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Unit 2

Grammar Focus
1- Expressions Of quantity :

We use the expressions of quantity with count and non count nouns to show or say
how many things.
With count Nouns:

We use too many+fewer+more+enough with count nouns

Subject+ Plural Verbs+ too many or fewer or more or enough+ Count nouns
Foe example:
1-There are too many rooms in this house.
2- We need more streetlights

With non-count nouns:

We Use too much+ Less+ More+ enough with non-count nouns

Subject+ Singular Or plural verbs+ too much or less or more or enough

For example:
1- There is too much pollution in our city.
2- We need less light in this room.

2-Indirect questions from wh- questions:

We Use indirect wh- question instead of direct to make the questions more polite

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We use the indirect wh- Question with expressions like :

1- Could you tell me .....

2- Do you know....

3- Can you tell me ....

4- Would you mind telling me.....

The form:
The expression + Wh- questions+ Subject + Verb
For example:
1-Can you tell me where the class is?
2- Do you know what time the class starts?
Notice that the verb comes at the end after the subject not before the subject.

Direct question: Where is the class?

Indirect Question: Can you tell me where the class is?
Direct Question: What time does the class start?
Indirect Question: Do you know what time the class starts?

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New vocabulary:

1-Lane: road that is divided by painted lines to keep traffic apart.

2- Station: A place where trains or buses regularly stop.
3- Stand: A place where taxies and buses stop and wait for passengers.
4- Parking: Space in which you can leave a car or other vehicle.
5- Subway : A railway system that runs under the ground below a big city.
6- Traffic jam: A lot of cars and buses in the road
7- Recycling : The process of treating used objects or materials so that they
can be used again.
8- Pollution: Dangerous dirt in the air or water

9- Government: A group of people who manage and take care of the country.
10- Affordable: Not expensive and people can but it
12- Provide: To give
13- Resident: Someone who lives or stays in a particular place
14- Downtown : In the center or main business of town
15- Tourists : Someone who is visiting a place to have fun for a holiday
16- Transportation: A system or method for carrying passengers or goods
from one place to another such as cars, buses, taxies ,airplanes etc
17- Facilities : A place or a building used for a particular activity

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18- Available: Not busy; had enough time
19- Average: Not big not small not good not bad
20- Rush hour: The time of day when the roads,buses,trains are etc are most
full because people are traveling To or from work.
21- Concerns: Worry
22- Cost : The amount of money you have to pay to buy something
23- Festival : A special occasion when people celebrate something
24- Museum: A building where important historical or scientific objects are
kept or shown to the public
25- ATM : A machine outside the band that you use to get money from your
26- Restroom: A room with a toilet in places such restaurant and cinemas
27- Location : The position Of something
28- Population : The number of people living in the country
29- Salaries : Money that you receive from your job
30- Forest: A large area with land that is covered with tress . Synonyms:
31- Community : A group of people who live in the same area or have the
same interest
32- attitude: A style of behavior
Today's idioms:

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1- right as rain: If someone is as right as rain, they are in excellent health or
condition. For example: My dad is as right as rain because he always
2- Pull through: If you pull through, you recover from a serious illness. For
example: I pulled through cancer last year.
3- Ready to drop: Someone who is ready to drop is nearly Too exhausted to
stay standing. For example: the teacher couldn't teach us today because she
was ready to drop.
Today's Assignment:

1- Write four sentences using expressions Of quantity with count and non-
count nouns.
2- Write three indirect wh- questions.
3- Keep all the vocabulary and idioms.

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