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Servings Calories Total Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg) Sodium (mg) Potassium Carbohydrates (g)

Carbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugar (g) Protein (g) Vit A % Vit C % Calcium % Iron % Food Groups Comments:
Cinnamon roll 1 roll 240 6 3 5 250 53 43 0 25 4 0 0 2 8
cornbread 1/8 bread 203 10 2 17 225 0 25 1 10 3 0 0 2 4
Coffee 1 sachet 140 6 4 0 70 230 22 0 15 1 0 0 0 2

Oranges 2 fruits 137 0 0 0 3 465 35 6 24 3 4 183 9 2 Fruit
Cinnamon roll 1/2 roll 120 3 1 2 125 27 22 0 12 2 0 0 1 4

Very Berry Juice 1 carton 60 0 0 0 5 0 14 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 Fruit
Tater tots 9 pieces 130 8 1 0 430 300 13 2 1 1 0 7 0 2 Vegetables
Popcorn chicken 3 oz 172 7 1 25 607 0 14 2 0 14 0 0 0 4 Protein

Beef tenderloin 4 oz 322 26 11 79 54 338 0 0 0 20 0 0 1 14 Protein
Asparagus 3 spears 10 0 0 0 108 101 2 1 0 1 3 3 1 2 Vegetables
Lemon juice 12 fl oz 81 1 0 0 4 377 25 1 9 1 0 158 2 2 Fruit
Rice 1 cup 640 0 0 0 0 252 144 4 0 16 0 0 1 0

TOTAL CALORIC INTAKE 2255 67 23 128 1881 2143 359 17 109 66 7 351 19 44
DAILY VALUE 2353 65 22 300 2300 4700 225-325 30-38 150 56-91 900 mcg 90 mcg 1300 mg 16.3 mg

Subtract exercise 539.3

NET CALORIC INTAKE 1715.7 Reflection notes: Balanced lunch and dinner. Over on fats and carbs. Overall well on daily values.

Amount of water (servings)

Amount of sleep (hours) 5:06:00

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