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Liposuction-Induced Fat Embolism Syndrome
A Brief Review and Postmortem Diagnostic Approach
Colby A. Cantu, MD; Elizabeth N. Pavlisko, MD

 Lipoplasty, or liposuction, the surgical process of lysis, steroid therapy, and notably, liposuction.2 The first
removing excess fat, is an elective procedure with rising case of liposuction-induced FES was reported by Christman3
frequency in the United States. Fat embolism syndrome is a in 1986. The number of liposuction procedures per year
clinical diagnosis and is defined as fat in the circulation continues to steadily rise in the United States. It was the
with an identifiable clinical pattern of signs and symptoms most common cosmetic surgical procedure in the United
(eg, hypoxemia, respiratory insufficiency, neurologic im- States in 2015 (305 856 procedures), and the number of
pairment, and petechial rash) that occur in the appropriate procedures has nearly doubled since 1997 (176 863 proce-
clinical context. Fat embolism syndrome following lipo- dures), when plastic surgery statistics started being record-
suction is a life-threatening complication, although its ed. Moreover, 53 554 more procedures occurred in 2015
incidence is low. Currently, there is no specific therapy for compared with 2014.4 With rising incidence and a lack of
fat embolism syndrome, so prevention, early detection, diagnostic testing, antemortem and postmortem suspicion
and supportive therapy are critical. Many cases of fat should be raised for FES in the setting of recent liposuction.
embolism syndrome are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed; To date, only 17 cases of liposuction-induced FES with or
however, postmortem examination can provide the means without fat grafting have been reported in the literature.3,5–20
for appropriate diagnosis. Therefore, a pathologist must
keep a keen eye, as microscopic fat emboli are difficult to PATHOGENESIS
appreciate with routine tissue processing and staining. The pathogenesis of FES is unknown. During liposuction
(Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2018;142:871–875; doi: 10.5858/ and fat grafting, there is rupture of small blood vessels and
arpa.2017-0117-RS) damage to adipocytes, producing lipid microfragments that
reach the venous circulation and consequently cause lung
injury.16,21 Fat emboli can also reach the systemic circulation,
F at emboli are generated when fat globules enter the
bloodstream from tissue (usually marrow or adipose)
disrupted by trauma or, alternatively, via production of toxic
affecting other organs, because of the patency of the
foramen ovale in the interatrial septum, the existence of
pulmonary arteriovenous microfistulas, and the deformation
intermediaries of plasma-derived fat (eg, chylomicrons). A
of the fat microglobules that cross the pulmonary capillar-
significant burden of fat emboli may cause specific clinical
ies.22,23 Liposuction-induced FES typically occurs 12 to 72
manifestations, creating the phenomenon termed fat
hours after surgery. In theory, 3 major models have been
embolism syndrome (FES). Despite its having been initially
proposed to explain the pathogenesis of FES. These theories
described in 1861, there remains no diagnostic test that is
exist to help explain the timing and etiology of the embolic
sufficiently sensitive or specific for confirming or excluding
The first theory is the mechanical theory. This theory
Fat embolism syndrome is most commonly associated
postulates that fat droplets are released by disruption of fat
with long bone and pelvic fractures (bone marrow has high
cells in fractured bone or in adipose tissue. These fat
fat content), but it can also arise from soft tissue trauma
droplets enter the torn veins near the site of injury, and are
without fracture and from a variety of other nontraumatic
then transported to the pulmonary vascular bed, where
and nonorthopedic traumatic causes, including, but not
large fat globules result in mechanical obstruction and are
limited to, pancreatitis, sickle or thalassemia-related hemo-
trapped as emboli in lung capillaries. The smaller droplets
globinopathies, alcoholic (fatty) liver disease, renal angio-
(7–10 lm) may pass through the lung and reach systemic
myolipoma invasion of the inferior vena cava, bone tumor
circulation, causing embolization to the brain, kidney, skin,
or retina. Large fat droplets may also enter systemic
Accepted for publication June 7, 2017. circulation through preexisting pulmonary precapillary
From the Department of Pathology, Duke University Health shunts and pathologic venous-arterial communication such
System, Durham, North Carolina. as patent foramen ovale.24 This theory is corroborated by
The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or studies involving intraoperative transesophageal echocardi-
companies described in this article.
Corresponding author: Colby A. Cantu, MD, Department of ography in various types of orthopedic surgeries in which
Pathology, Duke University Health System, Box 3712, Durham, hypoechogenic intracardiac material is seen passing through
NC 27710 (email: the right heart during the introduction of intramedullary
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 142, July 2018 Liposuction-Induced Fat Embolism Syndrome—Cantu & Pavlisko 871
prosthesis.23 However, this theory fails to explain cases with Gurd and Wilson’s Criteria for the Diagnosis of Fat
delayed symptom onset (.72 hours) after liposuction. Embolism Syndromea
The second theory is the biochemical theory, which helps
Major criteria
explain nontraumatic and delayed fat embolic events. The
biochemical theory proposes that the clinical manifestations Respiratory insufficiency
Cerebral involvement
of FES are attributable to a proinflammatory setting. After Petechial rash
reaching the pulmonary capillaries, fat globules are hydro-
Minor criteria
lyzed by lipase produced by pneumocytes, producing high
Fever (typically .38.58C)
concentrations of glycerol and free fatty acids, which are Tachycardia (.110 beats/min)
toxic to alveoli and endothelial cells. At the onset of the local Jaundice
injury, vasoactive amines and prostaglandins are released. In Retinal changes
addition, there is neutrophil recruitment, leading to Renal changes
hemorrhage, as well as interstitial and alveolar edema. Anemia
Histopathologically, there is edema, transudate, and subse- Thrombocytopenia
Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
quent alveolar exudate, followed by type II pneumocyte Fat macroglobulinemia
apoptosis and formation of hyaline membranes. This a
Data derived from Gurd and Wilson.26
hypothesis addresses delayed symptom onset following
liposuction, because agglutination and degradation of the fat
emboli, which are time-consuming biochemical processes, festations, but only 16 (59%) and 9 (33%), respectively,
would be necessary to trigger the local inflammatory demonstrated neurologic abnormalities and a petechial skin
process.12,16,22,23 Further support of the biochemical theory rash.
is endorsed in nontraumatic settings, such as pancreatitis. Respiratory changes are usually the first clinical manifes-
Serum from acutely ill patients demonstrates the capacity to tation, and most frequently includes dyspnea, tachypnea,
agglutinate chylomicrons, low-density lipoproteins, and and hypoxemia. Respiratory abnormalities tend to vary in
liposomes of nutritional fat emulsions. C-reactive protein severity, but the possibility of acute respiratory failure
is elevated in these patients, and studies have demonstrated encourages early intervention. Neurologic symptoms typi-
its ability to induce calcium-dependent lipid agglutination.25 cally present in the early stages after the development of
Therefore, C-reactive protein likely participates in this respiratory distress. These changes vary widely, from mild
proposed delayed pathogenesis of nontraumatic FES.24 confusion and drowsiness to obtundation or seizures. The
The third theory, which is the most recent and appears petechial rash is least common, and usually the last sign to
least supported, is the coagulation theory. This theory manifest. It most commonly arises in the head, neck, axillae,
articulates how tissue thromboplastin and marrow elements and anterior thorax.
are released following long bone fractures, thus activating
the complement system and extrinsic coagulation cascade. MACROSCOPIC AND MICROSCOPIC FEATURES
As a result, these events lead to intravascular coagulation via Despite the well-known clinical characterization, debate
fibrin and fibrin degradation products. These products exists within the literature regarding the most appropriate
combine with leukocytes, fat globules, and platelets to clinical diagnostic criteria for FES. Therefore, some forensic
increase pulmonary vascular permeability in 2 ways: direct pathologists are cautious about making a postmortem
actions on endothelial cells, and via release of vasoactive diagnosis of FES, especially in cases where clinical
substances.24 The coagulation theory fails to explain the information is limited.30 Nevertheless, FES does have
etiology of nontraumatic FES. unique autopsy features that aid in diagnosis, with a
These 3 theories are not mutually exclusive, and have all predilection for lung, brain, kidney, skin, and eye. Gross
been described after major traumas involving long bone pulmonary findings may include increased lung weight and
fracture, as well as after intramedullary orthopedic proce- volume, as well as firm but not solid texture, with a marbled
dures.22 It is likely they all play a contributory role in the appearance of the visceral pleura due to alternating areas of
pathogenesis of FES as it relates to the etiology (traumatic hemorrhage. Tardieu spots (petechiae or ecchymoses) may
versus nontraumatic) and time course. be present beneath the visceral pleura.31 Although micro-
scopic evaluation for fat emboli with routine hematoxylin-
CLINICAL FEATURES eosin is often unrevealing (Figure 1), if the pathologist is
The clinical manifestations of and diagnostic criteria for sensitive to the differential of FES and is assessing for it,
FES were first described by Gurd in 1970,33 and later refined oftentimes he or she may see intravascular round/ovoid
by Gurd and Wilson26 in 1974. The refined criteria are negative staining suggestive of possible fat emboli. With
currently the gold standard for FES diagnosis, although enough suspicion, special staining may prove useful. Thin
alternative diagnostic criteria have been proposed.27 The slices of lung tissue fixed in formalin can be postfixed and
refined criteria state that at least 2 major signs/symptoms, or stained in osmium tetroxide solution and subsequently
1 major and 4 minor signs/symptoms, must be present to submitted for paraffin embedding. Fat emboli will appear as
diagnosis the syndrome (Table). Fat embolism syndrome is round, uniform, black-staining droplets within blood vessels
most common after long bone or pelvic fractures, and less (Figures 2 and 3). Alternatively, oil red O staining can be
common among all other etiologies. Although FES typically used, but only on frozen section tissue, as lipids are
manifests 24 to 72 hours after initial insult, it may rarely dissolved by xylene and alcohol solvents during standard
occur as early as 12 hours or as late as 2 weeks after the tissue processing.
inciting event.28 Many affected patients fail to develop the Central nervous system gross pathology in FES includes
classic triad. A study by Bulger et al29 identified 27 patients potentially innumerable, macroscopic, brown-red petechial
with FES, of whom 26 (96%) exhibited respiratory mani- hemorrhages that are produced by fat emboli to the brain,
872 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 142, July 2018 Liposuction-Induced Fat Embolism Syndrome—Cantu & Pavlisko
routine hematoxylin-eosin will show the corresponding
petechial cerebral white matter and/or spinal cord hemor-
rhages (Figures 5 and 6) and cerebrospinal vascular fat
emboli (Figure 7).
Renal findings are generally unremarkable grossly.
Furthermore, kidney function tests and renal parenchyma
are not typically affected by fat emboli. Rather, renal
glomeruli harbor the disease burden because of the large
blood supply of the kidneys and the restriction of the
capillary bed to the glomeruli. Hematoxylin-eosin staining
shows fat droplet deposition in arterioles/capillaries and
renal glomeruli. These observations can be further empha-
sized utilizing the aforementioned fat-specific staining
Cutaneous manifestations are produced by fat emboliza-
tion to small dermal capillaries that cause erythrocyte
extravasation. Macroscopically, this correlates to a petechial
rash of the anterior thorax, axillae, neck, oral mucosa, and


Acute decrease in hematocrit, increase in serum lipase
levels, hypofibrinogenemia, hypoxemia, thrombocytopenia
(50% of patients), anemia (70% of patients), and hypocal-
cemia (due to free fatty acid binding to calcium) typically
occur, if present, at the same time as clinical manifestations
(24–72 hours after initial insult).24,32 Although these
laboratory findings frequently occur in the settings of FES,
they are not specific.
Chest radiographs typically appear normal early in the
disease process, but gradual (1–3 days) progression to
bilateral flocculent shadows, and possibly bilateral intersti-
tial opacification, occurs in some cases. The radiologic signs
may remain for up to 3 weeks.32 Computed tomography
imaging of the chest generally shows focal areas of ground-
glass opacification with interlobular septal thickening.
However, ill-defined centrilobular and subpleural nodules
representing alveolar edema, microhemorrhage, and in-
flammatory response secondary to ischemia and cytotoxic
emboli may be observed.24
Computed tomography imaging of the brain, an initial
modality used because of neurologic impairment, may show
no abnormalities, or it may show diffuse white matter
petechial hemorrhages, consistent with microvascular dam-
age. Rarely, it can show generalized cerebral edema or
atrophy in severe cases of FES. Magnetic resonance imaging
may be useful in patients who present with neurological
Figure 1. Histopathology of lung parenchyma taken at autopsy of a
features of fat embolism but with a normal computed
patient with suspected fat embolism syndrome (hematoxylin-eosin, tomography brain image. T2-weighted images show scat-
original magnification 340). tered high–signal-intensity lesions early in the disease
Figure 2. Lung parenchyma with multiple fat emboli (hematoxylin- course, typically deep in the white matter, cerebellum, and
eosin with osmium tetroxide overstaining, original magnification 310). brain stem.24
Figure 3. Lung parenchyma with intravascular fat embolus (hematox-
ylin-eosin with osmium tetroxide overstaining, original magnification DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
340). The differential diagnosis in a patient with signs and
symptoms resembling FES is exhaustive because of the
nonspecific and variable presentation. Primary consider-
ations should be based upon the specific clinical presenta-
and are particularly restricted to the white matter and spinal tion, which may or may not present with the typical triad.
cord, with possible limited extension into gray matter Respiratory insufficiency in isolation should prompt suspi-
(Figure 4). The petechiae may vary from 4 mm to less than cion for postsurgical pulmonary thromboembolism, pneu-
1 mm. Hemorrhage may also be present, but is less monia, drug reaction, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, and
common, and is found in the cerebral gray matter, brain FES. Imaging modalities are typically helpful to differentiate
stem, and cerebellum. Microscopic brain findings with pulmonary thromboemboli from fat emboli. Computed
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 142, July 2018 Liposuction-Induced Fat Embolism Syndrome—Cantu & Pavlisko 873
Figure 4. Petechial hemorrhages of cerebral white matter (gross image).
Figure 5. Multiple petechial hemorrhages of the spinal cord (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 32).
Figure 6. Multiple petechial hemorrhages shown at higher magnification as targetoid lesions, an area where a cerebral vessel was infiltrated by fat
and subsequently necrosed (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 310).
Figure 7. Arachnoid arteriole showing occlusion by fibrin and adipocytes (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 340).

tomography imaging, the gold-standard imaging modality ventilation and positive end expiratory pressure should be
of pulmonary thromboembolism, may be contraindicated in provided. Pharmacologic agents can be used to maintain
patients who cannot tolerate intravenous contrast. Ventila- hemodynamic stability. Heparin and ethyl alcohol were
tion perfusion scanning can detect areas of perfusion historically used for treatment, but they are ineffective and
failures, but it does not reliably differentiate thromboem- are rarely used today. Contrary to recent efforts, there are
bolism from FES. insufficient data to support the routine use of corticoste-
Meningococcal septicemia may present with neurologic roids, aspirin, and prophylactic antibiotics.24
impairment and skin changes, but respiratory insufficiency Fat embolism syndrome is a self-limiting disease. The
would be unusual and would assist in excluding this disease.
overall mortality from FES after liposuction is approximately
Patients who present primarily with neurologic manifesta-
10% to 15%, and mortality correlates with severity of
tions (and limited respiratory insufficiency) should prompt
evaluation for cranial hemorrhage. Noncontrast head respiratory insufficiency.32 Although the duration of FES is
computed tomography is a valuable tool to help rule such difficult to predict, survival beyond initial presentation
diagnoses in or out. generally leads to full recovery.
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