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Name: _______________________

Climate Change – Independent Study Unit

Key Concepts:
 Weather vs climate
 Energy transfer (radiation, convection, conduction)
 Natural factors affecting climate (Sun, atmosphere, hydrosphere, landforms)
 Natural greenhouse effect
 Evidence for climate change
 Anthropogenic greenhouse effect
 Impact of climate on natural systems (atmosphere, hydrosphere, wildlife)
 Impact of climate change on human systems (social, political, economic)
 Global response to climate change
 Individual response to climate change

Key Terms:
 Albedo  Solar radiation  Anthropogenic
 Atmosphere  Infrared radiation greenhouse effect
 Climate  UV radiation  Carbon sink
 Conduction  Thermal energy  Heat sink
 Coriolis effect  Weather  Heat capacity
 Greenhouse gases  Prevailing winds  Global warming
 Hydrosphere  Thermohaline flow potential (GWP)
 Natural  Great ocean  Carbon dioxide
greenhouse effect conveyor  Water

Using the textbook, answer the following questions below.

1. What is the difference between weather and climate?

2. Identify which of the following refer to climate and which refer to weather by writing
“climate” or “weather” in the space to the left of the following statements:
______________ In central Ontario, sowfall on December 25 occurs less than 50% of the
______________ December 25, 199, was warm and cloudy.
______________ Hurricane Hortense struck the Nova Scotia mainland on September 15,
______________ Most hurricanes in Atlantic Canada occur in September or October.
Name: _______________________

3. What three factors did Koppen take into account in his climate classification system?

4. What additional factors do we take into account when we classify climate into regions?

5. Name the 5 different climate zones and briefly describe each one of them (hint look at
figure 2 on page 322).

6. What are the 5 factors that affect the climate?

7. What is a climate system?

8. What are the 4 main components of Earth’s climate system?

9. What happens when radiation contacts a particle of matter?

10. What is “thermal energy”?

Name: _______________________

11. The Sun shines continuously on Earth. Explain why Earth does not keep warming up.
Draw a diagram to help you explain your answer.

12. Describe the chemical composition and layers of the atmosphere.

13. Why is the Water Cycle and important part of the climate system?

14. For each statement below, write in the name of the atmospheric layer each describes:
a. Where most of our weather occurs:

b. Contains most of the ozone layer:

c. Contains ions, and is where the northern lights occur:

d. The coldest temperatures in the atmosphere:

e. Can be called “space” because there are very few particles:

15. For each statement below, write the method of energy transfer:
Name: _______________________

a. Warm water near the equator moves north or south by ocean currents:

b. A metal spoon that is left in a pot of boiling water becomes warm:

c. Energy from the sun travels through space to reach the Earth’s surface:

16. Sketch a diagram to represent how convection transfers thermal energy in a liquid or

17. What is heat sink? Use an example of a good heat sink and a poor heat sink in your

18. How does heat sink influence local or global climate?

19. Explain how the atmosphere and hydrosphere transfer energy from the equator to the

20. What is Albedo? Give an example of something that has a high albedo and a low albedo.
Name: _______________________

21. The Earth’s rotation causes a rotating effect in weather systems. This rotating effect is
called the ____________________________________ effect.
a. In the Northern Hemisphere, prevailing winds deflect
b. In the Southern Hemisphere, prevailing winds deflect

22. The Earth’s rotation causes the movement of air masses and depending on your location
from the equator, you will experience different wind patterns:
a. From the equator to 30 latitude, the prevailing winds are called:
b. From 30 latitude to 60 latitude, the prevailing winds are called:
c. From 60 latitude to the north pole, the prevailing winds are called:

23. Using the diagram provide, explain why a desert is found in that region.

24. What are 2 pieces of evidence that tells scientists that climate change is occurring now?

25. Compare the natural and anthropogenic greenhouse effects.

Name: _______________________

26. Name 4 natural greenhouse gases and identify a source of each gas.

27. Identify four gases that may be contributing to climate change and identify 1
anthropogenic source of each.

28. Explain the difference between the greenhouse effect and global warming.

29. What are two impacts of climate change on:

a. The atmosphere

b. The hydrosphere

c. Wildlife

30. Describe two ways in which climate change can affect:

a. Economic systems

b. Social systems

c. Political systems

31. How have world governments responded to the issue of climate change?

32. Explain how global deforestation may be linked to climate change.

Name: _______________________

33. What is a carbon tax?

34. What was the Kyoto Protocol? What prevented the ratification of this agreement?

35. Explain the meaning of the term “carbon footprint” and identify 5 activities that
contribute to one’s footprint.

36. To what extent do individuals and societies have a responsibility to be stewards of the
world’s climate?

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