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1 .

Обведите в кружок слова, которое мы говорим, когда прощаемся:

a) goodbye
b) hello
c) good evening
d) thanks

2.        Зачеркни лишнее слово

1)        red, blue, big, grey, black
2)        mother, father, aunt, teacher, sister
3)        one, it, he, she, they

3.        Напиши дни недели в правильном порядке

Wednesday, Sunday, Friday, Saturday, Tuesday, Monday, Thursday

4.        Выбери правильный вариант

1)        Are  there any … in the classroom?
a)        a computer
b)        computers
c)        computer

2)        Can you … a song?

a)        to sing
b)        sing
c)        singing

3)        … you got a pet?

a)        Has
b)        Have got
c)        Have

6.        Соедини вопросы и ответы

1)        Are the any books on the desk? a)        No, I don`t.
2)        Can your dog fly? b)        Yes, he is.
3)        Has Winnie the Pooh got a friend? c)        Yes, he has.
4)        Is he a doctor? d)        Ho, there is not.
5)        Is there a river in your town? e)        Yes, there are.
6)        Do you like apples?         f)        No, it can´t.

6.        Поставь глагол to be и live в нужной форме

1)        She … a little mouse.
2)       I … kind and funny.
3)       She … in New York.
4)        He … a mother, a father and a brother.
5)        They … in a big house.
6)        They … good friends.

7. Переведи на русский язык:

1. ruler-________________________

2. pen-_________________________
3. book-________________________

4. Art-_________________________

5. school-_______________________


7. English-______________________

8. Запиши число:

Например: eighteen- 18

1. nineteen –

2. sixteen-

3. ten-

4. twelve-

5. fifteen-

9. Сократи и запиши:

Например: He is a boy. - He’s a boy.

1. I am a girl.-_____________________

2. What is your name?-______________________

3. It is a ruler.-_____________________________


Read and Translate the text: My family.

I’ve got a family. I’ve got a mother, a father, a big sister and a little brother.
My mother’s name is Betty. My father’s name is bob. My sister’s name is Ann and
my brother’s name is Robert.
I’ve got a pet (питомец) too. It’s a cat. Her name is Sally. She is five.
I love my family very much

11. Вставь is или are.

  1There ______ three rooms in the house.

  2.There ______ a garden next to the house.

  3.There ______ two bathrooms in the flat.

  4.There ______ a sofa in front of the window.

  5.There ______ a glass on the table

  6.There ______ two beds in the bedroom.

12. Вставь артикль a или the там, где нужно.

1. Sarah is in _______ living room.

2. There are________ sofas in the room.

3. The ball is under________ chair.

4. This is _______ his house.

5. This is ________ cooker.

13. Прочитай текст и выбери подходящие по смыслу слова. Запиши ответы


Our 1) ______ is very big. 2) ______ is a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a
bathroom. Our kitchen 3) ______ green and there is a fridge in it. There are 4)
______ cupboards there too. The chairs are 5) ______to the table. There is a cooker
behind 6) ______ table. The table is 7) _____.

a) garden b) house c) school

a) The b) Three c) There

a) is b) are c) am

a) too b) two c) one

a) on b) in c) next

a) a b) the c) an

a) that b) this c) brown

Ответы: 1)___, 2)___, 3)___, 4)___, 5)___, 6)___, 7)___.

14. Соотнеси слова с их значением. Запиши ответы снизу.

1. living room       a) дом

2. kitchen            b) ванная

3. garden            c) спальня

4. house             d) кухня

5. bedroom         e) гостиная

6. bathroom        f) сад

Ответы:1. ___,2.___,3.___,4.___,5.___,6.___.
15. Напиши слова во множественном числе.

1. desk-____________

2. dish-_____________

3. glass-____________

4. shelf-____________

5. baby-____________

6. room-_____________

15. Поставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.

1. dish/is/ Where/your?______________________________________________________

2. table/computer/on/a/is/There/the.___________________________________________

3. there/table/Are/on/glasses/the?______________________________________________

4. Tom/your/bedroom/the/ Is/ in?______________________________________________

5. in/He/is/bathroom/the.____________________________________________________

6. window/front/in/table/There/the/of/a/is_______________________________________

17 . Замените русские слова в скобках на английские:

a) It is (её) dog.

b) This is (его) pen.

c) This is (мой) house.

d) (Твоё) name’s Mike

18. Вставьте has got или have got:

a) I ____ an apple.

b) He ___a kitten.

c) We ___ a black dog.

d) They ___six pens.

e) It ___ big ears.

18. Вставьте am, is или are:

a) I ___ seven.

b) We ___ little.
c) She ___ nice.

d) The pupils ____ seven.

e) The house ___ big.

20. Замените утвердительные предложения отрицательными:

a) He has got a dog.

b) They have got a rabbit.

c) Liz is a pupil.

d) I am a sister.

e) We are friends.

21. Составьте из слов предложение:

I, got, a, have, mum, little, a, and, brother.

22. Choose  the correct item.

1. I ....... playing football. It’s fun

        a) is          b) are            c) am
2. This is my sister. ...... name is Ann.
      a) his         b) its         c) her
3. ..... is Rosa? Ben's mother.
       a) Where       b) Who      c)  What
4. They go to school ....... 8 o'clock.
        a) in     b) at      c)  under
5. ......... is Paul? In the garden.
        a) Who     b)  Where    c)  What
7. ........ two books on my desk.
        a) There is      b) There are      c)  There am
8. Look. She ...... a horse.
       a) is ride     b)  is riding      c) are riding
9. Can you give me two ......, please?
        a)glass     b) glases       c) glasses
10. Look at the cat. It ...... a long tail.
        a) have got     b) has got      c)  is
11. He ....... pizza now.
      a) is eating     b) are eating       c)  eat
12. My baby brother has got two small ......
       a) tooth      b)  teeth     c) tooths
13. Can a rabbit jump? Yes, .....
       a) it can      b)  it can't      c)  it cannot
14. Have you got a pet? No, I ......

       a) have      b)  haven't      c)  hasn't                                                                

15. What ........ doing?

  a) you are    b)  are you       c)  is you
17. What are these…….?
        a) a ball      b) balls     c)  ball
22. She ______ sleeping now.
a) am      b) is      c) are

23. ____________ a fridge in the kitchen.

a)     There is       b) There are

24. ________two chairs in my bedroom.

a) There is       b) There are

25. The girls’ ball  is yellow.

a)    Мячики девочек желтые.
b)    Мячик девочки желтый.
c)     Мячик девочек желтый.
23.  Вставьте подходящее вопросительное слово и ответьте на вопросы

1._____old are you?(What , How,When)

2.____ do you live?( Who,Why, Where)
3.____ is your cat? It’s black. ( Why ,What colour, Where)
4. ___do you go to school? (Who,When,What)
5. _______do you have ?(How many, How much,How)

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