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- - - —

Woman Shall Conquer

Theme Of Class Day 1

Solemnity reigned supreme at the traditional Class Day ceremonies
in the|Little Theater!today. Following i the customary procession of
sober-faced, black robed seniors, Patricia Murphy welcomed the guests.
Hearts leaped and hands clapped loudly as some of these same guests
proudly watched their daughters jreceivef awards. The Carpe Diem
award for the senior best exemplifying the motto of Mercyhurst, the
RedemptoristI Fathers' Marian award, the | Who's Who awards, the
Donatelli Great Books award were among those distributed today.
Highlighting the events of the day, Martha McNulty presented the
Praeterita dedication. This year the green and white yearbook was
dedicated to Sister Mary Anna.
One of the pioneers of Mercyhurst, Sister Mary Anna founded the
History department. Since 1926 she has been an untiring promoter of
the N.F.C.C.S.
iVice President of the senior
class, Kathleen Smith, Ispoke to
the group on the Traditions at Sophs Reveal
Mercyhurst. In her talk Kathleen
explained the reasons ?for the cel-
ebration of senior week. Secret Tonight >.

Main speaker of the day was This evening, the results of

Martha McNulty. Speaking on nightly trips to the Little Theatre JEAN HEAVEY IS CROWNED May queen of Mercyhurst College by Beverly Buerkle, Sodality prefect.
"The| Woman Shall Conquer," by the sophomore class will be Attending is prefect of the Seminary Sodality, Donna Vogt. Following|her coronation, Jean and her
Martha reminded the assembly shown to the seniors and | their court, the entire senior class which was attired iden tically in three shades of blue gowns with pink rose-
bud head pieces, were entertained for an hour with songs and dances. In her turn, Jean on behalf of
that the concept of womanhood guests, Their smug expressions of the college, crowned our Blessed Lady Queen of May.
must be restored to the modern secret accomplishments have re-
world. When women don't fulfill vealed nothing of the original

their vocation to love, materialism theme of the Lantern Night pro-
creeps in. Offered as solution to gram.
this! problem Iwere Catholic lay
leaders in the home, schools, in- Mary Burns, Cathy Misfeldt,
dustries, and professions. Mary j Ann \ Castora, Pat Corrigan.
and Barbara Jakubowski have
After the students had their written the traditional 'tribute to
tassels*turned in the "moving up" the graduating "big sisters." Con- Vol. XXVI I, No. 8 MERCYHURST COLLEGE, ERIE, PENNA. J une 4,S 1956
rite, Patricia Maley recited the ducting rehearsals and .directing
Ivy poem and invited the* guests the production are Pat Murphy,
to go outside for the planting of general chairman, and her assis-
the ivy and the Garden Party.! tants. Maureen Clancy is stage Six States Represented Larger^ CMes
manager assisted by Anne Johnson
Meet mg Sites
Diocese Offers who is also costume designer. The
program 4s under the direction of Graduation ICeremony '
W ffi V0 v # M v # f fl w i * w w * *0* m m w . * w Delegates from various campus
De ieeates from various camp
Mary a Rachel Shine.'
SchooIM USIC Barbara Jakubowski is handling
sound and Cathy Cruise, lighting;
_ Dr. Tibor Kerekes, .Professor of History at Georgetown University,
will address the graduating class a t t h e i r Commencement exercises
tomorrow evening, June 5, in Christ the King Chapel.
organizations will be {attending
conventions I n [e states olHNew
York,! Ohio, and Illinois through-
At Mercyhurst Del Dwyer heads scenery; Sandi
Tenace and Ann Bowman, make-
Presentation of the] degrees will be made by his Excellency, the
Most Reverend John Mark Gannon, Archbishop of Erie and Chancellor
out the course off the summer.
Julia Kelly will spend a three
With the arrival of June 25, the up; taking care of props are Mau- of Mercyhurst College. Also assisting in the ceremonies will be Reverend day sojourn at the Hotel Cleve-
8:25 bell will ring in the 30th an- reen Kossler and Mary Kay Don- Daniel J. Martin, college chaplain, and Dr. Michael J. Relihan, Profes- land from August 25-27,1 where
nual summer session at Mercy- atelli, and Lois Whelan has charge sor of Education. the Student Government Presi-
hurst. *It will continue through of programs. Head of the usher Liberal Arts $ £ | | $ dents' Conference is being held.
August 3 and daily classes will last committee is Mary \ Ann Buffo- Receiving the Bachelor of Arts degree will be Marilyn Abahazi, Erie, "Student Government on Trial"
until 1:30 P.M. mante. Pa.; Barbara Barnes, New Milford, Conn.; Roberta Bartkowiak, Dun- is the theme of the discussions on
Something new has been added This farewell to the seniors will kirk, N. Y.; Doris Bauer, Clarendon, Pa.; Elizabeth Jean ^Bisgrove, government theory and methods.
to this year's^ schedule. A work- be concluded with the seniors Auburn, N. Y.; Kathleen Canada, Titusville, Pa.; Josephine Ciancaglini, Cleveland Convention City
shop in school music for the launching the "little % ships of Hornell, N. Y.; Patricia Fridley, Kane, Pa.; Judith Gleason, Snyder, Checking into the Hotel Cleve-
teachers of the Erie diocese will friendship" in the pond on front N. Y.; Mary] Christine J Haughton, land on August 28 to September 1,
be conducted by visiting profes- campus. Hornell, N. Y.; Margaret Hirsch, Bunny Walter and Margie Walach
sors. They will demonstrate! the Erie, Pa.; Jean Heavey, Buffalo, will represent Mercyhurst\at the
techniques to be used with the N. Y.; Roberta Imboden, Blasdell, 13 th National} Congress of the
new series of textbooks, "To God IT'S A DATE! N. Y.; Patricias Maley, Syracuse, National Federation of Catholic
through Music." IA Picnic . N. Y.; Mary McCarthy, Buffalo, C o l l e g e Students. Commission
|Along with this feature attrac- June 10—2 p. m.| N. Y.; Patricia Powers, Titusville, panels and workshops will be con-
tion, courses inilanguage, philoso- Cabin #1—Peninsula Pa.; Judith Roseberry, Eggerts- ducted on a national level, and
phy, psychology, history, mathe-
matics, science and education sub- For members of ville, N. Y.; Kathleen Smith,? Erie, j the annual election of national r
Delta Sigma Omicron Pa.; Joan Szymanski, Erie, Pa.; officers will take place.
jects are|being offered. Alyce* Weber, Erie, Pa. Chicago Also Popular
Additional information] on the Games, Swimming, Food! Jean Heavey and Mary Kay
summer session is|now available No Charge Commercial Education Walsh will leave June 5 to spend
in the Registrar's Office. Bring own SI silverware! Bachelor of i Science in Com- five days at the YCS summer
mercial Education degrees will be camp located 50 miles northwest
SMILING FACES BETRAY a touch of nostalgia?-as a four year conferred! upon Joan Clancy, St. of Chicago. National issues, a na-
collection of stuffed animals, text books, and memories are packed Mary's^Pa.; Patricia McQuillen tional handbook, and next year's
away by Joan Clancy, Mary ^McCarthy and Barb Coole. iMary Drushel, JGirard, Pa.; Lorraine theme will be the subjects under
patiently waits for Joan to find a place for her mascot, so she can Enright, Syracuse, N. Y.; Helen discussion. Guests from the Cath-
deposit a few articles from Apartment 2, while Barb wonders where Kennedy, Cheswick, Pa.; Jean Lee, olic! Family Movement and the
all these things are going to be put at home. Louisville, Ky.;£ Marty McNulty, Young Christian Workers will ad-
Conneaut, | o . ; Patricia Murphy, dress the group.
Greenfield, Mass.; Dorothy Rudge, Joan Coyle, NSA Senior dele-
Youngstown, O. Tibor Kerekes
gate will leave for Chicago Uni-
Elementary Education versity on August 21 to spend ten
are Barbara Cavanaugh, Syracuse, days a tithe National Student As-
Receiving degrees t of Bachelor N. Y.; Elizabeth Coleman, Ken- sociation Congress. The agenda
of Science in Elementary ^Educa- more, N. Y.; Barbara Coole, Gale- will center about "Student Lead-
tion are Beverly Buerkle, Pitts- ton, Pa.; Marilyn Genck, Erie, Pa.; ership in American Education."
burgh, Pa.; Jean Bryson, Erie, Pa.; Mary Gene Pyne, Rimersburg, Pa.;| Conventions Move East
Mary Kathleen Cooper, Erie, Pa.; Carole Roberson, Erie, Pa.; Mar- Traveling east for the Summer
Carol Donovan, Pittsburgh, Pa.; jorie Russell, Niagara Falls, N. Y. School of Catholic Action are So-
Virginia Guy, Erie, *Pa.; Carol dality Prefect, Mary I Bacon and
Kelly, Syracuse, N. Y.; Georgia Mistress of Candidates, Lucille
Lackey, Ashtabula,* O.; Patricia Turner. From September 4-7, they
Narby, Erie, Pa.; Phyllis Narby, will attend classes at the McAlpine
Erie, Pa.; Millicent Yokawanis, Hotel in New York City. Among
Ashtabula, o. f # To Margaret Cummings and
Mary Frances Lininger | on the the more important courses of
HomelEconomics deaths of their fathers, Mr. discussion are the Apostolate, the
Recipients of \ Bachelor of Sci- Eugene B. Cummings and Dr, C. B. probation period, and mental
ence degrees in Home Economics Lininger, prayer.
Page Two THE MIRCIAD June 4, 1956

[Jale C*t jk We See+si • • •
"All things have their season, and in their
For Your Spare Time Your EditorsjjCongratulate:
times all things pass under heaven/' Summer presents an excellent an ever-popular |historical novel. Re-appointed pastor of St. Luke's, Father Robert
With mingled feelings of joy and regret, time to get caught up o n | the Two historical winners of the D. Goodill.
the seniors take leave of their Alma Mater. reading-for-pleasure that has Pulitzer: Prize deal withjUhe Civil !* The seniors who will receive their degrees to-
been neglected in favor of school War: Andersonvilie, by MacKin- morrow evening. J
We have had our "season" and are ready books al 1 lwinter. The \ ideal | pic- ley Kanter and A Stillness At Ap- Those seniors being graduated with honors.
to depart through the great iron gates which ture of the sun, It he hammock, a pomattox, by Bruce Calton. The award winners at today's Class Day exercises.
welcomed us four years ago. book and a glass of lemonade, Is The Praeterita staff on an excellent yearbook.
On the lighter side, Good
But we do not "leave unchanged. Each very often lost In a round of Morning, Miss Dove, by Frances Sister Mary Anna on receiving the | yearbook's
leaves richly laden with gifts of\ inestimable summer jobs and beach parties. Pa ton, Grandfather Stories, toy dedication. $
value because we have been!led safely along But there is usually still time to Samuel Adams,} and Sincerely, Sister Mary Charles upon receiving her PhX>.
the rocky road to know the true, the good and get caught up on reading. Willis Wade, by John P. fMar- from Carnegie Institute of Technology.
the beautiful. f \ quand, all furnish enjoyable
Mercyhurst has deepened our conscious- Among Jthe new books, the Your Editors Welcome:
biography of Father Daniel J Lord, reading material. *
ness of knowing, loving, and serving God; Anthology lovers will find books Newly appointed assistant to Father Goodill,
thus strengthening the concepts! of the true Played By Ear, is an excellent Reverend Richard Stack.
portraits of the life of one of the of the works of O. Henry, Odgen
philosophy ofilife. \ best-loved priests of our day. Nash, W. Somerset Maugham Those orders taking up residence on back campus
Humbly, sincerely, and gratefully we and Rudyard Kipling high on . the Carmelite Sisters and St. Mark's Seminar-
Other interesting biographies in- • •

bring our thanks to Mercyhurst and to all clude Dark Symphony, by Eliza- the current list. For religious ians. I
those who have poured its spirit into us. We beth Adams, which deals with reading there is Father James Anyone wishing to become a member of the
are proud to be your daughters and it is our the life of a« Negro girl in our Keller's Careers That Change the MERCIAD staff next September.!
desire to live steadfastly by your principles. society; and Helen Keller: Sketch World, Bishop Sheen's The Rosario Moreno, Ex-'56, as guest for graduation.
We realize truly that this is "astime to for a Portrait, by Van Wyck World's First Love and Thomas
Morton's No Man Is An Island. Your Editors ^Commend: A
weep and a time to laugh." Vale and gratis! Brooks, is an inspiring book. The student council for acting upon an editorial
i I -fl cj. c. For those whose taste runs in last month's issue . . . that of the point system.
toward the mysterious there is All those sophomores I who put their time into
Dinner At Antoines, Pby Frances Congratulations the Lantern Night program.
wice Dk e icienc v
Parkington Keyes, Murder Takes
the Veil, and the Father Brown
Again, student council for acting upon the ques-
tion of a club coordinator. t
Stories, by G. K. Chesterton, in
Cut an organization in two and yet double !the historical vein, W i n s t o n To The Botany Class "C" for the well-rewarded efforts
put into their * trees.
its efficiency. Sound paradoxical? Yet, it is Churchill's newest work, The
quite possible with Student Council's revis- Birth of Britain gives an accurate Your Editors Recommend:
ed membership. Insight into the found ng of the Class of 56 That everyone inote the results of the Soel&re-
The council recently adopted the club co- British Isles. The Tontine is the search class concerning their poll, page four this
ordinator amendment which reduces its top- latest work of Thomas Costain, issue. V
heaviness to slim efficiency. This is not a the author of the Silver Chalice. That everyone take to heart the reading sug-
sudden decision. Since last November discus- gestions ^offered in the summer reading list. f
sions and investigations of councils in other That something be done to improve the lighting
colleges had led to the realization that Mercy- WAITING... facilities in the non-smokers lounge. ?j
hurst needed a more compact governing body.
* i

That the "Silvertones" be invited for a return

The result is that the NFCCS senior dele-
gate will work in alliance with clubs, present- Its A Great Wide World engagement next year.
Your Editors Thank:
ing their voice in council matters and keep- "Honored Graduates. This is£not an ending. No-—It is only a be-
ing them informed of its work. Those girls who offered transportation to the
ginning. For as you leavejthese hallowed halls,<you go out into a new senior dinner.
Though this new plan will not be tested life. f
| ! The sisters for all they did to make May Day
this year, its future looks good. Present coun- The world is yours to conquer! It is waiting for you—your spirit and the Garden party a success.
cil members are to be congratulated for mak- of youth—your love of challenge—your willingness to sacrifice." E Lastlbut not least, Sister Mary Charles for the
ing this efficient step. If With original words, somewhat like this, so full of soul-searching unlimited effort and help given the MERCIAD 6taff.
wisdom, another crew of American youth will be let loose to recreate the
world this June. | f Your Editors Bid Farewell:
y atewe (t %\ 3keei Not to be critical of the altruistic approach, nor incredulous of the
power of such lofty, j* noble speeches, but just for the sake of a news
article, let's take a look at this pi ay-pen.
To the departing members of the MERCIAD
To each other.

Tomorrow night you will take your places Britain has prepared a novel |
in the rank and file of those who have gone ceremony for young Cypriots. The '56 - '57
before you. Tomorrow night|will mark the 20-gun salutes are being aimed
"parting of the ways." W at the youths; the hoods are be-
As you walk down the Chapel aisle for
the last time as a class, you will remember the
ing worn by the hangmen. In the
year long fight between Greek-
Rulers Of The Roost Chosen
past four years - - the fun of living and shar- speaking Cypriots and their Brit- Senior Class: Pres., Joan Csernynicky; beth Stephany; V. Pres., Diane Schmidt;
ing together, your parties, your queens, your ish masters, 92 people have-lost Vice President, Marguerite McLaughlin; Sec, Mary Katherine Walsh; and Treas.,
failures,*your successes, f their lives. Harding's stern deci- Sec., Ina Smith and Treas., Barbara B a r b a r a D a i l e y . .'• f

We too, will have our memories - - of sion to hang Michael Karaolls and Stone.
friendship and friendliness, your originality Andreas Demetriou touched off ."V * * • • * *

the worst street killings and dis- Delta Sigma Omicron: Pres., Mary
and spirit, and most of all, your loyalty. You Junior Class: Pres., Anne Johnson; V. Catherine Donatelli; V. Pres., Pat Kuhar-
were loyal to y o u r school, upholding her orders since the Communists tried Pres., Mary Rachel Shine; Sec., Delphine
to grab power in 1944. sky; Sec, Emma Jean Newby;'and Treas.,
ideals; to your Student Council, supporting Dwyer; and Treas., Mary Katherine
Anna Marie Bergan. f
its projects; to your classmates and "little sis- The day after, EOKA, the Walsh. f R? | * * •

ters", standing by when they needed you. right-wing underground terrorist

* & • * •
Kappa Omicron Phi: Pres., Joan.
Sophomore Class: Pres., Eleanor Cava-
P Yours is a class which set its standards outfit, announced it had hanged naugh; V. Pres., Eleanor Broscoe; Sec, Csernyicky; V. Pres., Barbara Story; Sec,
high and climbed to the heights. You have two British soldiers in reprisal. Ai'lene Hajdukgend Treas., Helen Zim- Elizabeth Wahl, Mary i Ann McDoweU
given us a challenge to meet and ideals to EOKA warned: "We shall answer merman. and Treas., Patricia Murphy.
maintain, ideals which reflect^the true stand- I
hanging with hanging and torture • • •

ards of mature Christian women. with torture." Ah yes, you go out P -

J f * f* • Home Economics Club: Pres., Margaret^
K. K. into a new life! Athletic Association: Pres., Sheila Flynn; Mack; V. Pres., Catherine Misfeldt; Sec,.
V. Pres., Jane Hagedlsh; Sec., Mary Carol Eigabroadt; Treas., Prances Reyn-
Frances Lymph and Treas., Nancy Stub- olds; and Publicity, Barbara Story.
Buster Crabb finally has attain- ler.
4K THE M E R C I A D ed a pinnacle of fame held out
* * *

French Club: Pres., Jean CrisweU and!

* • *

j^fevo Mefcyhurst College, Erie, Pa. to all at commencement. How? Press Club: Pres., Maureen Jones land Sec, Patricia Carlile.
< m
**^ *&* Member of I * Simple. He disappeared. An air See, Connie Settlemeyer.
s8 * Associated College Press of mystery surrounds the I British Elementary Education: Pres., Val Jfeaua
frogman's one way swim. Is he Art Club: Pres., Josephine Unger; V. Mancini; V. Pres., Diane Turner;
ALL AMERICAN HONORS dead? Where is his body? Why •Pres., Ann Miller; Sec .-Treas., Eleanor Jean Criswell, and Treas., Joani Vbn
Editor !—-.* Carol KeUy did the Admiralty wait 10 days be- Broscoe. Schullick. *
Associate Editor Judy Roseberry fore saying anything? Had he
Assistant Editors Kay King, Betsy Schnatter been spying on the Soviet cruiser Glee Club: Pres., Jean Cannon; Sec, O.G.A.: Pres.. Mary Ann Bittnea, sec,
Business Editor Helen Kennedy lying off the coast of Portsmouth? Marty Calvert; Lib., Ann McNamee and Phyllis Burke; Treas., Qonnie Settle-
Editorial Staff Martha (McNulty, Jean Heavey, Ass't. Lib., Patricia'Foley. meyer; and Publicity, Sue McCartney.
Bobbie Imboden, Mary McCarthy, Beverly Eden has answered these questions • * »
* * • i
Buerkle, Ann McGinnis, Noel Jaeger, Joan with the maximum of evasion and Science Seminar: Pres., Marcia Meag- I.R.C.: Pres.,|Noel Jaeger; V, Pres., Ina
Csernyicky, Barbara Jakubowski, Mary Drees, the minimum of fact. (He went her;^ V. Pres., Patricia Kuharsky; Sec Smith and Treas., Mary Ellen White.
p, Del Dwyer, Lucille Turner, Lia Tatu. to college too.) Saranne Durkln; Treas., ISuzanne Dash- • * •

Business Staff Lorraine Enrlght, Joan Clancy, bach and Reporter, Mary Ann Buffa- Dramatic Club: Pres., Mickey SpUlane;
Betty Schwind.i Barbara jCavanaugh, Beth I May all you sunny, eager-faced monte. j ^ V. Pres., Barbara Jakubowski;
Coleman, B. J. Bisgrove. grads have a happy world con- * . • •
Delphine Dwyer and Treas., Josej
quering i Sociology Seminar: Pres., Mary Eliza- Unger* '

June 4, 1956 THE MERCIA D Page Three

Grads Step Out

Mercyhurst Girls
To Save World
"What are you going to do next
year?" "Mmm, I don't know. How
Are Talking About
about you?" "Work,.I guess, if I MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . "Moonglow"
and the senior favors . . . end of the year "Picnic" fever . . . what's
get a job." This is the general going on behind the closed doors of the Little Theater (wait until to-
conversation of McAuley H a l l night) . . . JOAN VON SCHULLICK'S "difference line"i. . . fraternity
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
every morning, afternoon, and eve- pins for NANCY SMITH and NAN STABLER . . .Jbattle of the burns
ning, as seniors plan their future. . . . three shades of blue and chattering teeth on May Day . . . Fresh-
man fullback—ETHEL BUMBULUCZ . . . term papers, J term papers,
Grinning into the grimy faces
and term papers . . . the case of the lost trunk.
of little gremlins will be the el eds
who have ^answered the cry for ROSIE'S return and her welcome at the airport. . . new co-ed
teachers—Dovie, Georgia, Millie, school, or Gannon salesmen invade the lounge . . . student
the twins, Toots, Virginia, and council revisions . . . MARY ANN McDOWELL'S latest money-
Jean Bryson. making projects . . . new OSO committee chairmen . . . election
results . . .
Wedding Bells Ring BEFORE THEY LOST THEIR PASSPORTS, these six were normal
Church? bells and orange jblos- college graduates discussing their European tour — Pat Maley, MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKINGIABOUTi . . maddening
Georgia Lackey, Bobbie Imboden, Bobbie Bartkowiak, Bev. Buerkle, exams . . . summer jobs—and lack of them . . . farewell to the "Song
soms will claim three of our grads of the Sewer" . . . lighting "One Little Candle" at McAuley Hall, or,
and Marty McNulty. For after, see below.
—Pynie, Marilyn Genck and there never were such devoted sisters . . . quite a few letters and visits
Carole Roberson. Pat Drushel will from Canisius . . . Mrs. McHale's 1:30 permissions . . . wedding bells
continue to suffer from wedded
Lost Visas Rouse Vengeance for CAROLE ROBERSON . . . junior party, or all roads lead to the
peninsula . . . unknowns finally known . . . formal invitations to the
junior prom.
The lure for knowledge! draws s Students Walk even MERCYHURST GIRLS, ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . ob-
Maggie to Catholic U., Marty to servations finally finished . . . NOEL'S latest publicity com-
Fog ascends from Ellis Island revealing the martial forms of two mission . . , sister classes bid tearful good-byes . . . junior
Niagara, and Doris to the Grad- guards. A brisk wind clips across from the bay, for it is in the middle
uate School of Public Health at quantity cooks desert the kitchen . . • country club weekends,
of March in the year 2056. One of the martial forms starts as he sees or save me a place on the sundeck . . . sophomore plea, "Tennis,
the University of Pittsburgh. a & transparent trench-coated figure walking across the water towards anyone?" . . . funny peculiar or funny ha ha . . . pond waders
Pat- Pridley, Kathleen Smith, him. The trench coat is accessoried with a French beret and! a dis- MICKEY DELEO'S "grotto" flowers . .<. MAUREEN KOSS-
and Marilyn Abahazi will invade sheveled suitcase. The ghost mutters a few {languid words about the LER'S solemn engagement.. . early (?) spring . . . "We laugh,
the isolation wards of the local monotony of water walking andjthen disappears in the gloom. Soon
afterwards another transparent trench coat, equipped {with an Alpine we dance."
hospitals after their internships MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . | . . MISFIT'S
at St. Vincent's. "Coolie" is travel- hat and a yodel, breezes past him, followed by four others. Two are
wearing shamrocks whiles the other two are twirling spaghetti g on gi- braving the tornado . . . MARY KAY: Michigan had eighteen . . . sum-
ing to Houston to improve the
menus at the Veterans' Hospital. gantic spoons. The last of these strange ghosts looks at the guard with mer wedding plans . . AA awards for school athletes . . . miracles
vengeance in her eyes. by Blessed Martin . . return of Bing and Tommy for end of the year
Patti Maley and Bobbie Bartkow- activities senior weekend, or "This is the life!," and hot dogs for
iak will count blood at hospitals The guards suddenly realize the lunch on Tuesday . . . Class Day, Garden Party, Lantern Night, Bac-
In Syracuse and Buffalo. A Paradox calaureate Mass, senior breakfast, day of recollection and, midnight
significance of this curious event.
Benediction, family arrivals from out of town, graduation, fond fare-
More Teachers He realizes that for many years
The lucky secondary teachers these ghosts have been walking But ver rue wells, or ""Brlgg^s Last Stand?' * T •*•
to find positions are Josle and across the globe in search of pass-
"Flash" in English; Chris in all Take a girl who is proud of
languages — French, Latin and ports lost at sea. Never shall they her individuality, yet can be heard
English; Kay, Judy Gleason and find peace until they can end this proclaiming that "Our class is all
"Sam" in art; Marge in home ec, business of being six college stu- alike." Listen to her complain
and Jean Lee in business. dents without a country. In their that "the food just isn't like
Carol Kelly will put her prac- long travels they have become like home," but watch her diet because, £h/3rv^ QxSUxj^Oot
tical knowledge to work, for a Hamlet's father's ghost. They are "I've eaten too much this semes-
very nominal fee, as asj feature seeking revenge upon the customs ter." This same girl can't toler-
writer for the Syracuse Post- official who deported them to the ate Gannon men,.yet is at every
Standard. Designing Alyce will Friday night dance. She is per-
seven seas. petually tired but her permissions
paint greeting cards for a firm
in Cincinnati. Clancy has her head Search In Vain are never late enough. There just
in the clouds, dreaming of work- This tragic flaw of inaction has isn't enough time for her to catch
ing for the airlines. B. J. has her up on her assignments, and yet
slightly demented' their peaces of she can never find anything to
eyes on physiotherapy as a means
minds. If only they realized the do.
of earning her spending money.
fruitlessness of their search, for
Beachcombing Popular This same girl has complained
now they would >be completely out for three years about May Day
The rest of the seniors, lucky of place in American society. No rehearsals and then, in her senior
enough to be still jobless, will
study the art of beachcombing— one wears trench coats any more. year, says, "We only|have three
* . Buerkle, Rudge, McCarthy, Cole- weeks left to practice." Her main
gripe Is that "There's too much
man, Roseberry, Murphy, Cavan-
augh, Barnes, Enright, Kennedy,
Junior Dance religion around here," but she is
the first to insist that the seniors
Powers, and Heavey. have 9 both a day of recollection
"What did you say you're going Held Saturday and an all night vigil. She can't
to do next year?" I guess I'd bet- wait to get out, yet has tears in
"Moonglow" was the popular her eyes on Lantern Night. Her
ter start filling out those fifteen
application blanks that have been theme of this year's Junior Prom. main accomplishment has been
on] my desk .f or the past two In the setting of the b.allroom losing her idiosyncrasies; no one
weeks. Well, I'll be seeing you of {the Lawrence Hotel, Neil has the heart to tell her that she
Alumnae Weekend 'to find out Charles and his orchestra pro- has added new ones. She'll never
what you're doing. send her daughter to a girls'
vided the musical background as school, but she'll be back the next
the students of Mercyhurstf and year to register her sister. Four
9 their escorts waltzed away this years with girls has been too
Choral Medley s last social function! of the year. much for her, yet she is overjoyed
when she meets a former school-
Heard In July Under the general chairman- mate. Once she graduates, she's
Mercyhurst's Glee Club is on ship of junior class president never coming back; just for the
the air. Recently recorded num- Julia Kelly, members of the record she checks the date of
bers are soon to be heard on the junior class officiated as chair* Alumnae Weekend. That's where the pause that
T.B. Christmas seal Program. men of the dance committees. refreshes with ice-cold Coke began.
Selections chosen for recording Jo Huggler was in charge of A paradox, she is deeply, loyal Now it's enjoyed fifty million times a day.
were, "Lover," "Let There Be purchasing the traditional favors to Iher college, her schoolmates, Must be something to it. And there is. Have an
Song," and "Halls of Ivy." A solo presented to the members of the and her classmates. She has earn- ice-cold Coca-Cola and see... right now.
in "One Little Candle" will be senior \ class, who were guests of ed a degree, but more than that
rendered by Priscilla Hehir. Those honor at the /dance. Programs she has learned to live and love
wishing to I hear this fifteen were handled by Marge Karaffa and laugh•with others. She grad- BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OP THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY

minute recording of melody OTay and her committee, publicity by uates "wealthy in her friends." ERIE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY
do so by dialing WERC in Erie Dorothea Morell and tickets, Joan This is what it means to be a "Coke 1
' It O registered trade-mark. © 1956, THS COCA-COLA COMPANY

on July 2, at 6:IS P. M. Coyle. I Mercyhurst girl.

Page Four THE MERCIAD j une 4. 1956
••i. .

AA reakfasts Mercyhurst Bids Adieu

Honor Athletes
The Athletic Association} held With Festive Programs
its annual Awards' Breakfast on Under her placid outward appearance, Mercyhurst is seething
May 10 in the college lounge. Miss with activity. Summer's festal wardrobe has been donned and festivi-
Collette Garrison and Marjorie ties reach their climax with the traditional ceremonies of Senior Week.
Russell, president of the Associa- Part of this annual tribute is the * Class Day program. The stage
tion, presented the J awards. of honor in the Little Theatre is reserved for the departing class as
Seniors who received trophies it 'receives awards of merit for scholastic and spiritual advance. This
for points earned during their four moment is also reserved for the announcement of the yearbook dedica-
years at Mercyhurst are: Pat
Murphy, Judy Roseberry,! and tion. Attired in cap and gowns, tern < Night celebration. For weeks
Marjorie Russell. the underclassmen advance to the sophs scheme, secretly planning
Juniors Margaret Mack, Mar- next rank of scholastic rating an evening of surprise and enter-
cia Meagher, and Barbara Story through the turning of the tassel. tainment. Following this, the
earned white sweaters onf which The procession then leads to the sophs, carrying Japanese Lan-
to sew their M's from 1955. In the cloister walk for the ivy planting terns, escort their "big sisters*' to
sophomore class, letters were ceremony in which each senior the front campus pond. The cere-
awarded to Mary Burns, Cathy places on the ivy's slender tendrils mony of sailing tiny ships of
Misfeldt, and Nancy Stubler. Hon- all her hopes for the future. friendship symbolizes that the
ored for the highest number of In days when skirts reached to seniors will sail fromfthe harbor
points was freshman Ann Keeler. the ground and horseless carriages of their Alma Mater. Later, the
Marcia Meagher and Ruth were a dream, people would form juniors in academic gowns form
Friel won the badminton trophies torchlight processions on election beneath darkened windows and
as a result of ^ the recent tourna- eves to honor their candidates. bid melodious farewell to the sen-
OH YES, THAT WAS THE DANCE, sighs Judy Roseberry as she ment. Sophomores retained the Music and gaiety reigned. Just as iors who answer with a shower of
glances longingly over Judy ?G lea son's shoulder. Margaret, Hlrsch". trophy awarded for class partici- candidates were entertained then, roses.
silently reminisces over the many souvenirs that the seniors have pation. so are the seniors feted at the Lan- Finally, Commencement arrives
collected during their four years at Mercyhurst. signifying Maturity in Christ. This
name emphasizes the passing of
ocii-R S u rvey evea I s the student from the sheltered,

Senior Looks Back By Judy Roseberry

Conelusions rom Fina Report
carefree life of the college campus
to the stern!realities of life. As
the Hollanders expressed it, grad-
Well, June is here, and to quote the old saying of the college crowd, Recently a Soci-Reseach Survey was conducted on Mercyhurst's uation was a.mandate to the stu-
"It hardly seems possible. Why, it seems like just yesterday." campus. The questions, answered by 80% of the student body, con- dent to "put on j the virile gown"
Was it really four years ago that we met our big sisters, were cerned four vital parts of campus life: its** Publications, Big-Little and i face the future manfully.
initiated, introduced to Art's, Krimmel's, Cayarie, the Gannon dances? Sister Relatons, Student Government, and Club Activities. Following
are some of the conclusions drawn from the final reports. The College has now bid fare-
We'll J never forget the excitement of our Christmas party when we
were "The Littlest Angels" nor the thrill of opening night of "Briga- It was concluded that ? generally fthe big sisters'; have very little well to its seniors, one wrapped
doon" Sophomore year—ten campusedlqueens before school officially influence on their little sisters after the first few months of the fresh- in best wishes and gay memories.
opened, our Sophonade, "Stranger man year. Senior and sophomore
scores ^indicate higher club inter-
in Paradise," And then it was
June and we were presenting our
Faculty Plans] est and participation. Attendance Summer Notes
The Mrs. Degree took prece- Lantern Night performance. at club meetings is ^usually good,
dence over the B.S. and j! the A 3 ,
as the seniors gathered^ May 29 Suddenly, were were big g sis-
Busy Summery 64% of the students fwould not
miss their major club meeting.
New Arrivals
to honor this year's engaged girls. ters. Remember how anxious we Not to be outdone by the stu- The highest evaluation was given New neighbors will be welcomed
McAuley Hall was bedecked with were to meet our proteges. What dents, the faculty is also planning to the Business Club, OGA. Ap- in future months when workmen
umbrellas and other party tokens a feeling of j satisfaction when we a busy summers of conventions, proximately 40% of the student finish construction of the semi-
for the three guests of honor. put on our class rings and began travel, and school. body believe attendance at meet- nary and convent just south of
Mary Gene Pyne, Carol Roberson, the tradition of the ring blessing ings shouldn't be compulsory. Of
Sister M.| Collette, Sister Mary Mercyhurst.
and Marilyn Genck were feted ceremony. Remember: when Pat Rachel, and Miss Reilly will at- the Sodality imembers/ 40% be-
with a lunch, gifts, and the best McQuiUen Drushel and Kay Can- lieve the organization $ to be, very St. Mark's minor seminary for
tend the American Home Econo-
wishes of their classmates. ada were named Gannon's fra- mics Association {convention from helpful and 24% find it fairly diocesan priests moves to the
ternity queens and when Pynie June 26 to June 30 in Washing- helpful.
was crowned homecoming queen. property purchased by Archbishop
ton, D. C. While in the capltol, $ Three out of every four editor- Gannon. This seminary instructs
Vacations Offer Septembers 1955—here we were,
back at school, calm, efficient
Sister Mary Rachel will also at- ials in the Merciad have some or candidates for the priesthood
tend the meeting of\ the National great influence upon the student,
practice teachers. Oh, that first from high school through junior
Work And Play day att Academy, those lesson
Catholic Council on Home Eco- although ij they have led only two
nomics J This year the^NCCHE is out of three students to actions college.
plans and tired feet! Remember: celebrating A its tenth anniversary they have, not before considered.
What do the summer months Marge Russelljbeing queen of the The cloistered order of the
hold for the Hursts' underclass- NFCCSI d a n c e , the Christmas with a special program, g Sister Although "Mercyhurst Girls Are Carmelites will build their first
men? Rachel will be a featured]guest Talkingf About" is claimed to be
season traditions.
Daniele Schmidt, an aspiring as will the other past presidents the most popular article in the Erie house near the seminary.
sophomore Art Major, will be em- Soon we were talking of jobs. of the organization. Following the Merciad, it isfnot considered the
ployed; at the Interior Decorating May Day gowns, trips to Europe, convention, Miss Reilly will travel voice of the student body, by the BLILA HARDWARE
Shop in Niagara Falls. Ann Mc- and suddenly, we weren't talking to herij home state, Missouri fl majority of its readers.
38th and Pine Ave.
Namee will leave on June 14 for at all—comprehensives. With May Chicago is the site of the I The students have a vague con-
a three-week stay in California, came the final club meetings, the ? Phone 0-7464 I
American 'Psychological Associa- ception of the purpose and activi- Erie, Pa.
while Luz Torres plans to spend senior party, serenade by our little : tion convention to be held in late ties of the Student Board of Dis-
some time in New York and Phil- sisters and final exams. \:
August. Dr. Haas Will attend' this cipline and Student Council, which
adelphia between summer school jg" We'll never forget all the yes- meeting as well as teaching sum- the survey concluded accounts for
and her trip home to Manati, terdays—our first college prom,
Puerto Rico. the campuses we've shared, the
mer school and visiting friends in the lack of I interest of some stu-
New England, dents in carrying out and coop- YAPLE'S DAIRY
The first two weeks after school surprise birthday parties, class erating with the objectives of these AND ICE CREAM BAR
will find junior, Mary Bacon, busy jokes and jokers, \the lounge and Also traveling through New
with her sociology casework! at lounge songs, chapel, retreats, and England I will be Miss Helen Kelly two organizations. The students
while Dr.| Haley and J Miss Fiat us do, however, realize the accom- We Make Our Own
the Catholic Charities Center in Ice Cream
New York; Sheila Flynn will be Forty Hours. No winter will ever will include reading and Ipa in ting plishments of the Student Coun-
doing her casework at the Family be the same without the Briggs with their traveling. cil during this past year. The sur-
Agency in Rochester. Frequent snowdrifts. We'll miss the dash The majority of \the Sister-fac- vey indicated| a remarkable in- 4026 Pine Avenue
visits to Erie and a vacation on for mail, the walks to Art's,)Mc- ulty are scheduled to teach sum-
mer courses, either at the College terest on the part of the student PHONE 01849
the East Coast will complete Auley Hall, our deans of residence,
Sheila's summer program. Sopho- or as catechists in the Diocese, body in Student-Faculty V:Board.
more Home Economist, Kathy teachers, Sand even the classes.
Misfeldt, will be employed as as- We'll miss Mercyhurst and every-
sistant dletition at Stouffer's Res- thing about it. But don't breathe
taurant in Cleveland; Sue Dasch- that sigh of relief yet. We'll be Erie Laundry ART'S
bach and Marilyn Chromey will be back.
found as playground assistants in AND ICE CREAM BAR
Pittsburgh and Hornell, respec-
tively. Audrey Havunen will -re-
turn as Senior sports couselor at Burhenn's Pharmacy Dry Cleaning Co Luncheonette and Magailn
Camp Glinodo, Harborcreek, and Corner 38th S t & Pine Ave 5S0 East 19th St.
Spencer Place Store No. 3 S709 Pine Avenue
Dianne Dempsey will travel with Erie, Pa.
her family to South Carolina and Erie. Penna.
to Florida.

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