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PAIN 151 (2010) 687–693

Knowing you care: Effects of perceived empathy and attachment style on

pain perception
Chiara F. Sambo a, Matthew Howard a, Michael Kopelman a, Steven Williams a, Aikaterini Fotopoulou a,b,⇑
King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry, UK
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Other people can have a significant impact on one’s pain. Although correlational data abound, causal
Received 19 April 2010 relationships between one’s pain experience, individual traits of social relating (e.g. attachment style),
Received in revised form 4 August 2010 and social factors (e.g. empathy) have not been investigated. Here, we studied whether the presence of
Accepted 20 August 2010
others and ‘perceived empathy’ (defined as participants’ knowledge of the extent to which observers felt
they understood and shared their pain) can modulate subjective and autonomic responses to pain; and
whether these influences can be explained by individual traits of pain coping and social attachment. Par-
ticipants received noxious thermal stimuli via a thermode attached to their forearm and were asked to
Social support
rate their pain. In separate blocks they were witnessed by (a) high-empathic and (b) low-empathic unfa-
Attachment miliar observers, and in a third condition (c) no observer was present (alone condition). We found that
Coping the effects of social presence and empathy on pain ratings depended on individual differences in attach-
ment style. Higher scores on attachment anxiety predicted higher pain ratings in the low-empathy than
in the high-empathy condition; and higher scores on attachment avoidance predicted lower pain ratings
in the alone condition than with social presence. In addition, social presence decreased autonomic
responses to pain irrespective of individual personality traits. To our knowledge this is the first time that
adult attachment style has been shown to modulate the effects of social presence and ‘perceived empa-
thy’ on experimentally induced pain. The results are discussed in relation to recent cognitive models of
pain coping and attachment theory.
Ó 2010 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction noxious stimuli; [34]) is a way of eliciting empathic responses from

others and achieving relational goals, beyond pain reduction.
There has been a rapid progress recently in elucidating the A related theoretical development is the suggestion that attach-
psychological and neural mechanisms of empathy, including influ- ment theory [4] may be a useful model for understanding individ-
ential studies on empathy for pain (i.e. how an ‘observer’ under- ual differences in pain [17,33]. Attachment theory supports that
stands the pain of a ‘sufferer’; e.g. [42]). On the contrary, few children develop mental schemas of themselves based on their
experimental investigations explore the role of empathy on pain caregivers’ responses, particularly during encounters with threat.
(i.e. how an observer’s empathy can affect the pain of another indi- These ‘attachment styles’ tend to work as life-long templates for
vidual). This is unfortunate because an abundance of clinical, cor- social interactions. It has been consistently shown that insecure
relational studies have concluded that psychosocial factors, attachment styles (characterised by increased worry over the
including empathy, influence pain [1,48]. For instance, the behav- responsiveness of others, or alternatively by increased discomfort
iour of spouses can determine pain-related behaviours in chronic with interdependence) are important predictors of pain report
pain sufferers [15]. Recent reviews have argued that initial behav- [39]. However, no study has examined the interaction between
ioural [16] and social modelling [12] theories were insufficient to attachment style and the ‘on-line’ social modulation of pain.
capture the complex psychosocial variables that influence pain More generally, in the few existing experimental investigations
[7,37,46]. Alternative, cognitive-behavioural models have recently on the social modulation of pain, methodological limitations and
emerged. For example, the communal coping model [46] maintains differences in operationalising rich psychosocial concepts have
that ‘catastrophizing’ (the tendency to focus on the threat value of produced conflicting results (e.g. [5,30]). For instance, whereas
some studies have operationalised ‘social support’ as the simple
⇑ Corresponding author at: Psychology Department, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s presence of familiar and unfamiliar others (e.g. [30,45,50,51]),
College London, 5th Floor, Bermondsey Wing, Guy’s Campus, London SE1 9RT, UK. other studies have collapsed different behaviours (e.g. empathic
Tel.: +44 20 7188 0183; fax: +44 20 7188 0184. comments, reassurance, criticism) into single categories, such as
E-mail address: (A. Fotopoulou). ‘active support’ [5] and ‘pain-promoting’ [6]. In fact, social support

0304-3959/$36.00 Ó 2010 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
688 C.F. Sambo et al. / PAIN 151 (2010) 687–693

is a multifaceted construct, comprising several dimensions [3], 1.5 s, and a heating/cooling rate of 25 °C/s, leading to a total stim-
including received support (tangible help actually provided) and ulus duration of approximately 3 s. The temperatures of thermal
perceived support (subjective evaluations of support). These facets stimuli in the experimental blocks varied depending on the partic-
can have different effects in clinical settings (e.g. patients’ pain is ipants’ highest pain ratings in pre-experimental procedures (see
more closely related with perceived than with received spouse re- below). The baseline temperature of the thermode was maintained
sponses [15,38]). However, the effects of perceived social attitudes constant at 32 °C.
on pain have not been examined in experimental studies.
To overcome the aforementioned limitations, we conducted a 2.4. Procedures
study on healthy volunteers that manipulated ‘social presence’ (de-
fined as observation by unfamiliar others) and ‘perceived empathy’ The study took place in a mock scanner environment, to facili-
(defined as knowledge of the extent to which ‘observers’ felt they tate future functional neuroimaging studies. Upon their arrival,
understood and shared participants’ pain) during painful thermal participants were familiarized with the environment, equipment,
stimulation. We predicted that (1) the presence versus absence procedures and thermal stimulation, receiving two 10-s example
of ‘observers’, and (2) their ‘high’ versus ‘low’ empathy would lead trials of thermal stimulation at 38 and 40 °C.
to decreased pain ratings and physiological responses; and (3) that
individual differences in attachment style and ‘catastrophizing’ 2.4.1. Pre-experimental procedures
would modulate these effects. Individual pain levels estimation (‘Thresholding’): Three ascending
series of successive thermal stimuli (1.5 s stimulus duration) were
2. Materials and methods administered to each participant. Participants rated their pain
intensity after each stimulus using a 100-point visual analogue
2.1. Participants scale (VAS) anchored with ‘‘no pain” at the left end and ‘‘worst pain
imaginable” at the right end. Each series was discontinued at 50 °C,
Thirty healthy participants (20 females and 10 males) aged be- or when the participants provided a rating corresponding to 80 or
tween 21 and 50 years (mean = 29.1; SD = 7.3) participated in the above. The three series were delivered alternatively on both the
study. The study conformed to the principles of the Declaration forearms of the participants (starting on the right forearm) (e.g.
of Helsinki and the IASP’s (International Association for the Study [53]). The first series started at 41 °C, and the remaining series
of Pain) guidelines and was approved by the University’s Ethics started 4 °C below the highest temperature of their previous series.
Committee. All participants gave written informed consent. Partic- Successive stimuli increased by 1 °C (first and second series) and
ipants were excluded if they had previous psychiatric or neurolog- 0.5 °C (third series), and the inter-stimulus interval was 7 s. The
ical history, suffered from chronic pain disorders, had a history of highest temperature of the third series was used to determine
substance misuse, or drank more than 28 units of alcohol per week. the individual temperatures (low, medium, and high) in the
Participants were required not to use painkillers on the day of the experimental blocks, in that for each participant temperatures
testing, to have no more than one-caffeinated drink and no more corresponding to 60%, 75%, and 90% of this highest temperature
than one cigarette in the 6 h previous to the testing, and to refrain were used for the ‘Low’, ‘Medium’, and ‘High’ levels, respectively.
from alcohol in the 24 h prior to the testing. Participants’ mean ‘highest temperature’ measure was 48.5 °C
(SD = 1.2 °C, range = 46–50 °C). A one-way ANOVA including the
2.2. Study design factor Gender showed that these did not differ between women
and men (F[1,29] = 0.34, p = 0.56).
Social context (‘High-Empathy’, ‘Low-Empathy’, and ‘Alone’ False feedback of perceived empathy: Prior to ‘thresholding’, two
conditions) and thermal stimulus intensity (‘Low’, ‘Medium’, and ‘observers’ of the opposite sex to each participant were introduced
‘High’) were manipulated in a 3  3 repeated-measures design. as research collaborators. During ‘thresholding’, they were standing
Social context was manipulated by the presence of an unfamiliar on the right of the scanner bed where the participants were lying, at
observer and false feedback of the observers’ empathy levels for a distance of one meter and outside of the participants’ view. The
the two ‘perceived empathy’ conditions (‘High-Empathy’ and following ‘experimental script’ was used to support the false feed-
‘Low-Empathy’) and by the absence of the unfamiliar observer back that participants were given later about the observers’ empa-
for the ‘Alone’ condition (see Section 2.4). thy levels (see Section 2.4.2 below): Participants were told that
Participants received noxious thermal stimuli while in the pres- one aim of the study was to examine the nature of empathy and that
ence of a ‘High-Empathy’ observer, a ‘Low-Empathy’ observer, and observers were asked to try ‘‘to understand and share the partici-
in an ‘Alone’ condition (i.e. while they were alone in the testing pants’ pain” (i.e. empathize) and to rate their level of empathy after
room). Based on pilot testing, thermal stimulus intensity was each of the three series of thermal stimuli using an 11-point scale
manipulated in low, medium and high levels (tailored individually; (0 = No empathy to 10 = Maximum empathy). Observers could see
see Section 2.4). the temperatures of thermal stimuli on a computer monitor, but
not the participants’ ratings. To minimize social desirability bias this
2.3. Thermal noxious stimuli fact was especially stressed to the participants. Eight observers in
total were used, four men and four women, matched for age to the
Thermal stimuli were administered using a contact thermode participants. All observers acted as both ‘‘High-Empathy” and
probe (Contact Heat Evoked Potentials Stimulator, CHEPS; Medoc ‘‘Low-Empathy” observers across participants with equal fre-
Ltd., Ramat Yishai, Israel) (thermode area of 573 mm2; 27 mm quency. After the experiment, relevant traits of each observer were
diameter). The thermode probe was attached to the volar surface rated by each participant (see Section 2.5.4 below).
of the participants’ forearm by Velcro straps. As previous studies
have shown that thermal pain thresholds and tolerance do not dif- 2.4.2. Main task procedures
fer between forearm sites (e.g. [41]), the thermode was moved sys- Following ‘thresholding’ and immediately prior to each of the
tematically along the arm by approximately one thermode length two ‘Empathy’ experimental conditions while the observers were
(3 cm; so that it was always applied to the same two dermatomes, not present in the room the experimenter informed the partici-
T1 and C5; [36]) between experimental runs to minimize sensitiza- pants that the observer in the forthcoming condition had reported
tion and habituation effects. Each stimulus had a plateau time of ‘high’ or ‘low’ empathy for them during ‘thresholding’ (‘false feed-
C.F. Sambo et al. / PAIN 151 (2010) 687–693 689

back’). During these conditions, the corresponding observer was end. Participants were instructed to move the joystick-controlled
standing next to the scanner bed, as during ‘thresholding’. Each cursor on the VAS to indicate the amount of pain that they experi-
observer was again able to see the stimulation levels, but not the enced. The VAS ratings were then computed as discrete values
participants’ ratings; this fact was again stressed to participants. between 0 (left end of the scale) and 100 (right end).
Observers were now asked to rate their overall empathy for each
level of thermal stimuli at the end of each experimental block. Par- 2.5.2. Psychophysiological measures
ticipants and observers were not allowed to directly interact in any Skin conductance (SC) activity was recorded continuously,
way during the task. The experimenter remained outside the test- using two silver chloride electrodes attached to the palmar surface
ing room during each experimental block, but she ensured that the of the index and the middle fingers of the participant’s right hand.
procedures were followed via the available visual and audio obser- The electrodes were connected to a PSYLAB SC5 25-bit digital
vation equipment. amplifier. Data were analyzed using locally developed software.
Experimental blocks: The order of the experimental conditions SC responses (SCR) to heat stimuli were computed as the mean
(‘High-Empathy’, ‘Low-Empathy’, and ‘Alone’) was counterbal- SC activity in the 6-s window following stimulus onset. The inter-
anced across participants. Each experimental condition consisted val between successive measurement windows was 3–7 s. All SCR
of one block of 45 trials, including three ‘‘buffer” trials at the start were square-root transformed prior to statistical analyses to nor-
of each block (not included in the analysis); 12 trials per each stim- malize the distribution of the data [26].
ulus intensity (‘Low’, ‘Medium’, and ‘High’) (i.e. 36 trials in total); Heart rate (HR) was recorded continuously, using a pulse oxim-
and six ‘catch’ trials with ‘‘null events” in which no stimulus was eter (Nonin 8600FO, Nonin Medical, Plymouth, MN, USA), with the
delivered (to control for any response bias). The order of trials pulse probe attached to the ring finger of the participant’s right
was pseudo-randomized, in that stimuli of the same temperature hand. Interbeat intervals were transformed off-line in second-by-
level were not delivered in more than two consecutive trials. second beats per minute (bpm), using locally developed software.
Trial sequence (see Fig. 1 for a schematic representation): Each Mean HR responses (HRR) to heat stimuli were computed by aver-
trial started with a white fixation cross presented at the centre of aging the bpm values in the 6-s window following stimulus onset.
the screen for 1–4 s, followed by a green cross (3 s). Participants The interval between successive measurement windows was 3–7 s.
had to maintain fixation on the cross. The onset of the thermal In addition, the average of bpm values in the 1-s interval preceding
stimulus was synchronized with the onset of green cross. After stimulus onset was calculated as a measure of pain anticipation. All
each thermal stimulus participants had to rate their pain intensity HRR were square-root transformed prior to statistical analyses to
(50% of the trials) and unpleasantness (50% of the trials) on a VAS achieve statistical normality.
(see below), which stayed on the screen for 5 s.
2.5.3. Self-report psychometric measures
2.5. Measures All participants completed the following relevant psychometric
questionnaires: The 40-item State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)
2.5.1. Pain intensity and unpleasantness [44], measuring ‘‘state” and ‘‘trait” anxiety in adults, was com-
Participants rated their pain intensity and unpleasantness using pleted before the ‘thresholding’ procedure. All other questionnaires
separate visual analogue scales (VAS). The VAS for pain intensity described below were completed after the experimental conditions:
and unpleasantness were anchored with ‘‘no pain” (or ‘‘not The 30-item Relationship Scale Questionnaire (RSQ) [18] assesses
unpleasant”, respectively) at the left end and ‘‘worst pain imagin- adult attachment styles. A recent influential meta-analysis recom-
able” (or ‘‘most unpleasant imaginable”, respectively) at the right mends that the scores are used to obtain measures of two major

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the sequence of events in each trial. At the beginning of each trial, a white fixation cross appeared at the centre of the screen for 1–4 s. This
was replaced with a green fixation cross of the same size for 3 s. The onset of the thermal stimulus was synchronized with the onset of the green cross. Thermal stimuli had a
plateau of 1.5 s after reaching the target temperature. Following that, a VAS replaced the fixation cross and stayed on the screen for 5 s. The inter-stimulus interval (ISI) was
6–9 s. The total duration of one trial was 9–12 s.
690 C.F. Sambo et al. / PAIN 151 (2010) 687–693

dimensions of attachment style, namely anxiety and avoidance [23]. hence trait anxiety scores were not included in the regression
The Pain Vigilance and Awareness Questionnaire (PVAQ) [31] includes analyses. In all regression analyses, we used a stepwise proce-
16 items assessing sensitivity to pain and attention to changes in dure to identify the variables that significantly contributed to
pain. The Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) [40] contains 50 the effects.
statements about behaviours and thoughts that people may use
to deal with pain including coping strategies (44 items) and 3. Results
catastrophizing (CSQ-Cat; 6 items).
3.1. Repeated-measures ANOVAs
2.5.4. Post-task ratings
We designed a questionnaire with two sets of questions, one Participants’ average scores for VAS, post-stimulus SCR, and
investigating the participant’s experience of each experimental pre- and post-stimulus HRR are shown in Fig. 2. The SCR and
block (i.e. five items per block) and one investigating their experi- HRR data of two participants were not obtained due to a recording
ence of the two observers (i.e. three items for each observer). The failure. As expected, ‘‘null events” in the experimental conditions
items were: ‘‘How much pain did you experience overall?”; were rated very low on the VAS (M = 2.3/100, SD = 1.6, range
‘‘How much distraction did you experience from (a) the experi- = 0–4). ‘‘Null events” data were not analyzed further.
mental environment, (b) your own thoughts, and (c) the presence VAS ratings: Mean VAS ratings (and standard deviations), aver-
of a person in the room (if any)?”; ‘‘How much distress did you aged across stimulus intensity and VAS type, were as follows:
experience?”; ‘‘How much reassurance did you experience from M = 48.61/100 (SD = 15.73) in the ‘High-Empathy’ condition;
each of the research collaborators?”; ‘‘How empathic do you be- M = 47.63/100 (SD = 14.77) in the ‘Low-Empathy’ condition; and
lieve the research collaborators are?”; ‘‘Please rate attractiveness M = 47.77/100 (SD = 14.76) in the ‘Alone’ condition. In the re-
of the research collaborators”. Participants were required to rate peated-measures ANOVA, the main effects of Social Context and
each item on an 11-point scale (0 = Not at all to 10 = Maximum VAS Type were not significant (F[2,58] = 0.11, p = 0.89, and
extent). F[1,29] = 0.031, p = 0.86, respectively). The main effect of Stimulus
Intensity was significant (F[1.2,35.3] = 101.30, p < 0.01), with post-
2.5.5. Statistical analyses hoc tests (a = 0.017, Bonferroni corrected) indicating significantly
Two main types of analyses were performed, each separately for lower pain ratings for the ‘Low’ vs. ‘Medium’ (t[29] = 9.62,
VAS ratings, post-stimulus SCR, and pre- and post-stimulus HRR: p < 0.017 Bonferroni corrected), ‘Low’ vs. ‘High’ (t[29] = 10.72,
(1) repeated-measures ANOVAs and (2) multiple regression analyses. p < 0.017), and ‘Medium’ vs. ‘High’ (t[29] = 8.82, p < 0.017) inten-
sity, suggesting that participants’ pain levels were higher for higher
(1) A repeated-measures ANOVA for VAS ratings included the stimulus temperatures, as we would expect. The interactions be-
within-subject factors Social Context (‘High-Empathy’, ‘Low- tween the factor Social Context and the factors Stimulus Intensity
Empathy’, and ‘Alone’), Stimulus intensity (‘High’, ‘Medium’, and VAS Type, respectively, were not significant (F[4, 116] = 0.72,
and ‘Low’) and VAS Type (‘Intensity’ and ‘Unpleasantness’). p = 0.57, and F[1.6,48.7] = 2.21, p = 0.12, respectively). The addition
(2) Multiple linear regression was used to examine the extent to of the between-factor Gender in the ANOVA did not lead to any sig-
which demographic (age, gender) and psychometric variables nificant interactions between Gender and any of the factors (all
predicted the effects of social context on pain. Analyses were F 6 2.24, all p P 0.13).
conducted on differential measures of social context, sepa- Post-stimulus SCR: A repeated-measures ANOVA conducted on
rately for VAS, SCR, and HRR. To assess the effect of ‘‘Social mean SCR revealed a significant main effect of Social Context
Presence” on VAS ratings, SCR, and HRR, we averaged individ- (F[1.6,43.8] = 4.46, p < 0.05), with post-hoc tests (a = 0.017, Bonfer-
ual scores in the ‘Low-Empathy’ and the ‘High-Empathy’ con- roni corrected) showing that mean SCR were lower in the
ditions (i.e. ‘presence’ conditions) and we subtracted these ‘High-Empathy’ and ‘Low-Empathy’ conditions than in the ‘Alone’
from the ‘alone’ condition. Similarly, to assess the effect of condition (t[27] = 2.14, p < 0.017, and t[27] = 2.45, p < 0.017,
‘‘Perceived Empathy” on VAS, SCR, and HRR, we subtracted respectively), while mean SCR in the ‘High-Empathy’ and ‘Low-
the ‘High-Empathy’ from the ‘Low-Empathy’ condition. Empathy’ conditions did not differ statistically (t[27] = 0.52,
Demographic and psychometric variables were used as p = 0.60). The main effect of Stimulus Intensity and the interaction
regressors. Because three measures of anxiety were initially between Social Context and Stimulus Intensity were not significant
used, we assessed their reciprocal correlation. Trait anxiety (F[1,28.2] = 0.23, p = 0.64, and F[1.5,40.62] = 0.57, p = 0.52, respectively).
was positively correlated with state anxiety (r = 0.37, Post-stimulus HRR: In a repeated-measures ANOVA performed
p < 0.05) and attachment anxiety (r = 0.45, p < 0.05), and on mean HRR, a main effect of Social Context was found (F[1.3,35.4]

Fig. 2. Mean VAS ratings (a), SCR (b), and HRR (c), and their respective standard errors are shown for the three experimental conditions (HE, ‘High-Empathy’; LE, ‘Low-
Empathy; A, ‘Alone’). The respective units of measure are indicated in brackets.
C.F. Sambo et al. / PAIN 151 (2010) 687–693 691

= 6.26, p < 0.05). Post-hoc tests (a = 0.017, Bonferroni corrected) Table 2

revealed that mean HRR were significantly lower in the ‘High- Mean values (and standard deviations) of post-test ratings.

Empathy’ and ‘Low-Empathy’ conditions than in the ‘Alone’ condi- High- Low- Alone
tion (t[27] = 2.83, p < 0.017 for the ‘High-Empathy’ to ‘Alone’ empathy empathy
comparison, and t[27] = 2.40, p < 0.017, for the ‘Low-Empathy’ to Overall pain 6.7 (1.4) 6.7 (1.6) 6.9 (1.6)
‘Alone’ comparison), while the difference between mean HRR in Distraction (environment) 2.17 (2.40) 2.27 (2.48) 2.31 (2.73)
the ‘High-Empathy’ and the ‘Low-Empathy’ conditions was not sig- Distraction (thoughts) 3.50 (2.63) 3.55 (2.91) 4.24 (2.71)
Distraction (person) 1.70 (2.03) 1.93 (2.31) n/a
nificant (t[27] = 1.4, p = 0.16). A main effect of Stimulus Intensity Distress 4.1 (2.6) 3.9 (2.6) 3.9 (2.9)
was also found (F[2,52] = 8.71, p < 0.05), and post-hoc tests Reassurance from observers 2.0 (2.7) 1.8 (2.5) n/a
(a = 0.017, Bonferroni corrected) showed a significant difference Perceived observers’ empathy 5.0 (2.9) 3.3 (2.4) n/a
between mean HRR for ‘Low’ and ‘High’ (t[27] = 2.88, p < 0.017), Attractiveness 4.5 (2.5) 2.5 (1.9) n/a
and ‘Medium’ compared to ‘High’ intensity (t[27] = 2.67,
p < 0.017), but not for ‘Low’ compared to ‘Medium’ intensity 3.3. Post-task ratings
(t[27] = 0.56, p = 0.57).
Pre-stimulus HRR: An additional repeated-measures ANOVA was The mean ratings of the post-task questions are shown in
conducted in the one-second interval preceding heat stimulus on- Table 2. Participants’ ratings between conditions (‘High-Empathy’,
set (i.e. associated to anticipation of pain) with the factor Social ‘Low-Empathy’, and ‘Alone’) were compared using repeated-mea-
context. The effect of Social Context was significant sures ANOVAs. No significant differences between experimental
(F[1.5,40.7] = 9.85, p < 0.01), and post-hoc tests (a = 0.017, Bonferroni conditions were found for ratings of: (a) overall pain (F[2,56]
corrected) indicated that in this pre-stimulus interval HRR were = 0.30, p = 0.73); (b) distraction by the experimental environment,
lower when participants experienced pain in the ‘High-Empathy’ the participant’s own thoughts, and the presence of observers (all
and in the ‘Low-Empathy’ conditions than in the ‘Alone’ condition F 6 2.2, all p P 0.12); (c) levels of distress (F[1.1,41.2] = 0.41,
(t[27] = 3.53, p < 0.017, and t[27] = 2.84, p < 0.017, respectively), p = 0.60). In addition, ratings of reassurance from the ‘High-Empa-
while no significant difference was found between the ‘High- thy’ and the ‘Low-Empathy’ observers did not differ significantly
Empathy’ and the ‘Low-Empathy’ conditions (t[27] = 2.26, (t[29] = 0.92, p = 0.36). Ratings of the observers’ perceived empathy
p = 0.031, ns at a = 0.017). were significantly higher for the ‘High-Empathy’ than for the ‘Low-
Empathy’ observer (t[29] = 3.22, p < 0.05), indicating that partici-
3.2. Multiple regression analysis pants generally trusted the feedback of the experimenter on the
observers’ empathy levels. Ratings of the observers’ attractiveness
Separate multiple regression analyses were performed to assess were also significantly higher for the ‘High-Empathy’ than for the
the effect of Social Presence (scores of the ‘Alone’ condition minus ‘Low-Empathy’ observer (t[29] = 3.26, p < 0.05). In addition, ratings
the mean of the ‘Presence’ conditions) and Empathy (scores of of the observers’ attractiveness and perceived empathy levels were
‘Low’ minus ‘High’ empathy conditions) on VAS ratings, SCR, and positively correlated for both the ‘High-Empathy’ and the ‘Low-
HRR. Demographic (age, gender) and psychometric variables (state Empathy’ observers (r = 0.40, p < 0.05, and r = 0.66, p < 0.001,
anxiety, attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, pain vigilance, respectively). In the light of the results on ratings of observers’
coping, and catastrophizing) were entered as regressors in the attractiveness, as well as previous experimental evidence that pain
model. reports may be influenced by the attractiveness of observers [27],
VAS ratings: Descriptive scores of attachment style and other one additional VAS ANOVA was computed that specifically com-
psychometric measures are shown in Table 1. The only predictor pared the ‘High-Empathy’ and ‘Low-Empathy’ conditions including
of effects of Social Presence on VAS ratings was attachment avoid- the ratings of observers’ attractiveness as covariates. However, this
ance (F[1,28] = 5.21, p < 0.05, R2 = .16; B = .40, t = 2.28, p < 0.05). analysis revealed no significant main effect or interactions with the
Higher scores on attachment avoidance predicted lower pain rat- covariates (all F[1,27] 6 2.33, all p P 0.14).
ings in the ‘Alone’ condition than in the presence of an observer.
On the other hand, attachment anxiety was the only predictor for 4. Discussion (1500 w)
the effect of Empathy on pain ratings (F[1,28] = 9.73, p < 0.01,
R2 = .26; B = .51, t = 3.12, p < 0.01). Here, higher scores on attach- We explored the effects of social presence (observation by unfa-
ment anxiety predicted higher pain ratings in the ‘Low-Empathy’ miliar others) and perceived empathy (observation by unfamiliar
than in the ‘High-Empathy’ condition. None of the other variables, others thought of as having high versus low-empathy for the par-
including catastrophizing, predicted the effects of Social Presence or ticipants) on the perception of experimentally induced pain. Con-
Empathy on VAS ratings. trary to our predictions, the presence of an unfamiliar other and
SCR and HRR: The same regression analyses on SCR and HRR their high ‘perceived’ empathy were not generally associated with
(including pre- and post-stimulus HRR) proved not to be signifi- lower pain ratings. However, consistent with our predictions, we
cant (all p P 0.13). found that both skin conductance and heart rate responses were
lower when participants experienced pain in the presence of an ob-
server (with either low- or high-empathy) than when they were
Table 1
alone. Moreover, in line with our hypotheses, we found that the ef-
Mean values, standard deviations (SD), and range of participants’ scores on fect of perceived empathy and social presence on pain ratings was
psychometric measures. uniquely predicted by the participants’ attachment styles. First,
Mean SD Range
higher scores on attachment anxiety significantly predicted lower
pain ratings in the presence of a ‘high-empathic’ than of a ‘low-em-
State anxiety (STAI) 32.53 7.41 21–52
Trait anxiety (STAI) 36.40 6.88 26–52
pathic’ observer; and second, higher scores on attachment avoid-
Attachment anxiety (RSQ) 32 9.75 13–60 ance significantly predicted lower pain ratings when participants
Attachment avoidance (RSQ) 29.93 5.13 19.42 experienced pain alone than in the presence of an observer. These
Pain vigilance and awareness (PVAQ) 43.20 12.44 25–94 findings are discussed below.
Coping (CSQ) 105.53 34.87 45–185
Previous experimental investigations have found conflicting re-
Catastrophizing (CSQ) 8.46 5.59 0–17
sults regarding the role of social support on pain. Some studies
692 C.F. Sambo et al. / PAIN 151 (2010) 687–693

show increased pain perception in conditions of social support (e.g. A further finding of our study was that consistently with
[30]), while others find the reverse effect (e.g. [5,24]). The reasons traits of attachment avoidance, such as preference for indepen-
for these conflicting findings remain unclear, as these studies have dence and self-reliance [29,35], higher scores on attachment
manipulated different dimensions of social support and have used avoidance were associated with lower pain ratings when partic-
between-subjects designs. Our results, based on within-subject ipants experienced pain alone than with an observer. Avoidant
comparisons, did not find an overall effect towards either direction. individuals tend not to trust others, to avoid seeking support
Interestingly, we found that individual differences in attachment and help from caregivers, as well as to adopt ‘‘deactivating’’
style may interplay with social factors in affecting pain reports. In- strategies, including suppression of negative affect [22,28]. Our
deed, attachment theory [4,10] has been proposed as a heuristic results suggest that these traits also apply to the perception of
model for understanding individual differences in pain [33]. It pain in social context. Highly avoidant individuals perceive pain
has been shown that an insecure attachment style is an important stimulation as more painful in the presence of others, irrespec-
predictor of experimental and chronic pain [39]. However, no tive of the others’ perceived empathy. The presence of other peo-
study had hitherto examined the interaction between individual ple during pain stimulation may result in increased anxiety for
attachment styles and the ‘on-line’ social modulation of pain. these individuals who tend to mistrust social relationships (e.g.
In our study, higher scores on attachment anxiety were associ- [14]), and this may in turn increase pain perception. Interest-
ated with lower pain ratings when participants perceived the ingly, a recent neuroimaging study [43] showed that pain-related
observers as having high-empathy than low-empathy. A recent activation in the amygdala was reduced in ‘‘selfish” rather than
neuroimaging study has reported increased responses to negative pro-social individuals, following administration of oxytocin (a
social feedback in brain regions involved in the control of emotion- neuropeptide linked to social trust and attachment). The authors
ally significant information (i.e. amygdala) in individuals with concluded that despite contrary appearances the actions of ‘‘self-
higher attachment anxiety [52]. Our finding adds to this evidence ish individuals” may be driven by anxiety. It should also be
by showing that low perceived empathy by others also worsens stressed that, as aforementioned, the present study was design
the pain experience of individuals with higher attachment anxiety. as to minimize free interaction and social desirability effects
Importantly, our results are consistent with the more general find- and thus we did not measure pain-related behaviours. In future
ing that anxious attachment in healthy volunteers may be associ- studies, it would be interesting to investigate whether pain-re-
ated with increased perception and maladaptive reactions to and lated behaviours of highly avoidant individuals are modulated
appraisals of experimentally induced pain [32,34]. For example, in the same direction by social context as pain ratings (i.e. they
individuals scoring high in attachment anxiety experienced pain show increased pain-related behaviours in the presence of oth-
earlier in the cold-pressor task than those scoring low in attach- ers) or whether pain ratings and pain-related behaviours show
ment anxiety [34]. Our results potentially provide additional spec- different patterns of social modulation.
ificity to these findings, indicating that although perceived A third main finding of this study is that skin conductance re-
empathy may not reduce pain perception in all individuals, it is sponses and heart rate responses were increased when partici-
possible that in individuals scoring high in attachment anxiety, pants experienced pain alone compared to when they were in
pain reduction may be noted when empathy from others is clearly the presence of a ‘high-’ and ‘low-empathic’ observer. The effect
perceived. This implies that their normally increased pain percep- of social presence was found for both pre- and post-stimulus
tion may be linked with their tendency to doubt support and time intervals indicating that physiological responses associated
acceptability from others, irrespective of their explicit behaviour. with the anticipation of pain and with the actual pain experience
Future experimental studies should aim to determine whether in- were similarly modulated by the presence of an observer. In
creased pain perception in these individuals, possibly aiming to in- addition, none of the participants’ individual characteristics con-
crease empathy and caretaking by others, is one of the reasons why tributed to these effects. These findings differ to some extent
they show a predisposition to develop persistent pain conditions from the effects obtained on pain ratings. A similar dissociation
(see also [33,39]). between pain reports and the correspondent physiological activ-
Individuals scoring high in the dimension of anxious attach- ity has been previously reported in experimental investigations
ment have also been found to show increased pain catastrophiz- on the social modulation of pain [2,30]. Our results can be inter-
ing (e.g. [34]). According to the communal coping model of pain preted according to previous studies that show that social sup-
catastrophizing [46,47], individuals differ in the extent to which port from unfamiliar and close others can reduce cardiovascular
they adopt interpersonal coping strategies [11,47]. When high reactivity during acute stressors in the laboratory (see [25] for
pain catastrophizers experience pain in the presence of observers a review; but see [2,30]) and more generally social support dur-
they engage in displays of their pain-related distress as a means ing stressful situations has been linked with potential health ben-
of coping with pain and eliciting attention or support from others efits [8,9,49]. Thus, our results may indicate that the presence of
[21,46]. However, these social cueing effects have been noted observers may attenuate physiological arousal in response to
only for pain behaviours (various actions or postural displays that noxious thermal stimuli. An alternative interpretation is that
are enacted during the experience of pain; [13,19]) and not for the presence of others might reduce attention towards pain (i.e.
pain ratings [45]. Consistently, in the present study, we did not it may have a distraction effect) [20] resulting in decreased
observe an association between catastrophizing and the modula- pain-related autonomic responses. Future investigations will help
tion of pain ratings by empathy or social presence. Moreover, gi- clarify the nature of the relationship between social support and
ven our aim to reliably measure the effects of empathy on pain physiological responses to noxious stimuli.
and to limit potential social desirability effects, we minimized ac- Although experimental studies of pain have the advantage of
tive interpersonal interactions and ensured that observers were addressing causal relationships, caution should be applied when
not aware of the participants’ ratings. Thus, we did not measure interpreting the results of our study. First, caution should be ap-
pain behaviours. However, given the theoretical compatibility be- plied when translating findings from healthy volunteers to clinical
tween the implications of our findings and the communal copy- populations, from experimentally induced to clinical pain and from
ing model, it would be interesting in future research to experimentally controlled to spontaneous social interactions. Sec-
determine whether individual differences in catastrophizing have ond, our study focused on the effects of perceived empathy and so-
an effect on the social modulation of pain behaviours by per- cial presence on pain ratings, thus our findings may not address
ceived empathy. other facets of social support and interaction. Third, individual
C.F. Sambo et al. / PAIN 151 (2010) 687–693 693

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