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Anatomy Respiratory system question

1.Which of the following is a passageway for air, food and water?



C)Paranasal sinuses


2. The opening to the pharynx from the mouth is called






3.This structure prevents food or water from entering the trachea.

A)Arytenoid cartilage



D)Thyroid cartilage

E)Paranasal sinus

4. These are cells of the alveoli that produces surfactant.

A)Type I alveolar cells

B)Type Il alveolar cells

C)Type Ill alveolar cells

D)Surface cells

5. This is the sum of the residual and the expiratory reserve volume.

A)Total lung capacity

B)Functional residual capacity

C)Inspiratory capacity

D)Vital capacity

E)Minimal volume

6. Maximum volume of air that can be expelled at the rate of normal exhalation after a maximum
inspiration is called

A) inspiratory capacity

B) Vital capacity

C) functional residual capacity

D) Total lung capacity

E) Residual volume

7. The term used for exchange of gases between lungs and blood is

A) Exhalation

B) inspiration

C) external respiration

D) internal respiration

E) ventilation

8. Which of the following is called voice box

A) pharynx

B) larynx

C) Thyroid

D) cricoid

E) tonsils
9. The eustachian tube connect the middle ear to which part of the pharynx

A) oropharynx

B) naso pharynx

C) laryngopharynx

D) vestibule of nose

E) Larynx

10. The bony projections in the nose and the passages beneath it are respectively called

A) Conchae,meatus

B) meatus,turbinate

C) Turbinate,Conchae

D) adenoids, Turbinate

E) palatine , vestibule

11. In the inferior meatus there is an opening for

A) olfactory receptor

B) maxillary sinus

C) nasolacrimal duct

D) little’s area

E) palatine

12. Tonsilectomy is the term used for removal of tonsils. Which tonsils are removed by this surgery?

A) nasopharyngeal tonsils

B) palatine tonsils

C) lingual tonsils

D) adenoids

13. Which among the following cartilage is paired

A) Thyroid

B) Cricoid

C) Arytenoid

D) Epiglottis

14. The cartilage that is called Adams apple is

A) Cricoid

B) Thyroid

C) Epiglottis

D) Arytenoid

E) Cuneiform

15. Collapse of lungs is called

A) Emphysema

B) Atelectasis

C) Pneumoconiosis



16 The organism that cause whooping cough is

A) Bordetella pertussis
B) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
C) Streptococcus
D) Staphylococcus aureus
E) Klebsiella

17. Destruction of Wall of the lungs

A) Bronchitis

B) Pleurisy

C) Pneumonia

D) Emphysema
E) Atelectasis

18. The false vocal cord is

A) Vestibular fold

B) vocal fold

C) Cricoid cartilage

D) Epiglottis

19. Which disease is called Crib death


B) Atelectasis

C) Emphysema

D) Asphyxia

E) Cystic fibrosis

20. The pyramid shaped cartilage that is situated above the Cricoid cartilage is

A) Corniculate

B) Arytenoid

C) Cuneiform

D) Epiglottis

E) Thyroid

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