Unit 7: Grammar Focus 1-Infinitives and Gerunds For Uses and Purposes

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Unit 7

Grammar Focus
1- Infinitives and gerunds for uses and purposes:

We use infinitives and gerunds to show purposes and uses

Subject+ verb+ object+ infinitive or gerund

For example:
1- I use my cell phone to send messages.
2- I use my cell phone for sending messages.
Imperatives and infinitives for giving suggestions:

Sometimes we use imperatives and infinitive to give suggestions

The imperative+ infinitive+ Complement

For example:
1- Be sure to update the app.
2- Don't forget to reset your password.

T/ Ghofran Alssalal 1
New vocabulary:

1-Digital: Using a system in which information is recorded or sent out

electronically in the form of numbers usually ones or zeros
2-E- readers: A small piece of electronic equipment for reading books
3- Drones: An aircraft that doesn't have a pilot but is operated by radio.
4- Inventions: A useful machine tool instrument that has been invited such as
5-Criminals: Someone who is involved in illegal activities and has committed
a crime.
6- Spy: To secretly collet information about a country or organization
7- Celebrities: A famous living person.
8- a paper clip:A small metal or plastic object that holds things together
9- Webcam: A video camera that broadcasts what it's filming on a website.
10- Invisible: Can not be seen
11- Recommend: To advise someone to do something especially because you
know it or you have tried it
12-Equipment: The tools , machines etc that you need to do a particular job
or activity
13- Computer Whiz : A person who is an expert at computers
14- Early adopter : A person who starts using a product or technology as
soon as it becomes available

T/ Ghofran Alssalal 2
14- Hacker: Someone who secretly uses or changes the information in other
people's computer system.
15- International: Relating To or involving more than one nation.
16- Solar- powdered batteries: Using the power of the sun to make electricity
17- Geek: A person that is extremely interested in computers
18- Phone charger: a piece of equipment used to put electricity into battery
19- Gadgets: A small useful and cleverly- designed machine or tool
20- Consequences: Something that happens as a result Of a particular action
or set of conditions
22- Addicted: Unable to stop doing something
23- Thermostat: An instrument Used for keeping a room or a machine at a
particular temperature
24- attractions: Something interesting or enjoyable to see or do
25- Kidding: Joking ; to say something that is not true as a joke
26- Install: To add new software to a computer so that it is ready to be used
28- Update :To add the most recent information to something
29- Reset all; to change a clock , control , machine etc so that it shows
different time or number or is ready to be used again
30- Contacts: Communication with a person , Organizations , Country etc
31- Tense: feeling worried and uncomfortable
33_ Portable; Able to be carried Or moved easily

T/ Ghofran Alssalal 3
34_ Instructions: The written information that tells you how to do or use
35_ Refrigerator: A kitchen equipment where food is kept
36- Economy: The system by which a country's money and goods produced
and used
37- Ordinary: Average , common or usual
38- Profitable: Producing a profit or a useful result
39- Industry: Business that produce a particular type of thing or provide a
particular service
40- Taxes: An amount of money that you must pay to the government
41- Government: The group of people who Control and gover the country
42_ Leftovers: Food that hasn't been eaten at the end of the meal
43_ Risky: Involving a risk that something bad will happen
44_ Strict: Expecting people to obey rules or to do what you say
45_ Regulations: An official rule or order
46- Doubt: a feeling of not being sure about something
47- Remain: To continue to be in the same state or condition
48- Equal: Having the same rights , Opportunities as everyone else
49- Fair: Way of treating people or judgement reasonable acceptable and

T/ Ghofran Alssalal 4
Today's idioms:

T/ Ghofran Alssalal 5
T/ Ghofran Alssalal 6
T/ Ghofran Alssalal 7

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