Taxi Driver

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Name _____________________________ 12 November 2019

GAH.1055.001/Fall 2019 Film Response #8

Taxi Driver (1976)

Martin Scorsese

This assignment is due by 23:00 (11:00 pm) on Friday, 15 November 2019. This assignment is
worth 30 points. Be attentive to due time/date; late assignments will incur a three (3)-point penalty.
Use FireFox as server to access Blackboard.
We will go over your responses in class next week.
Answer the following questions with solid, critical explanations and substantiation from the film.

1. There are two pivotal female characters in Taxi Driver, Betsy and Iris. What does each character
symbolize/represent for Travis?

2. Why does Scorsese use a taxi driver?

3. Why does the screenwriter make Travis an insomniac?

4. Who is the “they” to whom Travis refers throughout the early sections of the film?

5. Give two reasons (at least) for the taxi sequences?

6. What role does pornography/prostitution play in the film?

7. Why does Travis give the $20.00 to the flophouse manager?

8. Why the mirror/stare imagery?

9. Listen to “Taxi,” (1972) a song by Harry Chapin. Relate that song to Taxi Driver.

10. Explain the closing scene (after Travis drops off Betsy at her apartment).

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