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SIM GILL, Bar No. 6389 District Attomey for Salt Lake County MORGAN M. VEDEIS, Bar No. 15804 Deputy District Attorney 35 E5008 Salt Lake Clty, UT 84111 ‘Telephone: 3854687829 IN THE THIRD DISTRICT COURT, SALT LAKE DEPARTMENT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SALT LAKE, STATE OF UTAH THE STATE OF UTAH Plaintiff, vs. LACHELLE FIEFIA DOB: 11/11/1985, 6659 S, Pine Landing Way West Jordan, UT 84084 OTN SO# Booking# sID# Defendant. ‘Screened by: MORGAN M. VEDEJS Assigned to: MORGAN M. VEDEJS INFORMATION DAO # 22003177 NO BAIL WARRANT REQUEST Custody Status: OUT OF CUSTODY Case No. The undersigned S. Parisot - SALT LAKE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT, Agency Case No. 19-137096, upon a written declaration states on information and belief that the defendant, LACHELLE FIEFIA, committed the crime(s) of: COUNT 1 OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE, 76-8-306(1) UCA, Second Degree Felony, as follows: That on or about July 28, 2019, in Salt Lake County, State of Utah, the defendant did , with intent to hinder, delay, or prevent the investigation, apprehension, prosecution, conviction, or punishment of any person regarding conduct that constituted a criminal offense, (1)@) provide any person with a weapon; (©) prevent by force, intimidation, or deception, any person from performing any act that might aid in the discovery, apprehension, prosecution, conviction, or punishment of any person; (©) alter, destroy, conceal, or remove any item or other thing; (@) make, present, or use any item or thing known by the actor to be false; STATE vs LACHELLE FIEFIA DAO # 22003177 Page 2 (€) harbor or conceal a person; (® provide a person with transportation, disguise, or other means of avoiding discovery or apprehension; (g) warn any person of impending discovery or apprehension; (a) war any person of an order authorizing the interception of wire communications or of a pending application for an order authorizing the interception of wire communications; (@) conceal information that was not privileged and that concerned the offense, after a judge or magistrate had ordered the actor to provide the information; or {@) provide false information regarding a suspect, a witness, the conduct constituting an offense, or any other material aspect of the investigation; and (2) the conduct which constituted a criminal offense would be a capital felony or first degree felony. THIS INFORMATION IS BASED ON EVIDENCE OBTAINED FROM THE FOLLOWING WITNESSES: S. Parisot, J. Kilgore, Katherine "Blaire” Leavitt, T. Sayes, DECLARATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE: Your declarant bases this information upon the following: The statement of Detective Kilgore with Salt Lake City Police Department that as part of +her investigation into the death of Katherine “Blaire” Leavitt on July 27, 2019, she interviewed LACHELLE FIEFIA. Through her interview with FIEFIA on July 27, 2019, at the Public Safety Building, Det. Kilgore learned Blaire had invited people over to her apartment in Salt Lake County, which included FIEFIA. FIEFIA explained in her interview that there were four to five Polynesian males that were at the apartment, and that she knew two of the males as “Vita”, who was later identified as Tevita Kofutua, and another as “Pili”, who FIEFIA explained she had met the weekend prior and identified as Mapilivai Laulea, FIEFIA claimed that around a.m. on July 28, 2019, she told Blaire that she was leaving and that the males also left the apartment at the same time as her. Ina subsequent interview on February 27, 2020, Detective Kilgore confronted FIEFLA. about driving to California on the day of the murder. FIEFIA admitted to Detective Kilgore that she had driven two males who were involved in the homicide, who she identified as Mapilivai Laulea and Katoa Pahulu, to the Bay Area in California on July 28, 2019. FIEFIA explained that when she learned Blaire had been shot, she immediately contacted Laulea and asked him what happened at which time Laulea was very calm and told her he didn’t know what she was talking about and that he would have to call her back. FIEFIA said Laulea later called her back and explained he had a lot to lose if he was caught up in the homicide, and he asked her to drive him and Paulu to California, which she agreed to do. STATE vs LACHELLE FIEFIA DAO # 22003177 Page 3 ‘On November 18, 2020, FIEFIA was interviewed by Detective Sayes at which time she admitted to driving Mapilivai Laulea and Katoa Pahulu to the Oakland area in California after she was interviewed by officers regarding the homicide. FIEFIA explained that while driving to California Laulea and Pahulu both made statements such as “I can’t believe he did it”, and “the way Blaire dropped when she was shot reminded him of when the bulls get shot in Tonga and just drop.” FIEFIA stated that after dropping Laulea and Pahulu off, she stayed in a hotel and. drove home to Salt Lake City the following day. Prior to driving back, FIEFIA talked to Laulea who told her that Timote Fonua had shot Blaire as retaliation for Black Cee’s murder and the fact that Blaire sometimes hung out with Sons of Soma gang members. FIEFIA told Detective Sayes that after learning this information and after Laulea left her hotel room, she called Detective Kilgore with the Salt Lake City Police Department who did not answer at that time, but later returned her call and she told him what Laulea had told her. ‘The statement of Detective Parisot that he reviewed the phone records for Detective Kilgore’s desk phone and saw that Detective Kilgore had called FIEFIA on July 27, 2019, at 9:46 p.m. On July 28, 2019, at 7:26 a.m, there was a phone call from FIEFIA to Detective Kilgore’s desk phone. On or about August 24, 2020, Detective Parisot enlisted assistance from Vigilant Solutions for License Plate Reader for FIEFIA’s Nissan Altima. Detective Parisot received a report which confirmed there were three hits of FIEFIA’s Nissan Altima in the California Bay Area on July 27, 2019, and July 28, 2019. MOTION FOR PRETRIAL DETENTION: Pursuant to Utah Code 77-20-201(1) the State requests that Defendant be held without bail until further notice in this matter on the following grounds: [X] The defendant is charged with a felony and there is substantial evidence supporting the charge and clear and convincing evidence that the defendant would constitute a substantial danger to any other individual or to the community, or is likely to flee the jurisdiction of the court, if released on bail; ‘The defendant admitted on several occasions to investigators that she knew the victim had been shot and that she willingly transported to of the suspects to another state. The defendant agreed to transport Mapilivai Laulea and Katoa Pahulu, after Laulea told her that “he had a lot to lose if he was caught up in the homicide” and he asked her to drive him and Pahulu to California. Officers confirmed through reports that the defendant's vehicle was marked by Vigilant Solutions for License Plate Readers that the defendant’s vehicle was marked in the area of California that she admitted to officers that she drove Laulea and Pahulu to. STATE vs LACHELLE FIEFIA DAO # 22003177 Page 4 The state believes that if the defendant is willing to transport two suspects in a homicide matter to another state to defer questioning, then it’s fair to assume that the defendant will do the same once she is charged. The State believes the defendant is a flight risk if released from custody and hereby requests that the defendant be held on a NO BAIL WARRANT. Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated § 78B-18a-106 (2018) I declare under criminal penalty under the law of Utah that the foregoing is true and correct. a ,rr—~—r—CC in Salt Lake County, Utah MK 'S. Parisot ' Declarant ‘Authorized for presentment and filing SIM GILL, District Attorney 4s/ Morgan M, Vedejs_ Deputy District Attorney 23rd day of February, 2022 MMV/SYM/ DAO # 22003177 STATE vs LACHELLE FIEFIA DAO # 22003177 Page | OTHER PENDING CASES FOR THE DEFENDANT Court Court Case # Trial Judge DAO#

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