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Dynamic stiffness determination of a

modified engine mount

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2439, 020008 (2021);
Published Online: 12 October 2021

Ismail Mehmedov, Hristo Hristov and Stefan Tenev

AIP Conference Proceedings 2439, 020008 (2021); 2439, 020008

© 2021 Author(s).
Dynamic Stiffness Determination of a Modified Engine Mount
Ismail Mehmedov a), Hristo Hristov b), Stefan Tenev c)
Department of Mechanics and Machine Elements, Technical University of Varna, 1 Studentska str., Varna 9010,
b), c)

Abstract. The study focuses exclusively on the static characteristic of the elastic engine mount, adopting a modification
variant by making different heights and hardness of the functional rubber hump. The method for dynamic stiffness
determination of flexible couplings and elements on leading companies was correspondingly employed at asymmetrically
loaded engine mount. As the rubber hardness and load increased, the dynamic stiffness raised nonlinearly. Because the
temperature in the vehicle compartment is much higher than in the laboratory environment, real condition testing is


Elastic engine mounts and bushings are important operation components of the car. However, their dynamic
properties are difficult to be obtained for CAE applicable analysis [5]. In [1] an analytical method is obtained for
dynamic stiffness of a vibration isolator for the muffler. The method is based on the static characteristic with a loop
in it and subsequent dynamic analysis [4] of the model, using ABAQUS and iSight. On the basis of the studied static
characteristics distinctive of the engine mount in [2], a choice is made for the basic model with options for

modification. By the obtained experimental data, the average static stiffness ‫ܥ‬௠ = 194 and the maximum

stiffness ‫ܥ‬௠௔௫ = 238 are determined. In Stromag [3] studies, it is recommended the dynamic stiffness to be
determined according to the illustration in figure 1.

FIGURE 1. Dynamic stiffness by Stromag

Transport, Ecology - Sustainable Development EKO Varna 2021

AIP Conf. Proc. 2439, 020008-1–020008-5;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4140-8/$30.00

Since the method also applies to the elastic couplings with normally loaded elastic elements, the torque values
can be similarly transposed into the peripheral compressive (tensile) forces F acting on a certain radius, and the
DQJXODUGHIRUPDWLRQij- in linear deformation of the elastic element. The adopted model is shown in figure 2.

FIGURE 2. Dynamic stiffness model of the engine mount

The dynamic stiffness is determined with 0,8 of the variable force (‫ܨ‬௘௟ = 0,8 ‫ܨ כ‬௔ ). Based on the dynamic
characteristics, the corresponding deformation is defined, relative to the applied force. The dynamic stiffness can be
calculated by the formula (1).
‫ܥ‬ௗ௬௡ =

Stromag takes the dynamic characteristics of the elastic couplings at a frequency of 10 Hz and surface
temperature – 30 ° C. Introduced is the concept of dynamic stiffness when heating the rubber element, which is
defined as a value of about 70% of the calculation. Since there is energy loss to overcome the internal friction in the
vibration damping process (heating of the elastic elements) and the engine compartment temperature of the car is
higher, proposed is a parameter for the thermal dynamic stiffness equal to:
‫ܥ‬ௗ௬௡ି௪௔௥௠ = 0,7 ‫ܥ כ‬ௗ௬௡ (2)


The main objective of the present study is a car engine mount for engine suspension, as depicted in Fig. 
and Fig. .

FIGURE . Front view of the studied engine mount

FIGURE . Top view of the studied engine mount

Changing the height of the rubber hump, achieved is a way for engine mount modification, as shown in Fig .

FIGURE . Rubber hump modifications

The dynamic characteristics of the engine mount have been studied [6] and by the above-mentioned method, the
dynamic stiffness has been determined.
Figure  and figure  shows the change of the dynamic stiffness (for modified variant 1 and modified
variant 2) at a load of 300 to 800 N with a hardness of 60, 70, 75 and 80 Shore, respectively.

FIGURE . The dynamic characteristics of the engine mount – modified variant 1

FIGURE . The dynamic characteristics of the engine mount – modified variant 2

As a result of the performed researches, the following conclusions can be made:
x due to the design features of the engine mount until the pressure moment of the movable support heel on
the hump, the load is supported only by the elastic shoulders, which implies a close proximity of the same
x the dynamic stiffness of the modified variant 2 at a load of 300 N is greater than the modified variant 1, in
view of the considerable hump height and the fact that the support heel comes into initial contact earlier;
x observed, with the rubber hump, is an increase both in stiffness and in the load as well, and a further
strengthening in the non-linear dynamic stiffness;
x in the presence of high operating temperature in the engine compartment of the car, it is strongly
recommended that the engine mount thermal state is studied in working conditions.


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 I. Mehmedov, “Static characteristic determination of the engine mount model 24D177 General Motors“,
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 D. Lyubenov and G. Kadikyanov, “A study of some cars dynamic parameters in urban traffic flow“, IOP
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 E. Ivanova and T. Vasilev, “Critical Speed of Flexible Coupling-Determining with CAE Software”, In
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