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The Valuation of Athletes as Risky Investments: A Theoretical Model

Article  in  Journal of Sport Management · December 2007

DOI: 10.1123/jsm.22.1.50


14 857

2 authors:

Haim Kedar-Levy Michael Bar-Eli

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Ben-Gurion University of the Negev


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The Valuation of Athletes as Risky Investments: A Theoretical Model

Haim Kedar-Levy1

Michael Bar-Eli1
School of Management, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O.B. 653, Beer-Sheva 94105,


Please send all correspondence to:

Professor Michael Bar-Eli
Department of Business Administration
School of Management,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
P.O.B. 653, Beer-Sheva 94105, Israel.
Tel. +972-8-6472208
Fax: +972-8-6477691

An electronic
copy of
paper is available


The desire to hire the best athletes and coaches in order to maximize team performance

necessitates generous compensation contracts, which in turn increase the risk of financial distress

or even bankruptcy for team owners. Indeed, one of the largest expense items in the budget of

professional sport teams is the remuneration of players and coaches. Yet an investment made

today in a given team yields an uncertain income in the future, as team profitability depends on

the (uncertain) performance of each player and the synchronization among players – both

influenced by the coach. We present a formal theoretical model that assesses athletes' valuation,

accounting for the abovementioned factors. The optimal compensation schedule is determined

empirically by regressing expected performance measures of each player with the aggregate team

performance. Once the optimal schedule has been determined, the expected rate of return for the

owner is earned at the lowest possible risk.

An electronic
copy of
paper is available

The Valuation of Athletes as Risky Investments: A Theoretical Model

The study of sports finance is in its infancy (Fried, Shapiro, & DeSchriver, 2003). To date,

most of the focus of research in this area has been on the financial management of professional

sport teams and sport businesses. One of the issues requiring further research is the concept of

organizational value (Gerrard, 2004), which is highly related to the value of talent. In this

context, one may ask what can be considered “reasonable” compensation for a star player or a

successful coach.

Levin, Mitchell, Volcker, and Will (2000) report that the average major league baseball

(MLB) club spent 53% of its budget for payroll in 1999. Obviously, overpayment may result in

the financial distress and potential collapse of sport clubs, thereby emphasizing the importance of

developing formal analytical measures of athlete value. Debates over baseball players’ salaries

are documented at least as far back as 1879 (Vrooman, 2000, p. 364), including court rulings

between leagues from the beginning of the 20th century, and much later marking the record 232-

day strike of MLB players starting in August 1994 over their employment terms. Unlike sport

finance, the field of sport economics is much more established, originating with the seminal

paper of Rottenberg (1956). In this paper, Rottenberg proved that there is no economic

justification for maintaining the reserve clause in a player’s contract, according to which the

rights of the player are bound to one team for life. In a series of papers, El Hodiri, Fort, and

Quirk (El Hodiri & Quirk, 1971, Fort & Quirk, 1995, Quirk & El Hodiri, 1974, Quirk & Fort,

1992) arrived at a number of results that provide a sound formal basis for the analysis of sport


Scully (1974) established the method of empirical measures of sport labor markets by

estimating the value of an individual player through his Marginal Revenue Product (MRP).

Scully applies a two-step test: First, player performance statistics are regressed against team

success rates, and second, a team’s success rates are regressed against team revenue, together

with variables such as market size and stadium age. This methodology has been modified in a

number of studies to account for statistical issues, such as time-varying regression intercepts

(e.g., Krautmann, 1999; MacDonald & Reynolds, 1994), as well as operational aspects.

Krautmann applies a different measurement procedure and concludes that relatively new players

(3-6 years) are paid 85% of their MRP, compared with an estimated 25% of MRP when Scully’s

procedure is applied on the same data. Krautmann attributes this gap to the need for the team to

recover training costs. Blass (1992) estimates that 76%-86% of position players (i.e., non-

pitchers) who were eligible for free agency in the 1985-1986 season were overpaid. Zimbalist

(1992a, 1992b) found that players with less than six years of experience were paid 20%-33%

below their MRP, while players with more than six years of experience were paid 24% above

their MRP in 1986, and 32% in 1987, 28% in 1988, and 40% in 1989. Holbrook and Shultz

(1996) focus on star players and estimate the evolution of their salary as a function of various

performance measures such as hitting statistics, strikeouts, and errors. They conclude that next

period salary is a function of current period salary and performance.

A related aspect is the question of the relevance of market size; Scully (1989) argues that

team revenue depends directly on the size of the market from which the team draws fans. While

some researchers disagree (e.g., Vrooman, 1996), Quirk and Fort (1999) argue that under free

agency “a player will end up playing for the team for which he adds most revenue … and he will

earn something between what he is worth to that team and what he would be worth to the team

that places the second highest value on his services” (p. 81). Modified Scully tests that account

for the impact of market size on players’ salary (see Burger & Walters, 2003; Hall, Szymanski,

& Zimbalist, 2002; Quirk & Fort, 1999; Sommers & Quinton, 1982; Zimbalist, 1992b) found a

measurable size effect; the most striking being reported by Burger and Walters - up to six-fold.

Zimbalist (1999) argued that a $25 million contract with a player (referring to the 2002 contract

with Alex Rodriguez of the Texas Rangers) is hardly justifiable, as this player has to generate

more than $25 million in net profits before the investment turns a profit for the team owners. In

the same year, 2002, the average team payroll was $65 million. In short, the question of whether

salaries and compensation plans for players and coaches in professional sports are still

“reasonable” appears to be relevant.

Needless to say, overpayment may result in financial distress – or even collapse – of clubs

that commit to paying salaries beyond their capabilities. Such “foolish financial decisions”

(DeSchriver & Mahony, 2003, p. 250) often lead to financial crises, as seen in several cases

described in detail by Gerrard (2004) with respect to the English Premier League (e.g., Leeds

United) and the Italian Serie A (e.g., Fiorentina); more recently, clubs in the First German

Bundesliga (e.g., Borussia Dortmund) can be added to the list. Thus, the failure to establish

appropriate wages for athletes raises the need to assess players’ and coaches’ valuation more


The literature on player valuation has ignored the role of risk when measuring player

MRP, yet risk is inherent in any business, and the business of sport is not an exception.

“Standard” business risk stems from variability in the relevant economic environment (e.g., fans’

available income, ticket prices, fluctuations in the markets for branded goods or broadcasting

rights, etc.) Yet, sport business is also risky because players’ performance is uncertain and to a

great deal depends on the specific team members recruited, the coach, the goals of the

management, and the way all of these are synchronized. In this paper we extend the Capital

Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), developed in the mid 1960s by Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965),

and Mossin (1966) to the valuation of each individual player in a team and of the coach, and to

their collective contribution to the value of the entire team. We found no model in the sport

management literature that values professional athletes and/or coaches while explicitly

incorporating the fact that they are paid cash today for uncertain returns in the future, with these

returns depending on the combined performance of all team members with each other and with

the coach. Accordingly, this paper presents such a formal valuation model for professional

players and coaches. The model accounts for the potential income from each player, but also

acknowledges the uncertainty involved in the return the player is expected to yield as well as the

intra-team performance of each player with all other players. This latter notion allows us to

assess the role and value of the coach.

A number of important results stem from the model, both conceptually and empirically.

First, the model can be used to assess the proportional budget allocation among team players,

when these proportions are determined by each player’s synchronization with other players as

well as by his/her expected MRP. Second, the model implies that there should be a positive,

linear functional relationship between the return each player should earn and the co-variability of

his/her return performance versus the return performance of the entire team. Third, the model can

be estimated empirically with the input data being a time series of expected MRP estimations,

possibly based on Scully’s procedure, as well as actual pay. In Section 3 of this paper, we

illustrate the empirical procedure and demonstrate its implications for distinguishing between

fair compensation and over/under payments. We also offer a few examples of actual calculations;

an Excel worksheet where the entire model is solved is available for interested readers upon


1. The Formal Model

We form a single period model of a sport team with n positions, each filled by a single

player, which the owner selects in a free market. We assume that there is a continuum of players

across all relevant measures of talent and pay. Each player i (i=1,2,3,…n) is paid at present a

positive price pi in a competitive market for players with no constraints such as drafting rules or

transaction costs. Player i is expected to generate a team-specific Marginal Revenue Product

(MRP) E ( MRPi ) , which includes income from all core and peripheral businesses of the team

(we do not index teams in order to simplify notation). MRP of player i is team-specific since the

same player can be more productive in one team than in another, as we analyze formally below.

Expected net profit from the player to the team owner at the end of the period is the difference

between the expected contribution of the player and his/her cost: E (d i ) E ( MRPi ) pi . Hence,

the expected rate of return over the period from player i is E (ri ) E (d i ) / pi . Expected returns

are ex-ante positive through the choice of pi , since the team owner is assumed not to hire a

player who is expected to yield a loss. Nevertheless, ex-post returns may be positive, zero, or

negative, depending on players’ actual performance. The expected rate of return from each

player is assumed to be normally distributed with mean E (ri ) and variance i . The covariance

between expected rates of return from players i and j is denoted i, j and the correlation

i, j
coefficient between them i, j . We shall address below the difference between co-
i j

variation that stems from inherent properties of different positions, and co-variation that stems

from individual properties of specific players who may occupy a given position, such as their

personalities, style, and the like.


It is assumed that team owners desire the highest possible returns, yet they are also

assumed to dislike risk, measured by the variance (or standard deviation) of expected returns.

These “risk-aversion” preferences are considered “rational” in the financial economics literature,

and are represented by a convex indifference curve between risk and return. Notice that “risk-

aversion” does not imply that investors will not undertake risk; it implies that they will require

compensation for bearing risk. Related studies that assume profit maximization by team owners

include Fort and Quirk (1995), Fort and Scully (1989), Quirk and Fort (1992), and Zimbalist

(1992). Vrooman (1997) suggests an alternative approach. Our model rules out non-rational


Team owners face an optimization problem where the variance of the collective (entire

team) rate of return should be minimized for a given expected return from all players in the team.

The mean rate of return from all players in the team, henceforth referred to as a portfolio since it

represents a pool of risky investments, is the linear function

E (rP ) x1 E (r1 ) x2 E (r2 ) ... xn E (rn )

n , (1)
xi E (ri )
i 1

where xi is the proportional budget allocation to the player playing in position i, out of total

payroll budget available, and E (rP ) is the expected rate of return from the entire portfolio, P.

The notion of the “portfolio” is central to our analysis; informally portfolios differ from each

other when a given payroll budget (in monetary value) is distributed across positions in different

proportions. Alternatively, two portfolios will also differ if their monetary value is different

while proportional allocations across positions are similar. Throughout the analysis below, we

shall assume similar budgets, unless mentioned otherwise. Formally, assuming similar budgets,

different portfolios are different vectors of budget allocations such as X A {x1A , x 2A , x3A ,..., x nA }

and X B {x1B , x 2B , x3B ,..., x nB } . We define feasible portfolios in sport teams as strictly positive

allocations, and these are the only portfolios addressed from now on. Notice that the owner can

change the proportional allocation through selection of different players; when an owner pays

more for a specific player in a given position, s/he practically chooses to invest in one of the

better players available for this position, thereby revealing his/her strategic preferences in

constructing the team. For simplicity, equation (1) will be written in vector form as,

E (rP ) X T E ( R) (2)

where E (R) is the vector of all expected returns and X T is the transposed vector of all

proportions xi . The variance of a portfolio of n uncertain returns from all team players,

combined, is given by

n n
Var (rP ) P xi x j ij . (3)
i 1 j 1

As (3) implies, calculating the variance of the rate of return of the entire team implies that

we need to account for the covariance of returns across all pairs of players i and j, as well as for

their individual variances. The variances and covariances are then weighted by proportions xi .

The variances and covariances alone can be represented by an n n symmetric matrix of the


11 12 13 1j 1n

21 22 23 2j 2n

31 32 33 3j 3n

S . (4)
i1 i2 i3 ij

n1 n2 n3 nn

The diagonal of matrix S contains all n variances, and all off-diagonal elements are

covariances, where i, j j ,i . Since by (3) the variance of the entire team’s rate of return is

calculated by multiplying each covariance between i and j by xi and x j , respectively, the

variance of a portfolio of n assets can be written in matrix notation as

P X T SX . (5)

Having defined the variables in the owners' decision making problem, we can formalize it

as minimizing the standard deviation of returns that a specific portfolio is expected to generate,

such that the expected rate of return on the portfolio is, say, A . Formally,

Min P xi x j ij ,
i j

Subject to:

A xi E ( Ri )

Applying the Lagrange technique, we define the Lagrangean

L xi x j ij A xi E ( Ri ) ,
i j i

and by equating the partial derivatives with respect to xi and to zero, we solve for the optimal

proportions according to which the budget should be allocated across all players in all positions,

for a given A . Feldman and Reisman (2003) provide the simplest solution we are aware of to

obtain the optimal allocation vector, being

Y S 1 ( E ( R) C ) , (6)

where S is the inverse of matrix S, C is a constant and Y is a vector of non-normalized weights.

Once the vector Y is normalized by calculating xi yi / yi , we obtain the optimal proportional


solution which guarantees xi 1 . An example of the actual calculation is given in Section 3.


Another important result, which we develop in Section 3, provides a formal linkage

between the expected rate of return of a specific player and his/her contribution to the team’s

performance, hence determining his/her fair pay. This latter linkage also serves as an empirically

measurable implication of the model.

It should be emphasized that in the context of our model, an optimal vector of proportional

budget allocation is defined as one that yields the lowest attainable standard deviation from a

given set of positions by choosing players in those positions, such that a required mean return

A is earned on the investment. By changing the required return constraint A to some other

required return, say B , we obtain a different allocation of the team budget among (possibly

different) players in the predetermined positions. This is where our assumption of a continuum of

players is needed: a change in budget allocation from xi (1) to xi ( 2) where xi ( 2) xi (1) implies

that the owner is allocating more funds to position i , thereby recruiting a "better" player, which

we assume exists in the market of talent. The term "better" is measurable by the player's ability

to reduce team risk for the given required return, B , through its expected return, variance and

covariances with all other team players.

By repeating the exercise and solving the optimal budget allocation for different required

returns, the collection of optimal allocations yields a horizontal hyperbola, as in Figure 1. The

hyperbola represents all allocations, feasible and non-feasible. Non-feasible allocations are those

in which at least one player receives a non-positive (zero or negative) share of the budget. Such

allocations are ignored since they represent an irrelevant solution (player compensation is strictly

positive). The feasible parts of the hyperbola can be constructed numerically for a particular

dataset based on the derivation presented above. A numerical example of the calculation

procedure of an optimal allocation is presented in Section 3 with respect to example 2, which we

discuss in the next section.

[insert Figure 1 about here]

Figure 1 shows that with a given budget, all optimal allocations among team players are

represented by a quadratic functional relationship between the required expected return and its

standard deviation. Each point on the hyperbola represents a different allocation of the same

budget among the team players, i.e., a different compensation plan. This implies that if a team

owner desires higher rates of return, s/he will have to bear higher financial risk in terms of the

variance of rates of return earned by the entire team. Rational investors will never allocate their

budget according to allocation schedules represented by points residing on the hyperbola, lower

(vertically) than point A, e.g., point B. The reason for this is that a rational team owner who is

willing to undertake risk level B will require the highest possible return for bearing this risk,

i.e., will choose to allocate the budget such that it will earn expected return C, on the upward

sloping part of the hyperbola, rather than B, on the downward sloping segment of the hyperbola.

For this reason, the downward sloping segment of the hyperbola is presented as a dashed line,

indicating its inefficiency. Moreover, although allocations inside the hyperbola (between points

B and C) are feasible, they are ignored for being inferior to the “optimal choices” located on the

upward sloping segment of the hyperbola.

Once all optimal allocations that make the risk-return tradeoffs have been calculated for a

team, the next question to be addressed is the specific budget allocation the team owner will

choose on the hyperbola. That is, out of the entire “optimal investment opportunity set,” the

upward sloping segment of the hyperbola (out of which a few segments might not be feasible,

and hence disregarded), the owner should choose one risk-return combination that suits his/her

preferences. The normative modeling tool is the “indifference curve” economists use in order to

represent the tradeoff a “rational agent” would make between two goods, or attributes. In our

case, the team owner is asked to specify the compensation s/he requires in terms of additional

(marginal) expected return, if being asked to undertake an additional unit of risk (over some

benchmark). It can be shown that if team owners satisfy a number of “rationality axioms,” their

tradeoff between risk and return would result in a convex set of indifference curves on the plane

expected-return – standard-deviation, as illustrated in Figure 2. Such investors are referred to as

“risk averse” investors. The higher the curve (following the arrow), the higher the utility the

owner draws from the choice being made. Hence, the tangency point between the hyperbola and

the highest possible indifference curve will determine the optimal choice. This notion is

illustrated in Figure 2, where the team owner’s optimal allocation is determined by the tangency

point A between his/her highest indifference curve, I (Max), and the hyperbola. All other

allocation possibilities, illustrated by the intercept of dashed indifference curves with the

hyperbola are inferior to point A. Hence, this specific team owner will find it optimal to tolerate

the risk, and expect the return associated with the tangency point A.

[insert Figure 2 about here]

The main message of this model is that the optimal budget allocation among team players

is determined both by objective team attributes that determine the shape and location of the

hyperbola on one hand, and the subjective risk preferences of the team owner on the other hand.

The shape of the hyperbola is determined by the expected profitability of each player and its

uncertainty, but mostly by the interdependency and mutual performance of each pair of players

in the team, measured by the pair-wise covariance terms. This latter notion gives rise to the role

of the coach – a good coach will make the interactions among players “constructive,” in the

sense of increasing expected returns for a given variability, and/or decreasing return variability

of the entire team for a given expected return.

In order to facilitate this discussion, the instrumental meaning of the covariance terms (or

equivalently, the correlation coefficients) in the model must be defined. The covariance i, j

measures the linear association between the returns generated by player i versus those generated

by player j through the correlation coefficient i, j . If the correlation coefficient i, j is zero,

there is no linear association between returns earned by those players, i.e., if player i performs

badly in a specific game, we cannot draw any conclusion from a linear statistical model about the

performance of player j in the same game. We denote such players as neutral players.

Alternatively, we say that player i is a compensating player of player j if on average s/he plays

above his/her average performance when player j performs below his/her performance, and vice

versa. Finally, player i is said to be a dragging player of player j if s/he performs badly when j

plays badly and plays well when j also plays well. To exemplify the terminology one can think of

the performance of the goalkeeper in soccer as neutral with respect to most other players in the

team, but dragging with respect to the stopper – if the stopper under-performs, the goalkeeper is

likely to under-perform as well. In summary, there is a negative correlation coefficient between

the performances of compensating players, zero correlation between neutral players, and positive

correlation between dragging players. Evidently, some positions imply compensating or dragging

relationships by their very nature, regardless of the specific players occupying the position.

Therefore, empirical measures of correlations will account for both the positions' effect and the

specific players' effect turning specific numerical values of correlations non-informative.

Correlations will be meaningful through a cross-sectional (same sport field, different players

occupying given positions) or time-series (same player playing in different teams) comparison of

pairs of positions in the same type of sport, when players' performance in these positions varies.

Returning to the overall team perspective and the role of the coach, we define a

synchronized team as one where compensating interactions dominate the other interactions

among pairs of players. Equivalently, the team is defined as not-synchronized when dragging

interactions dominate, and as neutral when neutral interactions dominate. That is, the notion of

synchronization applies to the team as a whole, while the terms compensating-, dragging-, and

neutral-players refer to specific pairs of players/positions. Thus, the role of the coach can be

operationally defined as that of increasing the synchronization of the team as much as possible.

Note that we do not require all pair-wise interactions to be compensating; this case cannot yield,

in general, a consistent covariance matrix, but we do expect the coach to train the athletes to be

synchronized. Lastly, note that synchronization is more important in some sports such as soccer,

field hockey, and basketball, and less in others such as golf or archery (Bar-Eli & Schack, 2005).

2. Simulated Examples

In this section we exemplify how the model can be used to convey better insights for

decision makers when pricing athletes. We discuss and illustrate the operational meaning and

implications of the assumptions we make with respect to different variables in the model, using

four numerical examples in a five-players/positions team.

The Benchmark: A Team of Homogenous Players

We start with a simplistic example that will serve as a benchmark for other examples,

whereby all players are homogenous in terms of their expected return and expected return

variability. We further assume in this example that all correlation coefficient terms, i, j , among

all pairs of players/positions (i,j) are equal to zero (a neutral team). We summarize the input data

in Table 1.

[insert Table 1 about here]

Intuitively, since all expected returns, standard deviations of the expected returns, and all

paired correlations are identical, there should be no justification for differential payments.

Indeed, the right panel of Figure 3 shows that all players are equally valued with each receiving

1/5th of the payroll budget. The left panel shows that since all players are identical, the hyperbola

reduces to a singular point at 10% expected return and 20% standard deviation.

[insert Figure 3 about here]

Based on this simplistic benchmark, we turn to exploring the reasoning for differential

compensation schedules when above-average players join the team.

Example 1. Star Players

The above example will be more realistic if we introduce heterogeneity among players. As

a first attribute of heterogeneity, assume that Player 1 is expected to earn higher returns for the

team owner; the question is how this advantage will translate toward Player 1's value in the

market. After increasing the expected return for Player 1 by 10%, from 10% to 11%, and leaving

all other parameters as in the benchmark example, we obtain a new optimal solution, presented in

Figure 4. Now that there is a slight difference in expected return from Player 1, the construction

of endless efficient combinations is possible, i.e., the hyperbola comes into existence.

Additionally, we see that the budget is not equally allocated among all players, since Player 1

receives 21.57% of the budget, while all other players receive 19.61% each.

[insert Figure 4 about here]


The question now is what determines the magnitude of the difference between Player 1’s

compensation versus his/her team members: 21.57%-19.61%=1.06%? The answer is that the

choice of the risk-return combination the team owner prefers to obtain will determine not only

his/her expected risk-return outcome, but also the budget allocation. As discussed in the previous

section, the specific risk-return combination the team owner would prefer, among all available

possibilities on the upward sloping part of the hyperbola, can be found by equating the marginal

rate of substitution of the specific team owner between risk and return to the slope of the

hyperbola. The slope of the investor’s indifference curve is given by the upward sloping straight

line, and its tangency point with the hyperbola represents the optimal choice of the specific

owner. In order to obtain his/her optimal risk-return combination at the tangency portfolio, the

owner must allocate the budget among team players according to the schedule presented in

Figure 4. This tangency point represents equilibrium in the sense that it satisfies the owner’s risk

preferences, determines the expected risk-return profile of the team, and determines the optimal

allocation of the payroll budget among all players. In the case presented, the marginal rate of

substitution is very steep, indicating that the owner is extremely risk averse.

The importance of the owner’s risk-return preferences deserves a closer look. Under the

assumption of competitive markets for athletes, i.e., when team owners freely bid for athletes,

the preferences of the marginal team owner will set equilibrium prices. Intuitively, this implies

that when all players are identical except for a star player, defined as such due to his/her ability

to generate higher expected return vs. his/her peers, then in a competitive market the price of

such star players must increase. Hence, if the preferences of the marginal team owner had been

different, the team mentioned above would have received a different compensation schedule.

In order to demonstrate the sensitivity of the compensation scheme to different risk-return

combinations, we reconstruct Example 1 by changing the risk aversion of the team owner. The

numerical example of Figure 4 yielded a rate of return of 10.2% and a standard deviation of 9%.

If the owner’s required rate of return increases to 10.4%, which is associated with 10% standard

deviation. The compensation schedule changes such that 40% of the (constant) budget is now

allocated to Player 1 while all other team players receive 15% each. This change in allocation

implies that a team owner desiring a higher return will replace a player in position 1 with a more

expensive player who yields a higher expected return. These results are presented in Figure 5.

[insert Figure 5 about here]

It is important to note that this example demonstrates an extremely high sensitivity of the

compensation schedule to the owner’s risk preferences. The reason for this sensitivity is that the

difference between Player 1’s expected return and that of other team members is very small (one

percentage point 11%-10%), representing severe scarcity.

Taking this line of logic further, we would expect that the percentage of the payroll

budget allocated to star players would decline as they become more common (less scarce) in the

market. To see this effect (Figure 6), we assume that Player 2 is also believed to earn 11%, like

Player 1. All other parameters, specifically the risk preferences of the team owner, remain

similar to those of the last example.

[insert Figure 6 about here]

The introduction of an additional star player, who is assumed to be identical to the first

one, has two effects: first, both star players receive equal payments, both of which are higher

than that of the non-star players; second, the hyperbola turns wider, indicating that the team

owner now has better risk-return alternatives. This means that the owner can earn a higher return

for the same risk, or, looking at it from the opposite angle s/he can earn the same return but be

exposed to lower risk. Quirk and Fort (1999) demonstrated that in a free market for athletes,

significant compensation differences between star players and regular players can only arise

when a star player’s MRP is higher than that of regular players, not only in his/her own team but

in other teams as well. That is, a star player whose MRP is high in a given team but whose

advantage cannot be translated to financial success in other teams, will be paid an amount

between his/her performance in the home team and his/her second best alternative. Our model

suggests that one of the reasons why a star player is more effective in some teams but less in

others is his/her synchronization with other teams and with their coaches. Hence, synchronizing

star players with regular players appears to be most important for the star players themselves,

and for the team owners.

Two pertinent examples that come to mind in this context are FC Bayern Munich in the

early 1980s and the Chicago Bulls in the 1990s – one clearly dominating the German Soccer

Bundesliga and the other the U.S. National Basketball Association (NBA), respectively. In the

early 1980s, Bayern was led by two superstars, namely Paul Breitner and Karl-Heinz

Rummernigge, who were even nicknamed "the 'Breitnigge'-Duo" (Schulze-Marmeling, 1997).

Breitner played in Bayern between 1970-74, left to play in Spain and returned to Bayern between

1978-83. Rummernigge played in Bayern between 1974-84, and was sold to Inter Milano for a

record of 11.4 million DM. Likewise, the Chicago Bulls in the 1990's were led by Michael

Jordan and Scottie Pippen, with specific roles being assigned to other players, such as rebounder

Dennis Rodman, defensive specialist Ron Harper and shooter Steve Kerr (Weinberg & Gould,

2003). Both Jordan and Pippen played with the Bulls at the height of their careers; the fact that

these star players did not migrate to other teams throughout the height of their careers may imply

that their alternative MRP would have been lower than their MRP at their home teams; hence,

their equilibrium pay would be lower as well. It is probable that the difference in a player’s MRP

across teams is related to different synchronization with other teams and/or coaches, thus players

in general, and particularly star players unwilling to take a synchronization risk, will strive to

avoid migration. Obviously, a player who finds it difficult to synchronize with his/her current

team will seek migration opportunities. Note, however, that this analysis applies to player

migration across teams in iso-wealth leagues; it is reasonable to assume that a star player in a

low-wealth league would take the synchronization risk and migrate to higher-wealth leagues, as

the level change in his anticipated pay may be sufficient to compensate for this risk.

Example 2. Compensating, Neutral, and Dragging Players

In this section, we address the relationship patterns that can take place between pairs of

players in a team, i.e., the effects of compensating, dragging, and neutral players on

compensation schedules and the value of synchronized versus non-synchronized teams to the

owner. In essence, we discuss here the crucial part of task cohesion in successful team

performance (Paskevich, Estabrooks, Brawley & Carron, 2001). The extent to which player i

compensates (or not) for the weak performance of j is measurable by the covariance of their

contribution to the team profitability rate. It is beneficial to replace the covariance and represent

the covariability by the linear correlation coefficient i, j , because the latter is normalized, and

therefore comparable across players and teams. The correlation coefficient is bounded between -

1 and +1, where i, j 0 indicates independence (neutrality) of the performances of players i vs.

the performance of player j. If i, j is positive, good performance of i will be statistically

correlated with good performance of j, and vice versa. From the owner’s perspective, the higher

the value i, j obtains, the less attractive will be the specific pair of players, and consequently,

the entire team. As mentioned in the previous section, high correlation coefficients within a team

represent many dragging pairs of players, and hence a non-synchronized team. Therefore, the

team might play very well at certain times, but very weak at other times, resulting in a volatile

(risky) total rate of return – not a desirable outcome for the owner. A better team is one where

many pairs of players can compensate for each other, hence producing more stable, less risky

returns. If we compared two teams, one with many compensating players and one with many

dragging players, with both earning similar expected returns, the owner would prefer the

synchronized team – the one with more compensating players – since it generates the same

average return in a more predictable way; the volatility of the overall team return is less risky.

The important implications of enhanced task cohesion for sport management are discussed in

detail in Bar-Eli and Schack (2005).

While our first two examples assumed that all paired correlation coefficients are zero, we

now exemplify the effects of compensating and dragging players on the compensation schedule

among team players. Starting with an illustration of the effect of compensating players, Table 2

and Figure 7 show that while all expected returns and variances are identical among all players, a

negative correlation of 1, 2 2,1 0.3 between players 1 and 2 increases their relative

compensation to 24.39% of the budget, while all other players receive 17.07%.

[insert Table 2 about here]

[insert Figure 7 about here]

Alternatively, if players 1 and 2 were dragging with a correlation coefficient of

1, 2 2,1 0.3 , their respective compensation would decline to 16.95% of the budget each,

while the other team members would have received 22.03% of the budget each, as illustrated in

Figure 8. Note that a problem of two dragging players can be solved by replacing one of them, if

there are alternative players in the market, but it cannot be solved if the position itself is dragging

in the specific sport; thus, any player in the specific position will be paid less than other


[insert Figure 8 about here]

Obviously, the effects illustrated in these examples can be combined, such that players

who earn high potential returns are also dragging players. For example, if two star players are

hired, each potentially yields 11% while all others yield a standard 10% return, all correlation

coefficients are 0, and the owner is willing to accept 10% risk, then our model predicts that they

would have to receive 32.0% each, leaving 12.0% for each one of the other players. But if these

two players were also dragging players with a correlation coefficient of 1, 2 0.3 , their share

of the payroll budget would decline to 28.88% while the others receive 14.08%. Alternatively, if

they were compensating at 1, 2 0.3 in addition to being more profitable, their share of the

budget would have increased to 35.87% while the other players receive 9.42% each. It should be

noted that the value of any player would increase more when s/he is better synchronized with the

most valuable players in the team.

Example 3. The Value of the Coach

If compensating pairs of players are valuable to the team owner because they stabilize the

rate of return of the entire team, and dragging pairs of players are not desirable, it would be

rational for the owner to hire a coach who would orchestrate the team such that most of the

interactions would be compensating, rather than dragging. For example, the highly successful

(and very well-paid) NBA coach Pat Riley bases his philosophy of success on the principle of

"success through unselfishment," according to which team-oriented behaviors are encouraged,


with each player being asked to put aside his or her unique interests and personal considerations

and work primarily towards the good of the team as a whole (Riley, 1993).

The performance of a coach can be measured in our model by the amount of return

earned at a given level of risk, for a given benchmark degree of synchronization. For example,

given the expected risk-return and correlations schedule of the team as seen in Table 3, and

assuming the owner is willing to tolerate 10.6% standard deviation, then s/he will earn an

expected rate of return of 10.6% with the existing coach. Let us assume that this coach is capable

of generating zero correlations among all pairs of players, and therefore is denoted a “neutral”

coach. The performance and compensation schedules of this team are illustrated in Table 3 and

Figure 9.

[insert Table 3 about here]

[insert Figure 9 about here]

Now assume that a new coach is hired and the owner is still willing to accept 10.6%

standard deviation of return, but the new, “synchronizing” coach makes the expected correlations

mostly negative. The correlations, potential risk-return schedule of the team (the hyperbola), and

the proportional compensation for all players are given in Table 4 and Figure 10.

[insert Table 4 about here]

[insert Figure 10 about here]

A few implications stem from the new data. The most important one is that the new

coach made it possible for the team owner to earn an 11.1% rate of return for the same level of

risk, 10.6%. The additional return of 11.1%-10.6%=0.5% is earned thanks to the coach’s

capabilities in synchronizing the players so that they can compensate for an occasional weak

performance of their colleagues. This return differential is the net contribution of the latter coach

over and above the achievements of the former coach, thus his/her salary should be higher by (at

most) the product of 0.5% times the payroll budget. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the risk

minimization role of the coach should not be taken as a stand-alone task: the coach must exert

great effort in improving the overall play level of all players in the team, in addition to his/her

synchronizing efforts. To see why this aspect of the coach's role also contributes to his/her value,

note that the difference between the two roles has different effects on the shape and location of

the hyperbola. Generally speaking, the synchronization role shifts the hyperbola to the left and

turns it wider, while the individual player-improvement role shifts the hyperbola upward, and

opens it wider if return differences across players increase. In both cases a successful coach

either earns more return for the team owner, or earns the same return at a lower risk. Since the

functional relationship between risk and return is well defined, the incremental value of the

coach can be easily assessed.

The right-hand side panel of Figure 10 reveals an outcome we did not encounter in earlier

examples; it shows that Player 5 should receive a negative proportion of the budget. We have

deliberately introduced this notion in order to discuss its implications. This result implies that

Player 5 is overpriced – his/her current price is too high given his/her expected return, standard

deviation, and correlation coefficients with his/her teammates. Recall that we defined E (d i ) the

net profit that a player generates. This net profit, in a single period model, includes the difference

between his/her current price and his/her future price in the athlete market. If Player 5 is paid p 0

today and sold for p1 at the end of the period, then, if p1 p 0 , and this difference is greater than

the additional revenues the player generates for the team (e.g., through the sales of collectible

items, fashion, gadgets, tickets, etc.) the owner must conclude that p 0 is too high. Either Player

5 will negotiate and be willing to receive a lower price, or s/he should not stay with the team. In

a multi-period model, the player must have demonstrated that s/he can perform better in any of

the relevant measures: earn more income, and/or earn this income at lower standard deviations,

and/or s/he plays in a more compensating way with the other players. As long as the information

set which includes p 0 implies a negative proportional compensation for a player, p 0 must

decline, and thus the result presented in the last example does not reflect a feasible solution.

3. Empirical Implications and Calculation Examples

Two main empirical implications stem from our model. First, that a player who is well

synchronized with other team members deserves a higher share of the available payroll budget.

Second, the model can be used to determine whether a player is fairly-, over- or under-paid,

given the expected rate of return s/he earns for the team, the correlation between his/her

performance and the team performance, and the preferences of the team owner. In this section

we elaborate on these two implications and demonstrate the derivation and the estimation


3.1. Calculating the optimal budget allocation

In order to calculate the optimal budget allocation across team players one need to obtain

the following data:

1. A vector of expected returns for all players. Recall that as seen in Section 1, returns are

calculated based on the expected marginal revenue product and price of each player,

E ( MRPi ) and pi , such that E (ri ) E ( MRPi ) pi / pi ; thus an estimate of E ( MRPi )

must precede this analysis, possibly through a modified Scully estimate such as in Hall et

al. (2002), Krautmann (1999), or Zimbalist (1992b).


2. A variance-covariance matrix of expected returns should be calculated. If one assumes

stationary return distributions, this matrix can be estimated based on a time series of past


Apparently, the simplest solution technique of the optimal proportions has been

developed by Feldman and Reisman (2003). Feldman and Reisman show that if S is the n n

variance-covariance matrix and E ( R ) is an n vector of expected returns, then the optimal non-

normalized vector of budget allocation Y is given by equation (6), Y S 1 ( E ( R ) C ) . We recall

that S is the inverse of matrix S and the constant C is the intercept of the linear line tangent to

both the hyperbola and the (invisible) indifference curve, as presented in Figure 2. Obviously,

since the indifference curves are not observable, the realization of returns can be taken as a proxy

for the owner’s revealed preference. We shall turn to estimate the intercept C next. Once the

vector Y has been solved for, the normalization xi yi / yi where xi 1 yields the vector
i i

of optimal proportional allocation.

Let us demonstrate this calculation with respect to example 1 in the text. Matrix S and its

inverse matrix S stem from the correlations matrix (since Cov(ri , r j ) i, j i j ), and the

vectors of standard deviations and expected returns are taken from the example. Table 5 shows

the data and resulting optimal proportions:

[Insert Table 5 about here]

We assumed in the example that the constant C is zero, thus the vector E ( R ) is similar to

the vector of expected returns (otherwise, we would have subtracted it from each expected

return). Multiplying S 1 E ( R) yields the non-normalized allocation vector Y, and, upon

normalization, we obtain the vector X.


3.2. Estimating fair player’s value

In order to estimate empirically the value of a specific player in a given team, an

extension of the model is required. The idea is to construct a sub-portfolio, made by combining

the return on player i with the return on the entire team at some proportional allocation. Then, the

marginal change of the expected return of the sub-portfolio is evaluated as a partial derivative

with respect to a marginal change in its risk. The resulting functional relationship is

E (ri ) C E ( RP ) C i (7)

Cov(ri , rP )
where i 2
. That is, the “fair” expected rate of return of player i positively depends

on C, E ( RP ) and i with the following interpretations:

1. The expected return must exceed the intercept C since E ( RP ) C normally holds; the

intercept C represents the required rate of return when the owner bears no risk at all.

2. The value of i is determined by the covariability of the rate of return on player i and the

rate of return of the team. One may express the covariance in terms of the correlation

coefficient to deduce that a player with a high correlation coefficient with the team

(dragging player) is required to earn a higher return (i.e., paid less today), and vice-versa.

3. The effect of a marginal change in i on the rate of return E (ri ) is the slope of (7),

E ( RP ) C .

The positive slope of the required rate of return vs. i yields probably the most important

implication of the model: the higher i is, the higher the required rate of return from player

i, E (ri ) . This result implies that a player that is playing well when the team plays well, or badly

when the team plays badly (i.e., high, positive covariance), should yield a high rate of return,

since s/he is not a compensating player but a dragging one. Recall that the rate of return is given

by E (ri ) ( E ( MRPi ) pi ) / pi , which implies that for a given E ( MRPi ) a dragging player should

be paid less than a compensating player. Put differently, for a given pay, a dragging player

should generate higher E ( MRPi ) than a compensating player.

The empirical estimation of (7) can be conducted in a two-step procedure known in

financial economics as the Fama and MacBeth (1973) procedure: first, regress a time series of

player’s (actual) returns rit on the overall team return, rPt , rit i r
i Pt it , where we

hypothesize: E ( ˆi ) 0 , and E ( ˆit ) 0 . Second, regress a cross-section of the resulting i ’s on

average returns: ri i i , where ri is the time series average of the returns of player i.

Hence, we would expect the regression intercept E ( ) to be equal to C and its slope to

E ( ) (rP C ) . Normally, we would expect the observations to scatter about the upward

sloping pay-performance line, as presented in Figure 11.

[insert Figure 11 about here]

In this figure a team of five players is plotted, from which a few insights stem regarding

over payment, under-payment, and fair payment. In equilibrium, a player’s rate of return should

plot on the upward sloping pay-performance line, representing fair pay for the MRP s/he yields,

when this return is justified for his/her co-variability with the aggregate team performance.

Player 1 in this example is paid fairly. Yet Players 2 and 3, who plot above the line (assuming

high statistical significance), are paid unfairly lower than their co-variability and MRP would

justify. The reason why plotting above the pay-performance line implies under-payment stems

from the way the return is calculated: E (ri ) ( E ( MRPi ) pi ) / pi . For any benchmark point of

fair compensation that lies on the pay-performance line, a reduction in pi increases E (ri ) , which

means that the point increases vertically above the line. Correspondingly, over-payment implies

that the point that represents the player lies under the pay-performance line, such as Players 4

and 5 in this example. Note that deviations from the line can result from indivisibility issues,

which are more severe in teams with a small number of players than in stock portfolios, yet they

are ignored in this analysis. To summarize this subject, we indicate that the weighted average of

all players’ Betas in the team (weighted by their proportional budget allocation, xi ) yields a unit

Beta for the team, and it always plots against the overall rate of return of the team. Hence, if we

know C and the overall expected return of the team, we can plot the pay-performance line.

Lastly, a relevant implication from (7) is a direct calculation of player i's pay (portion of

the budget), pi . By replacing E (ri ) ( E ( MRPi ) pi ) / pi in the covariance term in i and on the

left hand side of (7), and reorganizing the equation, we obtain

E ( RP ) C Cov( MRPi , RP )
E ( MRPi )
pi . (8)
1 C

If, for example, player i is expected to generate a MRP of $100,000, and the other

variables are valued as indicated in the following equation, the pay for player i will be

0.16 0.07 5,250

0.14 0.14
pi $70,928 .


This paper presents a formal model for an equilibrium valuation of professional players

in a competitive market, based on the core theory of portfolio selection in financial economics as

pioneered by Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965), and Mossin (1966). Our key point is that payments

made for professional players and coaches represent a financial investment by the team owner,

for which the rate of return is uncertain. The major valuation properties of a sport player,

according to this model, are the player’s potential to earn direct and indirect returns for the team,

the uncertainty (standard deviation) of these returns, and the degree of synchronization of the

specific player with his/her teammates (measured by the covariance of all paired performances).

As stated previously, the model provides a number of predictions concerning athlete and

coach compensation schedules. We summarize these predictions in Table 6.

[insert Table 6 about here]

The predictions presented in the Table can be summarized as follows: The value (budget

allocation at present) of player i is positively related to the player’s expected contribution to the

teams' profits (cell 1). The expected rate of return from player i has no effect on the

compensation offered to the coach (cell 2), as the budget is assumed exogenous. The value of

player i is negatively related to the variance (uncertainty) of the player’s expected contribution to

the team's profits (cell 3), and is unrelated to the coach’s compensation (cell 4). The value of

player i is negatively related to the correlation between his/her performance and the performance

of other players in the team (cell 5).

The value of the coach declines when the correlation coefficient of the performance

among pairs of players in a team increases (cell 6). Such a team will perform well at times, but

weak at other times, making the overall return to the owner more volatile (risky). To put it

another way, a coach that better synchronizes the team should be paid more. The value of all

team players (cell 7) and the coach (cell 8) in a specific sector (geographical region, league, sport

field, etc.) should increase with the total wealth (budget) available for the sector (assuming that it

operates in a distinct, competitive environment).


Two additional implications of the model, not present in Table 6, should be mentioned.

First, the question of whether a team made of many star players, playing in an unsynchronized

way with each other, is preferable over a synchronized team with fewer or no star players at all.

Our model provides a framework to empirically assess these alternatives. Generally, the effect of

better synchronization among team players contributes to the overall risk-return alternatives

available for the owner, through the reduction of risk. Alternatively, the incorporation of

unsynchronized star players in a team increases the expected return, thanks to the stars’

performance, but the risk imposed on overall team performance counterweighs the benefits. The

specific “optimal” combination depends on the risk-return preferences of the owner, the

magnitude of excess return star players provide, and the degree of team synchronization.

Generally, it appears reasonable to hire a few star players in a team of regular players, and

devote resources (a good coach) to synchronize the stars with the team, rather than to invest

heavily in an unsynchronized team of many stars.

Second, all other elements being equal, successful players will minimize migration in

order to avoid synchronization risk, but if their current synchronization is not optimal, players

will strive to migrate to teams where they can best synchronize with the rest of the team. Such a

move will increase their pay in two ways: first, their higher synchronization will increase their

proportional budget allocation, and second, their better performance may increase their MRP by

attracting more fans, the sale of branded goods, etc.

Needless to say, in order to empirically examine these predictions, appropriate

performance measures are required. In the organizational behavior literature, performance is

defined as “a summary measure of the quantity and quality of task contributions made by an

individual or group to the work unit and organization” (Wood et al., 2004, p. 117), with

performance evaluation (appraisal) being a central issue in management (Robbins, 2005),

including sport management (Byers, 2004). When appropriately used, adequate performance

evaluation measures should be applied in order to empirically test the abovementioned

predictions. Specifically, our model requires as inputs the MRPs of all players, as well as their

total pay per period, which together serve to estimate their rate of return. This estimation can be

made by applying modified Scully measures, such as Krautmann (1999), Zimbalist (1992b) or

Hall et al. (2002). Using a time series of rates of return to calculate the covariances of all players’

pair-wise returns and their standard deviations, we elaborate in Section 3 how to estimate the

value of an individual player in a specific team.

From a more general perspective, our model can be used to convey some important

insights for decision makers in sports finance. It is well known that managerial decisions are

often biased, and therefore sometimes irrational (Bazerman, 2003). The problem of making

optimal managerial decisions has concerned researchers in organizational behavior for many

years (for review, see Buchanan & Huczynski, 2004), with the area of sport management being

no exception (Chelladurai, 2001; Slack, 1997). Thus, our model can be applied in reducing the

probability of making “foolish financial decisions” (DeSchriver & Mahoney, 2003, p. 250) and

some of their possible fatal consequences (Gerrard, 2004).



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Table 1

Expected Returns, Standard Deviations, and Correlations of a Team of Neutral Homogeneous

Players (the Benchmark Team)

Expectations Correlations
E(r) 1 2 3 4 5
Player 1 10.0% 20.0% 1 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Player 2 10.0% 20.0% 2 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Player 3 10.0% 20.0% 3 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Player 4 10.0% 20.0% 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Player 5 10.0% 20.0% 5 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%

Table 2

The Benchmark Team, with One Pair of Compensating Players

Expectations Correlations
E(r) 1 2 3 4 5
Player 1 10.0% 20.0% 1 100.0% -30.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Player 2 10.0% 20.0% 2 -30.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Player 3 10.0% 20.0% 3 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Player 4 10.0% 20.0% 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Player 5 10.0% 20.0% 5 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%

Table 3

A Team of Heterogeneous Players with a “Neutral” Coach: Zero Pair-wise Correlations

Expectations Correlations
E(r) 1 2 3 4 5

Player 1 12.0% 24.0% 1 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Player 2 11.0% 22.0% 2 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Player 3 10.0% 20.0% 3 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Player 4 9.0% 18.0% 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Player 5 8.0% 16.0% 5 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%

Table 4

A Team of Heterogeneous Players with a “Good” Coach: Mostly Negative Pair-wise


Expectations Correlations
E(r) 1 2 3 4 5
Player 1 12.0% 24.0% 1 100.0% -10.0% -20.0% -20.0% -30.0%
Player 2 11.0% 22.0% 2 -10.0% 100.0% -10.0% -10.0% -10.0%
Player 3 10.0% 20.0% 3 -20.0% -10.0% 100.0% -30.0% 0.0%
Player 4 9.0% 18.0% 4 -20.0% -10.0% -30.0% 100.0% -20.0%
Player 5 8.0% 16.0% 5 -30.0% -10.0% 0.0% -20.0% 100.0%

Table 5

Calculation of Optimal Budget Allocation

Expectations Variances and Covariances

E(r) 1 2 3 4 5
Player 1 11.0% 20.0% 1 4.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Player 2 10.0% 20.0% 2 0.00% 4.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Player 3 10.0% 20.0% 3 0.00% 0.00% 4.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Player 4 10.0% 20.0% 4 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.00% 0.00%
Player 5 10.0% 20.0% 5 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.00%

Inverse matrix S

1 2 3 4 5 Non-normalized (Y) and

normalized (X) allocations
1 25 0 0 0 0
2 0 25 0 0 0 2.75 21.57%
3 0 0 25 0 0 2.50 19.61%
2.50 19.61%
4 0 0 0 25 0 2.50 19.61%
5 0 0 0 0 25 2.50 19.61%

Table 6

Summary Results and Predictions of the Model

Value of Player i Value of the Coach
Model Parameters
Expected return from player i, (1) (2)

E (ri ) (+) (0)

Riskiness of the return from (3) (4)

player i, 2 (-) (0)


Correlation of performance (5) (6)

between players i and j,

(-) (-)
i, j

Budget available for the team (7) (8)

players and coach (+) (+)


Figure Captions

Figure 1: Risk-return combinations for alternative budget allocations

Figure 2: Specific allocation for a given team owner

Figure 3: Budget allocation among identical players (no “star players”)

Figure 4: Budget allocation when one star player earns higher expected return

Figure 5: Team where one star player earns higher expected return and owner desires higher


Figure 6: Budget allocation when two star players earn higher expected return

Figure 7: Team with two “compensating” star players (identical expected returns)

Figure 8: Team with two “dragging” star players (identical expected returns)

Figure 9: Budget allocation with heterogeneous players and a “neutral” coach

Figure 10: Budget allocation with heterogeneous players and a “synchronizing” coach

Figure 11: Pay-performance line: Player return versus player Beta


Expected Return


Standard Deviation of Rate of Return

Figure 1: Risk-return combinations for alternative budget allocations


I (Max)

Increasing utility Tangency line

E (R )
Expected Return

Standard Deviation of Rate of Return


Figure 2: Specific allocation for a given team owner


Combinations of Optimal Allocations Optimal Weights of Budget for Each


Expected Return



4% 10%


0% 0%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 1 2 3 4 5
Standard Deviation Player Number

Figure 3: Budget allocation among identical players (no “star players”)


Combinations of Optimal Allocations Optimal Weights of Budget for Each


Expected Return



11% 11.0% 19.61% 19.61% 19.61% 19.61%
10% 10.0%


8% 0%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 1 2 3 4 5
Standard Deviation (s) Player Number

Figure 4: Budget allocation when one star player earns higher expected return

Combinations of Optimal Allocations Optimal Weights of Budget for Each

40.00% Player

Expected Return


11% 11.0%
15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00%
10% 10.0%


8% 0%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 1 2 3 4 5
Standard Deviation (s) Player Number

Figure 5: Team where one star player earns higher expected return and owner desires higher


Combinations of Optimal Allocations Optimal Weights of Budget for Each

32.00% 32.00%
Expected Return


11% 11.0%
10% 10.0% 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%


8% 0%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 1 2 3 4 5
Standard Deviation (s) Player Number

Figure 6: Budget allocation when two star players earn higher expected return.

Combinations of Optimal Allocations Optimal Weights of Budget for Each


Expected Return

24.39% 24.39%

20% 17.07% 17.07% 17.07%
10% 10.0%


8% 0%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 1 2 3 4 5
Standard Deviation (s) Player Number

Figure 7: Team with two “compensating” star players (identical expected returns).

Combinations of Optimal Allocations Optimal Weights of Budget for Each


Expected Return


22.03% 22.03% 22.03%

20% 16.95% 16.95%
10% 10.0%


8% 0%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 1 2 3 4 5
Standard Deviation (s) Player Number

Figure 8: Team with two “dragging” star players (identical expected returns).

Combinations of Optimal Allocations Optimal Weights of Budget for Each

12% 12.0%
11% 11.0% 28.77%
Expected Return

10% 10.0% 22.60%

9% 9.0% 16.28%

8% 8.0% 15%

1 2 3 4 5
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% -10%
Standard Deviation (s) Player Number

Figure 9: Budget allocation with heterogeneous players and a “neutral” coach.


Combinations of Optimal Allocations Optimal Weights of Budget for Each

13% 40%
12% 12.0% 27.15%
Expected Return

11% 11.0% 14.74%

10% 10.0%

9% 9.0%
1 2 3 4 5
8% 8.0% -10% -8.87%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Standard Deviation (s) Player Number

Figure 10: Budget allocation with heterogeneous players and a “synchronizing” coach.

E (R )
Predicted (equilibrium) player
Player 3 return vs. player Beta

Team 2 5

1 4

Beta=1.0 Player 3 Beta


Figure 11: Pay-performance line: Player return vs. player Beta.

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