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Demonstration WSDM ’22, Feb.

21–25, 2022, Virtual Event, Tempe, AZ, USA

Personalized Information Retrieval for Touristic Attractions in

Augmented Reality
Felix Yang, Saikishore Kalloori, Ribin Chalumattu and Markus Gross
Media Technology Center
ETH Zürich, Switzerland,,,

ABSTRACT users can visit points of interest in the city of Zurich, Switzerland
The rapid advances and increasing accessibility of augmented re- and learn some interesting facts about the places they are visiting.
ality (AR) in recent years opened up many new possibilities to A major goal of this project is to create a unique experience for each
incorporate AR into our daily lives. A very interesting area for user by showing only relevant and personalized content based on
AR is tourism where one can enhance attractions with virtual ele- the preferences of the user. By developing a simple recommender
ments and provide tourists with additional information about the system, we are able to provide users with facts which coincide with
places they are visiting. In this paper, we present our prototype, their interests, thus preventing an overload of information that is
an AR application that augments various points of interest (POIs) irrelevant to the users.
by showing images and facts about each POI. We also developed
a simple recommender system that ensures the facts are selected 2 RELATED WORK
based on user preferences, thus creating a unique and personalized Augmented reality has been showing significant promise in many
experience for each user. Furthermore, we also conducted a live user different domains such as medicine, construction, manufacturing,
study to assess the usability of our prototype and the usefulness of advertising or gaming [8]. It has also become increasingly popular
our personalization system. within the tourism industry to improve the tourists experience
and to reach a wider audience for attractions. Not only is there a
CCS CONCEPTS possibility to provide tourists with valuable information, but the
• Human-centered computing → Mixed / augmented reality. seamless integration of virtual content into the real environment
also enables an appealing and engaging way to present multimedia
KEYWORDS content to users [6]. By considering user interests, one can further
Augmented Reality, Tourism, Personalization improve user experiences using personalization methods [6].
Augmenting an attraction with digital content requires precise
ACM Reference Format: techniques to locate the device within the environment containing
Felix Yang, Saikishore Kalloori, Ribin Chalumattu and Markus Gross. 2022.
the POI. Using GPS and compass, a rough estimate of the device’s
Personalized Information Retrieval for Touristic Attractions in Augmented
Reality. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web
position and rotation can be obtained [10]. However, those esti-
Search and Data Mining (WSDM ’22), February 21–25, 2022, Tempe, AZ, USA. mates are not sufficient to place content with high accuracy due
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages. to GPS errors. Vision-based localization approaches provide much
better solutions for such purposes [9]. Marker-based methods are
1 INTRODUCTION very popular to estimate the pose of the camera relative to a QR
Augmented reality enhances the perception of reality by superim- code or any 2D image/planar object with enough visual features.
posing virtual content on top of the view of the real world. Using However, markers are less suitable to detect and track arbitrary
sensory and visual information, an illusion can be created where 3D structures such as statues which may look completely different
virtual objects and information seem to reside in the real world depending on the viewpoint. For that, more sophisticated meth-
[1]. The increasing computing power of smartphones and the rapid ods are required such as machine learning-based approaches with
development of AR technologies in the past years have enabled object detection networks [4] or approaches where the currently
more and more stable, immersive and accessible AR experiences observed environment is matched against 3D point clouds of previ-
for consumers. ously scanned environments. In our work, we used a localization
The motivation of our work is to demonstrate the potential of AR method based on point clouds.
in the tourism sector by creating an enhanced AR experience where MobiAR [7] is an AR platform which provides tourists with
information and multimedia content of the places they are visit-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or ing. When using the app, icons associated with different POIs are
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation overlaid on top of the camera view according to the distance and
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the direction of each POI. When clicking on an icon, users are able to
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or browse multimedia content related to the corresponding POI.
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission
and/or a fee. Request permissions from
WSDM ’22, February 21–25, 2022, Tempe, AZ, USA 3 DESCRIPTION OF OUR PROTOTYPE
© 2022 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9132-0/22/02. . . $15.00 In order to use our prototype, new users first have to set up their user profile after starting the app for the first time. During the

Demonstration WSDM ’22, Feb. 21–25, 2022, Virtual Event, Tempe, AZ, USA

(a) Reconstructed point cloud (b) Reconstructed textured mesh (c) Setup of the AR experience in Unity

(d) AR view with icons (e) AR view after clicking on the icons

Figure 1: Screenshots of the reconstructions and the AR experience at the POI

registration process, users first have to provide their name, age and used the mapper app by Immersal to map all the POIs by taking
gender. After that, they can define their preferences by choosing numerous pictures of each POI from multiple viewpoints. Each set
which of the following six areas they are interested in: politics, of images was then uploaded to the Immersal Cloud Service which
history, economy, art, religion and technology. Finally, they have to then constructed a 3D point cloud (see figure 1a) and a textured
fill out the Five-Item Personality Inventory (FIPI) questionnaire [3] mesh (see figure 1b) of each POI by finding distinct visual features
to define their personality traits. We use age, gender and personality and matching those features from the set of images. Additionally,
traits to provide a personalized user experience [5]. each constructed point cloud was tagged with the GPS coordinates
When the registration is finished, the system is ready for the of the corresponding POI such that it is possible to narrow down
AR experience. Users can then visit points of interest in the city nearby POIs when using the app and thus making the process of
of Zurich that are supported by our application, log in with their finding out which POI the user is currently looking at more scalable.
profile and aim their phone at the POI they are visiting. When We then used the textured meshes inside the Unity editor as a point
the POI gets recognized by the app, two icons will appear in the of reference to define the position, rotation and scale of each piece
AR view next to the POI (see figure 1d). Clicking on the image of virtual content at each point of interest (see figure 1c). Without
icon will show an image and clicking on the information icon will those meshes, it would have been very difficult to guess where to
reveal facts (see figure 1e) about the POI which are chosen by the place each piece of content.
personalization system based on the user preferences. When using the app, the current GPS coordinates of the device
are regularly used to find out which POIs are nearby to the user.
Every two seconds, the current camera frame is captured and sent
3.1 Object Detection and Tracking to the Immersal Cloud Service. This serivce then analyzes the sub-
We used the Immersal software development kit for Unity to detect mitted image and tries to match it with a point cloud of one of
and track points of interest. Immersal SDK is an AR solution which the nearby POIs. If there is a match, the cloud service returns a
lets you spatially map real-world locations and then augment them projection matrix which is used to extract the current position and
with digital content. Contrary to some other AR SDKs, Immersal orientation of the device. This information is then combined with
SDK works for very large spaces and is even scalable to entire cities. the device’s local SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)
As a first step, we made a selection of interesting POIs in the system to create the illusion that the virtual content is attached to
city of Zurich that we wanted to include in our application. For the physical world. We noticed that by using the Immersal SDK,
our prototype, we chose 3 buildings and 4 famous statues that we were able to detect and track our POIs very reliably, even under
were not too far from each other. We then went to Zurich and vastly different lighting conditions.

Demonstration WSDM ’22, Feb. 21–25, 2022, Virtual Event, Tempe, AZ, USA

3.2 Personalization System also share a demo video2 of our AR application presenting users
When our application recognizes a POI, it sends a request with the with personalised facts retrieval.
ID of the POI and the ID of the current user to our server. Using
these two IDs, our recommender system fetches the corresponding 4 USER STUDY
user data and all existing facts about the POI from our database. We conducted a live user study to test and evaluate the usability of
Previous research has shown that representing a POI by a fixed our prototype and the usefulness of our personalization system. In
number of 𝑛 Boolean features is useful in Tourism [5]. In the first total, 15 people participated in our experiments. They were aged
step, the system constructs a feature vector 𝑢 = (𝑢 1 , . . . , 𝑢 6 )𝑇 for the between 20 to 35 and the majority were either undergraduates,
(𝑖) (𝑖)
user and feature vectors 𝑥 (𝑖) = (𝑥 1 , . . . , 𝑥 6 )𝑇 for each fact 𝑖. 𝑢 is research students or working employees. The participants were
a 6-dimensional boolean vector and its entries describe which of thus among the typical users of tourism apps.
the six categories (politics, history, economy, art, religion and tech- For each user, we made a selection of 2-3 points of interest to
nology) the user is interested in. For example, if 𝑢 = (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)𝑇 , visit in order to attain a reasonable duration for the study. After
this means that the user is interested in history and economy. 𝑥 (𝑖) creating their user profiles, participants were asked to visit the POIs
is a 6-dimensional integral vector where each entry 𝑥 𝑗 ∈ {0, 1, 2} we assigned to them. At each POI, users were able to experience
our virtual information in AR (see figure 1d and 1e). In order to test
describes if and how much fact 𝑖 belongs to category 𝑗. For ex-
the usefulness of the personalization system, we also included a
ample, if 𝑥 (𝑖) = (2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)𝑇 , this means that fact 𝑖 is mainly
randomized system as the baseline model. The randomized system
about politics, but also a partly about history. Of course, one could
randomly picks facts about the POIs without taking the preferences
have for example used arbitrary weights between 0 and 1. However,
of the users into account. Each user tested the prototype with both
deciding how much a fact actually belongs to a certain category
of the models: our personalization system (described in section 3.2)
is quite subjective in many cases. By restricting ourselves to only
and the randomized system. Next, to evaluate the perceived useful-
using the three integers 0, 1 and 2, we were able to annotate each
ness of our personalization system, users filled out a questionnaire
fact in a much simpler and more consistent manner.
containing the following statements after visiting each POI:
Using 𝑢 and 𝑥 (𝑖) , we can model the user’s utility function 𝑓 as:
6 • The suggested facts were relevant. (PersStmt1)
𝑓 (𝑖) = 𝑢𝑘 𝑥 𝑘 (1) • I liked the facts suggested by the system. (PersStmt2)
𝑘=1 • The system suggested too many bad facts. (PersStmt3)
That is, for each fact 𝑖, we calculate its utility score 𝑓 (𝑖) and then sort • The personalized facts fit my preference. (PersStmt4)
all non-zero scores in a descending order to create a ranking for the • The personalized facts fit my preference better than the
user. The more the categories of a fact coincide with the preferences randomized facts. (PersStmt5)
of the user, the higher its score will be. The recommender system
At the end of the study, participants also filled out a questionnaire
then returns the top facts of the ranking to the mobile app.
to assess the usability of our prototype. For that, we used the System
We noticed that in some cases, the system may not find enough
Usability Scale (SUS) [2], a simple and well established tool for
facts for the user. For example, if the user is only interested in
measuring usability. The 10 SUS statements were:
economy but there are not any facts about economy for the POI
that the user is currently visiting. In these special cases, the system • I think that I would like to use this system frequently.
will return facts based on the preferences of similar users. For that, • I found the system unnecessarily complex.
it first performs a user-based nearest neighbor search based on age, • I thought the system was easy to use.
gender and personality traits in order to find similar users to the • I think that I would need the support of a technical person
current target user. Then, it constructs a new feature vector for the to be able to use this system.
user by averaging the feature vectors of those similar users (i.e., by • I found the various functions in the system were well inte-
using similar users’ vector 𝑢). This new feature vector is then used grated.
to calculate new utility scores for each fact and the system returns • I thought there was too much inconsistency in this system.
the missing facts based on the new ranking. • I would imagine that most people would learn to use this
Fact Gathering: To gather all facts, we used publicly accessible system very quickly.
APIs to retrieve data about the attractions we wanted to include in • I found the system very cumbersome to use.
our application and also collected few facts manually. Our database • I felt very confident using the system.
overall has a more or less balanced distribution over all categories. • I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with
Additionally, we also developed a simple annotation interface which this system.
allowed us to define the categories for each fact and to upload all Furthermore, we also included two statements about the appli-
facts to our database in a quick and automated manner. cation potential of our prototype:
Implementation: We developed our mobile application1 using • The application is useful to learn more about attractions.
the Unity engine, a commonly used development platform to create (AppStmt1)
video games and 3D applications. Our recommender system was • I would be interested in using such an application for other
implemented in Python as a server application using the Flask web attractions in Zurich or other cities. (AppStmt2)
framework and we stored all the facts and user data with AWS. We
2 video:
1 Source code: recommendation/tree/master/Demovideo

Demonstration WSDM ’22, Feb. 21–25, 2022, Virtual Event, Tempe, AZ, USA

Neither The majority of the participants generally liked the facts shown
Strongly Dis- to them and thought that the shown facts were relevant. About
disagree Agree Strongly

dis- agree 73% of the participants also agreed that our system did not show
nor agree (%) Agree

agree (%)

(%) (%) too many bad facts about the POIs. Our personalization system

was able to successfully accommodate the user preferences in most
PersStmt1 0 0 15 41 44
cases (79%). Around 64% of all users affirmed the usefulness of our
PersStmt2 0 6 15 38 41
personalization system and were shown facts which clearly fit their
PersStmt3 32 41 21 6 0
preferences better than the randomly picked facts. However, some
PersStmt4 0 9 12 44 35
users (36%) felt that there was not an obvious difference between
PersStmt5 9 9 18 29 35
the personalized and the randomized fact retrieval. This is due to
Table 1: Results of the personalization system
the fact that some personalized facts occasionally also appeared as a
Neither randomized fact or some randomized facts also happened to fit the
Strongly Dis- preferences of the users. Furthermore, a few users were interested
disagree Agree Strongly

dis- agree in a lot of categories and therefore, most facts accommodated their
nor agree (%) Agree

agree (%) preferences, even when picked at random.


(%) (%)

(%) Application Potential: All the participants agreed that our pro-
AppStmt1 0 0 0 40 60 totype was useful to learn more about the attractions they were
AppStmt2 7 0 13 47 33 visiting (AppStmt1). Observing table 2, we note that 12 users (80%)
Table 2: Results of the application potential were also interested in using such an application for other attrac-
tions in Zurich or other cities.
Each item in our questionnaire had to be replied on a five points
Likert scale from "strongly disagree" to "strongy agree". 6 CONCLUSION
In this paper, we have presented our prototype, a mobile AR appli-
5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS cation which provides users with facts about the attractions they
System Usability: For scoring a SUS we followed the standard pro- are visiting while taking their preferences into account. Our user
cedure for calculating the overall SUS score, which ranges between study showed that the prototype has a very high usability and that
0 and 100 [2]. The response to each item of the SUS questionnaire our personalization system works adequately in most situations.
section is associated with a score ranging from 0 (strongle disagree) However, we have barely scratched the surface of what is possible
to 4 (strongle agree). The score contribution of each positively with augmented reality in the tourism sector. In future work, we
phrased statement is the score of the response minus 1. For neg- plan to achieve an even more compelling and entertaining user
atively phrased statements, the score contribution is 5 minus the experience by incorporating videos, audio or animated 3D models
score of the response. The total sum of all score contributions is and navigation support to suggested places. We also plan to increase
then multiplied by 2.5 to obtain the overall SUS score. In our exper- the utility of the prototype by providing personalized suggestions
iments, we used the widely known and popular benchmark [2] of for shops, restaurants and accommodations.
500 studies score 67 as benchmark for our system’s usability [5].
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