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Wiki I wonder if we can talk for a few minutes

a. Make a script for selling a product or a service.


S: Good morning, I'm Luz and I'm calling you from the brilliant training company,

how are you today?

C: I'm fine, thank you. How can I help you Luz?

S: I noticed on your social networks that your company is dedicated to accounting

consultancies and I immediately realized that for you updating your workers is a

success factor in your field of work, weren’t you?

C: Well, and how could I do that? the knowledge updating courses are very

expensive and they don't fit into my advisors' schedules.

S: Could you tell me do you have a few minutes so I can explain what our short

Knowledge update courses consist of?

C: Hmmm okay, but please call me later as I have an important business meeting in

two hours and need to get ready.

S: If you wish, I can learn more about the kind of consultancies that you provide

in order to share with you the more specific courses that we can provide you on

our Platform with specialized teachers.

Please tell me do can we schedule a video call of maximum 30 minutes next week

for a short chat? Is next Tuesday okay for you?

C: Sounds good to me, but in the meantime send me the information about your

company and the methodology you use, it will be easier to understand how the

updating training works.

S: With great pleasure, in a few minutes I will send you a brochure to your


b. Reply to a partner.
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