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Hippo Notes (Introduction) APB

*Temperature and heat are brought to mind in the same situations. Although temperature

and heat are related ______________________________________________________

*Heat is just a form of _____________________________________

Hippo Notes (Temperature)

*To measure the temperature on a macroscopic scale we use a device called __________

*The most useful temperature scale is linear. What is the minimum number of points you
need to calibrate a linear scale?

*Calibration scales are usually based on some physical phenomena like_____________


*Name the three temperature scales currently used in the US

Note we do not use the term degrees with the Kelvin Scale.
*What is the triple point of water?

*1 degree Celsius has the same magnitude as ___________________________________

*Which two points should we use to calibrate the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales?

*What are the slope and y-intercept of the line comparing the Celsius and Fahrenheit

*Write the equation to convert from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit

*How many degrees F is 25 degrees C?

*How many degrees C is 59 degrees F?

*Looking at an object on the microscopic level we see that the molecules comprising it

are in constant motion. As we heat the object the motion becomes ________________

*We perceive ________________________________ as a sensation of extreme warmth

*State the relationship between temperature and molecules.

Hippo Notes (Heat)

*When two objects come into contact Energy flows from _________________________

*We call this flowing energy ________________________

*What happens to the temperatures of the two objects? Justify your answer

*What happens when two objects of the same temperature are in contact with one

*What is it called when the two objects are at the same temperature and there is no heat

*If you have two objects of different temperatures coming into contact with each other
what can you say about the final temperature of each object?

*If one object is in thermal equilibrium with two other objects, what can you say about
those two other objects?

*What is the above concept known as?

Hippo Notes (Mechanical equivalent of heat)

*What do you think happens to the temperature of a nail that we hammer into a board?

*Where did the heat energy in the nail come from?

*Sketch Joule’s experiment. Briefly explain how it works.

*What provides the mechanical energy in our experiment?

*How is the mechanical energy transformed into heat energy?

*What is the mechanical energy expended by our apparatus? Show your work!

*It takes 1J of __________ to raise ___________ of water ____________

*How many calories of heat are needed to raise the temperature of the water by 0.01 of a
degree Celsius in our simulated apparatus? Show your work

*What is the mechanical energy equivalent of one calorie of heat?

*The mass of the nail is 5.0g, the temperature change of the nail is 10°C, it takes an input
of 0.11 cal/g to raise the temp of the nail 1°C. Show your work.

Hippo Notes (Joule’s apparatus simulation) ***COMPLETE THE


Hippo Notes (Specific Heat)

*If energy is conserved, the total heat transferred from the hotter object must equal


*What is our symbol of heat energy?

*What is heat energy related to?

*Write your equation for heat. Define your variables

*Define c. (name, definition, and common units)

*Sketch and define a calorimeter. Tell what it is used for.

*What is the total change in energy in the mug/tea system?

*Solve. Show all your work

*Why doe the tea cool down so little and the mug heat up so much?

Hippo Notes (Latent heat)

*Name the three common phases of matter and give the water example of each

*How will the temperature increase in ice in regards to the heat input?

*What happens to the temperature of the ice-water mixture as heat is added and ice
continues to melt?

*Why does this happen?

*The heat involved in a phase change is called ________________________________

*For a solid-liquid phase change it is known as _________________________________

*After the ice completely melts what happens to the temperature of the water?

*When the water starts to boil and undergo the phase change from liquid to gas, what
happens to the temperature? why?

*The heat of a liquid –gas phase change is known as ____________________________

*What do you think affects the total amount of heat released during a phase transition
besides the latent heat term?

*Write the equation for the heat involved in a phase change. Define your variables.

*What are the units of Latent heat?

*What is the final

temperature of the water?
*Solve. Show all your work

*Do the same problem but now add 10g of ice at 0°C

Hippo Notes (Ice-Water mixture simulation) **COMPLETE THE


Hippo Notes (Conduction)

*One way heat is transferred is called _______________________________________

*Define conduction:

*What is the heat flow per time interval proportional to?

*What else affects the rate of heat flow?

*Write down the equation for heat transfer in an object. Define your variables, and units

*Which materials transfer heat the best?

*Define thermal conductors and insulators.

*Why are metals good heat conductors?

*Liquids and gasses are generally poor conductors of heat relative to solids. Why do you
think this is so?

Hippo Notes (Home insulation Simulation) **COMPLETE THE


Hippo Notes (Convection)

*Define Convection:

*Describe how convection makes a lava lamp work.

*Conduction and Convection both require______________________________________

in order to ____________________________________________

Hippo Notes (Radiation)

*Radiant energy transfer involves ____________________________________________

and therefore ____________________________________________________________

*What two things affects the rate at which an object radiates energy?

*Write the equation for rate of radiation. Name it, define your variables.
*What type of object has an emissivity close to one?

*Approximately how much greater is the rate of radiant heat output for an object at
1000°C than for the same object at 250°C

*If an object is good at emitting radiation how is it at absorbing radiation?

*A perfect absorber with an emissivity of _______ is known as ____________________

*What is the initial rate of heat loss per cookie? Show your work

*If we double the cookies’ diameter how does this affect the initial rate of heat loss per

Hippo Notes (Thermal expansion)

*Most substances _____________________when heated. If this occurs in one direction

it is called _____________________________________

*What does linear expansion depend upon?

*Write your equation for linear expansion. Define your variables.

*What happens when you heat a bi-metalic strip? Why?

*What happens to the diameter of an iron ring when you heat it to a higher temperature?

*What happens to the diameter of the hole in the aluminum sheet after you heat the
aluminum to a higher temperature?

*Write your equation for volumetric expansion. Define your variables

*How do the coefficients for liquids and gasses compare to those for solids?

*Explain why ice floats on water.

Hippo Notes (Gas Laws)

*Name the 4 variables that determine the behavior of an ideal gas

*Write down the three gas laws and their names and the conditions under which they are

*If a given quantity of gas at a constant temperature has its pressure reduced by one-
fourth, how will this affect its volume?

*Sketch the graph that exhibits Charles’ Law. Make sure to label the axes and explain
the graph.

* 0 Kelvin = _______________________ °C

*We always use Kelvin when _______________________________________________

*If the temperature of a given quantity of gas at a constant pressure is increased by a

factor of two, what will be the effect on its volume?

*Write the equation for the number of moles of a gas. Define your variables

*Write the ideal Gas Law. Define your variables

*What are standard temperature and pressure?

*Define a mole of gas

*Define boltzman’s constant.

*Write the ideal Gas law in terms of the number of gas molecules

Hippo Notes (ideal gas law simulation) **COMPLETE THE SIMULATION*

Hippo Notes (Kinetic Theory)

*The basic premise of Kinetic Theory says_____________________________________

*Write the assumptions of Kinetic theory

*The pressure a gas exerts on the wall of a container _____________________________

*Derive an equation for the pressure of the gas.

*Write the equation that relates temperature and kinetic energy. Define your variables

*Define the root mean square speed. give its equation

Hippo Notes (First Law of Thermodynamics)

*Define a closed system:

*Define and give the symbol for internal energy

*Write the equation for the first law of thermodynamics. (Define your variables very

*Write another equation for the internal energy

*What is the work done on a gas where the volume is changed while allowing the gas to
remain in equilibrium?

*When does the above formula not apply?

*Sketch a P-V curve and show the work done

*Define an isothermal process

*Write what we know for an isothermal process including what happens to the internal
energy in an isothermal process.

*Define an adiabatic process

*What do we know about an adiabatic process. Including what happens to the
temperature of a gas during adiabatic compression.

*Sketch and compare P-V diagrams for isothermal and adiabatic processes.

Hippo Notes (Second Law of thermodynamics)

*Write the second law of thermodynamics

*Define and sketch the diagram of a heat engine

*Describe how a heat engine works.

*Write the equation for the change in internal energy for one cycle and the work done for
one cycle of a heat engine
*Write the equation for the efficiency of a heat engine in terms of work, and also only in
terms of heat. Define your variables

*Consider an engine that has a power output of 80000 J/s, a heat input rate of 4000
J/cycle and runs at 100 cycles/second. What is the efficiency of the engine? Show your

*Why is it impossible for an engine to run at 100% efficiency?

*Write another form of the second law of thermodynamics

*Explain the Carnot cycle in detail and sketch the P-V diagram

*Write the equation for the Carnot engine efficiency. Define your variables.

Hippo Notes (Heat Pump Simulation) **COMPLETE THE SIMULATION**

Hippo Notes (Entropy)

*When no temperature difference exists _______________________________________

*Define and give the symbol for Entropy:

*State the second Law of Thermodynamics in terms of Entropy:

*Compare the change in Entropy for an idealized versus a real process.

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