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4/9/2021 MyPOROMS


Nama Pelajar : ONG MEEI ING

No Kad Pengenalan : 980805135452
Program : PISMP
Pengkhususan / Opsyen : PISMP AMBILAN JUN 2018 / BI (SK)2
Minggu Praktikum :3
Tarikh : 06-03-2021
Tajuk : Pupils unable to pay attention during PdPR
Kategori : Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran
Pensyarah Penyelia : MICHAEL TOH KA MING
Guru Pembimbing : PUAN SOPHIA METOM

1. Isu Yang Difokuskan :

I had a PdPR session with the Year 5 class in the second week. I found that the online exercises I had provided was less well-
received by the students. Only a few people managed to submit assignments. I have identified students not being able to focus
fully on my teaching sessions that day.

2. Analisis Isu Yang Difokuskan (Punca dan Kesan Isu) :

The use of teaching aids that do not bring attention, in addition to the teaching style used being less interesting and teaching
being too focused on teachers, is the cause of students not being able to concentrate for a long time in teaching and learning
sessions as a result of the study of problems that I have found. Students lose concentration on teaching and learning as a result
of this issue, and they are unable to master the teaching presented perfectly, impacting their desire to continue learning new

3. Kajian Lampau (Literature Reiview) Terhadap Isu (Pengalaman atau Kajian Lepas) :

According to Lahkar (2013) states that teaching in the 21st century is a teaching
feel the focus of the student. Teacher -focused teaching in the old system needs to be reduced.

4. Cadangan dan Idea Penyelesaian Masalah :

Based on the analysis I have done on the issues I have identified, I

suggest some alternative solutions to the problem, among them are:-
1) Produce teaching aids that contain videos and interactive online games/quizzes
2) Use a style approach that is more engaging to the student.

5. Tempoh Masa Penyelesaian :

1 week

6. Tindakan Susulan :

I will take corrective action that is to get video material related to the teaching of the topic I want to teach, then produce teaching
aids that contain the video and more interactive online games.

7. Tarikh Tindakan Susulan Dilaksanakan :


8. Keberkesanan Langkah Yang Dicadangkan :

I need to make accurate expectations of the time period to resolve the issues that have been identified through follow-up action.

9. Kesimpulan / Refleksi (Kesan Tindakan (Perlu) dan Halangan (Jika Ada) :

The time period can be determined by making an analysis of self -efficacy, acceptance pupils, the situation from a controllable as 1/2
4/9/2021 MyPOROMS

well as uncontrollable aspect.

Rujukan :

Lahkar Labanya (2013). Use of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching
learning process (Availability and non availability of ICT related teaching aids in tenth standard in
schools of Gossaigaon Sub-Division), Global Research Methodology Journal, V0l-II, 7th issue,
Nov-Dec-Jan, 2012-13 2/2

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