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J. Ocean Univ. Chin.

(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research)

ISSN 1672-5182, August 30, 2008, Vol.7, No.3, pp.319-326

Advances in Studies of the Effects of Starvation on

Growth and Development of Fish Larvae
SHAN Xiujuan1), 3), HUANG Wei1), 3), CAO Liang1), 3), and WU Yunfei2), *

1) Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, P. R. China

2) College of Fisheries, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, P. R. China
3) Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China

(Received January 29, 2007; accepted February 25, 2008)

Abstract Starvation has important effects on early development of fish. It determines the survival and growth of fish larvae, and
plays an important role in the dynamics of fish population and fisheries recruitment. In this review, we discuss the current studies
about the effects of starvation on growth and development of fish larval stage. The goals of this review are to understand some adap-
tive mechanisms and ecological countermeasures of starved fish larvae and to provide the scientific guideline for exploring early life
history processes, evaluating the nutrition condition and growth of larval fish, protecting fish resource and breeding fish larvae.

Key words starvation; growth; development; fish larvae

DOI 10.1007/s11802-008-0319-3

can resist starvation more successfully than those species

with smaller larvae, because of the latter’s limited energy
1 Introduction
reserves, poor hunting abilities and food size limitation
Larval stage is a critical period of fish development. related to mouth gape (Miller et al., 1988). And fish lar-
The structure and function of fish larvae become more val ability to resist starvation is also connected with the
and more complex with the corresponding morphological, quality of egg, the better the quality, the better the ability
ecological and physiological changes. In this period, to resist starvation (Rana, 1985). In addition, some envi-
many biological and physical factors affect interactively ronmental factors, such as temperature and salinity, also
their growth and survival, such as predation, genetic de- have important effects on larval ability of resisting starva-
fects, perturbations of the physical environment and star- tion; fish larvae can endure longer time of starvation un-
vation (Fogarty et al., 1991; Iguchi and Mizuno, 1999). der optimal environment (McGurk, 1984).
There is increasing evidence that starvation may induce There are various methods available for evaluating the
poor performance in feeding, cause high mortality and nutritional condition of fish larvae, e.g., morphometric
hinder growth of fish larvae during their early develop- and gravimetric methods (Bisbal and Bengtson, 1995);
ment both in nature and in aquaculture (Leggett and De- histological criteria (Green and McCormick, 1999; Chen
blois, 1994; Dou et al., 2002). Especially at the onset of et al., 2007); biochemical methods (Suneetha et al., 1999;
exogenous feeding period, even short period of food dep- Gwak et al., 1999); some methods based on digestive
rivation after yolk exhaustion results in severe behavioral, enzyme activities (Murray et al., 2003, 2004; Perez-
developmental and nutritional problems, leading to dras- Casanova et al., 2004; Chen et al., 2007) and changes of
tic mortality and deformity (Kjorsvik et al., 1991). Hjort metabolic rate (Mehner and Wieser, 1994; Shen and Lin,
(1926) also suggested that the food availability to larvae 1999) and various method combinations (Bisbal and
and their ability to consume it, at the critical time of yolk Bengtson, 1995; Gwak et al., 1999). Studies on the ef-
exhaustion, could be important factors in determining fects of starvation on fish larvae will help us to under-
larval survival and fish population dynamics in next year. stand the adaptive responses and ecological countermea-
The susceptibility to starvation of fish larvae appears to sures against starvation, and offer the scientific guidance
be stage-specific and varies in specific species. In general, for protection of natural fish resource, fingerling breeding
the older fish larvae have better ability to resist starvation; and fish culturing. Hence, the goals of this review are to
the species whose larvae are relatively larger at hatching provide an overview of the effects of starvation on fish
larval development, which help better to understand some
* Corresponding author. Tel: 0086-532-82031503 adaptive mechanisms and ecological countermeasures of
E-mail: starved fish larvae.
320 J. Ocean Univ. Chin. Vol.7, No.3, 2008

in pacific herring Clupea harengus juvenile, the PNR

time being from 6 dph to 7 dph after deprivation of food at
2 The Characteristics of Fish Larvae temperatures 9.6℃ and 10.5℃. The PNR time of 32 dph
During Starvation star plaice Platichthys Stellatus juvenile even reached 23
2.1 The Characteristics of Survival and Growth days at 12.3℃ (Houde, 1974). So the resistance to starva-
tion or the time required to reach the PNR might slowly
Starvation has significant influences on survival and
growth of fish larvae. Fish larvae differ in their ability to decrease as size and age increase, which is a reflection of
withstand progressive food deprivation (Yin and Blaxter, metabolism and the quantity of restored energy reserves
(Fuiman and Higgs, 1997).
1986), especially in the early developmental stage. Some
species can only withstand starvation for a few days after Fish growth, as also defined by increase in fish flesh, is
hatching, for instance, 2.4 d for anchovy Anchoa mitchilli mainly accomplished through the synthesis of protein. It
is possible to measure basic components (amino acids)
at 28℃, 3 d for sea bream Archosargus rhomboidalis at
26℃ and lined sole Achirus lineatus at 28℃ (Houde, and products (proteins) of protein synthesis. The most
1974). So the first feeding time is very critical for fish useful method is to measure the RNA/DNA. The quantity
of DNA in animal cells is believed to be constant, while
larvae. If there is not sufficient time for the first-feeding
larvae to gain the ability of feeding before the onset of RNA quantity varies with physiological status, the re-
irreversible starvation, fish larvae will suffer from pro- quirement for protein synthesis and growth (Buckley et al.,
1999). We can know the state of fish growth by estimat-
gressive starvation, which might be one potential cause of
mortality in this period and influence their subsequent ing RNA/DNA ratio levels (Clemmesen, 1988). This ratio
survival and growth (Dou et al., 2005). Difference in first has been proven to be a useful and reliable indicator of
nutritional condition of fish, and widely applied to labo-
feeding time has remarkable effects on growth and sur-
vival of fish larvae, for example, the standard length of ratory-reared as well as wild fishes (Bailey et al., 1995;
California halibut Paralichthys californicus larvae fed Rooker and Holt, 1996). RNA quantities are higher in
rapidly growing organisms (Bergeron and Boulhic, 1994;
from 3 dph (days post hatching) was significantly larger
than that of those fed from 4 dph or 5 dph, and the sur- Buckley et al., 1999). Any factors preventing or slowing
growth are associated with reduction in the RNA quanti-
vival rate of larvae fed from 3 dph was higher than those
ties. Starvation has important influences on RNA/DNA
fed from 4 dph or 5 dph (Gisbert et al., 2004).
ratio of fish, which has been proved in Japanese anchovy
The progressive starvation for delayed first feeding has
Engraulis japonicus larvae (Kono et al., 2003).
important effects on fish larval survival. Survival de-
creases with the increase of delayed first feeding time
(Dou et al., 2005). The PNR (point-of-no-return) is a 2.2 The Characteristics of Morphology
good parameter used to understand the relationship be- When fish larvae are deprived of food, they live on us-
tween the first feeding ability of fish larvae and survival ing the energy in their tissue. The abnormal characters are
rate. Blaxter and Hempel (1963) introduced the concept firstly expressed in morphology, such as shrunk larvae
of PNR, which was defined as the time when the cumula- and collapsed soft tissue (Blaxter and Ehrlich, 1974; Yin
tive effects of starvation became irreversible and 50% of and Blaxter, 1987; Bisbal and Bengtson, 1995). Morpho-
starved larvae were still alive but unable to feed even logical changes are common phenomena in starved fish
when food became available, and the survivors could not larvae, and morphometric criteria can be obtained easily
successfully complete the ontogenetic development af- without special preparation for specimens, so they are
terwards. Fish ecologists also termed it as irreversible widely used in natural water areas and laboratory to de-
starvation or ecological death (Goshorn and Epifanio, termine the nutrition condition of fish larvae. For example,
1991). Early studies indicated that the age to PNR in ma- it is very easy to distinguish healthy and starved larvae of
rine fish larvae was closely connected with the time of pacific herring, stone flounder Kareius bicoloratus and
egg incubation, the time of yolk exhaustion, the volume star plaice according to the characters of pectoral angle
of yolk and water temperature (Blaxter and Ehrlich, 1974; (Ehrlich et al., 1976). However, pectoral angle is not a
Dou et al., 2005). In general, if fish larvae incubate for a typical character. It occurs in both healthy and starved
longer time, having bigger volume of yolk, with lower individuals of tongue fish Cynoglossus semilaevis and
metabolic ability in lower temperature environment, their Japanese anchovy (Wan et al., 2004); but not in larvae of
PNR occur relatively late; adversely, the PNR occur ear- pacific cod, jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus, red sea
lier (Dou et al., 2005). So different species or different bream Pagrosomus major and Japanese flounder (Xie et al.,
developmental stages of the same species differ in their 1998; Bao et al., 1998). During starvation, the body of
ability to withstand progressive food deprivation (Yin and fish becomes bended and thin, with disproportionately
Baxter, 1986). Dou et al. (2005) reported that the PNR of large head, as is found in jack mackerel (Theilacker,
Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae was 1978), Chinese grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus and
connected with temperature, and survival deteriorated black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus (Bao et al., 1998).
abruptly on 2, 3 and 4 d delayed feedings at 21℃, 18℃ The ratios of tail height to standard length and trunk
and 15℃, respectively. The same results were also found length to standard length are sensitive morphometric in-
SHAN X. J. et al.: Advances in Studies of the Effects of Starvation on Growth and Development of Fish Larvae 321

dices in California halibut (Gisbert et al., 2004). Mor-

phometric differences in upper and lower jaw lengths 2.4 The Characteristics of Histology
during starvation occur in pejerrey Odontesthes bon-
Digestive system of fish larvae is an elongated tract,
ariensis (Carlos and Fumio, 1989). When the nutrition of
which is composed of cavum oropharyngeum, esophagus,
yolk-sac becomes exhausted, and outer nutrition is not
stomach and intestine. Successful development of diges-
sufficient just to improve feeding behavioral level and
tive system is very crucial for the survival and growth of
establish the outer nutrition connection, starved fish lar-
fish larvae. Therefore, the histological characteristics of
vae will be subjected to negative growth. It is an adaptive
larval digestive system may serve as sensitive indicators
response of fish larvae to starvation that can successfully
of nutritional condition of fish larvae (Gisbert and Serge,
make them improve the chances of feeding and survival,
2003). Fish larvae have marked degeneration in histo-
and ensure the supply of living energy when their skele-
logical structure and function of digestive system when
ton systems are not completely developed (Yin, 1991). In
deprived of food (Gisbert and Serge, 2003). Such degen-
addition, the accumulation of pigmentation is obvious in
eration reduces the surface area for nutrient absorption of
fish body during starvation. The researchers found that
the digestive tract and the digestive capability of
melanin pigmentation was aggravated in starved Siberian
re-feeding larvae (Gisbert et al., 2004). Furthermore, the
sturgeon and European grass eel Anguilla anguilla larvae
changes in digestive tract, liver and pancreas may affect
when compared with those fed normally (Gisbert and
the synthesis of the digestive enzymes (Cousin et al.,
Patrick, 1997; Rodríguez et al., 2005).
1987). So the studies about digestive system have mainly
focused on the histological structure of digestive tract and
2.3 The Characteristics of Behavior the associated glands, which included: 1) reduction in size
After the first feeding of larvae begins, the digestive of the epithelial cells in digestive tract and intestinal mu-
tract, eyes and fins are first developed and swimming cosa (Bisbal and Bengtson, 1995; Gisbert and Serge,
mode established. Some specific behaviors also show the 2003; Gisbert et al., 2004); 2) cellular and nuclear degen-
nutrition condition changes of fish larvae. The average eration of the exocrine pancreas (Crespo et al., 2001); 3)
and biggest round swimming velocity increase sharply in atrophy and cellular and nuclear degenerations of liver
starved fish larvae, even higher than that in fed larvae, and a decrease in glycogen and lipids stored in hepato-
which shows that the swimming and feeding abilities in- cytes (Green and McCormick, 1999; Crespo et al., 2001);
crease and keep in mutual balance with starvation pro- 4) degeneration of trunk muscle fibers, even their lost
longed (Yin and Blaxter, 1987). But when it is near to the parallel structure (Bisbal and Bengtson, 1995; Green and
PNR, the larvae have remarkable reduction in swimming McCormick, 1999); and 5) increase of gall bladder vol-
activity, often lie at the bottom of tank, and swim tardily ume (Gwak et al., 1999). The height of epithelial cells
along the wall of tank. When the wall of tank is knocked and midgut cells has been used as diagnostic index to
slightly, the larvae disperse; with the time of starvation evaluate the nutritional condition of larval fish (Gwak et al.,
prolonged, larvae become dysphoria, then cling to the 1999); and starvation usually changes the shape of en-
wall of tank and negatively react (He et al., 1996; Gwak terocyte cells in the intestine of various fish species
et al., 1999; Rodríguez et al., 2005). Robinson and Pitcher (Domeneghini et al., 2002). The height of epithelial cells
(1989) proved that fish swimming velocity was positively reduces in 5dph California halibut larvae for 2 d food
correlated with diet level. Ivlev (1961) also described the deprivation (Gisbert et al., 2004). In yellowtail kingfish
feeding activity and stamina decreased, and susceptibility Seriola lalandi, summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus
to predation increased with starvation prolonged in some and walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma, the cell
freshwater fishes. Some fish species have special behav- height of midgut is reduced for starvation, especially in
ior characters, for instance, miiuy croaker Miichthys early life stage (Theilacker and Porter, 1995; Bisbal and
miiuy swallows air during starvation, which might be the Bengtson, 1995; Chen et al., 2007). The differential fast-
cause that the volume of swim bladder in starved larvae is ing resistance of fish is age-dependent and the first feed-
bigger than that in fed larvae (Shan and Dou, unpublished ing larvae are less tolerant to food deprivation than
data).① Wight et al. (2004) found that gathering behavior weaned juveniles. The height of enterocyte cell has more
of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteous acculeatus was obvious decrease in 3 d food deprivation on 15 dph yel-
weakened step by step during starvation. Cannibalism is lowtail kingfish than in 3 d food deprivation on 33 dph
usually considered as a behavioral response to food (Chen et al., 2007). Similar results were reported by Bis-
shortage among animals. Dou et al. (2000) suggested that bal and Bengtson (1995) in summer flounder, by Mar-
hunger was the most important factor of facilitating can- gulies (1993) in Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus sierra
nibalism among juvenile of Japanese flounder. So some and by Theilacker and Porter (1995) in walleye pollock.
typical fish behaviors during starvation could serve as the Gao et al. (2004) reported that the volume of liver cell
indicators of the nutrition condition. and nucleolus obviously shrunk in Amur sturgeon
Acipenser schrenckii, and the ultrastructure showed that

Shan, X. J., and S. Z. Dou, Effects of starvation on ontogeny the space among liver cells enlarged. In addition, Vacu-
and digestive enzymes in miiuy croaker. Unpublished. oles, which contain black substance and are not regular in
322 J. Ocean Univ. Chin. Vol.7, No.3, 2008

shape and distribution, occur in foregut and middle-gut of organs and locomotion system, which is an adaptive
jack mackerel and Japanese flounder during starvation countermeasure of fish to starvation during the process of
(Chantanachookin et al., 1990); these vacuoles are the evolution (Xie et al., 1998; Zamal and Ollevier, 1995).
results of dead cytoarchitecture autolyzed, so the quanti- When fish larvae step to death, their osmoregulation is
ties and sizes of vacuoles are good indicators of starvation completely breakdown, cell size decreases and extra cel-
grades. The criteria of the enterocyte height has been lular space increases with the increase of water content
widely used as an indicator of sub-optimal nutrition and during starvation (Yin et al., 1993; Song et al., 2004), and
starvation in wild and laboratory fishes, such as common then increase the flotage of fish and save more energy to
carp Cyprinus carpio, stone flounder, yellowtail flounder support fish larval life (Yin and Blaxter 1987; Bao et al.,
Limanda ferruginea, cottid fish Pseudoblennius marmo- 1998; Wu et al., 2006). In addition, starved grunion
ratus and yellowtail kingfish (Theilacker and Porter, 1995; Leuresthes tenuis larvae have lower Carbon/Nitrogen
Theilacker et al., 1996; Green and McCormick, 1999; ratio than fed larvae (May, 1971), which showed the se-
Chen et al., 2007). From the above mentioned, we see quence of energy use in fish during starvation.
that the histological changes during starvation are mainly Mehner and Wieser (1994) suggested that two kinds of
embodied by the degeneration of cells in digestive organs, adaptability of metabolism existed during fish larvae
such as cell shrinkage, separation and loss of intercellular starvation: one was to decrease the metabolism rate and
substance, and other changes which become more severe save the energy consummation; the other was to keep a
with the starvation prolonged. relatively constant metabolism rate as far as possible, in
order to produce irritable reaction when the food was
2.5 The Characteristics of Biochemistry available. Fish larvae can regulate the metabolism rate to
2.5.1 The changes of biochemical composition resist the shortage of food, for example, the metabolism
of perch decreases 45% for 15 d starvation (Xie et al.,
The energy storage in body is the ‘life-strings’ of fish
1998), and decreases 34% in 5 d starved perch Perca flu-
during starvation. When fish larvae are deprived of food,
viatilis (Mehner and Wieser, 1994). In addition, Zhang
many studies showed that the biochemical compositions
et al. (2000) proved the two kinds of adaptability of me-
of fish larvae, e.g., the percent content of water, protein,
tabolism in starved southern catfish.
carbohydrate, ash and lipid, had obvious changes. Triglyc-
eride decreases during starvation in all stages of larvae,
and reduces to the smallest percentage of the original 2.5.2 The changes of digestive enzymes
store (Xie et al., 1998; Song et al., 2004). However, triglyc- Digestive enzymes change with development, nutrition
eride is not totally depleted during deprivation of food, and outer environment (Bolasina et al., 2006a, 2006b,
suggesting a certain amount triglyceride is needed for 2007). Analyses of digestive enzyme activities are easy
sustaining life or efficiently utilizing other components, and reliable methods that can be used to obtain some in-
most likely protein (Ehrlich, 1974). Different species first dicators of digestive process and nutritional condition of
use different energy substances, even the same species fish larvae (Ueberschär, 1988). Chantanachookin et al.
use different energy substances at different development (1990) showed that digestive organs were very sensitive
stages. White sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus and to food deprivation in Japanese flounder, and activities of
European eel Anguilla japonica first use hepatin (Dave, pancreatic digestive enzymes went down when larvae
1975; Domeneghini et al., 2002); it is subcutaneous feeding stopped and became rapidly elevated when feed-
grease that is first used in yellowtail kingfish (Chen et al., ing restarted (Bloasina et al., 2006b). The same results
2007). Fish larvae also use different energy resources were found in sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax and red
under different conditions. Mehner and Wieser (1994) drum Sciaenops ocellatus (Zambonino Infante and Cahu,
reported that during starvation sea perch Embiotoca lat- 2001). Due to the lack of a functional stomach in most
eralis larvae mainly used protein at l5℃, and used gly- fish larvae at first feeding, food is digested in the intestine
cogen at 20℃, which could be explained by the key en- and enzymes mainly derive from the pancreas. Trypsin
zyme of metabolism, glutamate transaminase (GPT); its and amylase are very important in the metabolism of fish
activity decreased at 20℃, starved fish turned to use gly- larvae (Chen et al., 2007). No matter what developmental
cogen in body. Fish larvae use the energy stocked in or- period of fish is, when it is deprived of food, both trypsin
gan in sequence during starvation. For instance, European and amylase have obvious decrease in Japanese flounder
eel mainly consumes triglyceride in liver and muscle be- and yellowtail kingfish (Bolasina et al., 2006b; Chen et al.,
tween 0 d starvation and 47 d starvation; but glycogen in 2007). These findings agree with the reports on starved
blood and hepatin in muscle are used between 47 d starva- pacific herring (Pedersen et al., 1990), gilthead sea bream
tion and 96 d starvation; then hepatin in liver and protein Sparus aurata (Moyano et al., 1996) and Pacific threadfin
in plasm sharply reduce between 96 d starvation and 164 d Polydactylus sexfilis (Kim et al., 2001). The reduction in
starvation (Dave, 1975). The same results were found in digestive enzymes of starved fish is attributed to the
yellow weever Macquaria ambigua (Collins and Ander- shrinkage of the epithelium in the digestive tract and
son, 1995). So fish larvae first use the energy substance glands such as liver and pancreas (Yúfera et al., 1993;
of store tissue, and then use the substance of the essential Zambonino Infante and Cahu, 2001). So the presence of
SHAN X. J. et al.: Advances in Studies of the Effects of Starvation on Growth and Development of Fish Larvae 323

digestive proenzymes secreted by the acinus and stored as many humoral factors, total superoxide dismutase, the
granules at its central apex is usually associated with nu- activity of bateriolysin, bateriostatic ability and activity of
trition (Bolasina et al., 2006b). The activities of trypsin hemolysin are often regarded as reference and ration in-
and amylase directly reflect the nutrition condition of fish dex to assess the ability of immunity. Three-spined stick-
(Ueberschär et al., 1992; Oozeki and Bailey, 1995; Chen leback has obvious changes in bacteriolysin, hemolysin
et al., 2007). In addition, the changes of digestive en- and bacteriostatic ability of blood serum during starvation
zymes activities, such as the deteriorated structure of di- (Wight et al., 2004).
gestive tissue and organs, are direct causes, and also have In addition, in order to decrease the level of metabo-
something to do with enzymes themselves (Zambonino lism when fish larvae are deprived of food, fish reduce
Infante and Cahu, 2001). If no food gives mechanical oxygen utilization by controlling hematopoiesis. Qian et al.
stimulation to digestive tract, olfaction and vision, the (2002) reported that erythrocyte and hemachrome of
excretion of digestive enzymes will be reduced (Xie et al., weever Lateolabraz japonicus had remarkable decrease,
1998). only 76.5% and 46.0% of normal, respectively, after four
weeks of starvation. Fish can maintain life by decompos-
2.5.3 The changes of essential fatty acids ing hemachrome of erythrocyte, and there is a reduction
in the number of erythrocytes during starvation. The same
Essential fatty acids are very important for the devel-
results in southern catfish juvenile were reported: the
opment, survival and growth of marine fish larvae
consistence of blood sugar, albumin, glyceryl-3-ester and
(Rainuzzo et al., 1997; Sargent et al., 1997). The larval
Na+, K+, Cl- in starved larvae were lower than those in fed
capacity of digesting dietary lipid is of great importance
larvae, but the volume of blood corpuscle and erythtocyte
for optimal nutrition in early larval stages. The oxidation
brittleness increased in starved larvae (Xie et al., 1998).
of fatty acids plays prominent roles in energy provision
(Halver, 1989). The quantities and kinds of n-3 highly
unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) can directly affect the 3 Conclusion
growth rate, survival rate, excitability, and biochemical The studies on the starvation of fish larvae have im-
compositions of marine fish larvae. The sequence of fatty portant significance in wild and reared fish, which will
acids used in fish larvae varies in specific species. Ki- help us to improve the growth and survival of fish larvae,
essling et al. (1989) reported that there were decrease in and estimate the recruitment of fish in nature by detecting
mono-unsaturated fatty acids and relative increase in the quantity and nutrition condition of fish larvae. Previ-
polyunsaturated fatty acids after a period of starvation in ous studies about the effects of starvation on fish mainly
rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and common carp concentrate on morphological, behavioral, biochemical
larvae. Wen et al. (2006) also studied the effects of star- and histological characters. The evaluating methods for
vation on fatty acids contents in Chinese mittenhanded adult fish are comprehensive and successful, but not so
crab Eriocheir sinensis, and found that saturation fatty for yolk-sac and larval fish, especially in biochemistry. In
acids were first used during starvation, and then mono- the future, we should study fish early development in
unsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. combination with practical production, and do some
comprehensive studies, establish good methods to esti-
2.6 The Changes of Immunology mate the starved degree of fish larvae, improve and ad-
Nutrition is the physical base of the development of vance essentially the development of commercial fishery
immune system; malnutrition has important effects on the in China. From the above-mentioned, the research on the
function of immune system. Fish belong to the cold- starvation of fish larvae is in its infancy, so we still need
blooded vertebrate, and only one antibody lies in blood to do more work about the effects of starvation on fish
serum that is similar to mammiferous IgM. So fish mainly larvae in the future, for example, the consumption of the
depend on not-specific immune system to counteract necessary amino acids and fatty acids during starvation;
pathogeny. This system is composed of lymphocyte and microorganism population existing in fish digestive tract
humoral factors. Some lymphocytes have the ability of and its change with the food; the effects of starvation on
licking up pathogeny, and their quantities and abilities of growth, survival and immune system on wild fish larvae;
phagocytosis can directly reflect the immune capabilities the population genetics of fish larvae during starvation.
of fish. After these lymphocytes lick up NBT (Nitrotetra-
zolium blue chloride), NBT can accept hydrogen from
glucose-6-phophsate being oxidized in cytoplast, which Acknowledgements
makes NBT deoxidized to be one palm-dark substance. This study was supported by the Ministry of Science
So many scientists regarded the cell number of oxidized and Technology of P. R. China under the grant contracts
NBT as a guideline of estimating the capability of Nos. 2007CB407305 and 2006BAD09A02.
not-specific immunity. Spiny finned catfish Pelteobagrus
vachelli has a little increase in NBT during early days of
starvation; however, with the starvation prolonged, the References
number of NBT rapidly decreases (Sun et al., 2006). In Bailey, K. M., M. F. Canino, J. M. Napp, S. M. Spring, and A. L.
324 J. Ocean Univ. Chin. Vol.7, No.3, 2008

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