Enrichment Activity: Mental Wealth: Professional Exchange and Applied Research

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HR7004 2021 T2

Royal Docklands School of Business and Law

Enrichment Activity

Student ID Number: [INSERT HERE]

How to Complete and Submit this Enrichment Activity

You must complete all sections of this Enrichment Activity by simply following the
instructions on the subsequent pages of this template document. The sections that you will
need to complete before your final submission can be checked off one-by-one for your
records using this checklist:

Weighting Components of this Enrichment Activity Completed?

5% Part 1: Diagnostic Skills Test [YES]
25% Part 2: Reflections on The Big Personality Test [YES]

Writing Style
Your academic writing style will not be explicitly assessed. However, the overall
presentation your Enrichment Activity will be. You are free to write in the creative style that
you are most aligned to. For successful reflective writing, you must show evidence of
introspection, reflection on and evaluation of your learning journey on this module by
providing examples of your first-person direct experiences. For support on how to write
reflectively, please refer to this additional guidance provided on page 8.

This Enrichment Activity should be submitted by Thursday 8th April 2021 by 6pm. Late
submissions of up to 24-hours will incur a penalty of 5% and late submissions beyond 24-
hours will be awarded a final grade of 0%. If you have any important questions about our
assessment submission processes, you may review our policies on Assessment and
Feedback and Extenuation Procedures.

Submission Guidance
You must complete your Enrichment Activity using this word document. The highlighted
yellow text, such as [INSERT YOUR RESPONSE HERE], indicated the moments in which you

need to insert your responses and other work that is required of you, such as links, reflective
writing tasks, JPG/PNG images and dates. Therefore, delete this text in order to replace it
with the work your module lecturers will be assessing.

When you are ready to submit, you must then convert this document to 1 PDF document
prior to submitting via this TurnItIn link on Moodle.

Please Note: When you convert this Word document into a PDF document, please ensure
that the links embedded are clickable for your module lecturers to access with ease. You
may ensure this by––before selecting ‘save’ to save the Word document as PDF––selecting
the ‘best for electronic distribution and printing’ option.

Part 1: Diagnostic Skills Test

This Diagnostic Skills Test took place on either Monday 8th February, Tuesday 9th February
or Wednesday 10th February of the term. First complete the checklist, then make a note of
your diagnostic skills test in the text box below:

Did you engage with the following practices, activities Completed?

and tasks on the module?
1. Complete self-assessment/checklist. [YES]
2. Attend live session. [YES]
3. Review live session; and [YES]
4. Complete consolidation test. [YES]

Part 2: Reflections on The Big Five Personality
Submission- 8th April before 6:00 pm
There are FIVE components to this part of the Enrichment Activity to be completed in the
order mentioned below:
1. Complete the self-assessment (predicted score)
2. Complete the Cultural Intelligence Test
3. Complete the Big Five Personality Test
The Big Personality Traits. You can access the test for free online here: 123Test The
Big Five Personality Test
4. Complete the self-assessment table (post-test)
Here, input the predicted scores (completed earlier) and actual scores (received after
completing the Big Five Personality Test).
5. Write FOUR short reflections.
Each reflection should be on ONE trait from the Big Five Personality Test linked to
some of the eight Mental Wealth competencies, the learnings as a result of
attending this module, completing the Cultural Intelligence test and completing the
self-assessments and how it can potentially affect your own employability.

Please Note
You may review the seminar materials for the Live Session of Week 7 of the module to
refresh your memory of The Big Five Personality Test. Much of the preparation for this part
of the Enrichment Activity will take place in the seminar with your tutor, which means you
can focus largely on the quality and depth of the reflective writings for this assessment.

Reflective Writings

If you are unsure of the appropriate writing style, you may review some of the following
resources, that offer excellent guidance on writing reflectively:

A Short Guide to Reflective Writing - University of Birmingham
Reflective Writing - University of Cambridge
Reflective Writing Introduction - University of Portsmouth
Practice-based and Reflective Learning - University of Reading
Learn to Reflect - LinkedIn Learning Short Video
Reflection and Mindfulness - LinkedIn Learning Short Video
How to Write a Reflection - YouTube Short Tutorial
Reflective Writing - YouTube Short Tutorial
Study Help: Reflective Writing - YouTube Short Tutorial

If you require further guidance and support, please remember that you may also seek the
guidance of your Academic Advisors or your Module Lecturers in the Academic Tutorials.

Please Note: Your seminar tutors promise to be non-judgemental. It is the depth of your
reflection as opposed to your personal opinions that are being assessed. You may learn
more by reviewing the Assessment Criteria on Moodle and/or discuss this in more depth
with your module lecturer in the Academic Tutorials.

Part 1: Complete the self-assessment: Please insert your predicted score for each trait by inputting the number (between 1-100) on the
continuum [PRE-TEST].
The Big Five Personality Traits

Trait 1 [I am an extrovert (60)]

measures an individual’s degree of extroversion according to the criteria enthusiasm (spontaneous joy and
engagement) and assertiveness (social dominance, often verbal in nature).

I am an extrovert (100) I am an introvert (0)

Trait 2 [I am agreeable (50)]
measures an individual’s degree of agreeable according to the criteria compassion and politeness.
I am agreeable (100)
I am disagreeable (0)
Trait 3 [I am very conscientious (90)]
measures an individual’s degree of conscientiousness according to the criteria Industriousness (the ability
to engage in sustained, goal-directed effort) and Orderliness (the tendency to schedule, organize and
I am very I am not at all
conscientious (100) conscientious (0)
Trait 4 [I am neurotic (30)]
measures an individual’s degree of neuroticism (sometimes also called emotionality) according to the
criteria withdrawal (the tendency to avoid in the face of uncertainty) and volatility (the tendency to
become irritable and upset when things go wrong).
I am very neurotic I am not at all neurotic (0)
Trait 5 [I am very open to experience (80)]
measures an individual’s degree of openness to experience according to the criteria Openness (creativity
and aesthetic sensitivity) and Intellect (interest in abstract concepts and ideas).
I am very open to I am not open to
experience (100) experience (0)
Part 2: Complete the Cultural Intelligence test. Select the answer that BEST describes you AS YOU REALLY ARE and type “Yes”
(One answer per row)
Metacognition CQ:
Strongly Disagree Slightly Neutral Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Disagree Disagree
I am conscious Yes
of the cultural
knowledge I
use when
with people
with different
I adjust my Yes
knowledge as I
interact with
people from a
culture that is
unfamiliar to
I am conscious Yes
of the cultural
knowledge I
apply to cross

I check the Yes
accuracy of my
knowledge as I
interact with
people from

Cognitive CQ:
Strongly Disagree Slightly Neutral Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Disagree Disagree
I know the Yes
rules (eg:
grammar) of
I know the Yes
legal and
systems of
other cultures
I know the Yes
cultural values
and religious
beliefs of other
I know the Yes
systems of
other cultures
I know the arts Yes
and crafts of
other cultures
I know the Yes
rules for
behaviours in
other culture

Motivational CQ
Strongly Disagree Slightly Neutral Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Disagree Disagree
I am confident Yes
that I can
socialize with
locals in a
culture that is
unfamiliar to
I enjoy Yes
with people
from different
I am sure that I Yes
can deal with
the stresses of
adjusting to a
culture that is
new to me
I enjoy living in Yes
cultures that
are unfamiliar
to me
I am confident Yes
that I can get
accustomed to
the shopping
conditions in a

Behavioral CQ:
Strongly Disagree Slightly Neutral Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Disagree Disagree
I change my Yes
verbal behavior
(Eg: accent,
tone) when a
requires it
I use pause and Yes
differently to
suit different
I vary the rate Yes
of my speaking
when a cross-
requires it
I change my Yes
behavior when
a cross-cultural
requires it
I alter my facial Yes
when a cross
requires it

Part 3: Complete the Big Five Personality test (link given in the seminar slide week 7)

Part 4: Complete the self-assessment table [POST-TEST]: After having received the results upon taking the online Big Five Personality test,
input the predicted scores (completed in Part 1) and actual scores (received after completing the online Big Five Personality Test)

Score Extrovert/Introvert Agreeable/ Conscientiousness Neuroticism Openness to

Disagreeable experience
Predicted 60 50 90 30 80
Actual 67 52 95 54 51

Part 5: Write a minimum of 600-words for Each of the FOUR reflective writing tasks. There
is no maximum word limit for these three tasks.

Reflective Writing 1
Selecting one of the five traits, consider the following points for reflection:
 The difference between how you saw yourself before you took the test and how you
now see yourself after taking the test.
 What surprised you most and what you learnt about yourself and this particular trait.
 Thinking about the eight Mental Wealth competencies, how does this particular trait
relate to your strengths and weaknesses with regards to those competencies?
(Please Note: If you cannot remember how the big five personality traits correspond
to the eight Mental Wealth competencies, look back at slide 5 in the seminar PPT
for Week 7 to refresh your memory).
 Locate one specific past experience when one these weaknesses caused
interpersonal conflict, stress, discomfort or challenge in a professional context. Do
you have more clarity about that specific past experience after now knowing yourself
better? Give details.
 How can you strengthen some of your weaknesses in the Mental Wealth
competencies, in light of what you have learnt about yourself and this particular

[My best identity characteristic score is extroversion. I scored 67 percentile

in extraversion. I am a social and outgoing individual. Be that as it may, I
would not say I like huge parties or places where there is slight individual
contact or discourse. For illustration, when I was youthful, my family was
exceptionally included in nearby government and were required to go to
capacities as a family. After the occasion, individuals would accumulate for
refreshments. At this point, I would meander off spend time with the
caretaker and his family, who lived within the building. We became very near
companions. This appears the exciting structure of my outgoing personal
identity, and I ought to be genuine in my connections. In my grown-up a long
time, I still would or maybe be within the kitchen or supporting the individuals
putting on the party instead of blending with huge crowds. As an outgoing
person, I like to share my news with somebody. If I cannot convert to
anybody due to keeping certainty or time of day, I like to require a minute to
gather my considerations. I, by and large, sit unobtrusively and reflect on the
news and attempt a few calming hot drinks. I can either discover it
challenging to talk about issues with other individuals or become very chatty
around an issue to undertake to create a sense of it. To overcome these
sentiments, I channel my vitality into understanding or inquiring about the
issue. Outgoing people appreciate being with individuals and are regularly
seen as full of vitality. I tend to be eager, action-oriented, and likely to say
“yes!” or “let us go!” to openings for fervor. The Enormous Five Identity Test
was valuable for evaluating my identity and my qualities and shortcomings. I
was not astounded at the comes about of my test-taking. I note that my
qualities offer a solid establishment for being a great representative and
working with the open.]

Reflective Writing 2
Selecting one of the five traits, consider the following points for reflection:
 The difference between how you saw yourself before you took the test and how you
now see yourself after taking the test.
 What surprised you most and what you learnt about yourself and this particular trait.
 Thinking about the eight Mental Wealth competencies, how does this particular trait
relate to your strengths and weaknesses with regards to those competencies?
(Please Note: If you cannot remember how the big five personality traits correspond
to the eight Mental Wealth competencies, look back at slide 5 in the seminar PPT
for Week 7 to refresh your memory).
 Locate one specific past experience when one these weaknesses caused
interpersonal conflict, stress, discomfort or challenge in a professional context. Do

you have more clarity about that specific past experience after now knowing yourself
better? Give details.
 How can you strengthen some of your weaknesses in the Mental Wealth
competencies, in light of what you have learnt about yourself and this particular

[In the agreeableness category, I scored a 52 “indicating concern for others’

needs, but, by and large unwillingness to give up yourself for others.”
Concurring to this test, I am exceptionally agreeable and reliable but not
thoughtful. With Agreeableness, I positioned at 52 percentile with the
portrayal of good-natured, respectful, and steady. Being my pleasing self, I
concur with this evaluation. I have a shared fondness for sympathy and
sympathy with others. Agreeableness may be a tendency to be
compassionate and agreeable instead of suspicious and adversarial towards
others. The characteristic reflects personal differences in general concern
for social agreement. I prefer to be large obliging, inviting, liberal, supportive,
and willing to compromise my interface with others. I accept individuals are
essentially fair, conventional, and reliable. Agreeable people are likeable
and get along well with others. They are also less likely to get mad when
people treat them unfairly. Agreeableness Illustrates how much an individual
cares about almost others; I score a seven, which could be a direct score.
Essentially identities make us who we are. In life, we will meet individuals
with identities that will clash with our own, whereas a few will have to adjust.
Identities might begin to be a certain way and turn out another. The
magnificence of life is that we all have diverse identities and are all
interesting in our way. Envision everybody having the same identity. It would
be a lovely boring world.]


Reflective Writing 3
Selecting one of the five traits, consider the following points for reflection:
 The difference between how you saw yourself before you took the test and how you
now see yourself after taking the test.
 What surprised you most and what you learnt about yourself and this particular trait.
 Thinking about the eight Mental Wealth competencies, how does this particular trait
relate to your strengths and weaknesses with regards to those competencies?
(Please Note: If you cannot remember how the big five personality traits correspond

to the eight Mental Wealth competencies, look back at slide 5 in the seminar PPT
for Week 7 to refresh your memory).
 Locate one specific past experience when one these weaknesses caused
interpersonal conflict, stress, discomfort or challenge in a professional context. Do
you have more clarity about that specific past experience after now knowing yourself
better? Give details.
 How can you strengthen some of your weaknesses in the Mental Wealth
competencies, in light of what you have learnt about yourself and this particular

[ On Conscientious, I rank exceptionally High– 95%. I, too, concur with this

situation. I am well-organized and dependable. I feel that this portion of my
identity weighs down my openness to modern encounters. I’m exceptionally
cautious and calculated, taking care to urge things right. Individuals who
score tall on conscientious characteristics tend to be more composed and
less cluttered in their homes and workplaces. For case, my books tend to be
flawlessly retired in sequential order, arrange, or categorized by subject
instead of scattered around the room. My dress tends to be collapsed and
orchestrated in drawers or closets rather than lying on the floor. The
nearness of organizers and to-do records are, moreover, signs of principles.
My homes tend to have way better lighting than the homes of individuals
who are moo on this characteristic. conscientious are being organized,
orderly, reliable, accomplishment situated, and reliable. Scrupulous
individuals can be anticipated on how tall their execution will be. They, too,
are more likely to begin their possess commerce. This paper makes a
difference for me to analyze mine possess individual behavior depending on
huge five identity characteristic models. It has been found that unforgiving
behavior can demotivate adherents. On the opposite, neighborly conduct
and chatty nature can offer assistance to persuade adherents. This
exposition moreover makes a difference to get it that openness can
increment imagination. In arrange to extend imagination, it is required to
think approximately an issue or situation differently. An individual should

attempt to inquire questions differently to himself. To be imaginative,
individuals got to keep finding unused depictions of that issue and permitting
their memory to discover more data that might offer assistance to illuminate

Reflective Writing 4
Selecting one of the five traits, consider the following points for reflection:
 The difference between how you saw yourself before you took the test and how you
now see yourself after taking the test.
 What surprised you most and what you learnt about yourself and this particular trait.
 Thinking about the eight Mental Wealth competencies, how does this particular trait
relate to your strengths and weaknesses with regards to those competencies?
(Please Note: If you cannot remember how the big five personality traits correspond
to the eight Mental Wealth competencies, look back at slide 5 in the seminar PPT
for Week 7 to refresh your memory).
 Locate one specific past experience when one these weaknesses caused
interpersonal conflict, stress, discomfort or challenge in a professional context. Do
you have more clarity about that specific past experience after now knowing yourself
better? Give details.
 How can you strengthen some of your weaknesses in the Mental Wealth
competencies, in light of what you have learnt about yourself and this particular

[On Openness to Experience/Intellect, I positioned at the 51 percentile to

portray that I don’t ordinarily look for out modern encounters. Openness is
being inquisitive, mental, unique, imaginative, and open to new thoughts.
Open individuals are profoundly spurred to memorize unused aptitudes and
are profoundly versatile to alter. They are moreover more likely to begin their
claim commerce. I would concur with this evaluation. Whereas I am, to some

degree, imaginative, I am no craftsman. It takes me more time to do
something inventive than something explanatory, but I still like to be
inventive at an event. Openness may be a shared appreciation for
craftsmanship, feeling, enterprise, bizarre thoughts, creative energy,
interest, and an assortment of involvement. Individuals who are open to
encounter are savvy, inquisitive, grateful of craftsmanship, and delicate to
magnificence. They tend to be, compared to closed individuals, more
imaginative and more mindful of their sentiments. They are more likely to
hold offbeat convictions. This paper makes a difference for me to analyze
mine possess individual behavior depending on huge five identity
characteristic models. It has been found that unforgiving behavior can
demotivate adherents. On the opposite, neighborly conduct and chatty
nature can offer assistance to persuade adherents. This exposition
moreover makes a difference to get it that openness can increment
imagination. In arrange to extend imagination, it is required to think
approximately an issue or situation differently. An individual should attempt
to inquire questions differently to himself. To be imaginative, individuals got
to keep finding unused depictions of that issue and permitting their memory
to discover more data that might offer assistance to illuminate it.]

This is the end of the Enrichment Activity. Congratulations! Thank you for all your hard work
on this module! You have now completed 30% of your assessment.

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