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Sultan Qaboos University ‫جامعة السلطان قابوس‬

Journal of Arts & Social Sciences ‫مجلة اآلداب والعلوم االجتماعية‬

A Memetic Translation Assessment: The Case of

Translating Polysystem Theory into Arabic

Hisham A. Jawad
Assistant Professor
Department of English Language and Literature
College of Arts and Social Sciences
Sultan Qaboos University

‫‪A Memetic Translation Assessment‬‬

‫‪A Memetic Translation Assessment: The Case of‬‬

‫‪Translating Polysystem Theory into Arabic‬‬
‫‪Hisham A. Jawad‬‬
‫‪This study examines the underlying principles that trigger decisions in translating the polysystem‬‬
‫)‪translation theory into contemporary Arabic. The data comprises an English summary in Munday (2001‬‬
‫‪and its Arabic version. The methodology draws on the ‘memes’ notion and its application to translation.‬‬
‫‪It consists in deconstructing the polysystem theory-meme so as to see why TT has been shaped the way‬‬
‫‪it is. Two translation memes inform the mutation of the theory in Arab culture, i.e. Cognition which‬‬
‫‪accounts for relevant memetic knowledge and expectations of target receptors, and Target calling for‬‬
‫‪the supremacy of TL/TC. It is argued that the theory travels trans-nationally, carrying with it its history,‬‬
‫‪but that history is never unsifted. It may be defied or re-interpreted pursuant to the memetic network‬‬
‫‪in TC. The theory-meme subsumes an apparently cryptic meme of occupation in the political sense. This‬‬
‫‪is evident through mapping the stylistic choices made by Even-Zohar in his article which suppress that‬‬
‫‪sense. Therefore, TT serves as a vehicle whereby the theory-meme replicates itself in TC, having the‬‬
‫‪embedded cryptic meme mutating and surfacing as explicit. It is the meme of occupation propagating‬‬
‫‪in the sphere of Arab culture by general consensus.‬‬

‫‪Keywords: Memes, Translating style, Politics of translation, Rewriting‬‬

‫تقييم الترجمة وفق نظرية الميم‪ :‬دراسة في الترجمة العربية لنظرية النظام التعددي‬

‫هشام علي جواد‬

‫تتناول هذه الدراسة المبادئ األساسية التي تحكم عملية اتخاذ القرارات المتعلقة بترجمة نظرية النظام التعددي إلى اللغة العربية‪.‬‬
‫وتقوم الدراسة على تحليل نصين‪ ،‬النص األول هو النص المصدر ويوجز النظرية باللغة اإلنكليزية‪ ،‬أم النص الثاني فهو النص‬
‫الهدف وهو عبارة عن ترجمة عربية للنص المصدر‪ .‬ويرد النص اإلنكليزي في كتاب ‪Translation Studies: Theories and‬‬
‫‪ Applications (Munday‬أما الترجمة العربية له فترد في نسخته العربية التي وضعها ونشرها مؤلف هذا البحث‪ .‬وتعتمد‬
‫منهجية الدراسة على مفهوم الـ “ميم” وتطبيقاته في الترجمة‪ .‬والميم عبارة عن فكرة ما أو سلوك ما أو أسلوب ما ينتقل من فرد‬
‫إلى فرد ضمن ثقافة واحدة أو عبر الثقافات‪ .‬وتشتمل المنهجية على تفكيك نظرية النظام التعددي‪ ،‬بوصفها ميماً أو فكرة‪ ،‬والتحقق‬
‫من الهيئة التي تنتهي إليها النظرية في النص الهدف‪ .‬أما عملية تغير النظرية أو تحولها في السياق الثقافي العربي فإنها تتأثر‬
‫بنوعين من ميمات الترجمة‪ :‬األول ويعرف بميم المعرفة ويشير إلى توقعات المتلقين للترجمة ومعلوماتهم الميمية ذات الصلة‪.‬‬
‫وأما النوع الثاني من ميمات الترجمة فيعرف بميم الهدف ويدعو إلى سيادة اللغة‪/‬الثقافة الهدف‪ .‬ومعلوم أن أية نظرية تعبر الحدود‬
‫الوطنية إنما تحمل في طياتها تاريخها الذي يخضع للتدقيق والتمحيص في السياق الهدف‪ ،‬وربما يجري رفضها أو إعادة تفسيرها‬
‫تبعاً لشبكة المعرفة الميمية في الثقافة الهدف‪ .‬إن هذه النظرية بوصفها ميماً إنما تنطوي على ميم مستتر على ما يبدو يتعلق‬
‫بموضوعة االحتالل بالمعنى السياسي‪ .‬ويبدو ذلك جلياً عند التحقق من المفردات األسلوبية التي استعملها ايفين زوهار في مقالته‪،‬‬
‫وهي كلها تطمس هذا المعنى‪ .‬وعليه‪ ،‬فإن النص الهدف يمثل وسيلة من خاللها تتحول النظرية في الثقافة الهدف ويتحول معها‬
‫ميم االحتالل المستتر ليصبح ظاهراً واضحاً في النص الهدف‪ .‬ومما ال شك فيه أن االحتالل بوصفه ميماً يشيع وينتشر في عالم‬
‫الثقافة العربية‪.‬‬

‫الكلمات الدالة‪ :‬ميم‪ ،‬ترجمة األسلوب‪ ،‬السياسة والترجمة‪ ،‬إعادة الكتابة‬

Hisham A. Jawad

Translations give life, life both beyond that of the principles of evolution by natural selection to
original text itself and beyond that of the original beliefs. It has developed as a theory of culture
author. Translations propagate memes through specifically concerned with cultural transfer,
both space and time. Chesterman (1997, p. 29) cultural evolution and cultural similarity. The latter
relates to both intra- and inter-cultural interactions
Introduction and can be explained by three processes: biological
The study of theories of translation has always evolution (heredity), individual learning (non-
been widespread, but the study of translating heredity), and cultural transmission (the memetic
theories of translation seems to be a rarity way). Memetics looks for parallels between
(Susam-sarajeva 2006). This article investigates genetic and cultural evolution.
the memes that inform the way the polysystem The analogy with biology has been established
translation theory may be interpreted in the where the cultural situation (memes) is parallel
receiving Arab culture. The meme idea was first to the biological one (genes). The key biological
put forward by Dawkins (1976) in The Selfish principle here is the neo-Darwinian theory of
Gene and applied to translation by Chesterman selection and variation and the findings of genetics.
(1997) in his norms model. It relates to any idea or Genes replicate through populations of organisms
product that travels within the sphere of a certain transferring copies or clones of themselves to
culture and is accepted as a norm. The concept subsequent generations; they maintain some
was intended by Dawkins to be the equivalent distinctive features, i.e. identity, as they mutate
of a gene in the way the latter replicates itself and evolve. By the same token, memes propagate
throughout generations. and evolve in the sphere of culture by selection
Within the theoretical framework suggested by and general consensus. They are transferred by all
Chesterman (1997), two translation memes have forms of communication throughout members of
been singled out for the purpose of this study, a given culture or cultures. They are everywhere
viz. Target and Cognition. The former concerns surrounding us. They cannot be out of place or,
the overriding target language and culture and as Dennett puts it (1995, p. 144), “no meme is an
the latter caters for target receptor expectations. island”.
The research questions of this study are: How Following Bjarneskans et al. (n.d.), Chesterman
can these two translation memes inform the way (2005, p. 24) lists five stages characterizing the
the polysystem theory is translated, and to what life cycle of “successful” memes: transmission,
extent is the target text a replicate of the source i.e. knowledge is expressed; decoding, i.e.
text? But, first, a word about the concept of meme knowledge is received; infection, i.e. knowledge
itself. is restructured and processed; storage, where
the meme becomes part of the host’s memory;
The Concept of Meme and survival, where the meme stands out as
Meme is a fundamental term in memetics and successful, i.e. knowledge is retained. Memetically
means a self-propagating idea. As mentioned transferred knowledge can be looked at as a pool
above, the term was coined by the sociobiologist of memes stored and developed in a memetic
Richard Dawkins (1976) in his groundbreaking knowledge system:
work The Selfish Gene and first introduced to Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene
translation studies by Chesterman (1997) and pool by leaping from body to body via sperms
Vermeer (1997). Examples of memes are tunes, or eggs, so memes propagate themselves in the
ideas, catchy phrases, fashions in dress, modes of meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a
architecture, food recipes, cultural commodities, process which, in the broad sense, can be called
etc. More specifically, memetics applies the imitation. If a scientist hears, or reads about, a

A Memetic Translation Assessment

good idea, he passes it on to his colleagues and target culture and why.
students. He mentions it in his articles and his Said, characterizing how theories travel, says:
lectures. If the idea catches on, it can be said to Like people and schools of criticism, ideas and
propagate itself, spreading from brain to brain. theories travel – from person to person, from
(Dawkins, [1976] 1989, p. 192) situation to situation, from one period to another.
Dawkins argues that memes should be seen […] Having said that, however, one should go
as “living structures”, both metaphorically and on to specify the kinds of movement that are
technically (p. 323). The concept of meme as a possible, in order to ask whether by virtue of
living structure has been experimentally explored having moved from one place and time to another
by the brain scientist Delius, who provides a an idea or theory gains or loses in strength, and
graphic picture of what the neuronal hardware of whether a theory in one historical period and
a meme might look like (cited in Dawkins, [1976] national culture becomes altogether different for
1989, p. 323). another period or situation. […] Such movement
The meme for belief in life after death, Dawkins into a new environment is never unimpeded. It
suggests, is realized physically millions of times necessarily involves processes of representation
over as a structure in the nervous systems of and institutionalization different from those at the
human beings, like the persisting idea of hell fire, point of origin. (1983, p. 226)
due to its deep psychological impact. The two Thus, a theory-meme moving “into a new
have become linked with the God meme as they environment ... never unimpeded” undergoes a
reinforce each other’s survival in the meme pool process of representation. This takes place typically
(p. 198). via translation, whereby the theory-meme travels
Unlike genes, which can only survive for a few and propagates by mutation. An important study
generations in the common gene pool, memes examining the impact of translation on the travel
survive through contributing to the world’s of ideas across linguistic-cultural borders is by
cultures by taking many varied forms, such Susam-sarajeva (2006). This discusses two cases
as a word, idea, tune, poem, etc. Beethoven, where translation strategies crucially influenced
Shakespeare or the Arab poet Al-Mutanabbi the reception of imported schools of thought,
may not have their genes alive today. But, their i.e. structuralism and semiotics into Turkish and
meme complexes are still propagating themselves French feminism into English. Specifically, the
progressively. They include diverse idea-memes researcher addresses the importation of both
or entities capable of transferring from one Roland Barthes’s work into Turkish and Hélène
brain to another. The meme of Beethoven’s fifth Cixous’s work into American English.
symphony, Shakespeare’s Hamlet, or the classical Susam-Sarajeva highlights the role translation
Arab poet Al-Mutanabbi’s Diwan, is that essential plays in reshaping the images of Barthes and
basis of the work which is held by all brains that Cixous in the receiving systems. Presented as a
appreciate or understand it. In general, the sphere structuralist and semiotician to the Turkish literary
of memetics relates to cultural anthropology, critical system, Barthes is merely viewed as an
semiotics and translation, among others. For that essayist. In the American context, Cixous’s image
matter, a typology of memes has been suggested shifts from a feminist theoretician to a writer.
by scholars like Moritz (1990), who classifies Simply, the migrating theories of structuralism
them into four main categories: linguistic, visual, and semiotics as well as French feminism faced
musical, and procedural/behavioural. A linguistic certain resistance in their respective contexts.
meme this study examines is Even-Zohar’s
polysystem theory: how it travels trans-culturally, Habitat of the Polysystem
what kind of mutation takes place in the Arab Even-Zohar investigated extensively the

Hisham A. Jawad

beginnings of Hebrew literature in Israel. His work national feelings. The word Palestine in a title is
concentrated on the emergence and crystallization enough.
of native Hebrew culture in Palestine between Another aspect of government practice concerns
1882 and 1948. Now one of the most cited works the official attitude towards university professors
on the history of modern Hebrew culture, ithas and the intelligentsia. Davidson (2006) notices
become a model for paradigmatic analysis of that those who publicly criticize the occupation are
other emerging cultures. subjected to isolation and the ruin of their careers.
The polysystem theory (Even-Zohar, 1978/2000) Any verbal references to the occupation is never
suggests a role for translated literature as a whole condoned. Indeed, for a long time, the Israelis
in the literary and historical systems of the target refused to even entertain the word occupation for
culture. These systems, including that of translated what they were doing. As the Israeli writer David
literature, enter into a continuous process of Grossman explains:
interaction conceptualized as a polysystem, which There was a whole machinery of fabricating
is defined by Shuttleworth and Cowie (1997, p.176) names for the situation, there was a whole
as “a heterogeneous, hierarchized conglomerate narrative that in a way used words not to describe
(or system) of systems which interact to bring reality but rather to camouflage it, to protect us
about an ongoing, dynamic process of evolution the Israelis from the harshness of what we are
within the polysystem as a whole”. doing. This is what the Israeli Lawyer Leah Tsemel
The polysystem theory originated in a culture calls the “laundering of language.” In Hebrew
of immigrant communities and thus reflects the “occupation” became “release” or “salvation,”
reality of Israeli colonization and occupation while “colonizing” became “peaceful settlement”
of Palestine. Immigrants flooded into Palestine and “killing” became “targeting.” Orwell would
bringing with them those literatures which have recognized this use of “political language”
were written in their native languages and without much trouble. (Cited in: Davidson, 2006,
then translated into Hebrew. A manifestation p. 260)
of those communities’ rivalry for primacy in Now, Even-Zohar’s article can be viewed within
the hierarchy of the new society has to do with this socio-political context, and it might be the
those translated literatures interacting as systems case that the author opted not to over-use the
within the emerging multifarious polysystem. Yet word occupy, choosing instead assume. One could
this process of socio-cultural evolution has not object to this reading on the basis of authorial
gone unnoticed by the powers of the publishing stylistic preference. However, the argument here
industry and particularly the Israeli authorities. is never gratuitous, given that Even-Zohar himself
Banham (1995) remarks that “until 1989, Israeli is an opponent of Israeli settlement policies (Cf.
playwrights (whether writing in Arabic, Hebrew or Even-Zohar, 1998). The idea of occupation, the
English) were required to submit all scripts for prior reality of occupation, has been going on in the
approval by the Interior Ministry’s Committee of Israeli mind for over half a century. But it is hidden,
Censorship of Plays and Films … Any play judged curbed or at best only hinted at. At the discourse
to compromise Israeli state security could be level, it can be seen as embedded within the
closed without notice” (p. 185). Bergan (2000) theory-meme of polysystem, which mirrors how
reveals that since 1967 when Israel occupied the different literary and historical systems strive to
West Bank and Gaza, Israeli censorship has been occupy the primary position therein.
aggressive, banning a list of over 1.600 book The relation between a theory and its original
titles, George Orwell’s 1984 being only one. Some social context has been widely discussed. Miller
600 additional titles were included later. The list argues that:
includes every work that aroused Palestinian Literary theory […] in spite of its high degree of

A Memetic Translation Assessment

apodictic generalization, is tied, perhaps even as “a kind of process, a way of doing something”
inextricably tied, to the language and culture of its (p. 88), and states that “strategies are forms of
country of origin. Though theory might seem to be explicitly textual manipulation” (p. 89). This is, in
as impersonal and universal as any technological general, the theoretical framework adopted in the
innovation, in fact it grows from one particular present study.
place, time, culture, and language. It remains
tied to that place and language. Theory, when Box 1 – ST (Munday, 2001, pp. 109-10)
it is translated or transported, when it crosses a
border, comes bringing the culture of its originator Polysystem theory was developed in the 1970s
with it. (Miller, 1996, p. 210; emphasis added) by the Israeli scholar Itamar borrowing ideas
But a travelling theory is never unfiltered. It may from the Russian Formalists of the 1920s, who
be rejected, challenged or re-interpreted pursuant had worked on literary historiography.
to the ideology of the target culture. […]
The hierarchy referred to is the positioning and
The Data and Methodology interaction at a given historical moment of the
In order to see how the polysystem theory can different strata of the polysystem. If the highest
be interpreted, a synopsized version (Box 1) in position is occupied by an innovative literary
Munday (2001) together with its Arabic ‘literal’ type, then the lower strata are likely to be
translation (Box 2) produced and published in occupied by increasingly conservative types.
Munday (2010) by the present author were On the other hand, if the conservative forms
examined. Since an Arabic translation of Even- are at the top, innovation and renewal are likely
Zohar’s article was inaccessible, Munday’s to come from the lower strata. Otherwise a
summary was considered as a ST for translation period of stagnation occurs […]. This ‘dynamic
analysis purposes. The methodology involves process of evolution’ is vital to the polysystem,
mapping the TT onto the ST so as to identify those indicating that the relations between innovatory
aspects and choices where the two texts diverge. and conservative systems are in a constant
It is based on the model of translation memes and state of flux and competition. Because of
strategies suggested by Chesterman (1997). Two this flux, the position of translated literature
translation (super) memes will be investigated: is not fixed either. It may occupy a primary or a
Target and Cognition. The former sees the target secondary position in the polysystem […]. Even-
language/culture as superior to the source Zohar gives three major cases when translated
language/culture, whilst the latter considers the literature occupies the primary position […].
expectations of receptors highly important so If translated literature assumes a secondary
far as they can make right inferences about the position, then it represents a peripheral system
communicative clues provided by the translation. within the polysystem. It has no major influence
These two memes have ideological and cognitive over the central system and even becomes a
implications, respectively, and set the ground on conservative element, preserving conventional
which the translation strategy is founded. forms and conforming to the literary norms of
As to the translation strategies, Chesterman the target system. Even-Zohar points out that
classifies them into “reduction strategies”, which this secondary position is the ‘normal’ one
change or reduce the message in some way for translated literatures. However, translated
and “achievement strategies”, which attempt to literature itself is stratified. Some translated
preserve the message but change the means, literature may be secondary while others,
such as the use of paraphrase, approximation, translated from major source literatures, are
restructuring, mime etc. He defines “strategy” primary. An example Even-Zohar gives is of

‫‪Hisham A. Jawad‬‬

‫‪the Hebrew literary polysystem published‬‬ ‫تحتل مرتبة متدنية‪.‬‬

‫ويرى ايفين زوهار أن المرتبة التي يحتلها األدب المترجم في‬
‫‪between the two world wars, when translations‬‬
‫النظام التعددي تحدد استراتيجية الترجمة‪ .‬فإن كانت المرتبة‬
‫‪from Russian were primary but translations from‬‬ ‫رئيسة‪ ،‬وجد المترجمون أنفسهم غير ملزمين باتباع نماذج‬
‫‪English, German and Polish were secondary.‬‬ ‫أدبية في اللغة الهدف وأكثر استعداداً النتهاك األعراف السائدة‪.‬‬
‫‪Even-Zohar suggests that the position occupied‬‬ ‫وبذلك‪ ،‬ينتجون في الغالب نصاً هدفاً يتسم بالتماثل الدقيق من‬
‫‪by translated literature in the polysystem‬‬ ‫حيث االِستيفاء ويعيدون إنتاج العالقات النصية للنص المصدر‪،‬‬
‫مما قد يتمخض عن والدة نماذج جديدة للنص المصدر‪ .‬أما‬
‫‪conditions the translation strategy. If it is‬‬
‫إذا احتل األدب مرتبة ثانوية‪ ،‬شعر المترجمون بميل أكبر نحو‬
‫‪primary, translators do not feel constrained to‬‬ ‫استخدام النماذج القائمة في الثقافة الهدف ألغراض النص‬
‫‪follow target literature models and are more‬‬ ‫الهدف وإنتاج ترجمات «غير وافية»‪.‬‬
‫‪prepared to break conventions, They thus often‬‬
‫‪produce a TT that is a close match in terms of‬‬ ‫‪Source Text Focus‬‬
‫‪adequacy, reproducing the textual relations‬‬ ‫‪The ST is an extract of a section on the polysystem‬‬
‫‪of the ST This in itself may then lead to new‬‬ ‫‪theory in Jeremy Munday’s book Introducing‬‬
‫‪SL models. On the other hand, if translated‬‬ ‫‪Translation Studies: Theories and Applications‬‬
‫‪literature is secondary, translators tend to use‬‬ ‫‪published in 2001. The section itself is a brief‬‬
‫‪existing target-culture models for the TT and‬‬ ‫‪account of the theory put forward by Even-Zohar‬‬
‫‪produce more ‘non-adequate’ translations.‬‬ ‫‪(1978/2000), suggesting a role for the translated‬‬
‫‪literature as a whole in the literary and historical‬‬
‫)‪Box 2 – TT (Munday, 2010, pp. 153-55‬‬ ‫‪systems of the target culture. These systems,‬‬
‫نشأت نظرية النظام التعددي في سبعينات القرن الماضي على‬ ‫‪including that of translated literature, enter into a‬‬
‫يد الباحث االسرائيلي ايتامار ايفين زوهار بعد أن اقتبس عدداً من‬ ‫‪continuous process of interaction conceptualized‬‬
‫األفكار التي عرضها ُكتّاب روس ينتمون إلى المدرسة الشكلية‬ ‫‪as a polysystem which is defined by Shuttleworth‬‬
‫في عشرينات القرن الماضي تناولوا فيها موضوع التاريخ األدبي‪.‬‬ ‫‪and Cowie (1997, p. 176) as “a heterogeneous,‬‬
‫وتمثل الهرمية المشار إليها ترتيب المستويات المختلفة للنظام‬
‫‪hierarchized conglomerate (or system) of systems‬‬
‫التعددي وتفاعلها فيما بينها في لحظة تاريخية معينة‪ .‬فإن احتل‬ ‫‪which interact to bring about an ongoing, dynamic‬‬
‫نمط أدبي إبداعي فيرجح أن تحتل المراتبَ األدنى‬ ‫َ‬
‫المرتبة األعلى ٌ‬ ‫‪process of evolution within the polysystem as a‬‬
‫أنماط محافظة للغاية‪ .‬أما إذا تربعت األنماط المحافظة على قمة‬ ‫‪whole” (cited in Munday, 2001, p. 109).‬‬
‫الهرم فمن المرجح أن تأتي األنماط اإلبداعية والتجديدية من‬ ‫‪The ST consists of a total of 373 words. I have‬‬
‫المراتب األدنى‪ ،‬وإال فإن النظام التعددي يشهد حالة من الركود‪.‬‬
‫وتعد ‘عملية النشوء واالرتقاء الديناميكية’ هذه ضرورية وحيوية‬ ‫‪chosen one text focus which has to do with the‬‬
‫بالنسبة للنظام التعددي إذ أنها تشير إلى أن العالقات القائمة‬ ‫‪central notion of interaction between different‬‬
‫مطرد يتسم‬ ‫النُظم اإلبداعية والمحافِظة تنشأ في وضع ّ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫بين‬ ‫‪systems to assume different positions in the‬‬
‫بالتدفق والتنافس‪ .‬ونظراً لهذا التدفق والتنافس فإن مرتبة‬ ‫‪hierarchy of polysystem and how this interaction is‬‬
‫األدب المترجم ليست ثابتة أيضاً‪ ،‬إذ قد يحتل األدب مرتبة رئيسة‬
‫‪lexicalized. Put another way, it is about ‘occupying‬‬
‫أو ثانوية في النظام التعددي ‪ ...‬ويقدم ايفين زوهار ثالث حاالت‬
‫رئيسة يحتل فيها األدب المترجم المرتبة األولى ‪...‬‬ ‫‪a position’, i.e. the key element in the author’s‬‬
‫أما إذا احتل األدب المترجم مرتبة ثانوية‪ ،‬عندها سيمثل نظاماً‬ ‫‪argument. The excerpt includes the following‬‬
‫هامشياً ضمن النظام التعددي‪ ،‬ولن يكون له أي تأثير على‬ ‫‪associations with position:‬‬
‫النظام المركزي بل يتحول إلى عنصر محافظ يحافظ على أشكال‬ ‫‪- If the highest position is occupied by‬‬
‫تقليدية ويعمل وفق المعايير األدبية للنظام الهدف‪ .‬ويشير‬
‫‪- to be occupied by‬‬
‫ايفين زوهار إلى أن المرتبة الثانوية هذه تعد المكان «الطبيعي»‬
‫لآلداب المترجمة‪ ،‬إال أن األدب المترجم ذاته قائم على الهرمية‪،‬‬ ‫‪- translated literature occupies the primary‬‬
‫فقد نرى أدباً مترجماً يحتل مرتبة ثانوية بينما نرى آداباً أخرى‬ ‫‪position‬‬
‫مترجمة عن آداب رئيسة في اللغة المصدر تحتل المرتبة األولى‪.‬‬ ‫‪-translated literature assumes a secondary‬‬
‫ويستشهد ايفين زوهار بمثال يتعلق بالنظام التعددي األدبي‬ ‫‪position‬‬
‫العبري المنشور بين الحربين العالميتين حين كانت النصوص‬
‫المترجمة من اللغة الروسية تحتل مرتبة الصدارة فيما كانت‬ ‫‪- Some translated literature may be secondary‬‬
‫النصوص المترجمة من اللغات اإلنكليزية واأللمانية والبولندية‬ ‫‪while others, …, are primary‬‬

A Memetic Translation Assessment

- translations from Russian were primary but - work … indicates that the “normal” position
translations from English, German and Polish assumed by translated literature tends to be the
were secondary secondary one
- the position occupied by translated literature - have caused French translated literature to
- if translated literature is secondary assume an extremely secondary position
The ST has 44% (4/9) of the collocations with - what bearings may the position taken by
position including (derivations of) the word translated literature have on translational norms
occupy. - the position assumed by the translated literature
Zooming in on the very notion as elaborated - when it takes a primary position
by Even-Zohar (1978) in his paper The Position - when it assumes a primary position
of Translated Literature within the Literary - naturally, translated literature, when it occupies
Polysystem, one can mark a quite carefully selected a secondary position
pattern of words associated with position:
- win the central position In his article which runs 3549 words, the frequency
- one of which occupies the top position of occurrences with position are: occupy (2), take
- positions assumed by various types (3), maintain (5), and assume (12). This pattern is
- the top position is maintained by a literary type formally distinct from that found in the summary
- the top position is maintained by an ossified type as Even-Zohar uses occupy twice (9%) compared to
- the position of the translated literature in this four times (44%). Now, legitimate questions may
constellation be raised here: why does the word occupy appear
- it maintains no unchanging position merely two times in the original work? What was
- to say that translated literature maintains a likely the constraint on that? Was it arbitrary?
primary position Was it a feature attributed to the author’s style,
- I point out that these literatures may rise to a or possibly conditioned by the socio-political
central position in a way analogous to the way factors which had been prevalent since 1967, the
this is done by secondary systems within a certain year when Israel occupied Palestinian and Arab
polysystem territories? How do the socio- or geo-political
- some literatures take peripheral positions factors impact the way writers write?
- translated literature may assume a primary The answers to these questions will have to take
position into account the origins of the polysystem theory,
- translated literature may consequently assume a social context, and historical circumstances that
primary position surrounded the emerging Israel.
- translated literature maintains a secondary
position Discussion and Conclusion
- one section of translated literature may assume a This work has had as its goal to deconstruct the
primary position, another may remain secondary theory-meme in an attempt to see why the TT has
- a major source literature which is likely to assume been shaped the way it is. Two translation memes
a primary position have informed the strategy of translating the ST:
- literature translated from the Russian assumed Cognition and Target.
an unmistakable primary position In the sphere of target culture, Arab receptors have
- works translated from English, German, … acquired in their memetic knowledge pool the
assumed an obviously secondary one meme of Israeli occupation being a major political
- the chances of translated literature to assume a concern. While it is suppressed on the Israeli side,
certain position the meme is quite explicit and active, dominating
contemporary Arab socio-political thought. One

Hisham A. Jawad

of the textual resources utilized to uncover this the translation works as a vehicle whereby the
political meme in translation is lexical repetition. theory-meme replicates in the target culture
By replacing the lexical choices associated with having the cryptic meme mutating and surfacing
the word position, i.e. assume, maintain, be, etc., as an explicit meme in the target text. It is the
the network of synonymy and cross-referencing, meme of occupation propagating and evolving in
with other choices based on the recurrence the sphere of Arab culture by general consensus.
of occupy, the stylistic configuration of the TT Venuti claims that “all translations inevitably
seems to partly echo the socio-cultural grounds perform a work of domestication” (1998, p. 5).
on which the theory was built in the first place. This involves manipulating the traveling discourse
Now, what the ST fell short of voicing explicitly for local purposes. The target culture, as such,
is done in the TT which exhibits how different deals with the translations on its own ground
systems interact to occupy a specific position rather than that of the original culture.
in the polysystem. This interpretation may not This study has attempted to provide an insight
be captured by ordinary readers in the target into the polysystem theory through translation.
culture. However, the expectations of receptors, It suggests a fresh reading of the model and its
in general, are accounted for and relevant clues origins, a reading which would decipher the
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