Guidance On The Summative Assessment 2022

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-The summative assessment should be submitted as an Individual Report-3,000 words-100% weighting

-Deadline: 04/05/2022

Check points:
-Make sure you have chosen a well-known company to analyse.
-If the company you have chosen is a large company selling different product groups, choose one product
group for your analysis.
- Choose one of the following operations performance objectives:
a) cost, b) dependability, c) flexibility, d) speed, e)quality

Further steps to be followed:

1. Describe the global supply chain of your chosen company by identifying its supply chain members
(upstream (e.g. suppliers) and downstream (e.g. intermediaries)). You can use online sources such as to identify upstream and downstream players in your chosen company’s
supply chain.
2. Critically analyse its operations performance objective (of your choice) and compare it with one of
its competitors.
3. Address the theories, concepts, tools that we covered in the lectures and seminars (e.g. Sand Cone
Model, Triple Bottom Line, Trade-off Approach, Singe/multiple sourcing, Local/global sourcing…)

Main titles you can use in your report:

Titles below are just examples to give you a better idea about the requirements of the assessment.
Please feel free to use your own titles.

1. Introduction

Address the aim of your report. Mention the chosen company, product group, and chosen
performance objective.

2. Brief information about the company and its supply chain

Give brief information and background of your chosen company. Describe the global supply
chain of your chosen company by identifying its supply chain members (upstream (e.g. suppliers)
and downstream (e.g. intermediaries)). You can use a figure/graph to illustrate the supply chain
structure & design of your chosen company.

3. Chosen operations management performance- (Flexibility-this is just an example, use the objective
you have chosen)
This section might include subsections. In this section, you are expected to analyse how your
company performs on the chosen objective. Do not forget to reflect a global supply chain
perspective in your analysis. You can give examples, and present a comparison with one of its
competitor. Relevant theories can be used to support your analysis. You can give
recommendations to your company to improve their performance.


Wrap up and summarise the key points mentioned in your analysis.


Final reminders:

- Keep your focus on the chosen objective throughout the report. However, as all performance objectives
are interdependent, you can address other performance objectives in some parts of your report (e.g. If
you need to address the need for a Trade-off Analysis as one of your recommendation for your company,
you might need to mention other operations performance objectives)
-Keep you focus on your chosen company throughout the report. Add a comparison of your chosen
company’s performance with one of its competitors. However, the comparison should be presented only
in one of the sections (and/or in one -or maybe two) of the paragraphs of your report.
-This is an individual report and should be 3,000 words (10% tolerance) excluding references, tables,
figures, and appendix, and to be submitted via Moodle Turnitin.
-Use Harvard style of referencing rules.
-You are expected to use a wide range of sources including academic journal articles, textbooks, market
reports, consultancy reports, online sources (e.g. websites of the chosen companies). Reading list
provided for this module could be helpful in this regard.
-Visit Studiosity ( if you need further guidance.

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