Updated Jedia Lens

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frCAkinyele Instructional JEDIA Planner

JEDIA Lens Questions/Prompts Student Learning Goals Student Learning Goals/Activities

Justice Lens is identifying, examining, and What issues or problems Students will identify, analyze, Students can learn about, analyze,
addressing issues of society which include. It exist within here? and address issues of _______. discuss:
looks at what are the underlying causes or How does oppression ● Societal issues or problems.
conditions of any issues or event: work here? ● Isms: racism, sexism, ableism,
● Power, privilege, bias, and oppression What conditions allowed classroom.
● Societal problems of local, for ____ to happen? ● Fairness or unfairness.
community, national and global What needs to change? ● The causes or conditions that allowed
contexts (climate change) What isms are present? for something to occur.
● Isms: racism, sexism, ableism, How do isms operate
classism here?
● Fairness and unfairness What racial, cultural or
gender values are
Justice Lens also includes using different influencing ____?
theories or lens to study an issue: feminist,
racial, cultural, etc.
Equity Lens is both a process and a goal of What should be the Students will determine Students can
determining solutions. Equity thinks about solution? solutions for the problem of ▪ Learn about, discuss or create
the resources, opportunities and access Who or what needs to be _______. solutions to the issue.
individuals and their communities need to recognized? ▪ Investigate and study how other have
reach their full potential. It’s about finding What resources or Students will determine how to tried to fix the issue.
solutions to inequity or inequality or injustice. opportunities are available redistribute resources to fit the ▪ Determine solutions by thinking
● Compassion, kindness, sharing or not available to needs of _______. about what resources and
different people? opportunities need to be
What recognition might redistributed.
people need?
▪ Brainstorm strategies that will help
What resources do
the issue.
different people need?
▪ Think about who or what needs to be
How do we redistribute
resources so everyone has recognized more.
what they need?
What solutions can we
create so every is treated

Prepared by Dr. Maria Akinyele for D25 only. Please do not share without permission.
Diversity is recognizing and appreciating From whose perspective is Students will analyze ____ from Students can:
differences with people from different this topic or issue from? the perspective of__________. Identify and explain from what
backgrounds and perspectives. It means What are other perspective something is being
bringing in different approaches and ideas. perspectives I can learn presented.
● Similar, different, all from? Evaluate a topic through the windows and
What other diverse mirrors.
perspectives do we Learn about a topic or issue from
need to consider? different perspectives (cultural, racial,
What can we learn from gender)
other people? Think about who’s perspective is missing
How can I empathize and needed.
(think about another Practice empathizing with different
person or groups groups and perspectives.
feelings, thoughts and
How can I accurately
describe the differences
in perspectives?
Identity is reflecting and appreciating the What is connected to me Students will learn about the Students can:
different aspects of one’s identity: personal, and my identity? impact of _______ in their own ▪ Share their stories, experiences,
social, racial, cultural and academic. What experiences, stories, life. knowledge and perspectives about a
● Me, family, community, friends, ideas, ideas can students share topic.
interests. and build upon? ▪ Make connections between and topic
How might __impact and their own life.
someone’s identity? ▪ Learn about something meaningful to
them and their identity.
▪ Celebrate aspects of their identity.

Activist/Action is about taking action on a What actions can take to Students will take an action Students can:
personal, community and national level. solve an issue in my own towards ____ problem. ▪ Learn about change agents from
● Doing something good today or now. life? examples or stories.
What actions can I take for ▪ Discuss positive actions that will help
the good of others? an issue.

Prepared by Dr. Maria Akinyele for D25 only. Please do not share without permission.
What actions can my ▪ Practice acting out a change.
community take? ▪ Commitment to making a change that
What actions can or would benefit themselves.
should the nation or ▪ Commit and take action on a change
government take? that would benefit others.
What actions can I take in ▪ Commit and take action on a change
the world? that would benefit their communities
What power do you have? and the world.
How can you use your
power for good?

Prepared by Dr. Maria Akinyele for D25 only. Please do not share without permission.
Text Sets:

Texts are images, quotes, excerpts, songs, manipulatives and experience stories.

Justice Text Equity Texts Diversity Texts Identity Texts Activist Text
(Texts that highlight an issue) (Texts that highlight (Texts that showcase (Texts that highlight (Texts that showcase people taking
solutions for a process different perspectives) identities in the classroom) action)
or goal of equity)
Sociopolitical Texts Solution Texts Other Texts Self Text Solution Texts

Prepared by Dr. Maria Akinyele for D25 only. Please do not share without permission.
Culturally Responsive Texts:

Justice Text Equity Texts Diversity Texts Identity Texts Activist Text
(Texts that highlight an issue) (Texts that highlight (Texts that showcase different (Texts that (Texts that showcase people taking
solutions for a perspectives, identities and highlight identities action)
process or goal of approaches ) in the classroom)
Myths are stories created to
https://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/ teach people about
the-greek-society-what-it-meant-to-be-a something important and
-woman/ meaningful. They were often
used to teach people about
events that they could not
always understand, such as
illness and death, or
earthquakes and floods

Share a myth from

your culture.

Prepared by Dr. Maria Akinyele for D25 only. Please do not share without permission.
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Analyzing data in 3–5 builds on K–2 experiences and progresses to introducing quantitative approaches to collecting data and
conducting multiple trials of qualitative observations. When possible and feasible, digital tools should be used.
 Represent data in graphical displays (bar graphs, pictographs and/or pie charts) to reveal patterns that indicate
relationships. (5-ESS1-2)
ESS1.A: The Universe and its Stars
 The sun is a star that appears larger and brighter than other stars because it is closer. Stars range greatly in their distance
from Earth. (5-ESS1-1)

 Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior
knowledge or opinions.

Prepared by Dr. Maria Akinyele for D25 only. Please do not share without permission.
Culturally Responsive Authentic Assessment Builder
Goal Most Greek Mythology has been written from the perspective of
States the problem or challenge to be men with a lack of strong female characters.
Role You are a myth writer looking for a publishing deal.
Explains who students are in in the
scenario and what they are being asked to
Audience You are writing to a publishing committee of peers.
Who the students are solving the problem
for, who they need to convince of the
validity and success of their solution for the
Situation Agiri publishing company wants to expand their audience of
Provides the context of the situation and readers and is looking for writers who have diverse
any addition factors that could impede the perspectives. You have been asked to rewrite a Greek
resolution of the problem. mythology from the perspective of a character who doesn’t
have as much rights as others in the story.
Product, Performance and Purpose You will rewrite a part of a story from the perspective a
Explains the product or performance that character who didn’t have the same access or opportunities as
needs to be created and its larger purpose. others. You will change the conditions of their life and rewrite
it. You will also write a paragraph explaining the choices you
made as a writer and what issue you hoped to address.
Standards and Success Criteria
Dictates the standards that must be met For your narrative myths, make sure to include:
and how the work will be judged by the • Descriptive details in each paragraph in your myth
assumed audience. • Well-structured event sequences
• Narrative techniques such as dialogue, pacing and
description to develop characters.
For your informative paragraphs, make sure to include:
• Introduce a topic
• Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions,
concrete details, quotations, or other information
and examples.
• Use 3-4 domain-specific vocabulary words to
inform about or explain the topic.

Prepared by Dr. Maria Akinyele for D25 only. Please do not share without permission.

Prepared by Dr. Maria Akinyele for D25 only. Please do not share without permission.
Culturally Responsive Authentic Assessment Builder
Goal Within the I am Malala unit students are given the opportunity to have a voice
States the problem or within something that they feel a personal connection to.
challenge to be
Role Is to have students connect to Malala through her struggles and to understand
Explains who students they will be heard as well. There will be times when they feel their voice is not
are in in the scenario heard but they can overcome the obstacles that stand in their way.
and what they are being
asked to do.
Audience The audience is those are a stake in taking action from a student who wants to
Who the students are raise awareness
solving the problem for,
who they need to
convince of the validity
and success of their
solution for the problem.
Situation Considering what matters to them. How to find their voice and what their voice
Provides the context of wants to channel.
the situation and any
additional factors that Skill of transferring what’s in mind to writing and writing with an empowering
could impede the voice.
resolution of the
Product, Performance Student topic of choice - speech
and Purpose
Explains the product or Research-based
performance that needs
to be created and its
larger purpose.
Standards and Success W7.2; RI7.1; RI7.9; RI7.2; W7.3
Dictates the standards
that must be met and

Prepared by Dr. Maria Akinyele for D25 only. Please do not share without permission.
how the work will be
judged by the assumed

Create new assessment


Prepared by Dr. Maria Akinyele for D25 only. Please do not share without permission.

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