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Information Management

Notes Today 10 34 am

Information Management
distributing and using information
identifying information needs
acquiring information
organizing and storing information
developing information products and services

computerize record keeping system
collection of logically related data
any size and complexity
used to store objects

raw facts concerning people, objects, events or other
facts that could be recorded and stored in a
computer media.
consists of facts, text, graphics, images, sound and
video segments

data that have been processed and presented
data and information are closely related and in fact
are often used interchangeably
it can increase the knowledge of the person who uses

information about the data in an organization
data that describe the properties or characteristics
of other data.
data types, field sizes, allowable values, and
“Data about data”

Traditional File Processing

Computers were used almost exclusively for scientific
engineering calculations.
Computers must be able to store, manipulate and
retrieve large files of data.
Each user defines and implements the needed files
for a specific application to run.

Program-data Dependence
Data Redundancy
Limited Data Sharing
Lengthy Development Time
Excessive Program Maintenance

Order Filing System
Invoicing System
Payroll System


Central database
Contains employee, order, inventory, pricing, and
customer data.

Database Approach
simply uses database to manage all data and
information (as a whole).
integration and sharing of data throughout the

Database Management System

software system that facilitates the processes of
defining, constructing, manipulating, and sharing
stores data in such a way that it becomes easier to
retrieve, manipulate, and produce information.

Elements of Database Approach

Enterprise Data Model
Enterprise Resource Planning
Relational Databases
Database Applications

Enterprise Data Model

a map or graphical model that shows the entities and
the relationship among them

Enterprise Resource Planning

company-wide computer software system used to
manage and coordinate all the resources, information,
and functions of a business from shared data stores.
handle the manufacturing, logistics, distribution,
inventory, shipping, invoicing, and accounting for a

Relational Databases
Database technology involving tables (relations)
representing entities and primary/foreign keys
representing relationships
Database Applications
an application program (or set of related programs)
that is used to perform a series of activities on behalf
of database users
Create , Read Update , Delete

Range of Database Applications

1. Personal Databases
These are designed to support one user. They have
long resided on personal computers (PCs), including
2. Workgroup Databases
A workgroup is a relatively small team of people who
collaborate on the similar project or application.
A workgroup typically comprises fewer than 25
3. Department Databases
A department is a functional unit within an
Examples: Personnel, marketing, manufacturing and
larger than a workgroup (typically 25-100 persons)
and is more responsible for a more diverse range of
4. Enterprise Databases
An enterprise database is one whose scope is the
entire organization or enterprise (or, at least many
different departments).
These databases are intended to support
organization wide operations and decision making..
5. Internet, Intranet and Extranet Databases
The internet enables us to access information from
nearly anywhere in the world directly and
Extranet is a network connection to non-company
entities that are not accessed via an internet
Intranet is the use of Internet protocols to establish
access to company data and information limited to
the organization.

Components of Database Environment
1. Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Tools
Automated tools use to design databases and
application programs.
It is a technology for automating software and
database development and maintenance tasks.
2. Repository
Centralized knowledge base containing all data
definitions, screen reports and report formats and
definition of other organizations and system
Commercial software system use to provide access to
the database and also the repository.
4. Database
Contains occurrences of data while repository
contains all definition of programs.
5. Application Programs
Computer programs that are used to create and
maintain the database and provide information to
6. User Interface
Languages, menus and other facilities by which users
interact with various system components such as
case tools, application programs, the DBMS and the
7. Database Administrators
Persons who are responsible of designing database
and for developing policies regarding database
security and integrity.
8. System Developers
Persons such as system analysts and programmers
who design new programs.
9. End-Users
Persons through the organization who add, delete,
and modify data in the database and who request or
receive information from the database. All user
interactions with the database must be routed
through the DBMS.

End-Users ↔ Database Applications

End-Users ↔ Database Management System
Database Applications ↔ Database Management System
Database Management System ↔ Database

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