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Uttaranchal University

University Polytechnic
Assignment - III

Subject/Code Environment Engg Faculty Name Ms Sapna Bisht

Branch/Sem CE II, I/VI

Very short questions-

Q1. Write name only three types of surface mining.
Q2. Write name only three types of underground mining.
Q3. What is area mining?
Q4. Write the extent of depth of mining for open mining.
Q5. Write name only three natural causes of soil erosion.
Q6. Write the classification of soil degradation.
Q7. Write name only three underlying causes of soil erosion.
Q8. Write the steps for blasting.
Q9. Write any three reasons for deforestation.
Q10.What is soil degradation?

Short questions-
Q1.Write a note on “Chipko movement”
Q2. How do forests affect rain? Classify briefly
Q3.Explain blasting.
Q4.Write the effect of land use.

Long questions-
Q1. Explain the effect of mining on environment

Q2. Explain the classification of soil degradation

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