sees inaction on controversial issues as a failure. But it’s really just
To actually heal America’s political divisions, we first have to remember that disagreement is not a disease. It is a natural, a signal that the country is still making up its mind.
universal and healthy human reality. The tone of political discourse can certainly become toxic, and that is a problem. But
political division itself is something prudent societies try to channel or harness, not eradicate. The thing we have to remember is that under our Constitution, this is OK.

For the root cause of America’s divisions is a core fact about our nation that we tend to think of as a strength, not a weakness: If states as different as Rhode Island and New Mexico and Alaska have different political preferences, they don’t need to
our diversity. resolve them in a zero-sum war in Washington. Congress can simply devolve decision-making on more contentious issues
to the states, where the more homogeneous Rhode Islanders, New Mexicans and Alaskans can experiment with approaches
The reason politicians disagree in Congress is the same reason citizens disagree in the voting booth. The United States is a that work best for them.
huge country – third most populous on Earth and fourth largest by area. Of course 330 million people stretched across a
continent (and an ocean!), of every race, ethnicity, religion, and culture are going to have sharply divergent ideas of the good This isn’t about the size of the federal government — the federal government is going to remain huge for a long time to
life, and the government policies that lead to it. come. Rather, it’s about the need for national consensus to validate federal policy. 51%-49% issues are controversial, by their
nature. Some issues — like national security or immigration — by their nature must be decided at the federal level, no matter
We would not want it any other way. America’s ability to make our diversity a strength is part of what makes us the greatest how controversial they are. But most issues — from education to welfare to health care to housing to infrastructure — really
nation on earth. Our job is to make sure our diversity pulls us together instead of pulling us apart. can be decided at lower, less divided, levels of government.

The good news is, we already have a proven way to achieve this goal. The United States has always been diverse. Our Blue states can be as blue as they want; red and purple states can go their way too. And all Americans — across the country
Constitutional framework was specifically written for a regionally, culturally, economically and religiously diverse nation. and across the political spectrum — would be happier not to be in a constant zero-sum battle against the other party on
The Constitution’s checks and balances and separated powers simultaneously empower political majorities while protecting every single issue under the sun. The founders called this approach “federalism.” Philosophers call it “subsidiarity.”
political minorities and, most of all, individual rights.
To me, it’s the only realistic way to restore trust in our public institutions, detoxify our national discourse and heal some of the
Given America’s wide diversity, political issues decided at the federal level are by their nature going to be the most divisive. wounds of our current divisions.
People in the East and the West, on the coasts and in the interior, in rural and urban areas — to say nothing of “red” and “blue”
states — are always going to see the world differently. Op-ed orignally published by Deseret News, Jan 10, 2021

Allowing 51% of such a diverse society to impose their values and priorities on the other 49% is a recipe for resentment and

10 11
I’m pro-vaccine. But I’m anti-
mandate because I’m pro-
worker. I also happen to be
very strongly anti-legislation-

Senator Lee speaks on the Senate Floor against President Biden's vaccine
- Senator Mike Lee mandate.

Fighting Against Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

In 2021, President Biden announced nationwide vaccine mandates that pertain to federal workers, federal
contractors, businesses with 100 people or more, military members, Head Start employees, and health care
workers. Senator Lee believes these vaccine mandates to be unconstitutional and an executive branch overreach
by the President of the United States. In the days that followed, Senator Lee came to the Senate floor repeatedly to
propose bills that would stop the President’s mandate and protect the rights of all Americans.

Senator Lee is NOT anti-vaccine, but is anti-mandate. He does not believe the federal government has the
constitutional authority to mandate what healthcare decisions Americans should make, and believes Americans
should consult with their doctors and choose for themselves. Since the announcement of the vaccine mandate,
Senator Lee has offered over a dozen bills, each aimed at protecting the rights of Americans from this government

12 13
President Biden’s closing of the war
in Afghanistan has been riddled
with avoidable mistakes resulting in
both tragedy and embarrassment
of historic magnitude.

The President and other high-

ranking officials must be held
accountable for this failure.

Crisis in Afghanistan - Senator Mike Lee

While Senator Lee believes it was time to bring American troops home from Afghanistan, the Biden administration’s The President and other high-ranking officials must be held accountable for this failure. Throughout twenty years of
disastrous withdrawal was an unmitigated failure. engagement, Congress failed to respond to an Executive branch plundering powers that constitutionally belong to
Congress. It's time for Congress to do its job and ensure that such a grave mistake that cost us so much in American
Kabul fell to lawlessness and mass panic. Afghan Security Forces laid down arms to the Taliban. American citizens taxpayer resources, but most importantly in American blood, will never again happen.
were left behind enemy lines. Our nation lost thirteen service members, with many more seriously wounded, to a
terrorist attack, and the Administration ineptly responded by killing ten innocent civilians including seven children. Senator Lee and his colleagues Senators Chris Murphy and Bernie Sanders introduced the National Security Powers
Act, which would restore Congress’ role in national security decision-making. This bipartisan legislation would return
As the crisis unfolded, members of Senator Lee's casework team worked around the clock to help those who were war powers to the people's representatives in Congress and ensure that future Presidents cannot waste American
trapped in Afghanistan. In total, the casework team sent over 1,700 names to the State Department for evacuation. blood and treasure in foreign wars the American people want nothing to do with.

President Biden’s closing of the war in Afghanistan has been riddled with avoidable mistakes resulting in both Senator Lee and his colleagues may disagree on when and how to use military force, but we should debate those
tragedy and embarrassment of historic magnitude. matters in the light of day for the American people to view and influence. U.S. engagement in Afghanistan over the
last decade, and the recent blundered withdrawal, demand that we prioritize such a debate. It is long overdue.
14 15
I am running out of patience with a company
that has told us over and over again, ‘We are
so concerned about your children. We are
so concerned we are commissioning a blue
ribbon study or doing a review,’ and stuff like
this is still happening.
- Senator Mike Lee
Senator Lee questions Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, about inappropriate material being recommended to children.

Protecting Children and Defending Privacy

American entrepreneurs and creators have made the United States the global leader in science and technology. Through his role on the Senate Commerce Committee, Senator Lee has been a strong voice and advocate for holding
Their innovation and advances in technology have transformed the quality of life for people throughout the world, these platforms accountable. Senator Lee had staff create an account for a fictitious thirteen-year-old girl. After
including millions of Americans. following a recommended celebrity account, the account recommended content on plastic surgery, sexualization of
women, and body dysmorphia-promoting content.
As technology improves and new and growing markets emerge, there will always be a temptation in Washington
to expand the federal government’s regulatory role over the private sector and attempt to centrally control our Senator Lee also questioned Instagram CEO, Adam Mosseri, on a Tech Transparency Project report that kids can use
innovation. Instagram to find drug dealers in just two clicks. This questioning follows a report from Senator Lee's Joint Economic
Committee highlighting the impacts of Instagram on teen girls’ mental health.
Senator Lee believes a responsible approach to technology policy is one where the federal government restrains
itself to its limited constitutional authorities, and, even then, only acts in a manner that is narrowly tailored to Another concerning issue for millions of Americans is the lack of transparency for the collection and use of their
address the specific challenge. online data. Sen. Lee believes that Congress should pass federal data privacy legislation that empowers online
One such challenge is the exploitation of children on social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and Tik Tok.
16 17
Personal data can be used for good,
but it can also be used for evil.
It's one of the reasons why we have
a Fourth Amendment.

The Fourth Amendment protects

Senator Lee speaks at the Silicon Slopes Summit in Salt Lake City. our right to be secure and free in our
persons, papers, and effects.

These days, our personal details

aren't only in papers and effects, but
they are also online in the form of

- Senator Mike Lee

18 Senator Lee and Apple CEO, Tim Cook, discuss the positive impact of technology and the importance of data privacy. 19
Senator Lee speaks with Caitlin Hansen on the issue of data privacy.
It’s a crisis brought about
by the deliberate, willful
nonenforcement of U.S. law,
facilitating the exploitation of
women and children. This is a
tragedy and it’s got to stop.
- Senator Mike Lee
Senator Lee and his colleagues join US Border Patrol agents as they patrol the
Rio Grande River.

Addressing Our Nation’s Border Crisis

In March 2021, Senator Lee and his colleagues went to the U.S.-Mexico border to witness firsthand the immigration
crisis along our southern border. The massive influx of migrants, many of them children, has left many of our
holding facilities severely overcrowded. This crisis has been exacerbated by the open border policies of the
Biden Administration. Loopholes in our immigration system perversely compel women and children to entrust
their savings, futures, and lives to cartels and coyotes – endangering the safety of vulnerable immigrants and
undermining the integrity of our nation's borders.

To combat this humanitarian and national security crisis, Senator Lee and his colleagues introduced The Stopping
Border Surges Act. This bill includes reforms that would help stem the surges of illegal immigrants that our country
can neither support nor sustain; strengthen our asylum process; eliminate the incentive to send children on the
perilous, solo journey to the border; and dampen the exploitative power of the coyotes and cartels.

20 Senators Lee, Barrasso, and Sullivan walk with US Border Patrol agents along Senator Lee speaks with members of the media about the
the US-Mexico Border. border crisis.
Senator Lee meets with the Washington County Water
Conservancy District to discuss solutions to Utah's drought.
Senator Lee speaks with Interior Secretary Deb Haaland in Kanab to
Bears Ears National Monument
discuss the expansion of the Bears Ears National Monument.

Utah’s Public Lands

Utah is known worldwide for its beautiful vistas and stunning natural wonders. Our public lands are not just valuable
to our thriving tourism industry, but also to the many citizens whose livelihood relies on access to these lands. As
such, it is essential that our public lands are protected and properly maintained.

Today, over two-thirds of public land in our state is managed by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats who are
thousands of miles away in Washington, DC. Senator Lee believes the best way to ensure our national treasures and
economic opportunities are protected is to empower our state and local communities. Those who live near these
public lands understand these issues best and have an immediate interest in ensuring these lands are cared for in
the best manner. Senator Lee continues to devote his time and work to make progress on this issue that is crucial to
so many Utahns.

22 Low water levels at Lake Powell (pictured above). Over the past year, Utah and much of the western United States have been under severe 23
drought conditions.
A Monumental Insult
Since Biden’s announcement that a review would be conducted regarding these monuments, Utah’s delegation has worked to ensure
that local voices are heard in the review and to seek a legislative solution that would more effectively protect sensitive resources and

Op-Ed :by Sen. Lee, Sen. Romney, Rep. Stewart, ensure continued access to the lands.

Every step of the way, we have engaged to provide a legislative solution to codify appropriate boundaries to these national monuments
Rep. Owens, and Rep. Moore and provide statutory certainty for all sides. This was — along with Utah’s governor, lieutenant governor, president of the Senate,
speaker of the House and attorney general — expressly communicated in a letter to the Biden administration this past February.
As a congressional delegation, we stand united in opposing the unilateral expansion of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante
national monuments by way of President Joe Biden’s divisive proclamation. From the beginning of his presidency, we have been clear In addition to providing long-term certainty, legislation would have allowed Congress to explore creative solutions to better reflect
about our willingness to work with him on a permanent legislative solution. It is disappointing that these calls were ignored, and a the input of a variety of stakeholders, such as tribal governments, ranchers, recreationists and conservationists to clarify allowable uses
route was chosen that will only delay needed permanent protections and resources for these areas. of the land, to help the struggling economies of these counties and to end the back-and-forth over the monuments’ boundaries and
Unfortunately, Biden’s proclamation perpetuates a cycle of abuse under the Antiquities Act, which ignores the rights and the will of
Utahns, to the detriment of the lands and those whose lives are most intertwined with them. Unfortunately, despite our engagement, Biden rejected this opportunity.

While the Antiquities Act was drafted with good intentions — to preserve objects of historic and cultural importance — President Despite his proclamation on the campaign trail to unite America, the review of the monuments he ordered to be conducted by
Bill Clinton kicked off the pattern of abuse in Utah in 1996 when he created the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. With Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland sought the express input of only the “Attorney General, Secretaries of Agriculture and Commerce,
the simple stroke of a pen at an out-of-state photo op, he instantly transformed 1.8 million acres of productive land into a national the Chair of the Council of Environmental Equality, and Tribal governments.” Notably, Congress and local officials were not included.
monument even though Utah’s governor, bipartisan federal delegation and the overwhelming majority of our citizens were firmly
opposed. We invited Haaland to Utah so that she could hear directly from the people who a monument designation would most affect. Though
she met with some state and local leaders, it is now clear that it was not because Biden intended to listen to their concerns.
In 2016, President Barack Obama designated Bears Ears National Monument in a similar manner. In the middle of the Christmas holiday,
he swept over 1.3 million acres of land in San Juan County — the poorest county of Utah — into a new national monument overnight, Biden has instead chosen to continue the path of ignoring the concerns of Utahns themselves and proceeding without congressional
once again despite opposition from Utah’s governor and federal delegation, and once again without local input. approval. That does not mean, however, that we will give up the fight to protect Utah from abuses under the Antiquities Act.

The result of these massive designations under the Antiquities Act? Vast swaths of land are locked up without effectively protecting In fact, Chief Justice John Roberts recently signaled a willingness to reconsider the status quo, writing that the law has become
historic or cultural objects. “transformed into a power without any discernible limit to set aside vast and amorphous expanses of terrain above and below the sea.”

In the case of Bears Ears, drawing a circle on a map the size of Delaware and claiming “conservation” does not protect the land, Gov. Spencer Cox and Attorney General Sean Reyes announced that the state will likely sue the federal government if Biden enlarges
especially when the proclamation does not bring any new financial resources to the area. In fact, it actually causes more damage to the the monuments absent approval from Congress, a step we commend.
land by drawing a bull’s-eye for looters and countless tourists to find an area rich in Native American artifacts and antiquities to steal or
damage, with effectively zero chance of being caught. Furthermore, it fails to include the crucial input and involvement of local tribes in For years, we have fought to give Utahns a say in the care and the management of our lands. Biden had the opportunity to give us just
protecting and highlighting their own cultural heritage. that. Though he has so far passed that up, we will not stop making sure Utahns’ voices are heard loud and clear.

The lands are overseen by bureaucrats thousands of miles away in Washington, and the very people whose lives are most affected — Op-ed orignally published by Deseret News, October 8, 2021
and who are in the best position to care for and manage the lands — are denied any say in the process.
24 25
As a federal lands state, with some counties more than The National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) requires
90% owned by the federal government, Utah’s rural agencies to consider the environmental impact of their
economies rely heavily on payments in lieu of taxes actions and if possible, to take steps to mitigate the
(PILT) from the federal government. environmental impact of their decision through other
alternatives. While environmental planning is essential
Unfortunately, these payments are woefully inadequate to sustainable growth, NEPA has unfortunately become a
relative to the revenue counties would collect if the weapon used by special interests to make much-needed
lands were subject to regular property taxes. As such, infrastructure and maintenance projects throughout our
Senator Lee continues to advocate for aligning PILT country prohibitively expensive.
payments more closely with actual property tax rates
and to make the payments more predictable with a To address this issue, Senator Lee introduced the “Undoing
long-term authorization. NEPA’s Substantial Harm by Advancing Concepts that
Kickstart the Liberation of the Economy” or UNSHACKLE
In August, Senator Lee introduced a budget resolution Act”.
amendment that carves budgetary space for legislation
increasing federal PILT payments to local governments.
The amendment passed the Senate during the budget
Environmental planning is essential to
resolution vote-a-rama process.
sustainable growth, but unfortunately
Senator Lee’s amendment opens the door for a bill to
determine the size of the payment shortfall and bring NEPA has become a weapon used by
PILT payments in line with what local governments are
due. special interests to make much-needed
infrastructure and maintenance
projects throughout our country
prohibitively expensive.
- Senator Mike Lee
26 27
Protecting Utah's Public Lands Protecting Utah's Public Lands
Senator Lee meets with ranchers in Seiver County. Senator Lee meets with young farmhands in Wasatch County.

Senator Lee meets with meat producers in Beaver

Supporting Utah’s Ranchers and Farmers


Our farmers and ranchers are the backbone of our nation’s food supply, and it is because of their hard work that
we can put food on our tables to feed our families. In 2021, our nation's farmers and ranchers faced challenges,
ranging from supply chain issues to cyber-attacks that crippled the meat packing industry. Over the past year,
Senator Lee introduced key bills to ensure our farmers and ranchers are protected and able to fulfill their crucial
role in our economy.

In June, Senator Lee cosponsored the Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption (PRIME) Act. In addition
to reviving the ability of local custom slaughterhouses to compete with large regional packers, this commonsense
legislation moves to revive the ability of individual states to govern the commerce within their own borders. This
legislation came days after a ransomware attack forced the world’s largest meat processor to shut down nine U.S.
plants and disrupted production at other facilities—reinforcing the importance of local producers in a resilient
food supply chain.

28 Senator Lee learns about dairy farming at Heber Valley Cheese in Midway. 29
Ending Reckless Government Spending
In response to trillion-dollar spending proposals and the Everything gets a lot more expensive when
historically high federal deficit, Senator Lee has been
fiercely outspoken against reckless government spending. the federal government just prints, doles out

Utahns are confronting skyrocketing costs for everyday

trillions of dollars at a time. Money that it
necessities. Housing, food, gasoline, and electricity are does not have…
all more expensive in large part because the federal
government keeps spending more money than it has. Who does that hurt? It hurts poor, middle-
Inflation is making it harder to make ends meet and class families, and anyone living paycheck to
provide for our families. This spending risks our children’s
paycheck the most.
future, but we are also feeling the costs now.
- Senator Mike Lee
30 31
Senator Lee and his colleagues hold a press confernce calling for an end to reckless government spending that is causing rampant inflation.
It concerns me that you as the
nominee to be the director
of the ATF would have such
a flippant and, if I may say,
so utterly condescending

attitude toward first-time gun
owners in this country.

Senator Lee visits Lee Kay Public Shooting Range.

Senator Lee listens to Utahns who are concerned about protecting Senator Lee questions ATF nominee David Chipman about controversial comments he -Senator Mike Lee
their Second Amendment rights. made regarding Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights.

Defending the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment guarantees Americans the fundamental right “to keep and bear arms”. The Supreme Court It’s almost never the wealthy and Senator Lee was a fierce critic of David Chipman, President Biden's
correctly interpreted this guarantee as an individual right as opposed to a collective right enjoyed only by colonial nominee to be the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
militias. Many gun control efforts threaten the rights of law-abiding Americans while criminals, intent on hurting well-connected whose safety is Firearms and Explosives. Chipman, who is a former ATF agent and
others, continue to ignore the law. These efforts also harm the ability of Americans to protect themselves and their a hired lobbyist for gun control groups, had made some troubling
families, disproportionately hurting minorities and those living in high-crime areas.
impaired by restrictive gun-control statements about Americans exercising their Second Amendment
laws. This was true in England in rights. Senator Lee also pressed Chipman on comments he made
Senator Lee has continued to lead the fight against efforts to further restrict law-abiding Americans from exercising online about sending Americans to prison for failing a firearm
this fundamental right, and he supports efforts to roll back existing gun control laws. In April, Senator Lee introduced 1671 when King Charles II prohibited background check.
the Silencers Helping Us Save Hearing Act of 2021, or SHUSH Act, a bill to eliminate the unnecessary regulation of
suppressors. Suppressors are non-lethal firearm accessories used by hunters, sportsmen, and marksmen to make commoners from owning guns, and it After significant pushback from Senator Lee and his colleagues,
shooting safer by reducing—though not completely silencing—noise, recoil, and muzzle blast. This bill would the White House eventually withdrew their nomination of
remains true in America today.
eliminate the federal regulation of suppressors, removing overly burdensome taxes, fees, and current restrictions on Chipman, a victory for all American's who respect the Constitution.
the right to own, transport, transfer and use a suppressor. - Senator Mike Lee
32 33
SPONSORED LEGISLATION designating a national monument. – Prevents a president from creating a reserved water right when
designating a national monument and would allow for water rights to be acquired for a national monument
through the state system in which the water rights reside.
117th Congress S.31 — Protect Utah’s Rural Economy Act – Prohibits the establishment of a new national monument in Utah
except when authorized by Congress and consent has been given by the governor and state legislature.
S.3370 — A bill to release the reversionary interest of the United States in certain non-Federal land in Salt
Lake City, Utah, and for other purposes. – Releases the reversionary interest of the United States in the land to
LANDS/ENERGY — These bills involve the management of public lands and of our nation's natural the University of Utah, allowing for the critical work of the University at Research Park to continue.
resources. Senator Lee proposed these bills to empower rural Utahns and promote effective use and
management of Utah's public lands. S.721 — NEPA Accountability and Enforcement Act – Reforms NEPA to set a 2 years shot clock on NEPA related
S.2949 — A bill to amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 to describe
the scope of activities subject to a presumption of the applicability of an exclusion under the National S.719 — NEPA State Assignment Expansion Act – Expands the Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program
Environmental Policy Act of 1969. – Expedites the administrative review process for geothermal projects with a so that all agencies have to implement a program that allows states to enter into an MOU with an applicable
permitting mechanism previously only offered to oil and gas producers. federal agency for the purposes of being delegated the agency’s NEPA responsibilities.
S.2861 — Opportunities for Fairness in Farming Act of 2021 – Prevents checkoff programs from contracting S.718 — NEPA Agency Process Accountability Act – Makes extensive changes to the NEPA processes at
with organizations that lobby on agricultural policy and engaging in anticompetitive behavior; and requires agencies, including requirements that agencies cannot consider alternatives that are outside of the agency’s
transparency through publication of checkoff program budgets and expenditures, as well as means for audits of jurisdiction or are not technology or economically feasible.
S.717 — UNSHACKLE Act – Comprehensive NEPA reform that implements changes to agency processes, imposes
S.2860 — Voluntary Checkoff Program Participation Act – Allows farmers and ranchers to participate in checkoff reasonable deadlines on agency decision-making, and reforms key NEPA legal standards.
programs if they desire, while ending the tax on producers who would prefer not to participate
S.716 — NEPA Legal Reform Act – Reforms the legal process for litigating NEPA including reforms to the Equal
S.1686 — Human-Powered Travel in Wilderness Areas Act – Allows local land managers to determine if trails in Access to Justice Act, preliminary and permanent injunctive reform, and imposition of a uniform 150 day statute of
local wilderness areas are suitable for bicycle access and allow for that access to be granted limitations on NEPA related claims.
S.1526 — A bill to authorize the use of off-highway vehicles in certain areas of the Capitol Reef National S.715 — NEPA Data Transparency and Accountability Act – Requires agencies to report the cost of all NEPA
Park, Utah. – Mandates that the NPS follow Utah state law regarding motor vehicle use on certain roads in Capitol projects under their jurisdiction along with data on pending NEPA actions and anticipated future expenses.
Reef National Park.
S.2070 — Native Species Protection Act – Clarifies that the federal government has no regulatory jurisdiction
S.1214 — State Grazing Management Authority Act – Allows a state to administer grazing programs on eligible over a single-state species.
allotments of federal land, and to take the lead on required NEPA analysis, if it so desires.
S.1008 — MORE PILT Act – Directs the Secretary of Interior to create a model/tool, conduct a study, and issue a
report describing the true taxable value of land owned by the federal government (if it were owned by anyone MILITARY — These bills involve military spending, procurement of military assets, and our national
other than the federal government) and make recommendations on how PILT payments can more accurately reflect security. Senator Lee proposed these bills to reclaim Congress’ Article I authority over matters of war and
the land’s taxable value. peace and to honor our veterans and service members.

S.498 — A bill to amend title 54, United States Code, to limit the authority to reserve water rights in S.2744 — Restraining Emergency War Spending Act – Defines limits on emergency war spending.

34 35
S.Res.340 — A resolution opposing legislation mandating the registration of women for the Selective S.3225 — Respecting Our Frontline Workers Act v Protects the jobs of healthcare workers by prohibiting the
Service System. – Expresses that the U.S. Senate should not pass legislation mandating the registration of women federal government from requiring that staff in healthcare facilities be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition
for the military draft. of participation in Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP.
S.2514 — A bill to rename the Provo Veterans Center in Orem, Utah, as the “Col. Gail S. Halvorsen ‘Candy S.3170 — No Forced Vaccination for COVID–19 Act – Protects Americans from federally forced vaccination
Bomber Veterans Center”. – Renames the Provo Veterans Center in Orem, Utah after Col. Gail S. Halvorsen, known against COVID-19 by ensuring that nothing in federal law, other than an explicit statement in a bill passed by
in Utah and around the world as the Candy Bomber. Congress, can be interpreted as the provision of authority to mandate, or implement a mandate, that an individual
get the COVID-19 vaccine.
S.1433 — Guarding Readiness Resources Act of 2021 – Provides an exemption from the Miscellaneous Receipts
Act for State Active Duty reimbursement payments to national guards in all 50 states. S.2988 — Parental Consent for Vaccination Act – Requires that any vaccine mandate issued by Congress or
an Executive agency include the written and informed consent of a legal guardian in order for a minor to get the
S.1084 — Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act of 2021 – Requires states to recognize the occupational licenses COVID-19 vaccine.
of military spouses from another state if the service member and the service members' spouse move across state
lines on federal military orders. S.2851 — Transparency in COVID–19 Expenditures Act – Requires an audit of COVID-19 relief funding.
S.677 — Allied Burden Sharing Report Act of 2021 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to S.2850 — Biden Can’t Force Me Act – Requires that an individual may be exempted from any federal COVID-19
Congress detailing annual defense contributions by U.S. mutual defense treaty allies to the common defense. vaccine mandate on the basis of a sincerely held belief.
S.2767 — Enhanced Protection from Unmanned Aircraft Attacks Act – Extends the existing counter drone S.2848 — Your Health Comes First Act – Requires that an individual may be exempted from any federal
authority of the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, and COVID-19 vaccine mandate due to health-related concerns.
Department of Energy by allowing them to contract with private companies for counter drone operations.
S.2847 — Let Me Travel America Act – Prohibits the federal government or an interstate common carrier from
S.1647 — Enhancing Coast Guard Readiness Act – Allows the Coast Guard to procure vessels that have been instituting a requirement that an individual must be vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to travel across state
built in the shipyards of our NATO allies. lines.
S.1648 — A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize the construction of naval vessels in S.2846 — Natural Immunity Is Real Act – Requires the federal government to acknowledge, accept, truthfully
shipyards in North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries. – Allows the Navy to procure vessels that have been present, and incorporate natural immunity to COVID-19 in its regulations.
built in the shipyards of our NATO allies.
S.2844 — Transparency in COVID–19 Research Act – Requires the Department of Health and Human Services to
publish all of its studies and findings related to COVID-19.
HEALTHCARE — These bills deal with federal issues related to the health and well being of the S.2843 — No Taxation Without Congressional Consent Act – Prohibits the imposition of any fine, fee, or tax on
American people. Senator Lee proposed many of these bills to protect Americans from President Biden's any person for violation of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate issued by an executive agency.
unconstitutional vaccine mandates
S.2842 — Respecting Our Servicemembers Act – Prohibits the institution of a requirement that military
S.Res.469 — A resolution designating December 3, 2021, as “National Phenylketonuria Awareness Day” – members be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Designates December 3, 2021 as National Phenylketonuria (PKU) Awareness Day and encourages Americans to
become more informed about PKU and its treatments. S.2841 — Transparency in COVID–19 Vaccination Act – Requires the Department of Health and Human Services
to publicly disclose all adverse events that have arisen from the COVID-19 vaccines and how often they have
S.3243 — Protecting Our Federal Workforce from Forced COVID–19 Vaccination Act – Protects the jobs of occurred.
hard-working Americans by prohibiting the federal government from imposing a COVID-19 vaccine requirement
on contractors, subcontractors, and federal employees. S.2840 — Don’t Jab Me Act – Allows Americans who have been forced to be vaccinated against COVID-19 due to
a federal mandate to sue the federal government.
36 37
S.2825 — Downwinders Act – Expands the eligibility to all injured individuals who lived in Utah and certain
counties in New Mexico for compensation from the federal government as restitution for harms caused by atomic
weapons testing. TRADE / COMMERCE / BUSINESS — These bills promote interstate commerce and a strong American
economy. Senator Lee proposed these bills to empower Utah businesses and alleviate the burden of federal
S.2734 — Restoring Trust in Public Health Act – Requires the Director of the CDC to be Senate-confirmed. regulation.
S.Res.207 — A resolution designating the week beginning November 8, 2021, as “National Pregnancy S.2643 — Open America’s Ports Act – Repeals the Passenger Vessel Services Act, allowing all ships that qualify
Center Week” to recognize the vital role that community-supported pregnancy centers play in saving lives under the laws of the United States to transport passengers from U.S. port to U.S. port.
and serving women and men faced with difficult pregnancy decisions. – Designates the week of November 8,
2021 as “National Pregnancy Center Week” and recognizes the important work of pregnancy centers nationwide. S.3355 — DEEP Act v Repeals the requirements of the Foreign Dredge Act of 1906 which restricts U.S. dredging
projects to vessels that are solely U.S. built, U.S. crewed, and U.S. flagged.
S.J.Res.7 — A joint resolution disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the
Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020. – Repeals a law in Washington, DC that allows minors, S.3365 — Incentivizing the Expansion of U.S. Ports – Amends the Foreign Dredge Act of 1906 to allow
11 years of age or older, to receive a vaccine without parental consent or notification. Americans to purchase foreign-built dredge vessels for operation in the United States so long as they are crewed
by Americans and flagged under U.S. law.
S.207 — Parental Right to Know Act – Requires hospitals and providers that participate in Medicaid or CHIP to
disclose their policies regarding parental access to medical records. S.3367 — Port Modernization and Supply Chain Protection – Repeals the Foreign Dredge Act of 1906 and
allows all dredge vessels that otherwise qualify under the laws of the United States to operate in the United States.
S.206 — Parental Accessibility Rights for Emergency and Negligent Treatment Act – Requires hospitals
and providers that participate in Medicaid or CHIP to disclose their policy on parental consent for the provision, S.3366 — Allied Partnership and Port Modernization Act – Permits the use of NATO and major non-NATO ally
withdrawal, or denial of life-sustaining treatment for minors. dredge ships in the United States.

S.125 — Protecting Life in Health Savings Accounts Act – Makes the expense of funds in Health Savings S.1994 — Protecting Jobs in American Ports Act – Repeals the “U.S.-built” requirement for passenger vessels
Accounts, Archer Medical Savings Accounts, Health Flexible Spending Arrangements, and Retiree Health Accounts operating between U.S. ports.
unqualified for tax-exempt status if used to pay for abortions, except for abortions due to rape, incest, or S.3252 — Surpassing Temporary Obstructions at Ports and Guaranteeing Resources to Increase the Nation’s
protecting the life of the mother. Commercial Health Act – Authorizes several temporary regulatory waivers and actions in order to help alleviate
the stress in our freight network supply chain.

ANTITRUST — These bills deal with monopolies and consumer protection. Senator Lee proposed these bills S.1646 — Open America’s Waters Act – Repeals the Jones Act’s restrictions on coastwise trade
to ensure our markets remain competitive, which ultimately benefits the consumer. S.Res.134 — Support for a US-UK Free Trade Agreement – Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President
S.2039 — TEAM Act – Updates the antitrust laws by strengthening merger and conduct standards, improving should work with the British Government to prepare for a future free trade agreement between the United States
antitrust remedies, and putting all enforcement under one roof at the Department of Justice. and the United Kingdom.

S.1787 — State Antitrust Enforcement Venue Act of 2021 – Allows states to benefit from the same protection S.691 — Global Trade Accountability Act – Requires congressional approval before a president may increase
against venue transfers that federal antitrust enforcers benefit from. barriers to international trade.

S.1111 — Competition in Professional Baseball Act – Repeals Major League Baseball’s antitrust immunity. S.297 — Reinforcing American-Made Products Act – Requires the Federal Trade Commission’s standard of
“Made in USA” to be the supreme standard in all 50 states.
S.633 — One Agency Act – Puts all antitrust enforcement under one roof by revoking FTC’s antitrust authority
and transferring all antitrust personnel and resources to the Department of Justice. S. 3410 — Consumer Protection and Due Process Act – Expressly provides the Federal Trade Commission with
the authority to pursue equitable remedies for unfair or deceptive trade practices with due process protections for
38 39
companies and individuals. enjoy a speedy reunification process; address rampant fraud and abuse in the asylum program; and to discourage
illegal entry.
S.1640 — Protecting Access to American Products Act – Creates a Jones Act waiver process that allows an
individual to receive a waiver from the Jones Act’s requirements if: (1) there is no Jones Act vessel to carry a
particular good, and (2) the individual made a good faith effort to locate a Jones Act compliant vessel. EDUCATION — These bills involve reforms to schools and colleges across America. Senator Lee proposed
S.3054 — Truck Driver Safety and Flexibility Act – Modifies hours of service requirements for more flexibility in these bills to ensure Utah and other states have more freedom in making education choices for their local
driving commercial motor vehicles. communities.
S.2803 — Transportation Empowerment Act – Pays off the outstanding insolvency of the Highway Trust S.2711 — Empowering Local Curriculum Act – Clarifies that neither the Higher Education Act, nor the
Fund, lowers the Federal Fuel Tax, and returns Federal Infrastructure project funding to solely the interstate Elementary and Secondary Education Act, requires the use, teaching, promotion, or recommendation of any
transportation network. academic, discipline, program, or activity that espouses critical race theory or other certain divisive beliefs.
S.2802 — Balance the Highway Trust Fund Act – Balances the Highway Trust Fund by requiring the expenditures S.538 — A bill to repeal portions of a regulation issued by the State Superintendent of Education of the
of the fund to not exceed the revenues. District of Columbia that require child care workers to have a degree, a certificate, or a minimum number
of credit hours from an institution of higher education. – Allows child care workers in Washington, DC to be
S.2642 —Safeguarding American Tourism Act – Exempts large passenger vessels (“vessels with 800 or more able to provide their services without the burdensome requirement of a specific degree, certificate, or minimum
passenger berths”) from the requirements of the Passenger Vessel Services Act. number of credit hours from an institution of higher education.
S.1527 — A bill to amend title 54, United States Code, to provide that State law shall apply to the use of S.1153 — Head Start Improvement Act – Block grants federal funding for early education to allow states more
motor vehicles on roads within a System unit. – Mandates that the NPS follow state laws regarding motor flexibility to address the unique local and state-based needs of children.
vehicle use on roads in park units and clarifies that off-highway vehicles are an acceptable vehicle type if allowed
by state law. S.1757 — Children Have Opportunities in Classrooms Everywhere Act – Assists families in helping their
children acquire the best education for them by reforming federal K-12 funding mechanisms.
S.882 — Protecting American Jobs Act – Limits the authority of the National Labor Relations Board and redirects
adjudicatory functions back to U.S. Courts.
S.553 — Government Spectrum Valuation Act – Requires the Department of Commerce’s National AVIATION — These bills involve the use of aircraft and drones. Senator Lee sponsored these bills to ensure
Telecommunications and Information. Administration (NTIA) to coordinate with the Federal Communications the federal government doesn't over-regulate these important technological fields.
Commission (FCC) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to estimate the value of federal spectrum S.1184 — Screening Partnership Reform Act – Reforms the Screening Partnership Program of the TSA to give
allocations between 3 kilohertz and 95 gigahertz for licensed or unlicensed spectrum uses. airports more choice in the selection process and to promote more innovative private sector screening techniques.
S.1129 — Air Traffic Control Safe Operation and Readiness Act – Reforms the Air Traffic Controller skills test to
IMMIGRATION — These bills deal with naturalization and immigration. Senator Lee proposed these bills to better account for skills-based knowledge.
address flaws in our legal system that encourage illegal immigration. S.1124 — Flight Sharing Freedom Act – Codifies a federal definition of a “common carrier” for aviation and
S.1177 — E Visa Integrity Act of 2021 – Requires non-native nationals to reside in the treaty country for a permits internet-based flight sharing so that a pilot who wants to share flight expenses with passengers may do so
continuous period of at least three years before applying for an E-visa. over the internet.
S.884 — Stopping Border Surges Act – Seeks to close loopholes in our immigration laws to help end the crisis S.1118 — Aviation Empowerment Act – Permits internet-based flight sharing so that a pilot who wants to share
of coyotes “recycling” children; better protect Unaccompanied Alien Children; allow children from all countries to flight expenses with passengers may do so over the internet without being required to possess a commercial
pilot’s license or be registered as a commercial airline.
40 41
S.600 — Drone Integration and Zoning Act – Protects the airspace rights of a property owner for drones
operating below 200 feet; a state and local government’s authority to manage drone operations under an altitude
of 200 feet; and the zoning authority of state and local governments to designate commercial drone take-off and JUDICIAL — These bills involve reforms in our nation's legal system. Senator Lee sponsored these bills
landing zones. because he believes Americans' rights must be protected from federal overreach.
S.1101 — SHUSH Act – Eliminates federal regulation of silencers as firearms under the National Firearms Act
and the Gun Control Act; removes current restrictions on the right to own, transport, transfer and use a silencer;
FINANCE — These bills deal with our nation's finances and spending. Senator Lee sponsored these bills preempts any state regulation of the manufacture, transfer, transport, or possession of silencers; and strikes
because he believes it is important to get our fiscal policy in order as our nation tops $30 trillion in debt. provisions requiring a mandatory minimum sentence for possession of a silencer in certain instances.
S.793 — CBO Show Your Work Act – Requires the Congressional Budget Office to make the data and economic S.739 — Mens Rea Reform Act of 2021 – Attempts to end the prosecution of morally innocent conduct by
models it uses to produce cost estimates available to the public. establishing a requirement that any offense punishable by imprisonment and/or a fine of at least $2,500 just be
committed “willfully” defined as acting with knowledge that certain conduct is unlawful or with the intent to take
S.185 — Cancel the Coin Act – Limits the Treasury Secretary’s ability to mint platinum coins of any face value to actions that result in unlawful behavior.
prevent an executive bypass of Congressional debt limits.
S.241 — ARTICLE ONE Act – Protects Americans from executive overreach by requiring that national emergency
S.49 — No CFPB in the PPP Act – Prohibits CFPB from exercising oversight authority over a lender regarding its declarations must be approved by the branch most accountable to the people – Congress – and ending the
participation in the Paycheck Protection Program. dubious practice of “endless emergencies” by placing an expiration date on all current and future emergencies.
S.J.Res.5 — A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States requiring
that the Federal budget be balanced – An amendment to the Constitution requiring Congress to spend no
more than it collects during any fiscal year; limiting spending to 18% of the gross national product; and allowing SOCIAL ISSUES — These bills are related to the issues of abortion and transgender athletes. Senator Lee
Congress to run a deficit, raise taxes, or increase the debt limit only if agreed to by two-thirds of both the House sponsored these bills because he believes the federal government has no constitutional authority to be
and Senate. funding such activities.
S.1052 — Poverty Measurement Improvement Act – Reforms poverty measurement data so that the receipt of S.251 — Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2021 – Would make it a violation of Title IX if an
federal benefits is included in calculations and measurements of poverty. athletic program allows persons whose biological sex is male to participate in a program that is designated for
women or girls.
S.805 — Davis-Bacon Repeal Act v Repeals an 80-year-old wage subsidy law that drives up federal project costs,
hurts economic opportunities for construction workers, and hinders economic growth. S.427 — Promoting Responsibility Over Moderation In the Social-media Environment Act – Requires
websites to disclose their content moderation policies and designates claims and actions at odds with these
S.247 — Working Families Flexibility Act of 2021 v Allows employers to offer time off to their employees at a moderation policies as an unfair or deceptive act or practice under Section 5 of the FTC Act.
rate of one and a half hours as compensation for each hour of overtime of work provided.
S.137 — Protecting Life in Foreign Assistance Act – Bans federal funding from going to overseas organizations
S.2833 — NFIP Underwater Properties Act – Eliminates subsidies for “extreme repetitive loss” properties (two or that perform and promote abortions.
more claims within a 10-year period cumulatively exceeding 120% of the property value).
S.124 — Abortion Is Not Health Care Act of 2021 – Prohibits elective abortions from being considered as
S.2832 — No NFIP Subsidies for Millionaires Act – Prohibits NFIP from subsidizing single-family home eligible for a medical expense deduction.
properties worth over $1 million.
S.2785 — Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Research Act – Prohibits taxpayer dollars from being used to fund
S.2831 — Flood Insurance Flexibility Act – Requires the NFIP to refund the unused premium for mid-term research or publications relating to gender transition in minors.
cancellations where alternative flood insurance has been acquired or mortgage is repaid.

42 43
Senator Lee addresses Utahns in a virtual town hall with Rep. Senator Lee answers questions during a virtual town
Senator Lee live on the radio with Utah's own Rod Arquette.
Chris Stewart. hall from Washington, DC.

Engaging With Utahns

Whether in rural Utah or in Washington DC, Senator Lee enjoys meeting Utahns from all walks of life. Even when the chaotic
Senate schedule keeps Senator Lee in Washington DC, he wants his offices to feel like home for Utahns visiting our nation’s
capital. Every Wednesday the Senate is in session, Senator Lee hosts Jell-O Wednesday, a social event where the Senator
greets visitors and shares a cup of Utah’s official state snack.

When back home in Utah, Senator Lee does his best to reach as many Utahns as possible. Whether through speaking with
local radio stations, attending events, or holding town halls, Senator Lee wants to hear from Utahns from every corner of the

If you have a question or concern, you can email Senator Lee by visiting or you can arrange a meeting with
Senator Lee’s staff at

44 Senator Lee speaks with Dan 45

Woodruff of KUTV in Kanab.
Senator Lee meets with key leaders representing Utah’s future Olympic Senator Lee meets with the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce to
Senator Lee speaks with local business owners in Vernal.
bid and the ski industry at beautiful Utah Olympic Park. discuss the Social Capital Project.

Senator Lee attends a Prosperity Utah event to discuss criminal

justice reform and other initiatives he is leading in Utah.

46 Senator Lee holds a town hall at a local business with 47

Engaging With Utahns Senator Lee observes the progress of the Uinta Basin Railway project. Engaging With Utahns
Washington County small business and community leaders.
Town Halls
Senator Lee welcomes the
opportunity to engage with Utahns
in their communities across the Senator Lee speaks with State Representative Carl Albrecht.
state. This past year Senator Lee
held town halls with Utahns across
the state. These town halls enable
the Senator to report directly to
his constituents and take their
concerns back to Washington. Senator Lee speaks with Sanpete County Commissioner Scott Bartholomew.

Senator Lee addresses the concerns of Utahns during a town hall in Roosevelt.

48 Senator Lee speaks to Utahns at a town hall in Richfield. 49

Engaging With Utahns Engaging With Utahns
I believe it is each American's civic
duty to know what role they play
in our government. It is vital you
educate yourself and form good
habits now so you can exercise the
responsibilities of citizenship that
Senator Lee meets with Utah high school students in
Washington DC. sustain our republic.
- Senator Mike Lee
Senator Lee addresses Chamber of Commerce members from across Utah at the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative's Twin Oaks Estate.

Utahns in Washington
Senator Lee, in conjunction with the Utah
congressional delegation, planned two chamber
of commerce flybacks to Washington DC in 2021.

Trip attendees met with all six members of Utah's

congressional delegation and went behind the
scenes to learn more about what goes on in
Washington, DC. Over 80 business and community
leaders attended.

50 Senator Lee engaging with students via Zoom. In 2021, Senator Chamber members visit the US Marine Corps War Memorial 51
Engaging With Utahns Lee participated in nearly 100 video calls with Utahns. Engaging With Utahns
Accountability to Utah
The founders designed a legislative branch
in which U.S. Senators would be accountable
to the states. Each year during Utah’s
legislative session, Senator Lee delivers
his annual report to the Utah Legislature.
This yearly tradition gives Seantor Lee an
opportunity to engage with Utah's local
representatives from both polticial parties,
and to hear their concerns regarding federal

Senator Lee speaks with Democratic members of the Utah legislature.

Senator Lee discusses solutions to human trafficking at a Malouf Foundation panel Senator Lee and Elizabeth Smart, activist and founder of
discussion with members of Utah's congressional delegation. the Elizabeth Smart Foundation.

Fighting the Evil of Human Trafficking

Senator Lee and other members of Utah's congressional delegation
joined the Malouf Foundation to discuss legislative solutions to
human trafficking. Senator Lee cited immigration reform as one
remedy, especially relating to the human trafficking that occurs on the
U.S.-Mexico border where many migrants are exploited by smugglers
and traffickers. Senator Lee also expressed support for reforms that
would put greater pressure on social media companies to moderate
and rein in trafficking on their platforms.

52 Senator Lee with Sam Malouf, Jeff Steed, 53

Engaging With Utahns and long time friend, Steve Young. Senator Lee speaks with Republican members of the Utah Legislature. Engaging With Utahns
Meeting with Local
When visiting the many communities
around Utah, Senator Lee makes sure
to stop and visit with the mayors,
county commissioners, and other
local government leaders. Hearing
their concerns ensures Senator Lee
can more effectively represent Utah
in the United States Senate.

Senator Lee meets with the elected leadership of the

Uintah and Ouray Ute Tribe.
Senator Lee gets lunch with the Davis County
Commissioners at a Bountiful sandwich shop.
Senator Lee with Blanding Mayor, Logan Monson, Monticello Mayor,
Bayley Hedglin, and San Juan County Commissioner, Bruce Adams.

54 Senator Lee meets with local government and business leaders Senator Lee meets with Moab Mayor, Emily Niehaus, and Grand County Council 55
Engaging With Utahns in Iron County. Chairwoman Mary McGann. Engaging With Utahns
Senator Lee with John Houston, CEO of Intermountain
Senator Lee visits Intermountain Electronics in Carbon County.
Electronics, and his wife Jerri.

Senator Lee discusses rural economic issues while touring State Senator Lee speaks to Utahns at the Utah Mining Association's
Senator Hinkins' mining fabrication shop. annual conference. Senator Lee holds a town hall with community leaders and citizens in Kane County to discuss public lands issues affecting their community.

Senator Lee visits with employees of Udo, a Utah tech company Senator Lee holds a drone during his visit to Rocky Mountain
based in Farmington. Unmanned Systems (RMUS).

56 57
Engaging With Utahns Engaging With Utahns
Serving Utahns
Senator Lee and his staff are always
eager to serve Utahns. Throughout
the year, Senator Lee and his staff
engaged in various service efforts with
Utah groups including: My Hometown
Initiative, USANA, Farmers Feeding
Utah, and the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints.
Senator Lee hands out food bags during the Flavors of Utah Members of Senator Lee's staff help prepare disaster relief Members of Senator Lee's staff help load food donations as part
event at the Utah Cultural Center in West Valley City. health kits at Welfare Square. of the Utah Farm Bureau's "Farmers Feeding Families program.

Senator Lee's staff packs food bags for Utah kids

58 59
Engaging With Utahns facing food insecurity at USANA. Engaging With Utahns
Senator Lee with Utah Food Bank President Ginette Bott, Jim Webb of Smithfield Foods, and Utah University President Taylor Randall.

Senator Lee and Senator Wyden announce their wager. Senator Lee unloads food donations with Swoop and the Oregon Duck.

A Friendly "Wager"
Senator Mike Lee and Oregon Senator Ron Wyden placed a friendly wager on the results of a football game
between the University of Utah and the Oregon Ducks. Both Senators arranged for food producers in their
respective states to make large donations to the food banks of the opposite state.

Smithfield Foods committed to making a donation of 40,000 pounds to Oregon Food Bank and Food For Lane
County. While Farmers Ending Hunger and Tillamook County Creamery Association committed to a combined
35,000 pounds to Utah Food Bank.

Senator Lee joined University of Utah President Taylor Randall, and representatives from the Utah Food Bank to
witness the initial donation. They were also joined by Swoop and the Oregon Duck, the mascots of the University of
Utah and the University of Oregon.

60 61
Engaging With Utahns Engaging With Utahns
Senator Lee with David and Bianca Lisonbee, the founders of 4Life.
Senator Lee shakes hands with Jamie Brooker, whose husband, Brian, Senator Lee tours the Taffy Town headquarters and
founded Brooker's Founding Flavors Ice Cream. production facility in West Jordan.

Supporting Utah Businesses

While the Constitution charges Congress with regulating interstate commerce, Senator Lee believes that authority should
be used to ensure goods and services can be properly sold and traded amongst the 50 states and the rest of the world. He
does not think it gives the federal government blanket authority to micromanage the country’s economy.

Utahns embody the entrepreneurial spirit and value free market principles. Because of this, Utah consistently ranks top in
the nation for economic growth and business friendly environment. Senator Lee believes these ideas not only make Utah a
great place to live and do business, but they also represent truly fundamental American ideals.

This past year, businesses have not only battled the effects of COVID-19, they have also had to work through supply chain
issues, labor shortages, and the effects of inflation. In response, Senator Lee has introduced key pieces of legislation to help
alleviate the pressure these issues place on businesses.

62 Lee meets with Dustin Leavitt and Brock Johnson of Vilex, an Senator Lee tours Grip6 with CEO BJ Minson. Grip6 is a Midvale 63
innovator in podiatric surgical implants in Park City. company specializing in low profile belts and buckles.
The supply chain crisis is making
Thanksgiving meals, Christmas gifts, and
everyday necessities more expensive and
harder to get. My STOP the GRINCH Act will
help ease supply chain difficulties and get
holiday products off of ships, onto trucks,
and into stores. We can STOP the GRINCH
and save Christmas.
- Senator Mike Lee

STOP the GRINCH Act: Fixing Our Nation’s Supply Chain

While the COVID-19 pandemic drastically increased e-commerce sales, the surge in online goods has exposed longstanding
problems with the U.S. supply chain, including our truck driver shortage, port capacity, and port labor challenges.

Few can forget the images of the unprecedented backlog of up to 100 vessels anchored off the coast of California just
waiting to unload their cargo. Americans are already experiencing consumer product shortages as White House officials
warn that our supply chain challenges will affect the availability of products for months to come. The supply chain crisis
is already negatively impacting businesses' bottom lines, increasing consumer prices, and contributing to our broader
inflationary pressures.

In response, Senator Lee has introduced the Surpassing Temporary Obstructions at Ports and Guaranteeing Resources to
Increase the Nation’s Commercial Health Act (STOP the GRINCH Act). This bill would ease supply-chain tensions by cutting
regulatory red tape and granting waivers to decrease stress on our nation's freight network supply chain.

64 65
Supporting Utah Businesses Supporting Utah Businesses
Senator Lee places a "Made in the USA" sticker on a kayak from
Lifetime Products.
Senator Lee tours the Lifetime Products factory in Clearfield.

Made in USA Act

In September, the United States Senate unanimously
passed Senator Lee’s Reinforcing American-Made
Products Act which establishes a national standard
for products to be labeled “Made in USA” in interstate

Currently, businesses must navigate conflicting federal

and state definitions and regulatory requirements
to label products as “Made-in-USA.” The Federal
Trade Commission has an existing national definition
of “Made-in-USA” that does not supersede state
requirements under current laws.

This bill will simplify and standardize the product

labeling and allow countless businesses who already
qualify under the federal definition to sell their products
66Senator Lee discusses the passage of the "Made in USA Act" with Lifetime Products CEO, Richard Hendrickson. Lifetime Products, a Utah company
as “Made in USA” nationwide. 67
based in Clearfield, is a big advocate for the legislation. Supporting Utah Businesses
Working Families Flexibility Act

Senator Lee introduced the Working Families

Flexibility Act, a bill that would give employees
more flexibility on how to use their overtime
benefits Senator Lee tours Stadler's train production facility in Salt Lake City with Senator Lee tours Stryker Neurovascular in Salt Lake City, where they
CEO Martin Ritter. created this 137,000 square-foot, state of the art healthcare training facility.
In 1978, Congress passed the “Federal Employee
Flexible and Compressed Work Schedule Act,”
providing federal, state, and local governments
the ability to give their employees a choice
between overtime pay or paid time off for working
overtime hours. This legal privilege unfairly
discriminates against private-sector workers and
impedes those employers who want to offer their
employees this flexibility to balance work and
family obligations.

The Working Families Flexibility Act fixes this

disparity by amending the Fair Labor Standards
Act of 1938 to provide employers with the
necessary flexibility to allow their employees to
choose either the traditional overtime pay or paid
time off for any overtime hours worked.

68 Senator Lee meets with Anthon Burbidge of Burbidge Custom Timbers in 69

Supporting Utah Businesses Stadler is a strong advocate of the Working Families Flexibility Act.
Syracuse Supporting Utah Businesses
In July, Senator Lee hosted the 7th annual Flavors
of Utah. This year’s Flavors of Utah event looked
much different than past years. We partnered
with Zions Bank, Associated Foods, the Utah Food Senator Lee and representatives of Zions Bank, Associated Foods, and My
Industry Association, and six local food producers Hometown Initiative speak at the Utah Cultural Center
to donate over 500 product bags filled with Utah
food products to the My Hometown Initiative in
West Valley City.

The My Hometown Initiative is a neighborhood

improvement coalition made up of residents, city
workers, and volunteers from various churches
and organizations. It runs entirely on private
initiative and volunteerism. Their process is
simple: see something in need of repair, note it,
and join the group to help fix it.

It was an honor to partner with such a great cause

for this year’s event and we look forward to many
more years celebrating Utah’s pioneering spirit.

Member of Senator Lee's Staff, alongside representatives of Associated Food Senator Lee and others hand out Flavors of Utah product bags to those
Supporting Utah Businesses Stores, prepare local food bags to donate to the My Hometown Initiative. who attended.
Senator Lee discusses federalism and limited government with Vasion CEO, Ryan Wedig, on stage at the St. George
Chamber of Commerce event, "Salute to America".

Senator Lee takes a photo with Ryan Wedig and Don Willie, President of
the St. George Chamber of Commerce.

The free market is also at its best

when people follow the founding-era
principles found in the Constitution.

These principles are not outdated.

They are not old fashioned. They are
not outmoded. They stand true.
- Senator Mike Lee
72 73
Supporting Utah Businesses
Senator Lee with local officials and USU faculty at the Carbon County Senator Lee tours the computer science lab at Davis
Senator Lee tours Utah State University's new flight program in Price. Senator Lee speaks with faculty at Davis Technical College in Kaysville.
Regional Airport. Technical College.

Education for the 21st Century

The dawn of the 21st century has brought tremendous opportunities and changes to our economy. We need a higher education institutions participating in federal student loan programs to publish relevant outcome
higher education system that offers Americans opportunities in our workforce and doesn’t burden them with information in a readily accessible format, giving students access to the information they need to make informed
unnecessarily high costs. decisions about which institutions to attend.

Senator Lee’s Higher Education Reform and Opportunity Act would not only make the cost of higher education more The third title would simplify federal student loans into one option and the fourth title would create a new
affordable, but would also make it easier for students to customize their own education and gain the skills they need financial “skin-in-the-game” requirement for universities, rewarding them for each Pell Grant graduate, but
to compete in today’s economy. requiring them to repay a percentage of the overall amount of loans made, taking into account loan default rates
and the average national unemployment rate.
The bill is divided into multiple parts. The first title allows states to create alternative accreditation systems that can
accredit any institution that provides postsecondary education programs that can be applied to a degree, credential, By implementing meaningful, education reforms like Senator Lee’s HERO Act, we can ensure that Utahns will be
or professional certification. This title would also give states with alternative accreditation systems the flexibility to better equipped to deal with the educational demands of the future.
determine clock hour and minimum program length requirements, allowing short-term workforce development
programs and nontraditional educational providers to be eligible for federal student aid. The second title requires
74 75
We Need to Create Choice in As a result, low-income children for whom the aid is intended never see a dollar. The money flows to school districts with

no consideration for children’s individual needs, whether financial or academic, no accountability for schools in either their
performances or outcomes, and no input from parents.

K-12 Education : by Senator Mike Lee Our K-12 funds should be directed to students, not bureaucratic systems. And they ought to reflect the reality that children
have the best academic success when their parents or legal guardians are empowered to make decisions that best meet their
children’s needs and when they are involved in the learning process. After all, children’s first and most important teachers in
As the school year comes to a close, children are looking forward to getting out of the classroom and into camps, vacations,
life are their parents.
and summer activities. Parents are reflecting on the past year and preparing for the one ahead — especially in light of the
problems that the pandemic exposed in schooling.
That’s why I’ve introduced a bill called the Children Have Opportunities in Classrooms Everywhere Act, or CHOICE Act, to
modernize how, and to whom, we distribute our K-12 resources.
This year showed us that the school system is failing many parents. But in addition to highlighting some of the deep-rooted
problems in our education system, it’s also highlighted the ingenuity of parents who want better for their children.
My bill would allow low-income families with children in grades K-12 to apply for federal education funds that they can
choose to put toward the public schools in which their children are enrolled or toward an education savings account, known
Over this past year, nearly 9 in 10 parents worried about their children falling behind academically. While 58% of parents
as a 529 account.
have reported they are considering changing their child’s form of education, another 20% report they have already made a
It would also expand the qualified expenses for 529 accounts so they could be used for private-school tuition, virtual
learning, private tutors, home-schooling curricula, therapy services, and more.
Parents want change, and students need change — and it is past time that we give it to them.
As a result, parents, legal guardians, community leaders, and low-income students would have more leverage to hold schools
Our one-size-fits-all model has long funded systems, not students. Our programs, while well intentioned, have failed to give
accountable, and students would be better equipped to pursue postsecondary education and enter the workforce.
struggling families and students the options and the assistance they deserve.
The pandemic has made clearer than ever that it’s time we stop funding an education system that excludes parents and hurts
In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to create opportunities
disadvantaged children. Instead, we need to ensure that our education funds are actually made available to students and
for low-income students by providing funding that would increase “quality and equality” in education. Since then, federal
families of all stripes and that they are empowered to use them in a way that best meets their unique needs.
involvement and spending in K-12 education have expanded, reaching $85 billion in 2018 and accounting for roughly 8% of
all K-12 spending nationwide.
As we look ahead to the fall, parents want options. They want the ability to “vote with their feet” against the policies that
sacrificed their children’s education during the pandemic, and rightfully so. This coming school year, we can help provide
But unfortunately, decades’ worth of research has shown that the ESEA has made little to no progress in improving the
them those options by passing the CHOICE Act.
academic outcomes or opportunities for those it’s intended to serve. Because ESEA dollars must go through a formulaic
maze that siphons off money to bureaucracy and administrative costs, a maze so complex that only a few bureaucrats
could explain where these funds actually go, it does not allow for students and families to hold schools accountable for the
Op-ed orignally published by the Washington Examiner, June 8, 2021
education being provided to them.

76 77
Senator Lee meets with a congregation of Muslims in West Senator Lee and members of the Greek Orthodox Church. Senator Lee meets with members of a local Hindu congregation in Senator Lee pictured at a religious liberty gathering in St. George.
Valley City . South Jordan.

Protecting Religious Liberty

The free exercise of religion, the freedom
Religious freedom is the birthright and common heritage of all Americans. From the genesis of our nation, all the
way down to the present day, faith continues to guide the lives of many. We are a nation committed to welcoming
of speech, and the freedom of assembly
people of different backgrounds and we are stronger because of it. There is strength in faith. are each absolutely essential to the
Although America has always celebrated religion, today religion is under attack. Senator Lee is committed to health of our Republic. That is why the
fighting for the protections of religious organizations and beliefs. Over the past year, Senator Lee visited with many
of Utah’s unique and diverse religious communities. Founding Fathers enshrined them all in

The fact that the U.S. Constitution enumerates the freedom of religion as the First Amendment is no surprise. The
the First Amendment.
right is fundamental. Religious freedom must be preserved and not taken for granted. - Senator Mike Lee

Senator Lee discusses the importance of religious liberty at a panel

78 79
discussion in Washington, DC.
Annual Highlights
Reconnecting Americans to the Benefits of Work
Millions of Americans have fallen out of the workforce during the
COVID-19 pandemic, and government programs and policies are
likely making work less attractive for these Americans. Senator
Lee urged Congress to remove barriers and disincentives to work.

Expanding Child Care Choices

The tax code shouldn’t discriminate against single-income
families who choose to have a parent stay at home. Senator
Lee recommended reforming tax benefits to make it easier for
families to raise children in the way they deem best.

Balancing the Costs of School Closures

Social Capital Project School closures throughout the COVID-19 pandemic have
harmed children’s learning and the mental health of parents,
students, and teachers. Senator Lee urged innovative learning
alternatives to traditional one-size-fits-all approaches to
Inspired by Utah’s thriving civic life and strong social capital, Senator Lee founded the Joint Economic Committee’s Social education.
Capital Project to study the state of social capital in America today. The Project advises Congress on policies to increase
social capital through reconnecting Americans to work, improving investment in youth, making it more affordable to raise a You can learn more about the Project at, or
family, increasing family stability, and rebuilding civil society. scan the QR codes below to read more.

The Social Capital Project began its research by investigating American associational life and the distribution of social capital
across our country. While a strong social fabric makes Utah one of the greatest states to live, work, and run a business, social
capital is not distributed equally in the United States, and many more Americans live in struggling communities than in
flourishing ones. The Project detailed its findings in Volume I: An Overview of Social Capital in America.

This year, the Social Capital Project recommended specific policies to expand opportunity and strengthen America’s social
fabric in Volume II: A Policy Agenda for Social Capital. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to place unique pressures on
our life together, these recommendations for lawmakers, leaders, and communities are more crucial than ever. Volume I: An Overview of Volume II: A Policy Agenda
80 Social Capital in America for Social Capital 81
Senator Lee and his wife Sharon participate in Wreaths Senator Lee with Utah National Guard service members in the U.S. Senator Lee with Col. Gail Halvorsen, the famous Candy Bomber. In Senator Lee and his wife Sharon greets Utah National
Across America to honor our veterans. Capitol Building. December, 2021, Senator Lee's bill to rename the Provo Veterans Center Guard service members in Washington, DC.
in his honor passed the US Senate unanimously.

Honoring Our Veterans and Military

Americans owe veterans and their families an enormous debt of gratitude for putting themselves at risk to protect standing problems in the bureaucracy. This will ultimately give veterans more options for service and more control over
our rights and freedoms. Some have made the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard our lives, and for that, we will be forever their choices, while continuing to provide the military branches with the recruitment and retention tools they need to keep
grateful. our forces in a high state of readiness.

It is one of the highest priorities of the federal government to provide for the common defense of our country, which With young American men and women laying their lives on the line for our freedoms, Senator Lee believes we must also
includes providing robust care for our veterans and their families. This starts with ensuring that preparations for any ensure the war making powers reside with the people's representatives in Congress. He believes very strongly that actions
military action, regardless of size, includes consideration for the current and future needs of the servicemembers who that would put American blood and treasure on the line must be debated and discussed where the risks and benefits can be
will participate in those missions. carefully weighed and the American people can influence such decisions through their elected leaders.

In recent years, the Department of Veterans Affairs has been rightfully criticized for failing to meet the most basic In July of 2021, Senator Lee along with Democratic Senators Murphy and Sanders introduced the National Security Powers
standards that Americans expect for veterans. Senator Lee has worked to ensure that the VA is made accountable and Act, which would reinstitute many of the constitutional checks and balances on the President and the President's ability to
able to exceed expectations in providing the benefits and care promised to veterans and their families. He has also send our troops into harm's way.
sought to encourage the use of technological advances and new ideas to better provide services and resolve long-
82 83
Understanding No Greater Love
Taylor once said, “… we have far more as Americans that unites us than divides us.” His words were true when he spoke them,
and they remain true today. We are united in the liberties his life was given to defend.

Op-Ed We give thanks to the brave and creative soldiers who lost their lives while serving in the Ghost Army, the 23rd Headquarters
: by Senator Mike Lee Special Troops. Joseph Passaro, Chester Pelliccioni, Staff Sgt. George Peddle and Capt. Thomas Wells all died while defending
our nation.
“In his hour of death, as in his way of life, he set the highest standard. He was truly a Christian, a scholar and a gentleman, and
one whose heroic example will always be an inspiration to those of us who knew and loved him.” The Ghost Army used inflatable tanks, sound effects, radio trickery and impersonation to fool the Germans on the battlefields
of Europe. Staff Sgt. Stanley Nance, a Utah centenarian who fought alongside the fallen, described his role as one designed to
Those words were written by U.S. Navy Adm. A. C. Pickens in a letter delivered to the widow of Capt. Mervyn Bennion. save lives; to save the lives of other soldiers so that “one new wife or one mother (could be) spared putting a gold star in their
Bennion gave his life on Dec. 7, 1941, and now rests in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. front window.”
He was 54 and in command of the USS West Virginia when shrapnel tore into his gut. A subordinate rushed to the
commander and applied a bandage. That was all the help Bennion would accept. He sent the pharmacist’s mate below deck The bare and brutal truth is that many wives and mothers did hang gold stars in their front windows. For this reason, I stand
to care for the others. behind a congressional effort to award the Ghost Army a Congressional Gold Medal — a mere token of our nation’s gratitude
for a debt that can only be repaid by living our lives as free and productive as we can.
Instead of retreating, Bennion continued commanding. As his lifeblood drained, he stood tall and in the fight. As his We give thanks to the airmen and women who have defended freedom from the heavens since man first conquered the sky.
remaining time on earth dwindled, this proud son of Utah showed “conspicuous devotion to duty, extraordinary courage, Their work has always been conducted at great risk to life and limb. Many lost their lives, but their legacies endure.
and complete disregard of his own life, above and beyond the call of duty.”
Utah’s own Col. Gail Halvorsen, the Candy Bomber, still mourns the death of one of his “best school buddies” who was shot
That’s how the Medal of Honor citation describes the last hours of a life laid down for friends. Greater love hath no man than down and killed by the Germans. That mourning turned to motivation once Halvorsen embarked on the mission that would
that. define him: a mission to drop candy from the sky to starving children during the Berlin Airlift.

On this Memorial Day, we have the opportunity once again to acknowledge the debt we owe to those men and woman who Halvorsen’s compassion — motivated by loss and love — helped to heal the wounds of World War II and ensure that the lives
answered the call, donned the uniform, and gave all so that we might be free. lost were not lost in vain.
American greatness exists because there are men and women like Capt. Mervyn Sharp Bennion. As Mrs. Bennion tragically
learned in 1941, many of those brave men and woman don’t come home. I will be proposing before the U.S. Senate that the Vet Center in Provo be renamed after Col. Gail S. Halvorsen as not only a
token of our gratitude to the Candy Bomber himself, but also as a recognition of the sacrifices made by those early airmen
The list of Americans who have given all and fought alongside those whose lives were lost in the pursuit and defense of and women who fought for freedom alongside this proud and enduring son of Utah.
freedom is innumerable. This Memorial Day provides an apt opportunity to look to the heavens and give thanks. As the
beneficiaries of these sacred sacrifices, our gratitude ought to be ever present and eternal. While we, the enjoyers of liberty, ought to be ever mindful of the lives given for our freedoms, today is a special day. Today is
a day set aside to memorialize that the record of American greatness is illuminated by the graves of her fallen.
We give thanks to Maj. Brent Russell Taylor of North Ogden who lost his life during a 2018 insider attack in Afghanistan. His
exemplary commitment to God, family and country defines his legacy. Op-ed orignally published by Deseret News, May 30, 2021

84 85
Members of Senator Lee's Utah and DC staff visit Welfare Square in Members of Senator Lee's staff meeting with local stakeholders above
Senator Lee's staff visits the American Legion outpost in Vernal. Members of Senator Lee's Utah staff visit Ferron.
Salt Lake City. Bountiful to discuss issues affecting Utah's foothills.

Meet the Senator's Utah Staff

I am fortunate to have the best staff
in the U.S. Senate. I'm committed
Senator Lee's staff is available across the state to assist you. Whether you need assistance with a federal issue or have a
question, comment or concern for the Senator, Senator Lee's staff is ready and eager to connect.
to making them as available as
possible throughout the state. If you
The Senator's outreach team covers a wide variety of issues and is stationed throughout the state. These staff members
also travel throughout the state, visiting every community to ensure every Utahn is heard. have a concern or an issue with the
Senator Lee also has a team of highly dedicated caseworkers who specialize in assisting Utahns with federal agencies federal government, do not hesitate
like the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, or the Bureau of Land Management. to reach out to them.
- Senator Mike Lee

86 Senator Lee's staff speak at a leadership conference to a group of 87

Utah CEOs.
For casework assistance with a federal
Robert Axson
State Director agency, scan this QR code (or visit
Phone: (801) 310-4911

Jessica Christopher Nathan Jackson

Northen Utah Director Barry McLerran Emily Wiscombe
Joint Casework Director Caseworker Caseworker
Email: Email:
Phone: (202) 870-9330 Phone: (801) 524-5933 Phone: (801) 524-5933
Phone: (801) 524-5933 Issues: Veterans, Military Affairs, HUD / Housing
Issues: Military/Aerospace/Veterans Issues: Veterans, Military Affairs
Issues: Utahns and Federal Agencies

Heath Hansen Joel Brown

Southern Utah Director Eastern Utah Director Linda Patino Travis Porter
Caseworker Caseworker
Email: Email:
Phone: (202) 577-4602 Phone: (202) 603-4617 Phone: (801) 524-5933 Phone: (801) 524-5933
Issues: Public Lands / Energy Issues: Oil / Gas Issues: IRS / Business Issues: Medicare / Medicaid, Social Security, Post Office

Chris Coombs Justin Anthony

Community Liaison Business Outreach Brennan Stokes Spencer Seal
Caseworker Caseworker
Email: Email:
Phone: (801) 524-5933 Phone: (202) 603-4617 Phone: (801) 524-5933 Phone: (801) 524-5933
Issues: Religion / Cultural / Non-profit Issues: Business Issues: Immigration, Customs, Passports Issues: Immgiration, Customs, Visas

Colby Walker Derek Anderson

State Communications Community Liaison Derek Shumway David Roberts
Caseworker Caseworker
Email: Email:
Phone: (202) 697-0348 Phone: (801) 524-5933 Phone: (801) 524-5933
Phone: (202) 989-5758
Issues: Mobile Office / Community Outreach Issues: Immigraton, Customs, Visas Issues: Immigration, Customs
Issues: Media

88 89
Casework Success Stories
A 96-year-old WWII veteran applied four years ago for VA disability for hearing
loss. Part of the delay was because his military records were burned in a 1970s
fire. Due to this, his records had to be recreated. We reached out to the Veterans
Benefits office to check the status. After three days, we learned that the veteran
was granted service-connected disability for hearing loss at 80%.

A constituent’s husband passed away several months ago, and she was
experiencing delays in receiving widow’s benefits from Social Security. The

Helping Utahns Resolve Federal Issues caseworkers were able to get in contact with Social Security and get her the
benefits started.

The federal government can be intimidating and confusing. Senator Lee wants all Utahns to know that his office stands
ready to help. A trucking company reached out to the office for help with their denied EIDL loan.
The casework team helped the company through their successful reconsideration
For over a decade, Senator Lee has had the opportunity to assist Utahns, businesses, and local governments and process. The company thanked both the senators and the congressional liaison at
organizations in their daily interactions with the federal government. Trained casework staff work daily to assist Utahns the SBA for their compassion through this stressful process.
when they encounter problems with federal agencies or federally funded programs.

Not only is Senator Lee committed to doing his best to help every Utahn that has an issue with the federal
government, but he has also been an innovator in casework. He and Senator Romney created the first joint casework
team in the US Senate that has helped hundreds of Utahns resolve issues with the federal government. For casework assistance with a federal
agency, scan this QR code (or visit https://
Utahns may call, email, or visit one of the senate offices to request assistance. Referrals are also often made from the
governor’s office, state and local elected officials, and local businesses and nonprofit organizations.
90 91
A member of Senator Lee's staff meets with constituents at a
mobile office in Tremonton. Visitng You
In 2021, Senator Lee’s staff visited all

Mobile Offices
of Utah’s 29 counties, meeting with
constituents in their communities.
To request a mobile office in your
Since he took office in 2011, Senator Lee has community or to view future mobile
sought to make his office accessible to everyone office visits, scan the QR code with your
throughout Utah. His staff has now held over smartphone camera or visit our website
1,000 mobile offices, visiting every corner of the at:
state each year.

Senator Lee’s mobile office program provides a

unique opportunity for Senate staff to engage
with Utahns in their communities, serving as
a resource for constituents who might not
otherwise be able to meet with casework
officers or other staff in the Senator's Salt Lake,
Ogden, or St. George offices.

Senator Lee’s staff will continue to hold mobile

offices throughout the state to ensure every Locations of Mobile Offices in 2021
Utahn receives the assistance they need and has
their voice heard.
92 93
75 117 35
Applicants Interviews Nominations
Major General Michael Turley with Utah nominees to our nation's service Major General Michael Turley was invited by Senator Lee to speak at a
academies. dinner honoring the young Utahns who were nominated to the academies.

Eva Huber - Naval Academy

Military Academy Nominations

Senator Lee has the honor to nominate outstanding young Utahns to our nation’s service academies: the Air Force The journey on which these young men and women
Academy, Merchant Marine Academy, Military Academy at West Point, and the Naval Academy. This year, again using
a joint application process with Senator Romney, Senator Lee was able to successfully receive applications, hold will soon embark requires more than mental and
interviews, and make nominations. Their staff, together with liaison officers from each school, were able to hold over
130 video conference interviews for the process. physical aptitude. It demands strong moral character
— leadership, courage, honesty, prudence and

Senator Lee looks for applicants who have shown through the application and interview process that they have a
desire to serve our country and be a leader in the U.S. Armed Forces. Successful applicants have shown they can self-discipline. And above all it calls for a steadfast
handle the rigorous academic and physical requirements of the academies while staying engaged in and dedicated to
their local communities. commitment to service and a love of country.

Future applicants can find information about the nomination process on Senator Lee’s website at
- Senator Mike Lee

94 95
Henry Powell - West Point
Interning with Senator Lee
Senator Lee’s internship program provides college students an opportunity to enhance their studies by applying Utah Internships Washington, DC Internships
academic concepts in a real-world setting. The internship provides invaluable, one-of-a-kind experience seeing the
inner workings of Congress and the legislative process. State internships are available in our Salt Lake City Interns are responsible for a variety of tasks in the office
office. State interns perform a variety of important such as completing legislative research projects, answer-
A limited number of internships are available each year for Senator Lee’s Washington, D.C. and Utah offices. Preference tasks, including constituent outreach, casework ing phone calls from constituents, giving tours of the Unit-
is given to college students who are attending a Utah university or college, and students from Utah who are attending assistance, processing mail, answering constituent ed States Capitol Building, attending hearings, preparing
out-of-state schools. calls, and other projects as needed. memos, assisting with constituent events, processing mail,
and performing a variety of other tasks as needed.
If you or someone you know, may be interested in an internship in Senator Lee’s office, visit In addition to full-time state internships, there are
internships or reach out to our office at 202-224-5444. part-time options available that account for a full-time Working in the Washington, DC office allows for students
student's schedule. to have an up-close look at the legislative process, and a
better understanding of how Congress makes laws.

96 97
Intern Spotlight
We interviewed Grace Burnett, who interned in Senator Lee’s Washington D.C. office, about her experience. Here
is what she had to say.

Describe a typical day as an intern?

Each day we would come in and each start with our daily tasks. Half of us would start batching and sorting emails
that had come in through the night while the others listened to voicemails that had been left for us. After that,
we would address letters to constituents. After lunch, we would research events in Utah. Along with our regular
responsibilities we were available to run errands, work on projects, and sit-in on meetings with constituents. We
also would answer calls from constituents throughout the day and answer their questions or connecting them to
the correct staffer.

What was the highlight/favorite story of the internship?

I absolutely loved this internship, but the main highlight was spending time and getting to talk with Senator Lee.
He would sometimes come into the intern room and either answer some constituent calls or just talk with us. My
favorite part was hearing Senator Lee’s reasoning for his stance on different issues and how much consideration
and thought goes into what he decides to support because it is often much different from how the news headlines
portray it.

How do you think the internship will help you on your career path/exploring your interests?

This internship will help me a lot on my career path because it has taught me things that are important to be
successful in any career. I learned how to take more initiative around the office and ask for tasks or projects to do.
I also learned how important it is to communicate and ask questions. Before this internship these simple, but very
important, skills have never been my strength because I can be quite shy. But this internship helped me grow and
get me out of my comfort zone to improve on these skills.

98 99
Utah, and Utahns, are remarkable.

The enduring spirit of Utah is not inspired

by government. It’s inspired by moms and
dads, teachers, small business owners,
friends, and neighbors.

If you are seeking a place to start a

business ... Utah is the place.

If you are seeking a place where

community matters ... Utah is the place.

And if you are seeking a place where

opportunity is abundant ... Utah is the

I am grateful for the privilege of

representing the state of Utah here in the
United States Senate.

And it is my hope that the successes and

the enduring spirit of Utah will serve as an
example for the nation.

- Senator Mike Lee

100 101
Important Links

Academy Nominations, Tour Requests, Internships, etc

Facebook: /SenatorMikeLee

Twitter: @SenMikeLee

Instagram: @SenMikeLee


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