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Rhabdostyla is a single-celled organism that has (no cell wall)and (no chlorophyll.

(a) Gases are exchanged across the cell membrane of Rhabdostyla.

Name: Rhabdostyla
the gas produced by Rhabdostyla ....................................................................................
the process that produces the gas ...................................................................................
the method of removal of the gas .....................................................................................


Rhabdostyla lives in freshwater habitats, such as ponds, lakes and rivers.

Freshwater has a very low concentration of solutes.

Rhabdostyla has a contractile vacuole that fills with water and empties at intervals as shown in
Fig. 4.1. The contractile vacuole removes excess water.

vacuole expels
excess water

n ot dra w n to s c ale

Fig. 4.1

(b) Explain, using the term water potential, why Rhabdostyla needs to remove excess water.

water enters the plant by osmosis


water travel from a high water potential gradient to a low water potential through the

semipermeable membrane
water needs to be removed to prevent bursting



........................................................................................................................................... [3]
In an investigation, individual Rhabdostyla were placed into different concentrations of sea water.
The rate of water excreted by the contractile vacuole of each organism was determined. The results
are shown in Fig. 4.2.



16 §É •

¥÷ÉEÉ .;!;


÷ ÷ :;÷ :÷
12 .

rate of
/ µm 3 s –1



or 3

6 0

4 i

0 4 12
concentration of se a water / %

Fig. 4.2

(c) Explain the results shown in Fig. 4.2.


As concentration of sea water increase, the rate of water excreted


would decrease
As the concentration of sea water increase, sea water potential gradient

decrease this would cause the total water potential decrease


So less water enters at high concentration of sea water



........................................................................................................................................... [3]
(d) Single-celled organisms with cell walls do not have contractile vacuoles. Suggest why.

Cell wall are in inelastic


Cells have high turgor pressure


Cells do not absorb excess water





........................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 12]
Water moves into plants from the soil and exits through the leaves.

(a) Explain how water moves from the soil into the root.
Water diffuse into the root hair cell by osmosis

Water travels from high water potential to low water potential gradient

Water travels through the semipermeable membrane








Water reaches the leaves from the roots through the xylem. Fig. 4.1 shows images of stomata
on the lower surfaces of leaves of two varieties of olive plant, A and B. Both are shown at the
same magnification.

% A

Fig. 4.1

(b) (i) Describe the function of stomata.


Guard cells regulate whether the stomata open or closed


to allow C02 in and regulate the loss of water vapour during



enables water to pulled up the plant


(ii) Compare the density of stomata between the two varieties of olive plant, A and B, shown
in Fig. 4.1.

more stomata in variety A less stomata in variety A



more dense in
variety A , less dense in variety B





(iii) Under identical environmental conditions the rate of water uptake in plant A is higher
than plant B.

Explain why.

density of stomata in variety A is higher


More transpiration loss of water vapour from the plant cools the plant

down when the weather is very hot


loss of water from lowers the water potential gradient


creates tension in water in xylem rate of water uptake increase




(c) The density of stomata is an example of a leaf adaptation to the environmental conditions.

State two other adaptations of leaves for survival in a dry environment.


Smaller leaf surface area


sunken stomata



(d) Water lost from the leaves enters the atmosphere.

Describe how water is recycled from the atmosphere back to the roots.

Water vapour
in atmosphere condenses to form clouds

clouds causes rainwater to drop into river


water in river down to soil




[Total: 15]
E cologists study plants and animals in their natural environment.
Some ecologists inserted probes into the water-conducting tissue in tre es, as shown in Fig. 4.1.
The ecologists me asured the time taken for water to move up from probe 1 to probe 2.

tre e probe 2
probe 1

data logger

Fig. 4.1

(a) (i) N ame the water-conducting tissue into which the two probes were inserted.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) D escribe how the structure of this water-conducting tissue is adapted to its function.

they lose their end walls so the xylem forms a continuous



hollow tube

strengthened by a substance called lignin , ling gives strength

in and


support to the plant


..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) E xplain the mechanism of water movement from the roots up the tre e to the le aves.

Water enters root hair cells osmosis by


As the water enters the cell it water potential becomes high than in the

cell next to it

Capillary action which involved cohesive force and adhesive force causes


water to travel up its own


transpiration continuo sly removes water from the leaf


this reduces the effective pressure at the top of the xylem vessels
therefore it creates a transpiration stream
pulling water up


Roots also produce forcing water up the

xylem vessels

, [4]
(c) Fig. 4.2 shows the rate of water conduction up thre e different tre es in a forest over 24 hours.



tree A

rate of water
/ dm3 per hour

tree B


tree C
0 4 6
0 4 8 12 I
16 20 24

time / h

Fig. 4.2
(i) D escribe the rate of water conduction in tre e A, during this 24 hour period.
You will gain credit for using the data in Fig. 4.2 to support your answer.

from 0h to 4h , rate of water conduction

rate of water conduction increase from 0dm
' '
hour to 2.4dm per

hour between 4h to 10h , 10h reaches the first peak of 24dm per hour '


It slightly decrease from 2.4dm 'per hour to 224dm per hour between 10h '

to 13h

Second peak is also 2.4 dm per hour on 14 6h


start to decrease from 24dm 'per hour to 0dm 'per hour between 14.6h [3]to

(ii) Suggest how the ecologists used the data in Fig. 4.2 to calculate the total volume of
water used by a tre e in 24 hours.
Calculate area under

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) In Fig. 4.2, tre e A is a tall tre e, tre e B is a medium-height tre e and tre e C is a short tre e.
Suggest re asons for the different rates of water conduction in the thre e tre es.

different number of leaf


different surface area


sunlight affecting transpiration



different humidity

different stomatal density


length of roots is different


..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(d) Loggers often cut down the tall tre es in a forest.

D escribe the effects on the forest ecosystem of cutting down tre es.
Concentration of core increase

Concentration of 02 decrease

disrupts water cycle


increased soil erosion

less biodiversity




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[Total: 18]

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