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3 COMPLEX ANALYsig SE 3.4 Introduction In this chapter we stall sce the analysis of functions of compe variable auch a8 limi, continuity, diferentibilty of a function of onplee variable. Farther we introduce the concept of analytic fiz, integration of a function complex variable and related resus, Tx readers are familiar with complex numbers and associated base ners sch a algebra of complex numbers, conjugate of a comple tuber, modulus and amplitude of a complex number and 20 ce owes, we revise the same fr the continity ofthe subst mate 32 Complex Numbers Defiton : The numbers of the form x + iy, where 7a real numbers and i= VI, known as imaginary unit, are clk complex numbers. fz x + iy isa complex number, then x is called the real part at 1 is called the imaginary part of the complex number 2. THe ote by Rea) and IG) respectively perth > Re)=x, Im=7 ‘wo complex nunbers z,= a + ib and z, = ¢ + id are sid © caval fi el and imaginary parts are separately equ: That ATH = atbectd = anc ant bed 1m > Py sx ays ts eat iband2,= 0+ id be any tg I the prod, dtd gg MS MBE tn be wi 2427 +d +4 a ands 3,72 = (ae~ bd) + Hab + dey Ya ty be any complex number, 1 gelled the conjugate of he ee a —— * 2 FRC +G- Hager Daw sass is positv eal umber, owls nankeand is cone sas he oig ih aad “ 2Re(2) and ‘ie compler number written inthe form 2 (cos 0+ sin) scl te pla frm of representation of he cones nb ifs= feos 0+ isn 0), then scaled the modes of exper hts andO is called the amplitude ofthe cone ni de teat espetvely by [and amp z(oarg) Thats (cos 0+ isin ®) => f\=randamp:=0 (eos 8 + isin 0), then reos0 = a) roo cof TNF ont Thus if2= a+ ib then, = aaa and anpz=anr(2) ‘Thevalueof the amplitude 8, such hat-< 0s miscallethe principal ‘Rolie, The general amplitude is given by 2m +0, where mis psitve eve integer, Ia, atib 5y assuming infinite series expansions, we have —_— cot BSe. Nathematics Textbook of 8 Sana, 106 pine, west sby Now seplacing *Y oe cf = cos 0+ isin 0 Tis is knows as Eaters’ formula, Further es knoyg sngonna or of repesenaton ofa comple sanbe. y= (os 0+ sin), then z= re = ence! > SHC osytisay) Alo, @= 27" The following properties of modulus and amplitude ofa compa mens canbe verified easily. fs, and, are any (vo complex numbers then (ols 5-151 iz talslaltl (©) amp (2) ampz,* amp 5 (oano(} anes we: " 1 emartisns et eon ten eset : wasn wt sox 2. = 1, where mis aay integer. 3. Wehave, sith @ sin (i) = sinh x 1 ell ee eet oa GE . £08 (és) = cosh x 1s Geometrical Representation of Complex Numbers jegand agra rere complex numbers can be represented by meaas of points on 8 sgn The pane on which the representation is carried oni ale pane or Argand diagram. The geometric represatation of sec numbers came into mathematis through the menaris of ta ars 1806. ‘inase a retangular coordinate axes OX and OY trough any pit ‘inde plane. We represent the complex muber 2 = x-+ iy by a pit ve coordinates are given by (x,y). We write this by Pls») = P+ 8) = Pe) Te complex. number = is calle the affix of the point P. The axis X" OX is called the real axis and tbe YOY" is called the Iagiary axis il Othe angle mae by OP with he ans and OP = en we sae x= eos @ and y= rsin eda or lint eel) y24 x tow, y = 4 ine parallel to real axis and one unit hon ts = =I represents ine po FOE tee yan Ths » 2-1 is the set of all points on and above the line "Hic she ruined equation of tne joining the points Az) —— —_ proxpookot B'S MANETS Songgy am congex Anas te : (5) spray imaginary tHe SHOW TA gy FONSI) By mate sxample 217 ae: suse thot, minted r imple 4. Show that arg (2). % oon (2) $ ere ste cog : Sion: Let == 5+ 1). Then i zo, E_Gniyt o T huetieyo-pede-no-. J eae s roy end c Now are(2) - VE By dan, envi imaginary => real part of sae ee ee menarche | toumrtter tame ooped 1 7 re ($2) ant mtn sample 3. Show that art (5 Solution : Let z= x + iy. Then, z+) G@+D+y 1) = sepresents a ei 1) < epesents i at fade 22 FEPreseus line paral to F-18G-Ny yainampe-D=F > anf 2). imaginary axis. Solution : Let 2 = x+ 1 y. Then at § Sarge oS ‘This represents a Tine parallel to imaginary axis, <0 3 xed 1 (GeDsomerD~o) |), ge | BamPle 6. Show that the relation f= 4 Ree represe iS Se ; cs Finis centre and rai,” RSC *2) meena oe Suton : Let, z= + jy -I) et) ty?) eat +N =yUe=D . = He at ‘Then, Baty? and 242-@424y Siheirrt % By data, sf = 4 Ree + 2) 2 see al @ = Batya Me t7 9 tty—ar-8=0 ; % vat ol - This represents a circle with centre at (2,0) and radius equal to vor Eee Ga) . oe SHE 7 Stow a fa represents relax sy daa, arg (= fe . A Tock = Mg 7 cage tpi and 2124 0~ DL The ieee ayy and BORE + Op Now apere) run, (ETE on By dt eed eyel- FO TIE? 2 gaye Be? 2 YR0 = yay real axis. “This represents 8 FE p+ e+ IP=4 represents a sample & show tin = fe AP represents ane, Solution: Let 1G peiy and zt+1=@4141y ee an alter pep By data, je-irt ee IP = 4 = ie IR ey ater ety = 4 = ata t2=4 S oy = whieh Is 2 unit rg, Exercise lation (© ble Bt 1. Find the locus ofthe pot satishing there @ bris3 @ bei23 2. Find the equation ofthe ine joining the pots 2 =k A142 13, Find the equation ofthe circle rm (@ wih cere t2~3¢and radius 2 = () sidecnteat3—2/andradus 40) withente tnd a? 4 stowiar(—2) =3 reeset ciel 5, Show tag (22142) —F epee aie 6. Find the equation ofthe circle passing through the pots 4H IHL OATH I-L | 14K IAD unix abe Answers 8 O15 4 Some Basic Definitions pefore we define complex variable andy ree al inode sone ban O88 fino, sti of comple ali NPE MA tg «Neahbourhood of point Aihara of i neon piss oh a '< 6 whe eee eM oa ‘Thus a neighbourhood ofa point sis he rs mee side ele (bt nt on the cil tag a is 9, Open and closed sets Smeal, A subset Sof a compler plane is dp yb me pons Le ents mn of SRT oi For example, fl < 1 ls an open va ‘Ase $ is called closed set i it cousin sevy points. For example, 1 iss ced ag a ofits Bounded set A set Sis said to be bounded iff erry pi cic of some rads, obervise iis ubendsd SH M8 For example the set 5] < 1, wee = Wer 5, = 3+ is fda ‘closed and bounded et scaled eompact set “ 4. Connected set ‘An open se is said oe connected if ny vo ft i pic be ied by afte numberof ine segments al of wis puns bly Geet For example the bj <2 ia comets 5. Ckcular alse sno fal points reseed ty egal =< ve sneer d= ey he se of liner ef cic of ar ene at, whereas 2) f2)~siaxcoxhy+ cose sny Thus, us 9) sins chy; (ey) cos shy Similarly if fe) = c08 then, ues Y= cos x coshy ; Wy) =n sahy 36 Limit of a Function In this section we shall inroduce the ones tof» heaton of complex variable. The definition ofthese coneps ae snl tt ‘function ofa real variable, Definition: A function w = (is ald tend to imi tends tos ifevery & > 0, there exists a 8> 0 such that Mf0)-11 fe foe and 9) 2. wir > f0- oF 7 Here, u(s.y) ‘The above istration shows that a funtion of « complex ‘an be expressed in tes of a pair of real valued functions variables randy, 0 enoita Following are few more examples of functions of complex with tee donins.

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