Week 2

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4/9/2021 MyPOROMS


Nama Pelajar : ONG MEEI ING

No Kad Pengenalan : 980805135452
Program : PISMP
Pengkhususan / Opsyen : PISMP AMBILAN JUN 2018 / BI (SK)2
Minggu Praktikum :2
Tarikh : 27-02-2021
Tajuk : Most pupils were unable to attend classes online
Kategori : Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran
Pensyarah Penyelia : MICHAEL TOH KA MING
Guru Pembimbing : PUAN SOPHIA METOM

1. Isu Yang Difokuskan :

I have conducted a PdPR session with the Year 5 class. Various teaching and learning activities have been made available online
in the form of Google Forms and Youtube videos. However, I found that only 5-6 students can attend the session.

2. Analisis Isu Yang Difokuskan (Punca dan Kesan Isu) :

The reason why students are not able to attend this PdPR session is due to internet access problems and device acquisition
constraints. I found that most of the students of SK Sungai Maong Hilir come from low -income families. Parents have to spend
quite a lot to buy various equipment for learning through PdPR for their children. I am of the opinion that the operation of PdPR is
a weak alternative for these Year 5 pupils, and has not been successful in implementing teaching and learning. Another concern
about this PdPR method is the poor internet access that can disrupt teacher-student interaction.

3. Kajian Lampau (Literature Reiview) Terhadap Isu (Pengalaman atau Kajian Lepas) :

Staff and students will benefit from online media in promoting students' learning experiences, particularly for those who are
isolated. Despite students' recognition of the advantages of using technology to enhance their learning, a problem exists because
of the software's technological limitations, especially in terms of accessibility. (Salmon, 2014)

4. Cadangan dan Idea Penyelesaian Masalah :

Based on the analysis I have done on the issues I have identified, I suggest some alternative solutions to the problem, among
them are:-

1) provide and upload more teaching and learning videos on Youtube so that students can watch the videos according to the
suitability of their time and internet access
2) provide learning modules for students who are unable to follow PdPR (offline)

5. Tempoh Masa Penyelesaian :

1 week

6. Tindakan Susulan :

I will get material in the form of videos related to the teaching of the topic I want to teach, then produce teaching aids that
contain the video.

7. Tarikh Tindakan Susulan Dilaksanakan :


8. Keberkesanan Langkah Yang Dicadangkan :

I need to make accurate expectations of the time period to resolve the issues that have been

identified through follow -up action.

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4/9/2021 MyPOROMS

9. Kesimpulan / Refleksi (Kesan Tindakan (Perlu) dan Halangan (Jika Ada) :

The time period can be determined by making an analysis of self -efficacy, acceptance

pupils, the situation from a controllable as well as uncontrollable aspect.

Rujukan :

Salmon, G. (2014). Learning innovation: A framework for transformation. European Journal of

Open, Distance and e-Learning, 17(1), 219–235.

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