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Mercyhurst Girls ^Turn {Tables *

Mercyhurst. has always been in- Highlighting the three seniors' Four other Mercyhurst girls will
terested in international affairs, vacation in Europe will be the col- be spending six weeks ! in the old
for many foreign students have at- lege campus atmosphere of the and historic city of Quebec. Mar-
tended the college. However, this steam-ship; bicycles and motor-cars garet Broderick, Peg Cavanaugh,
summer the "tables are turning," wil I be in order. Some of the places Ann Kennedy, and Bet Broderick
for Mercyhurst girls will receive which will be host to Fran, Joan, are planning to attend summer
first-hand information with regard and Marilyn, are Dublin, London, school at Laval University where
to the social, political, religious, Ki Harney, Amsterdam Cologne, they will further their studies in
and economic conditions in Europe Milan, Venice,| Rome, Avignon, French These girls-wiliSlive with
and Canada. Lourdes, and Paris. French families and will attempt
Pas ports will be the order of th* Another roving senior, Florene to communicate with each other
day for Marilyn Kelley, Fran Sul- Cherry, will sail from New York in only in French. They, too, will tour
livan, and Joan Harrison who will August for Trieste in order to visit a beautiful country, Canada. All of
depart, for an N.F.C.C.S. tour of her sister and brother-in-law. The them are looking forward to their
Europe, from Montreal on June 23. most important feature of Floiene's first visit to St. Anne de Beau-
These girls will be enroute a total trip will be a first look at her new pre's Shrine.
of sixty-seven days, of which fifty- nephew and running a close sec- And thus, Mercyhurst girls will
one days will be spent enjoying ond, her trip across the Mediter- be scattered throughout the world
"Everywhere we wander" is t h e theme of Margaret Broderick, Europe. ranean and through Italy. this summer.
Peggy Cavanaugh, Ann Kennedy. Bet Broderick, Marilyn Kelley,
Fran Sullivan, Florene Cherry and Joan Harrison. The girls are pic-
tu red: planning: their trips which will take them to Canada to ^fur-

ther their studies in French and to Europe on a NFCCS tour.

Class DaylHeld Today <JU

New Little Theatre Vol. XXIV, No. 8 MERCYHURST COLLEGE, ERIE, PA. June 2, 1953
A new tradition originated today as Mercyhurst College observed
her Class Day ceremonies at three o'clock in the Little Theater, for the
first time, Margaret Broderick, senior class president, opened the pro-
gram by -extending a welcome and Mareanne Cole, vice-president, was
Mercyhurst To Award Degrees
next on the program, with'!? a talk on Mercyhurst traditions.
The "Turning of the Tassels," an academic ceremony, was then
performedIby the senior class officers, Margaret Broderick, Mareanne To Twenty-fifth Graduating Class
Cole, Marilyn Kelley, and Rita
Panciera. Jo Ann Weaver gave
1 Baccalaureate Services, Commenceiiient Exercisesl
the principal talk of the afternoon
entitled, "Toward A Christian So-
'Reminiscences For Forty Seniors Close Scholastic Year
ciety" which centered about the
idea that the student should make To Be Soph Baccalaureate services for the twenty-fifth graduating class of
Mercyhurst College were held Sunday morning, May 31, at 10:30 in
use of the academic community as Congratulations, Glass of '53 the College Chapel. Rev. Daniel J. Martin, college chaplain, officiated
a • preparation for her future role
as a citizen.
Iheme Toni In behalf of the faculty and
at the Solemn High Mass. The Baccalaureate address was delivered by
Rev. Francis P. Tushim, director of the St. Vincent de iPaul Society.
Simplicity will be the keynote Sunday afternoon, the seniors were received into the" Alumnae,
Dr. M. J. Relihan then gave out student body, the Merciad Association at a reception and tea held in their honor.
of this year's Lantern Night which
special awards among which was staff expresses heartful wishes Commencement exercises will be held in the ChapeL of Christ the
takes place this evening. Emphasis King, Wednesday evening, at 8:30. His Excellency, the Most Reverend
the Carpe Diem award. The dedi- for your continued success
cation of the "iPraeterita" was will be placed upon the traditional John Mark Gannon, Bishop of Erie, will confer degrees on the forty
read -toy Jo AnnJ Weaver, editor. "lantern" I ceremony which symbo- and happiness. Good luck! graduates, assisted Iby the college chaplain, Revj Daniel Martin, and
During the program the Glee lizes the farewells of the "little Professor fof Education, Dr. Michael J.* Relihan. The commencement
Club, under thefdirection of Mrs. sisters" to the graduating seniors. address will be given by Paul K. Thomson, one of the country's most
Louise Dolce, entertained with, * recent and prominent converts to the Catholic Church.
the musical-selections, "Ride the As has been the custom in the \ ^ L i b e r a l Arts students who, will
Chariot," I "There's * One That I past, the sophomores will entertain
Love Dearly," and? "Donkey Sere- their "big sisters" foi the last time. Major Officers Elected, |
•§ receive*Bachelor of Arts degrees
Q are: Claire Agliata, Buffalo, N. Y.;
nade." I h The brief program will consist of
The program in the Little Thea- musical numbers by individual
ter was brought to a close ?by
Appointed for 1953-54 I Margatet Broderick, Savannah, Ga.;
| Paula Brugger, Erie, Pa.; Mary
groups, the co-ordinaling theme of Once again the students of Mercyhurst College, using their edu- B Ann Callahan, 5PRochester,| N.J Y.?
Frances Sullivan with the recita- cation and their experiences with fellow students as guides, have filled • Judith Carlow, Erie r |Pa.; Margaret
tion of the "Ivy Poem" and a which will be "Reminiscence." four of the major school offices|for 1953-54. - '; | • Cavanaugh, Emporium. Pa.; Flor-
special talk entitled, "In Memor- Office of Student Council President, the leading office of the col- J e n e Cherry, Bridgeville, Pa.; Mare-
iam of Sister Mary Alice." In the The Seminarians' wreath dance,
lege, will be filled by Donna Byers of Youngstown, Ohio. Donna is an | anne Cole, Erie, Pa.; Patricia Cos-
speech, Frances made] a compari- rained out on May Day, will also English major and minors injHistory and Psychology. She was class grove, Hornell, N. Y.; Camilla De-
son j between the clinging ivy and be presented for the Lantern Night president in her freshman and sophomore years and held the office of Campli, Ell wood City, Pa.; Roxana
Sister Mary Alice's great love for audience. Glee Club president this year. m ft Downing, Erie, Pa*if Mary Lou
Mercyhurst. With these thoughts Pauline So lid a of Leech burg, Dwyer, Rochester, N. Y.j^Mary
ringing I in their hearts, the stu- Pa., has been named editor-in- Kay Dyke, Hornell, N. Y.; Helen
dent body watched the senior chief of Praeterita. Pauline I is Fogarty, Auburn/ N. Y.; Mary Ann
class plant the ivy, for the first president of the Press Club and led •Gustafson,? Erie, Pa.; Joan Harri-
time, outside the Little Theater. a successful campaign as publicity son, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Louise Ka-
head for "Brlgadoon." English is B; men jar, Natrona, Pa.; Marilyn Kel-
Former Students her major, and she minors in His- j£ ley, Youngstown, Ohio; Donna Mae
tory and Dramatics. Orton, Erie, Pa.; Mary Ann Raw a,
Erie, Pa.; Frances Sullivan, Roches-
ToS Be Professed Prefect of the Sodality for se-
mesters of '53 and '54 is Barbara ter, N. Y.; and Julia Tech, Erie, Pa.
Klein of Warsaw, N. Y. Barbara Candidates for Bachelor of Sci-
Mercyhurst will be well repre-
is an art major, minoring in Eng- ence in Home Economics are: Ann
sen ted in the religious ceremonies
lish and Dramatics. Long connect- Cobbe,j Dunkirk, N. Y.; Margaret
at Titusville this month by five
former students and one teacher. ed! with the Mercyhurst Sodality, Green, Meadville, Pa.; Molly Li,
Barbara has worked with the pre- Tientsin, China; Marilyn Harkins.
Final vows will be made at Ma-s sent Prefect in the reorganization Hornell, N. Y.; Doris Moore, Leep-
on Sunday morning. June 21, by of the Sodality. ; er, Pa.; and Norma Jean Scott.
Sister'S M. Timothy Kelly, former
Elected editor-in-chief of the Pittsburgh, Pa.
home economics teacher, and Sis-
Merciad is Mary Anne Hayes who
ter M. Rebecca Sullivan of the Degrees of Bachelor of Science
majors in Home Economics. Writ-
Class of '46. At the same time,
ing for the Merciad for two years in Commercial Education; will be
temporary profession of vows w.ll awarded to Janet Davis, Erie, Pa.;
has given her a fitting background
be made by Sister M. Patricia
for this office. Last year she held Patricia Duffy, Johnsonburg, Pa.;
Brown and Sister M. Lucy Schultz, the assistant editorship of the. pa- Mary Jachimczyk, Erie, Pa.; Patri-
both of the Class of '53. * p per. The Merciad editor hails from cia Liebel, Erie, Pa.; Frances*Mil- ' ••• - »

Receiving? the religious habit at Buffalo, N. Y. ^ ler, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Rita Panciera,
a Reception Ceremony on Monday New Bethlehem, Pa.; Norma Scha-
afternoon,|June 22, will be two Stepping into the major offices left vacant by5 the retiring Degree of Bachelor of Science berl, St. Marys, Pa.; Anne Sennett,
other members of the Class of '53, class of '53 are the newly elected leaders in the Class of '54. Left to in Elementary Education will be Erie, Pa.; Rita Shanahan, Niagara
Bernadette Bell and *Donna Mae right are Barbara Klein, Mary Anne Hayes, Pauline fsolida, jand awarded to Bernadette Bell, Shar- Falls, N. Y.; and JoAnn Weaver,
Orion* Donna Byers. on, Pa, Erie. Pa.; Joan Davis, Erie, Pa,
"- *
THE MCftCUD June 2
Page Two

Dear Underclassmen, Social Research For Mary's Sodalists...

What do you think of when a .graduatelsays, "Take care ||>Q|| Published ...ByTHEPREFEOT
bf Mercyhurst for me"? Tomorrow the class|of 1953 will b e * What are you thinking of at this instant? Of graduation,-or va-
remembering all the events, both large and small, t h a t form P y T n V P C t i p r Q f Q F S cation, or are you Just day-dreaming? Whatever it may be, atop, yes,
the picture of four years a t Mercyhurst College. And this is " J * « T v o u g u i v i o STOP. Now think—only think of yourself as a work of art with God as
The past ten years have seen the, ai tist. Have you -ever thought of this before? Whether or not you
what we're leaving to the care of the underclassmen—all that nave, the fact remains that you are the finest earthly achievement of
a great deal of research in the the Divine Artist, Almighty God. And because you are a sodalist you
is Mercyhurst.
area of students* attitudes toward are, more than a work of art—you are a masterpiece,
Now you might ask just what Mercyhurst is to her grad-
dating and marriage. The Decem- God As Artist
uates. She is more than t h e 'Hurst on thejhill, with a beau-
ber, 1952, issue of the "American In creating us God did not act like artists who obtain their inspira-
tiful campus and stately buildings. This isfall t h a t meets t h e tion from the world around them. El Greco's "Assumption" and Milton's
Catholic Sociological Review" car
eye of the casual visitor. But those who look deeper into heir ried a report on one of the first to "Paradise Lost" were ide,as in the ——
life will find the heart of Mercyhurst. J| be conducted of Catholic college minds of their creators, but they
College life is filledlwith so many interesting activities students in. Catholic colleges. It were suggested by the artist's en-
was carried out by Professors
Students Elect
t h a t no two people will give you the same answer for the ones Russell Barta and Charles T. O'- vironment. God, in oreatlng, had
they love best.. From the first major event, Investiture, until Reilly of -Notre Dame University. nothing but Himself to imitate
t h e last, each one brings you closer t o Mercyhurst and t o one So God looked at Himself, the
'53-'54 Leaders
A similar research project was I Senior Class
another, unified by your "love and loyalty." Scrapbooks bear most powei ful, most beautiful and
oar ried out at Mercyhurst and
the outward evidence of many pleasant times, b u t those in Gannon Colleges by senior sociol- perfect Being who ever existed, President — Marlene De Mattia
memory are the fondest andfmost enduring. ogy majors, Mary Ann Callahan and saw ways to makeiimitations St. Council —IPeggy Grace
Not only on May Day does Our Blessed Mother reipn over and Mary Lou Dwyer. Working of Himself in creation. V. President!'— Kathleen Maimer
our campus but '*through all the seasons of the year." W i t h in conjunction with Dr. Haas at
Mercyhurst, their professor he Man As Finest Art IN Secretary «— Gerry Kingston
Mary a t the center your college days will be properly guided Treasurer — Roseanne* Andio
along the path of true success and happiness. Just ask her help, Social Research course, and Fa- You, Us an imitation of God,
and together you can watch over Mercyhurst,! for you a r e a ther Shlpman and Gannon College, Junior Class
are made, enough like Him to be
family t h a t will "stay together" if you "pray together." they tabulated data from the
called His image.. Besides the per- President — Marge Williams
anonymously i answered question- fection you possess in common
As the class of 1953 leaves its Alma Mater, we ask you to naires of 5116 women and 85 men. St. Council! Mary Klenzlc
with the mineral, vegetative, and
always be faithful to the ideals of Mercyhurst College. Keep Purpose V. President — Kathy McCarthy
her love strong so that together you and Mercyhurst may be- animal kingdoms, you have the
Primarily,!the purpose was to Secretary Mary R, Theuerkauf
come better. precious ability to the able to* say,
compare the results of the two Treasurer — Edith Lauler
groups. Most of the questions re- "I know, I love', for He made you
Sincerely, a person. It!is up to us either to Sophomore Class
lated to student attitudes toward
The Class of 1953 dating and marriage Two were perfect or corrupt His work of President — Mary Kelly
also included to find out whether art—ourselves. Man's effort to in-
there were any indications of fam- crease his likeness to God is what Si:, Council — Josephine Cianoag
Titles To Suit All Readers ily acceptance of responsibility for we call sanctity.
the dating [behavior and sex edu-
line jf!
V. President —- Nancy Meagher
cation of its members. Sodalist, God's| Masterpiece
Secretary — — M-arty McNulty
Suggested in Reading List Concerning how many children This is the kind ol imitation to Treasurer — Phyllis Narby
they "planned" to have, combined which the sodalist is called. God French Club
To add to your summei reading Walsh —*Promises To Keep results at Mercyhurst and Gannon desires all men to be artists - in !
list, here are some recently publish- Reid — The Colditz Story showed 80.9 percent who "plan- conjunction with Him. He asks a President — Ann Kennedy
St. Council -
— Lorraine Reichel
ed titles. Some are light, some in a Greene — Calvary in China ned" to have four to twelve or sodalist to be more attentive in
"all* possible" children and 19.1 this work. A SODALIST HAS A V, President — Bet Broderlclc
more serious vein, and some are Poetry Sec-Treasurer -—Shirley Kozik
in-between — but all are interest- Campbell — Poems* of St, John of percent, three or less, the average SPECIAL VOCATION FOR HOLI-
in the present study being four NESS. Since holiness is not a na- English Club
ing! . . . . " | }, the Cross! to six children.
Van Doren tural] attainment, but a superna- President — Jody Ryan
" fFiction Spring Birth and Dating Habits tural^ perfection, we are not un- St. Council -— Judy Roseberry J
Other Poems In the present study, 55.64 per- aided in this striving. Grace is V. President — Bet Broderick
De Wohl — The Golden Thread
Brady — Stage of Fools Biography cent of the men and 61.7 percent our tremendous helper, Jesus Sec-Treasurer — Jean Heavey
v of the women occasionally dated Christ our model, and Mary j our
Kay* — A Crown for Ashes Merton Fhe Sign of Jonas
non-Catholics. At the time of the Patroness. Sociology Seminar
Walsh — Blackock's Feather Timmermans —The Perfect Joy of
St. Francis Questionnaire, only 14.5 percent President — Pat Royer
Connolly — Dan England and the Cronin;— Adventures in Two of the men and 16.8 per cent of Aids to Completion St. Council •— Donna Cutrona
Noonday Devil Worlds $ the women were dating non-Cath- in addition to this Divine Aid, V. President — Pauline Turner
Raw lings — The Sojourner Day — The Long Loneliness ollcs. Of those currently dating sodalists have the Sodality consti- Secretary — Mary N. McCarthy
Carroll — The Stranger Noyes — Two Worl* for Memory non-Catholics, 33 percent of the tution with rules »to outline the Treasurer — Harbara Barnes
Lea — Wonderful Country t, Ruggles — Prince of Players men and 55 percent of the women me.ans to sanctity. What better
felt that chances of a mixed mar- Science Seminar
Cosgrove — Cedar of Lebanon Randall — Mary Lincoln ways in which to -receive grace
Sackville - West^- The Easter Sandburg — Always the Young •riage succeeding were "good," than through Mass and prayer? President — Kathleen Mainzer
Party Strangers while 30 percent of the women How can we more fully Imitate St. Council — Edith Lauler
Frank an — To The Moment of Spiritual and 33 percent of the men His example than by receiving His V. President —• Maryann Cutri
Triumph Sheen — Life of Christ thought chances were "fair." Body^ in Holy Communion and Secretary — Audrey Hannah
Neill — Traitor's Moon Luce — Saints for Now Currently Dating Catholics readings His word? How can we Treasurer — Marge Williams
Marshall - The White Rabbit Desplanques — Living the Mass Oi the men in the present study keep Him with us longer and more International Relations Club
Selinko • •Desiree Lynch — A Woman Wrapped In who were currently dating Cath- intimately than by meditation?
Ferber - Giant Silence olics, 21 percent thought* chances How can we expect the aid ot our President - Mary Mullaney
General PI us, -~| Christ in the Home of success in a mixed marriage St. Council - Mary McCarthy
Patroness if we omit the daily Secretary - Diane Ledoux
Maritain -' Man and the State Menendez — Way of Divine Love were "good," 45 percent thought rosary? These exercises are. God's
Sheed — Society and Sanctity Brown — Life of Mary As Seen they were "fair," and 31 percent Treasurer . ! Barbara Barnes
special talents given to the sodalist
Dawson - - Understanding Europe by Mystics thought "poor.." Comparable per- to aid her in her striving by .sano- Elementary Education Club
Burke — Whatsis the Index Aquinas — On the Power of God centages of the women currently tification of the moment to ap-
Stefferud — The Wonderful World Vann — The Seven Swords dating Catholics showed 35.2 President— Mickey O'DonneU
proach perfect* imitation of God. St. Councils— Betty Seymoui
of Books de Hueck j — Where Love If, God If "good," 46 "fair" and 15 percent
"poor". Every moment, everywhere, we V. ^President —Rosemary McCabe
remain God's works of art and the Secretary — Carol Donovan
08 percent of the men and 83 Treasurer— Marge Cumrniskey
artists He has commissioned to
THE MERCIAD percent of the women felt that perfect His masterpieces. So as we
moral character was the most es- leave Mercyhurst, some of us nev-
Homo Economic! Club
Mercyhurst College, Erie, P a . sential quality in a potential mate. er to return, let us carry these President— Jean Broscoe I
£ Member off Under least essential, 41 percent duties with us as a key to be- St Council — Markey Foley
ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS of the men and 74.7 percent of coming—God's masterpiece. V*. President — Kathleen Braeger
Editor Mary Lou Dwyer the women thought beauty and Secretary —/Virginia Kelly t
Associate Editor jean Drouhard good looks least essential. Also, Treasurer — Joan Clancy
Assistant Editors Donna Byers, Mary Ann Hayes .3
O -0
percent: of the men and 20.5 Dramatics Association Press d u b
Business Editor ^ Rita Shanahan per cent of the women thought President — Betty Seymour
congenial in-laws least essential. St. Council - Jean Broscoe President — Janet Bremmer
Editorial Staff Frances Sullivan, Joan a Harrison, St. Council"— Donna Albrycht
Claire Agliata, Norma Jean Scott, Mary Ann Callahan, Color Differences V. 'President — Terry Corny
To the question of whether they Secretary — Barbara Buerkle V. President — Rosemary McCabe
Helen Fogarty, Florene Cherry, Julie Tech, |Jody Sec.-Treasurer—Kathleen Braeger
Ryan, Barbara Haner, Ann Kennedy, Marge Williams, would marry a person different Treasurer — Pauline Solida
Betty Rossum, Lorraine Reichel, Victoria Argana. in color if the person were Cath- A. A. o. G . A.
olic and they were in love, 32 President —- Virginia Virginia Kelly
Business Staff - __ .«-...«.... President — Dorothy Zuzula
percent of the men and 14 percent St. Council — Margie Cummiskey
Dorothy Zuzula, Mickey O'DonneU, Margaret;Grace, St. Council — Martha McNulty
Roseann Andio, Mary Kienzle of the women replied "yes," while ViiPresident — Jean Drouhard
68 percent of the men and 86 per- Secretary — Mary Klenzle Secretary — Geraldine O'Doherty
cent of the women replied> "no," Treasurer — Mary Wunderly f
Treasurer —» Judy Roseberry Publicity Ch. — Dorothy Rudgt
June 2 T H E IlM E R C I A D Page Three

'Blue Moon Mercyhurst Girls

Are\ Talking About ...
One of the most treasured mem- tion Day . . .sophomores grouping in Rooms 30 and 33 . . . sun-bleaching
ories-that the class of '53 will of hair (?) . . . Room 11 and the red Dodge . . . the kindness and
carry with them as they leave generosity of the Sisters during "Brigadoon" . . . party, party . . .
their campus for the last time is vocations in the senior class . . . Art's new waitress . . . Mr. Chacona's
that of' the Junior Prom. "Blue party . . . Charlie ,|. . alumnae guests for "Brigadoon" . . . twenty-
Moon Serenade," honoring | two people, at once, in Room 60 on May Day . . Commencement . , .
senior class, was held this year the new library, peace and quiet . . . no more hats . . . senior engagees
at the Erie Sportsmen's Athletic . . , dating variations for the seniors and the sophomores . .f. class
Club on May 29. A wonderful and club elections . . . our day-hop residents.
time was had by all as they MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT—The freshman
danced to the strains of Tommy
Jordan's orchestra. . extra-curricular sewing class . . . the Junior Prom debate . . •
Father Latimer's style crusade . . . Judy Roseberry'sfhopes . . .
Highlighting the events of the Helen Fogarty's guest, Mr. Petrovsky . Frannie Sanfratello's
• V

evening was the presentation of

farewell gifts, * tiny gold Mercy- Good Neighbor policy . . . May Day in the Chapel . . . our gracious
hurst key chains, to the members May Queen, Rita Shanahan . . . the annual appearance of sunburns
of the graduating class. The gift . . . Kay Canada's missing candy bars . . . Mary Mullaney's new
committee, headed by chairman May Queen, Rita Shanahan, concludes May Day ceremonies by song, "November in Painted Post" . . . Donna Cutrona's "tiny cor-
Patricia Royer, was responsible crowning the Blessed Virgin as Queen of the college.
for t h e | beautiful wrappings Sand sage" . . .IMary Lou Scalise's "Puta me ina rehearse" • . • new
presentation. The souvenir pro-
grams were designed .*and dis-
tributed by Mary Anne Hayes and
Rita Shanahan Reigns haircuts for the Brodericks and Mickey O'DonneU . . . the senior
her committee. f
Under the able guidance of
As Queen Of The Day
To the triumphant strains of "Hosanna in Excelsis," May Day came
personations by Peggy Grace, Mary Kienzle, and Digger O'Dell . . .
Barb Haner and Polly Solida's "bailing out" party . . . Kathleen Law-
Pauline Solida, the publicity com- rence and her short date . . . Benediction on May Day by Father
once again to Mercyhurst on May 17. Rain and cloudy skies sent the James Cosgrove, brother of Pat . . . Publications'Dinner . . . 3-D
mittee did its share to make the annual pageant to the shelter of the Chapel of Christ the King. The pictures . . . Rosario and her extensive summer travels . . . Ma ray
Prom a success. altar was beautifully decorated with lighted tapers and large vases of Wunderly and "sing to me, girls" . . . Ann Downing's new haircut . . .
red roses. A statue of Our Blessed Mother was placed on one side amid "Blue Moon Serenade" . . .IMary Anne Hayes' delayed demonstration
Greatest Show* many of the same flowers.*
As the chapel be lis chimed three o'clock, the members of the
. . . Lorraine Enright and her hopeless diet . . . Vicki's diet.

senior class led the procession down the center aisle. They were identi- MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT—Marie Han-
Fetes eniors cally attired in pale blue, floor-length gowns of organdy with em-
broidered tiers and matching jackets, mitts, and open-crown hats.
yak's letter troubles . . . Jody's generosity with her birthday roses
. . . Terry Gorny's second big weekend at Penn State . . . Rossum,
"Step right up, ladies and gen- Small nosegays of white mums, carried by each, completed the ensem- Foley, and O'Doherty trip to the Catskills . . . B. J. turns over a new
tlem - - - ooops - - - ladies, get ble. Attending the queen were pages, crown bearers, and flower girls. leaf . . . Marge William's interest in library science . . . Ann Ken-
your tickets for the Senior Party - - Mary Lou Miller and Mary Ann Feet Is Kneeling" was sung by the nedy's fun-loving guest. . . "one of these days, Sarah, pow!—" . . .
the Greatest Show on Earth". You the new motto for the junior class . . . Mary Lou Barnes and her
Callahan, prefects of the seminary choir. Following this, she solemnly recurrent dreams . . . Judy Gleason celebrating coming of tornado
won't want to miss the beautiful
dancing girls, the slap-happy and college Sodalities respectively, approached the statue of Our Lady . . . *Marge Cummiskey finally finishes T. P. W. , . I Millie Yoko-
and placea a wreath of flowers on
clowns, the ferocious lion tamers! served as maids of honor and pre- her head. After the Act of Con- wanis' international relations policy . . . the Danish Choristers'
Never before hag such an aggrega- ceded the queen, Rita Shanahan, secration was recited by the Queen Concert . . . "Be Kind to Rossum Week".
tion of talent been assembled under who was robe.d in the traditional and her court, the! bouquets car-
one roof! But don't take!my word MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT—The episodes of
gown of white satin. As the choir ried f by the seniors were placed Sr. M Geraldine . . . Maureen Leary's "fishy" scream in the night . . .
for it - - - see for yourself! on the altar and the shrine of
sang "Ave Maria," Miss Callahan Georgia Lackey's mix-up .1, . Mary Lou Dwyer's visitor in the Pontiac
Led on by the spiel of the circus our Virgin Mother as a fitting convertible .?. . seniors' study? (?) hours\. . . Carol Donovan's cute
crowned Miss Shanahan "Queen tribute to the choir's Intonation of
barker, we entered the dining room brother . . . the students' appreciation of Sr. Agnes and her
last Thursday to find it transform- of the day." Rev. Daniel L. Mar- "Bring Flowers of the Fairest."
after-study snacks . . . the daily craving for DiMichael's pizza . . .
ed into a Barnum and Bailey Big tin, chaplain of Mercyhurst, then Bene die i:on of* the Blessed Sa- Mary Kelly, "Have you seen Fred's shoe?"!. . . Beth Coleman and
Top. Ringmaster Donna Byers di- gave an inspiring talk on'Mary as crament by* Fr. James Cosgrove. Marge Russell oversleepingp . . final exams M • Madame Ike, alias
rected the honored seniors and the she is to us — "a model and lead- closed the ceremony, impressively Marlene DeMattia . . . Mercyhurst's attraction for John Dow ling . . .
underclassmen to their sea's, and er.
>t devout within the quiet walls of Joan Harrison's new stardom . . . summer vacations.
after a four-course dinner, pre- the chapel.
pared as a final gesture of the The. newly-crowned queen dedi-
Quantity Cooks/.the Big Show be- cated her day of reign to the Queen
gan. of Heaven as "Mother At Your
Chairmen for the affair included
Barbara Haner, general chairman; As we reluctantly left the circus
Donna Byers, entertainment; Sally tent, still clutching our cotton
Batchelor, dinner; Mary Anne candy and balloons, we were bliss-
Hayes, servers; Jody Ryan, song fully aware that the Seniors had
sheets; Pauline Solida, decorations; been hono.ed in the i im table st, le
and Judy Ellermeyer, table ar- of show folk — the best for the
rangements. 1 best.

Summer Sessions To Be Held

By Nations Student Groups
The United States National Stu- junction with the Ohio State Ses-
dents association has announced i'.s quicentennial. Edith! Lauler, sen-
6th Annual National Student Con-
gress to be held from August 24
ior delegate, and Margaret Hirsch,
junioi delegate, will iepresent Mer- Campus capers call for Coke
until September 2, at Ohio State cyhurst at the. convention.
University In Columbus, Ohio. Cleveland will be the destiny for Commencement's a big day
"Strengthening the Forces of Free- Mercyhurst delegates to the Sum-
dom" has been chosen for the £ • . . so get off to the right start.
theme of the meeting. A visit from mer School of Catholic Action.
Eleanor Roosevelt will be one of Having chosen for its theme "Re- Pause for a frosty bottle of delicious Coca-Cola
the highlights of ;-the Congress ligion, Our Most Vital National
which will be attended by Gerry Asset," the entire school will fol- —and be refreshed.
Kingston, Donna Culrona and low through on this course of
study. One of the most interesting
topics listed for study is "Personal ERIE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY
At the same time the National
Federation of Catholic College Stu Holiness." Barbara Klein, Betty •i
Coke" it a registered trade-mark. ® 1953, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY
dents will be meeting in Cincinnati, Rossum,? Markey Foley and several
Jtath mornings will be held in con- others plan to attend the S. Si C. A.
Page Four THE MERCIAD June 2

Seniors Honor We iHereby Bequeath

The bells are ringing — door- We, the Class of '53
•bells, school bells, cow bells, Could not afford a lawyer's fee
church bells and wedding bells! For a parchment of legal prone
As June oomes in with its fan So. in our own simple words—HERE GOES
fare and fury of graduation, eight Margaret Brodenlok wills her Confederate money to Mercyhursfs
mernibers of the class of '53 are next Southern belle.
steeped in plans for a future date To Viokl Aigana. Ann Cobbe leaves;her be.d . . , keep it warm!
to be marked with orange blos- Doris Moore, class clown, leaves her title and assorted box of
soms and organ! music, Congrat- costumes to Jody Ryan.
ulations and best wishes were Directly after graduation, Judy Carlow will b\* giving driving les-
given by the senior class to these sons to any interested party.
eight "Mrs.-to-be" at the annual To Janet Bremmer, Julio Tech leaves her unfinished cat skeleton
. . , ask Mother Leona for the pattern,
traditional "Engaged Girls Party." Ann Bennett wills her ourly hair to Beverly Buerkle.
Pointers on serving: Mass are given by Paul Luthrlnger to Da- The honored-guests on the night Frances Sullivan leaves her trips to Niagara to Edit Lauler.
vid Tunney and Donald Luthringer. of May 27th were: Ann Cobbe, And to Mary Mulloney goes.Pat Duffy's pizza mania.
who only smiles at the mention of Paula Brugger wills her title of "class chauffeur" to Sally Batchelor.
Tommy; Molly Li, who plans to Prances Miller leaves her travel bureau to Georgia Lackey and
Altar Boys at 'Hurst go West and practice home eco-
nomics; Clare Agliata who {hopes
Mary McCarthy.
To the'entire Student Body, Norma Jean Scott leaves the line
to end Larry's frequent'trips be- that divides a shorthand notebook in two, so they can follow the
Give Faithful Service tween Erie and Buffalo; Cammie
DiCampli, who plans to be the
thflrd member of her family
straight and narrow to success.
Molly Li leaves her black-cherry-salad-and-spaghetti combination
Contrary to popular belief, a student can spend a good part of recipe to Jerry Kingston to try out at the practice house next September,
marriedHhis summer; Jo Weaver, To Donna Byers, Flore ne Cherry wills her Job of checking chipped
four years in a college and receive no diploma. An example of this • •
the future engineer's: wife; Doris paint in the lounge.
student is Paul Luthringe.r. No, Mercy hurst has not gone co-ed! Paul's Moore, who will soon! be Mrs. To Ann Downing, Roxanna Downing leaves her magio brushes.
-studying is done (between football games) at Cathedral Prep while Warren; and Paula Brugger, who Mareanne Cole wills her itemized travel list of what not to forget
he is identified with Mercyhurst only as a faithful altar boy. will put into practical use all her to paok to Mary Ann Sclrto.
marriage courses. Mary Jaohlm. Mary Lou Dwyer leaves her fiendish love for pineapple to Mary
Paul's first contact with Mercyhurst was at the age of six or seven czyk was absent! from the festiv- Lou Barnes . . . here's to bigger and better pineapples.
when he, as a neighborhood gang leader, raided the orchards on the ities because she added a wedding Lou Ka men jar leaves all her worries to i tatnee Reiohel.
back campus. He recalls the days when he hunted frogs in the pond band to her third finger left hand And to Barbara Buerkle, Pat Cosgrove reluctantly wills all her
andjwas promptly chased from the grounds. three days ago. high collars.
Mary Ann Rawa gives her collection offworms, butterflies, spiders,
Later, Paul began delivering papers on the route including Mercy- Each girl was presented with a and baby snakes to Virginia Kelly.
hurst and so the school became a familiar spot to him. Having learned shower gift in honor of an import- To Roseann Audio goes Marilyn Kelly's!spare closet.
how to serve Mass when he was ant day in her life. Entertainment Marilyn Hark ins wills her knitting talent to Digger Odeli.
attending St. John's, Paul had al- — — — and refreshment followed and the Rita Panolera leaves to Mary Ann Soirto and Mary Louise Sea Use
ways wanted to serve here at school. Several Mercyhurst girls party ended with discussion of "Cela' Luna" and a big pot of spaghetti.
school. So, one day when Father were visiting in the Baldwin Apart- 'wedding dresses, bridesmaids and Norma Sohaberl, whose nose is now worn out, leaves her grindstone
Grocutt stopped the paper boy ments and happened to meet Mrs. cook books.' Exams, proms and
diplomas were forgotten. The Mrs. to Mary Anne Haynes.
to ask where he could find an al- Tunney, the mother of little Dave. (Peggy Green leaves her seat in A 8 to anyone, with some free time.
tar boy for the college, Paul vol- She expressed a desire for her son degree took precedence, for this
night anyway, over the B. S. or Mary Ann Oustafson leaves her collection of records to the library
unteered his services. For four to serve at Mercyhurst and the
years he has be.en faithful in his nine-year old Canadian boy soon the A. B. fund. | *
duties, with an almost perfect at- Joined the brothers in their serv- Mary Kay Dyke leaves a fresh bouqiaM. of flowers to Jody Ryan
tendance at weekend Masses and ing at Mercy hurst's Masses. for her next big olub meeting.
other services. Claire Agliata leaves her lesson plan on how to teach the micro-
vote entirely to intellectual de- scope to Sister M. Eymard.
Paul's plans for the future are velopment! Cammie DeCampli leaves her detective magazines to Barbara
quite uncertain. After graduation
from Prep this June, he plans to
Students Gather What's the ideal set-up in a
Hots arIs.
Peggy Cavanaugh, "Miss Sunshine," leaves a big smile to everyone.
take a summer job, perhaps in a classroom? Lecture? Discussion? Mary Jachlmezyk leaves he> Praeterlta checkbook to Dorothy
gasoline station since .his favorite
hobby is repairing cars. His spare
Faculty Opinions Laboratory? Although some sub-
jects lend themselves more readily
Zuzula. * 1
To Markey Foley, Jo Weaver leaves her set of hardly used textbooks.
time, will probably be spent in Mercyhurst students recently to one method than another, it was Mary Ann Callahan wills her list of "to be reformed" to Bet Brod-
hunting, fishing, and can-aping, i polled their teachers to get their the unanimous opinion that straight erlok^and also her squeaky shoes to Pauline Solida,
Next September, Paul will choose thoughts on uhe academic life of lecture is taboo. A combination of Joan Harrison leaves her basket of heather on the stage.
between continuing his studies at the college. These opinions from methods, with discussion a "must," Joan and Janet Davis leave their T-V program, "What's My Name,"
Gannon College or Joining the Air "the other side of the teacher's was the opinion most favored, to the Narby twins. |^
Force. desk" pioved Intel est ng enough to Helen Pogarty wills her sweet and mild classroom manner to Kay
share with all. Another question: Why have re-
quired courses? What should they Braeger. j
In the event that he. is unable Pat Liebei leaves her nimble typing fingers to Sophia Mazionyte.
to continue serving,(his carefully For instance: What's this general be? All felt that a foundation of
education everyone is talking required courses is necenary to Says Rita Shanahan to Kitty Kelly, "Carry on the 1 Vise tilt tra-
trained helpers can well substitute about? Should all studen's go In for prevent students from becoming too dition," i T
for him. These iminiature figures it? What about specialization? one-sided and to help them dis-
are also well known to Mercyhurst Well, according to our profs, the cover all truth. English, history, 0 0
girls. One of them is Paul's twelve- most practical way of giving every- philosophy, religion, and a general $

year-old brother, Donnie, who now one some general education is to fine arts course were the subjects 0 Compltmtnti of 0

delivers Paul's former paper route. combine it with the spcchlUed SJD- most recommended. It was int ores'- FIRCH'S 0
jects. Strict liberal arts is the ideal, ing to discover that' the majority 0 0
A sixth grader at St. John's but it seems we don't- have the felt an inadequacy in our religion 0 0

Sunbeam 0 0
School, ;he has already shown his
efficiency and willingness to car-
students, time, nor money to de- and philosophy requirements. 0
0 0
ry out his brother's fine work. 0 0
A chance meeting brought the $
0 0
other of the altar boys to our ART'S DAIRYLAND I

Colonial Bakery Luncheonette and Magaitnes

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Known for Outstanding LAUNDRY WORK

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